Adebimpe The Facebook Girl Part 5. Episode 16 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

Adebimpe The Facebook Girl Part 5. Episode 16

The next day which was sunday, I was so anxious to see my new apartment that I didn’t go to church that morning. I

trekked to fadeyi and took BRT to
maryland. From the bustop, I crossed to
the side where bikes used to stay. I gave
them the description given to me by
bimpe and I board a bike and was
dropped infront of the building. it was a
storey building with a fence surrounding
it. I knocked at the gate and a young
man came to open the gate for me to
come in. He enquired about who I am
and I told him my sister got an
apartment here on my behalf. I showed
him the receipt bimpe gave me and he
smiled and said “your sister or your
wife?”. I was like, what do you mean sir?.
He replied, “I’m the caretaker of this
house, and when our agent brought this
lady to me, I told him I’m not giving out
the apartment to a single lady or a single
guy because I needed someone who
would take care of the compound, then
she told me its her boyfriend that would
be staying here and that she would be
coming around often. So why are you
denying her?”. I just laughed and was
just speechless. “You guys of these days
sef, I don’t just know why you like to
deny your spouses and call them your
sisters” he further said. I just laughed
and joked over it as the man took me to
the apartment. I entered and saw that it
was a room and parlour selfcontain with
an inbuilt bathroom, kitchen and toilet.
“Chaiiii!!!! I don upgrade”, I checked the
room and found a new mattress, rug and
some other items, I was just so
overwhelmed and my joy knew no
I returned to mushin that evening and I
informed my cousin that I got an
apartment in maryland. He was so
surprised because he knew how much I
earn but I lied to him that it was sublet
to me by a friend who relocated to
another state and still has 6 months rent
left. I moved in the following week and
was going there every evening after work.
Bimpe suddenly became someone I can’t
do without chatting and talking with. We
were so close and intimate again as if
she wasn’t the same bimpe who was
once my greatest nightmare.
We would always talk in the morning
when she get to work. We would chat
sometimes on break when she Is less
busy, and we must chat in the evening. I
found myself getting more attracted to
her but I keep trying to resist any
feelings towards her. I also talked with
betty and she told me she won’t be
coming back to lagos that weekend, I felt
disturbed at first but bimpe’s company
reduced the pain of not been able to see
my love on weekend.
Up till thursday, segun’s number wasn’t
going through and mails weren’t
delivering. I became so worried and I
called one of his girlfriends whom I have
her contacts, she told me “segun!!!!, don’t
even ask of him from me again onihaxy, I
don’t have anything to do with him
again, its been long we broke up”.
*****hmmm sege bad guy!!, e don chop
this babe and run be that******.
I became more worried that I became
uncomfortable and don’t know what else
to do again. At about 5:30pm that
evening, i was at work when I got a call
from someone.
ME: hello
CALLER: hello, good evening,
ME: good evening.
CALLER: am I speaking with onihaxy?
ME: yes, who is this?
CALLER: ok good. I’m calling you to
inform you about your friend segun
ME: heeeeeee!!!!!, segun!!!!!!!!, what
happened to him??????
To be continued

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