The church Accountant Part 2....Episode 9 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

The church Accountant Part 2....Episode 9

Halima: Daddi (mimicking her elder
sister) what’s up?

Me: I am not fine o. my wife came
yesterday and took her things away.
Halima: what do you think about it?
Me: I no know. Abeg I am hungry.
Halima wanted to come closer with her
Weapon of Mass Defence but her sister
was outside. After a while my phone rang
Me: hello
Iyoaye: well done Collins. You reported
me to Mama Tee that I didn’t pick your
call abi?
Me: emi??? Mee??? Iyo, aja ti lo n fe
wole t’ekun o setan lati f’eje we (the dog
that want to dare the tiger should be
ready to be used as isi – ewu) I have
been trying to call you since yesterday
and instead of you apologising, you are
shouting at me. HOW DARE YOU???
Iyoaye: (hissed and ends call)
Me: (facing Halima) see this ingrate o;
insulting me on the phone
Halima: how is your wife now an ingrate?
Me: she travelled yesterday, I have been
trying to reach her but she was not
picking my calls. Then she is calling me
to complain that I reported her to your
Instead of Halima to talk, she placed a
kiss on my lips. Thereafter, I prepared to
go to the office. When I got to the office,
I locked up myself in the office all day;
not attending to calls, visitors. But I got
an SMS from Jane informing me of her
visit. When she came over, I opened the
door for her and exchanging pleasantries
she sat down
Jane: how are you and madam?
Me: we are all fine. What brought the
almighty Jane to my office?
Jane: there is a particular account I
observed you have not been funding so I
want to know why
Me: hmmm….the account has been
moved to another bank.
Jane: why did you move the account?
Me: acting on the instruction of the
church leadership.
Jane: hope you wont move the other
three accounts from our branch
Me: it’s left to your bank.
Jane: will you have free time this
Me: technically, and barring all
unforeseen circumstances, I will be free.
Jane: I will text an address to you. Can
we meet by 5pm?
Me: sure. But is it a date? (winking at
Jane: (winked back) if you call it so.
Me: ok ooo. I will be expecting your SMS.
Jane: thank you sir.
As she was heading to the door, I hugged
her from behind and squeezed her
Weapon of Mass Defence. A little moan
escaped from her and she turned her
head to face me
Jane: don’t let me stain your lips ok?
Me: stain am…….
Jane: don’t worry. We’ll see in the
]After she left, Ritababe entered my office
Ritababe: Accountant, are you just
coming now?
Me: I have been in the office since
Ritababe: if not the fact that I was
hearing voices from your office I wouldn’t
have known you were around.
Me: I called your line all through
yesterday evening but you were not
picking the calls.
Ritababe: I thought you were with Halima
that was why I didn’t pick your call.
Me: ojowu (jealous girl) I was really mad
Ritababe: what happened?
Me: my wife came home, picked her bags
and left.
Ritababe: ahhhh…….this is serious
Me: yes it is. That was why I wanted to
be alone all through today.
Ritababe: you should have sent an SMS
to me. Can you come to my place by
5pm tonight?
Me: ko le possible. Mo n jade (it will not
be possible. I have a date)
Ritababe: is it with Halima?
Me: not only Halima, it should have been
with mama peace. I will be coming to
your place by 8.30pm tonight.
Ritababe: it will be ok by me
Fast forward to 5pm…….
I met Jane at Domino Pizza at Bodija
and we gist for some minutes. She
begged me that we should go to her
house at Basorun. As soon as we got
there and entered her apartment, I pulled
her to myself and started kissing her.
After a while, we broke the kiss and she
pulled me towards the bathroom. We
undressed and we hit the shower. While
we were in the shower, we started kissing
again but this time more intensely. I was
squeezing her nippl3s and I started
sucking it simultaneously. She was
holding my OPA-MOSE and was
squeezing it. Then, I traced my fingers to
her holiest and I started caressing the
holiest gates. I had to hold her because
she almost lost her balance. I turned off
the shower and carried her to her room.
Jane: accountant, please wait for a
She brought out some kits and tested
me. When the results showed I am free,
she pushed me to the bed, went down to
my OPA-MOSE and
started sucking it like a pro. After that, I
reciprocated by squeezing her WMD 1
and 2 simultaneously. Then, before she
inserted a CD to my OPA-MOSE, I carried
her to the bed and started sucking her
Holiest honeypot. I had to gag her
because she was screaming her lungs
out. When she climaxed, I lapped all the
cunt juices, inserted a CD and entered
After we climaxed, she laid beside me on
the bed and used my hands on her
Weapon of Mass Defence.
Jane: Accountant, I did not know that
