Rekia turned around to examine herself in the mirror,she picked
the fluff and powdered her face,she loved the image in the
mirror.she sure looked good.she picked her purse and went to

the sitting room,”Hey girls i’m done.” She said turning around for
Hannah to have A???? better view.
“No way! Are you kidding me or what?” Hannah screamed
making Adetoun to rush in.”What’s the matter,is everything
alright?” She asked looking at both girls.
“Everything is not fine,take A???? look at Rekia is she on A???? mission to
seduce my boyfriend with that skimpy dress is wearing.”Hannah
said looking att Toun,who in turn took A???? good look at Rekia.
Adetoun sighed,”You scared me girl,and moreover there’s
nothing wrong with D?????????s???° dress,its okay.”She said.”Are you two
on A???? mission to snatch my boyfriend?” Hannah eyed her friends.
“Snatch dagger? Oh no stop being sarcastic dear,i have only
agreed to meet him because,i want to know who to hold
responsible when you return home with A???? bloody face.” Adetoun
laughed at Hannah.”You’re simply jealous dear.” Hannah replied
“I can’t be,because i’ve got kelvin,and ten daggers are nothing
compared to my sweetheart.” Detoun returned inside to get her
The girls got into the car,with Hannah on the wheels,she wanted
her friends to meet Damola.It didn’t take long to arrive at Konga
estate.It was A???? beautiful environment that smelt of money.
The gateman opened the gate and Hannah drove in,they got
down and walked into the house.Hannah opened the door and
they stepped in.she offered them A???? seat and climbed up the stairs
to get her boyfriend.
“Baby boo boo Dagger boo boo.” She sang as she climbed up.
A???? tall man in his early thirties stood magnificently against the
door,”I saw you girls climb down the car.” He said coming
closer,he pulled her into his embrace and kissed her on the
lips.”How are you today?”
“I’m good.” Hannah smiled as she led the way down the stairs
with damola following behind her.
“Here is Damola,i call him dagger but his friends call him
Damola Dagger DD for short,he’s into real estate management
and he’s my boyfriend.Dear meet my friends.” Hannah said when
they arrived at the sitting room,as both girls got up.” ?????????s???° is
“Toun Adepoju.” Damola finished for her.”I’ve heard enough
about you to know who you are.”
Adetoun looked at Rekia surprised,”Nice meeting you sir.”She
smiled against her wish not to do so.
“And i’m sure the other lady here is Rekia,the cook.”He lifted her
hands and kissed them.”Permit me sweetheart to say your
friends are beautiful and gorgeous looking too.” He said his eyes
travelling up Rekia’s leg,he stopped where her gown
stopped,licking his lips he faced his girlfriend.
“They are.”Hannah smiled.”So girls let’s get in the car,my
darling is taking us out.”
“Where we can lunch and chat better.”Damola said,A???? seductive
look in his eyes as he glared at Adetoun.As the girls climbed
down the stairs,he shaked Adetoun again gently placing his
business card in her palm.he smiled and held Hannah by the
waist.”We’re going to catch some real fun today.”
Jane perused through the menu card,she lifted her head as her
friends did the same thing with their card too.”Fried rice and
chicken with some garnishing.”She said to the waiter who
received the card from her.
“Item 8.” Ajoke and Cynthia said at the same time,causing Jane
to burst into laughter.”That’s the same thing i ordered.”
“Its alright then,i’ll be back soon.” The waiter curtsied and
walked away.
It was Jane’s idea that they all have lunch together D?????????s???
°saturday,Lucy was also invited but she declined the invitation.It
was A???? beautiful saturday afternoon and she invited her friends to
eat out so they could catch some fun together with their kids.
“I discovered D?????????s???° restaurant four weeks ago when my
husband wanted us to go out,i called A???? friend who mentioned
D?????????s???° place and it was just fantastic.”Cynthia said excited.
“I’m new here,and i’m just getting to know some places too,i
think i like D?????????s???° place too.”Ajoke said placing A???? toy in her
baby’s hand.
“Crum….crim..clm.” Adora said tugging at her mother’s dress.
Jane smiled,”What’s she asking for?”
“Ice cream.” Cynthia interpreted,the waiter brought their food and
served them,placing two bowls of ice cream on the table.Without
permission Adora lifted one of the bowl almost pouring it’s
content away.
“Easy.” Cynthia said helping her to balance it on the table so she
could feed herself.When the kids were settled,the adults began to
eat too.
“You know i have always thought marriage was A???? bed of roses
until my mother-in-law came into the scene with her malicious
backbiting.”Ajoke said between mouthful.
