I and Ogechi..... Episode 38 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

I and Ogechi..... Episode 38


Was this really going to be it? I asked
myself. After meeting Ogechi over five
years back under an unusual
getting acquainted with her, eventually
falling in love with her and desiring to
spend a lifetime with her only to be
separated by Cynthia? This wasn’t really
happening. Heaven knows I can’t live
without Ogechi, neither can she live without
me. Since we hadn’t died from the fast,
perhaps this was another way to ensure that
we died anyways. Sweet loving Ogechi
would never have the blood of another in
her hands, not even for my love. She wasn’t
going to let me talk her into letting Cynthia
die so that we could remain together. Not
that I was capable of doing such anyway,
but I didn’t find it easy to let Ogechi go
just like that. After a little argument
between us, we concluded that Cynthia’s
life was as precious as ours and couldn’t be
wasted. Ogechi proceeded to denounce her
relationship with me just to bring Cynthia
back to life. Indeed, that action was going
to bring her back to life but wasn’t going
win her a place in my heart. As a matter of
fact, not even a single feeling for Cynthia
was going to be nurtured by heart anymore.
My mother would attest to the fact that I
never shed such tears all through my days
as a lad, even when I was drastically
punished for my deliberate childish
foolishness. But I did so for the loss of
Ogechi’s love. I cried a river. In fact, I
cried a lagoon. As Ogechi walked towards
Cynthia, I felt pain all over my body as
though someone was inflicting them on me.
Ogechi had cried until her face turned into
something I wouldn’t recognize if I hadn’t
known she was the one there. Despite the
hurt we would go through after she
denounces our love, we still went on with to
do so. Ogechi held onto Cynthia’s hands,
but found it very difficult to say the words
that would put a permanent end to our
union. She turned to look at me, and I gave
her a look that depicted “If you decide to
change your mind, I will be solidly behind
you. Nevertheless, I’m not asking you to.
But I really wish you would, though I can’t
have her blood on my hands as well.”
Ogechi opened her mouth and spoke the
words before it was too late. If she had
hesitated further, Cynthia would have rested
in peace. Just as the bright light said,
Cynthia was up in less than 300 seconds
after Ogechi spoke the following words;
CYNTHIA. Cynthia’s eyes were all dull and
she seemed very weak. Ogechi was the last
image she beheld before she passed out,
and was also the first she beheld on her
return from coma. On seeing her, she got
upset and began acting weird on the bed.
All efforts to calm her down proved futile
and at a point it seemed as though she
wanted to pass out again. I asked Ogechi to
go and get the doctors while I watch her
until their arrival. When Ogechi left the
room, Cynthia’s pulse, which was on the
high reduced rapidly to normal. She looked
at me in a way that made me feel so bad
about myself for making her go through
that. I couldn’t stand it anymore, and I
wished the doctors would just arrive and
take over so that I could at least get away
from her for a little bit.
The doctors arrived just in time to attend to
her. But as soon as she saw Ogechi again,
she started breathing heavily as though she
was engaged in some sort of marathon race.
Obviously, she had woken up from coma to
become alleged to Ogechi. If only she knew
the sacrifice she made just to get her out
of that coma. She was going to know
anyway, because I wasn’t going to hesitate
telling her about it as soon as she was
back on her feet.
The doctors took her to a separate room to
do whatever they did to her to ensure full
recovery. I and Ogechi remained in the
hospital with Cynthia, although Ogechi
never went into her room to see her again.
But she decided she wasn’t going back to
Oklahoma until Cynthia was confirmed okay
by the doctors. Then she would leave, never
to return to me again.
Sometime later, Cynthia recovered fully and
was ready to leave. I went in to see her the
night preceding her discharge day and met
her laughing to the Tom and Jerry pranks.
She was back indeed. She saw me come in,
but took her eyes off me and continued
watching TV. She didn’t want to talk to me,
at least not then. I went ahead to seat on a
chair beside her bed, looking straight to her
face as she seriously concentrated on the
TV. Apparently, Tom and Jerry did her more
good than my presence in that room, so I
stood up and made to leave her for the
time being. But when I got to the door she
called me back.
“I thought you came to see me?” she
“Yeah, but it seems like you’re ready to
see me yet. So I’ll just leave and come
back later. By the way, the doctor says
you’ll be discharged tomorrow.”
“I know that already. So do I take it that
you came here to tell me that?” she asked
“Not exactly” I replied.
“Then proceed to the reason you came.”
“I just came to check on you Cynthia.”
Oh’ really? How very nice of you. You’re