you are this “hot”
Me: kil’omode mi mo (I am just a novice
beside you)
She laughed.
Jane: honestly, you made me feel like a
woman again after three years.
Me: what happened?
Jane: (mist forming in her eyes) I lost
my husband and our baby in an accident
three years ago.
Me: eeyah Sowie dear.
I had to hug and cuddle her so that she
wont cry. After a while I told her that I
was going home. She was reluctant to
leave me but she had no choice. I quickly
showered and I dashed out. When I got
to the main road, I called Ritababe. But
instead of her picking the call a man
picked her call
The man: don’t ever call this line again.
]I was relieved but I saw a car slowly
parked beside me. It was Mrs Abiolu!
Mrs. Abiolu: Accountant where are you
Me: I am going home
Mrs Abiolu: let me drop you then.
As soon as I entered the car, Mr
franklin’s call came in
Me: e kale sir (good evening sir)
Mr. Franklin: how are you?
Me: I’m fine sir.
Mr Franklin: I’d called your wife. She
explained everything to me but you
disappointed me
Me: what did she tell you that I did?
Mr Franklin: she said she caught you
flirting with ladies in the church. That
even a lady was squeezing her Weapon
of Mass Defence looking
at you in the church.
Me: sir, if I tell you what she did, and
what I did afterwards, you will be
Mr. Franklin: what happened?
Me: do you know that your sister who is
telling you all this slept with another
man, I had irrefutable evidences even
though I’ve forgiven her,
but I’m surprised with what she told you
Mr. franklin: HA!!!!!!
(even Mrs. Abiolu was shocked)
Me: (continues) I am not claiming to be
a saint but what made me to be
surprised the more is that she transferred
the business money from the account to
mine and ordered the foreman to be
reporting to me.
Mr. Franklin: Jesus Christ of Umuahia!!!
Collins, I will call her right away.
Me: ok sir. But to be candid, she had
come to the house to pick up all her
Mr. Franklin: WHAT COLLINS!!! Ok I will
work towards it (ends call)
Mrs Abiolu: why should your wife do
Me: emi le n tun bi ni? (why are you
asking me?)
Mrs Abiolu: Ma binu (don’t take it
Me: ok I have heard you.
She started the car and she drove to my
place but when we burst out at Akobo/
General Gas junction, we met a serious
hold – up on the express way. While we
were dragging along on the express, both
Mrs Abiolu and I were gisting. But
suddenly I discovered that her hands
were going down to my cr^tch area to
caress it.
Me: Ma, I am really not in the mood now
Mrs. Abiolu: Accountant, I have missed
your OPA – MOSE. To be honest after
that day, I don’t enjoy having s3x with
my husband.
Me: AHHHHH!!!!!!
Mrs. Abiolu: pleeeeeaaasssseeee (her
voice changed)
Me: ma, it cant be possible tonight. I just
have a bad day and I want to just go
home and sleep.
Instead of her to answer me, she
unzipped my trouser and with one hand
on the steering and the other hand on
OPA – MOSE. She started stroking it. I
was enjoying the sensations and I was
cooperating with her.
Me: can we find a secluded spot?
She drove to an area that is literally dark
and she parked. I came out of the car
and could decipher from the dark some
people fcuking themselves. She came
over to my side and sat on me. I
observed that she had already removed
her panties and I entered her. She was
moist and warm. We fcuked each other
for some minutes and she erupted. When
she was through she stood up, pulled me
out of the car, held on the bonnet of the
car and I came in from behind. I fcuked
her in that style for some minutes. Then
she rested on the bonnet and I entered
her again. This time I fcuked her
mercilessly. As I wanted to erupt, I tried
removing my OPA – MOSE but she held
me and I released into her.
After resting for a minute or two, we
heard a voice
“Kii nse eyin nikan le wa nibiyi o. e ma je
ki won fura si wa nibiyi” (you are not the
only one here o……….) we both laughed
and we adjusted ourselves, entered the
car and drove off
Mrs. Abiolu: you made me feel like a girl
Me: with all the moaning and screaming
Mrs. Abiolu: I have now come to the
understandings that never underestimate
the power of “small”
Me: I cant be as long as your husband
Mrs. Abiolu: don’t even go to that side.
Can you believe that since that day my
husband just “touched” me twice??? And
even the second time I had to force him
by self – manipulation. What is the
usefulness of OPA – MOSE when it
cannot be used???
Me: eeyah. What should I do???
Mrs Abiolu: Fcuk me again…..
We both laughed. When she got to my
place, she dropped me and I entered.
Luckily for me, there was light. I just
greeted my neighbour over the window
and entered my apartment to shower.
After a while (as usual) NEPA took off
the light. After eating dinner, I slept off.
To be continued

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