Jane exclaimed,”Really?what did you do to offend her?”
“My only offence was serving her two large chunk of meat in her
food.”Ajoke said,”She began to file all manner of complaints
against me,if not for the relationship that exist between i and my
husband,i would have found myself A???? single woman again.”
Jane was surprised,she thanked God in her heart for making
Funmi her mother-in-law,perhaps her head would have been
under water by now.
“These mother in laws can be troublesome when they want to,i’m
quite lucky Jaiye’s mother is A???? full time politician and she
doesn’t have time to go sniffing around my kitchen or any of our
affairs.”Cynthia said taking A???? sip from her glass of water,and
cleaning Adora’s stained dress.
“Even at that my dear.” Cynthia continued.”My husband is A???? pain
in the neck,his eye trails anything in skirt.” Jane almost choked
on her food when Cynthia said that.”He satisfies me with
anything money can purchase,and on the bed he’s A???? tiger.”
Jane felt embarrassed but she smiled all the same.”I didn’t hear
that please.” Ajoke laughed.
“But i want more,i need him to be by my side,his presence is all i
need,and he starves me with that.”Cynthia sighed.
“You just have to take things easy,you’re married to him
already,all we can do is pray.” Ajoke said,her son was dozing
and she gently placed him on her laps to make him more
Jane knew it was her turn to say something,she dropped her fork
and stared at her friends and their kids,”I love my husband and
he loves me too,but all our effort at making A???? child has proven
abortive.”She expected the tears to climb dowwn her cheeks but
they didn’t.
Ajoke and Cynthia had stopped eating too,and the table grew
silent,”Faith my dear is all you need.”Ajoke said carefully.
“Faith?Prayer?tears?i’ve had enough of those,i have come to
accept that i’m barren.”Jane mumbled looking down at her
“God forbid,you’re not barren,i have D?????????s???° conviction that you’ll
be fruitful,just don’t lose hope.”Cynthia comforted her friend.
“I won’t…..i won’t.”
“Let me officially invite you to Olayinka’s birthday party,its
taking place nextweek.”Ajoke said to lighten the tension around
the table.
“Wow..that’s his third birthday if i’m not mistaken.”Jane said
doing A???? mental calculation.
“You’re right.” Ajoke answered.
“Adora will be his girlfriend for the day.” Jane laughed.
“Totally cool.” Cynthia joined in the joke,the atmosphere was
relaxed now and they ate amidst their chatter.
“I have really enjoyed myself D?????????s???° afternoon,i’m hoping we can
do D?????????s???° again.” Ajoke asked her friends.
“Soon…i’m glad i was able to unburden my heart.”Jane said in
“I feel happy too,i’m glad i was invited..oh sorry we were
invited.” Cynthia laughed.
Jane signalled to the waiter,she paid their bill leaving A????
generous tip to the water who in returned dozed out A???? beautiful
smile in appreciation.Ajoke lifted her son onto her shoulder,while
Jane helped her carry her bag.Cynthia got up and held her
daughters hand as they walked out of the restaurant.They each
got into their cars and Jane waved at them as they drove off.She
had sure enjoyed herself than any of her friends did.
Rekia stood by the entrance to the bathroom and watched as
Adetoun grinded her cloths in the basin.”You enjoy washing.” It
sounded more as A???? statement.
Adetoun looked at her friend and continued washing,”I started
washing when i was very young,its A???? long story.” She
answered,dipping the cloths in A???? bucket full of water.Some words
are better left unsaid,only if Rekia knew her better and some of
the things she had gone through.
“I’m just amazed at the way you wash,iron and clean,you’re too
domesticated.I’m sure you’ll never need an househelp.”Rekia
said scrolling through her phone.
Adetoun smiled and examined her hands carefully,these very
hands have worked very hard in the past,unlike now.”That’s A????
story for another day my dear.”
Rekia left and went inside only to return after A???? minute,”Did i tell
you Damola gave me his card to call him?” She said looking at
her friend.
Adetoun rinsed her hand and wiped them with A???? cloth,”Are you
saying our darling loverboy gave you his card so that you can
call and probably hangout with him sometime later.” She asked
“Yeah..he did while we were at the eatery.” Rekia said.
Adetoun got up,”Wait i’m coming.” She said walking to her
bedroom.she returned some minutes later.”Open your hands.”
Rekia opened her palm and Adetoun dropped the business card
Damola gave to her in Rekia’s palm.”I hope D?????????s???° is not what
i’m thinking.”