such a darling” she said sarcastically.
“I’m glad you’re back.”
“Yeah, I am too. I couldn’t afford to remain
in coma for longer than necessary. I only
needed time dissolve the pains your
betrayal caused me.” She said with a harsh
“I’m really sorry for everything Cynthia.”
“Save it!” she retorted, motioning me with
her hand to shut up. “You didn’t come here
to piss me off, did you?”
“Not at all. I think I better leave now.”
“You better do” she replied angrily.
I got out of the room feeling like a little
boy who had just been scolded by his
mother. I advised Ogechi to go before
Cynthia sees her in order to prevent a
scene when they met each other. Ogechi
refused. She wanted to see Cynthia for the
last time and have a word with her before
leaving. I guess that would have given her
some peace from the waves that had blown
in the past days. I couldn’t do anything to
prevent what I knew was coming, so I
prepared my heart to contain it when it
As I and Ogechi sat there waiting for the
morning to come, we were like total
strangers to each other. We couldn’t even
talk about anything else than Cynthia. The
effect of the renouncement came into play
quickly, and we suddenly felt like there had
been nothing going between us. That
happened because of the situation we found
ourselves then, coupled with the fact that
we knew we weren’t going to be together
again. So we just began acting like normal
acquaintances. It wasn’t quite long before
the whole emotions came back, and the
feeling of “I CAN’T LET YOU GO” came
romancing our souls again. Of course only
one thing would follow afterwards; TEARS.
All we could do was say goodbye repeatedly
in a number of ways and in the most
romantic ones ever. That was the most we
could do. All our struggles, all our love,
care and all we shared came to an end that
faithful night. That made me remember the
statement that was made by the light she
light was right after all.
The next morning Cynthia came out all
prepared to leave only to see us sitting
together. Ogechi arose from her seat
immediately she saw Cynthia and paid her
“Will you please save all these acts? I
know you have ulterior motives of being
here, perhaps to try and destroy me again.
But you’ll surely fail, just like you did the
first time.” Cynthia said to Ogechi.
“Cynthia, I ask only one thing of you.
Please permit me to have a word with you,
and I promise you’ll never see me again in
your lifetime. I mean never. But please
grant me audience. I’ve got some
explanation to do.”
Cynthia made a display of madness, making
clear her unwillingness to converse with
Ogechi for even one second. She had
developed so much hatred for her and
couldn’t stand her sight. She rained abuses
on Ogechi but Ogechi didn’t retaliate in any
way. I took her away from Cynthia’s
presence and urged her to leave before
things got worse. She obliged, and I
escorted her to a cab that drove her to the
airport where she flew back to Oklahoma.
Even though Ogechi had left and we
couldn’t be with together again, I planned
on visiting her later on to separate in a
more worthy way. I didn’t have an exact
picture of the supposed “MORE WORTHY
WAY” but I sure wanted to see her again
for once before departing forever.
I returned to Cynthia who was already
waiting for me by the car along with the
doctors who were still trying to calm her
down, as she was still ranting words at
Ogechi who had long left. I was mistaken to
have thought her hatred was limited to
Ogechi. But when I came back and said to
the doctors; “Thank you very much docs,
I’ll take it from here.” Cynthia unleashed
hell on me.
“You’ll take it from where?” she asked with
raised eyebrows. “And to where?” she asked
“Cynthia, I surely deserve whatever you
give to me. Abuse me, call me names, spit
on my face and do whatever to me, I’ll take
it. But please don’t do it out here. Let’s at
least go home first. We’ll take time to talk
about it there. Just don’t stress yourself
out anymore. You know you just got
discharged. The last thing you need right
now is stress. Let’s go home.”
“Oh’ how sweet of you” she said
However, we got home after much words
and augments. She nagged at me until we
got home. Her maids were so excited on
her return that they organized a little party
to welcome her back. It was just the four of
us present in that party. After everything,
Cynthia left to her room without saying a
word to me. I went up to meet her and talk
to her about everything, and also ask for
her forgiveness in the areas I had wronged
her. I got to her room and met her lying on
her bed and flipping through the pages of a
fashion magazine. She behaved as though
she had not noticed my presence in that
room. I knew she was still mad at me, and I
was there change that and return things
between us to normal before telling he all
she had to be told concerning “I & Ogechi.”
I called on her twice and got no response
from her. But when I called on her the third
time, with her eyes still fixed on that
magazine she opened her mouth and said to
To be continued.



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