Read This 10 Things You (may Own But) Wish You'd Never Have To Use | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

Read This 10 Things You (may Own But) Wish You'd Never Have To Use

10. An Umbrella: In 10th place is this very useful tool. I'm personally not a fan of the rainy season, and though I have a few nice looking umbrellas (two at home and one in the car), I'd rather not show them off.

9. A Spare Tire: Oh, the angst of being already prepared to drive somewhere, only to discover that annoying flat tire. Don't get me wrong, this is an item every car MUST have, but I'd rather it remained that- a spare tire, one I'll never get to use!

8. A Plan B: If you're like me, you'd agree that the Plan A takes a lot of energy and resources to put together, and would rather see it succeed than fail. For the few of us who actually take go through the pains of putting together a Plan B in any undertaking, this something we'd rather not use; besides, thats why its Plan B not A.

7. Your Lawyer: I don't have one yet, but for those of us who do, your lawyer is someone you'd rather not put to use, because more often than not, the lawyer's job is to take care of your "troubles"; and trouble is better left alone- asleep. Don't believe me, ask Fela.

6. Insurance: Now this is one thing that is very necessary to own. Be it a car insurance, a house insurance, whatever; I'd rather not ever using it because that would mean some form of accident has occurred. Insurance is good. Do good to buy it, but pray you won't ever need it!

5. A Fire Extinguisher: "There is fire on the mountain, run run run!!!" I have a couple of those, one in the car and one hanging in my kitchen. Sometimes I'm tempted to take it outside, set something on fire and give it a puff, just for the fun of it, but I pray the day will NEVER come when I would need to use one. As a safety tip, its very important to have a competent person inspect them regularly, so it will work if its ever needed.

4. An Emergency Number: Hmmm! In all my thirty-something years on earth I've never dialed an emergency number, be it the police, fire service, ambulance or whatever (except on those rare cases where I was just curious to see if 999 actually works!). I pray it stays that way till I leave this earth (can I get an amen?).

3. A Licensed Gun: When I was a kid we used play "Commando", "Rambo" and "Chuck Norris" with imaginary machine-guns. As I grew older (in a fairly peaceful neighborhood) I wondered why anyone would want to own a gun, but now I know better. After my cousin was "visited" a couple of times he was forced to get one and after the "visitors" discovered this, they stopped "visiting".
I personally don't own one, but I doubt if those who do ever wish to use it.

2. Your Life Savings: Anything that would necessitate you spending your live savings (unless for investment purposes) is worth taking to God in prayer. Your life savings is sort of like your insurance, its there, but you don't want to be forced to used it.

1. Your Doctor: I don't have a doctor, but this tops the list for me. They say "health is wealth" but I say "health is more than wealth, its probably as valuable as life itself". Whenever I visit a hospital for any reason, I realize how blessed I am just to be healthy. It doesn't really matter how broke, unemployed or uneducated you are, if you're healthy, you are wealthy.

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