“It is.”
“What! that guy is A???? crazy player,he gave both of us his card to
call him,Hannah must never hear of D?????????s???°.” Rekia said covering
her mouth as she spoke.
“That’s why i pity Hannah,she’s in for A???? surprise from our darling
DD.” Adetoun said shaking her head.”Do you think we should tell
her about it?”
“Never……..please don’t try it.”Rekia pleaded,she collected the
card from Toun and returned inside to keep it.
The weeks were being ferried away. By days,and everything was
moving on fine with the smiths.Jane plunged herself in to
work,giving every of her. Free time to her store.Jacob’s birthday
was days away,he usually celebrated with his mum but D?????????s???°
time around,he wanted something small and personal.
She was relieved anyway because she couldn’t bear those
scrugy looks from their friends,she looked radiant. D?????????s???° days
and her beauty shone like wild fire.
She packed their dirty clothes and stacked them in A???? bag,before
calling Nnamdi to take it to the dry cleaner.she moved to the
kitchen and opened thhe fridge,bringing out A???? jug of home made
juice.she poured herself A???? glass she was closing the fridge when
she felt A???? hand on her shoulder,she froze as she stood rooted to
the spot.”Hey baby.” Jacob’s voice spoke close to her ears.
Jane turned around to face her husband,who was wearing A????
fitted. Shirt over black trousers,he looked tired,she could see it
in his eyes.”You scared me dear,i didn’t hear you drive in,what
happened to your car?”. She asked dropping the glass by the
“Jaiye just dropped me outside the gate.”He said,cupping her
face in his hands.”I missed you dear,how was your day,and by
the way you look radiant D?????????s???° evening.” He smiled pecking
her.They moved to the sitting room and she helped him pull off
his shirt,she set the table and they had dinner.
It was during dinner that he informed her that he would be taking
A???? business trip to London amounting to three days absence.”Can
i come with you?” She asked.
“Its just three days,and i’m booked with appointments and
meeting already,but don’t worry i’ll find time for us take A???? good
vacation.” If Jane was satisfied she didn’t show it.
She helped him pack his bag before going to bed and saw him off
to the car the next morning after A???? good breakfast and hearty
love making session.
She fell into A???? deep sleep when she returned inside,she was
surprised when she woke up some minutes past eleven with A????
slightt headache.she dressed up,picked her purse and got into
her car.
Jane drove out of the compound,and the gateman closed the big
black gate,she didn’t notice the 2010 black Range rover that
drove past her,it was when she glanced at her side mirror she
saw the car park in front of their gate,she drove slowly to check
who it was,that was when she saw that the car was parked in
front of the next gate not ttheirs.
There had been rumorgoing on that the big compound next to
ttheirs was going up for sale since the original occupant,A????n old
woman with manygrandchild had died andto their surprise she
requested the house to be sold.Jane wonderedabout it for A????
while before letting her mind stroll off it.
“I think we’ve done enough cleaning,i’m just so tired.”Rekia said
falling on the rug in the sitting room,salt water drizzled down her
face.she placed her hands on her laps,eyes darting to and fro the
well cleaned sitting room.
Detoun also joined her on the rug,”I’m equally tired.” She said
cleaning her hands on her already dirty cloth.
“I brought you girls something nice to feedyour mouthon.”
Hannah appeared from the door way carrying A???? tray,on it
wasthree cups and spoon.the girls looked up hunger on their
Hannah dropped the tray and handed each of them A????
cup.”Garri!”Rekia shouted,” ?????????s???° is garri.”She laughed.
“Not just garri,there’s milk,sugar,coconut and groundnut in it,i
bet you’ve never tasted something as delicious as D?????????s???°
before.”Hannah laughed,as she watched Detoun drinking it in
good faith.
She glanced around the sitting room,it was well cleaned to her
satisfaction,all this work she was putting her friends through was
to make their house look good when he came visiting.Although
she didn’t tell them,”DD is coming over tomorrow.”She said
angling her head to A???? corner.”What!” The other girls
chorused.Rekia was the first to speak,”Don’t tell me that was why
you initiated this cleaning of A???? thing.”She said dropping her
empty cup by her side.Hannah smiled in return.”I should have
known,all this work just to please Mr dagger,its not worth it.”
Detoun spewed,got up and walked out of the sitting.Hannah
released her clenched first,she took A???? deep breath and bowed
her head.”Just ignore her.”Rekia spoke to break the icy silence
that enveloped the room.she also got up,picked her cup before
excusing herself.

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