Read The 14 Types Of Boarding School Students | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

Read The 14 Types Of Boarding School Students


10 Types of Boarding school students

1. Prefects.

This ones are appointed by the school to help carry out the set down rules and regulations, they are always On their duty
post.. Some good ones carrying out their duties squarely some using their post to upress other students..
2. NEPA (Non Elected Prefects Association)

This ones are in same sets with the prefects, but not elected, the good ones trying to assist the prefects in making their work easy while the bad ones making the work hectic for the prefects by breaking the set down rules and regulations!! #Outlaws
3. Bonyant/moderate student Junior student.

This junior student would use their resources for their own benefits by settling with the senior students so as to live a comfortably by not going for labours,houseworks,punishments,gatherins etc..while the moderate ones will keep on hiding cos they have nothing to spare,rather than dancing to the beat..
4.Fast Fingers

This ones are the most feared in school sometimes they even threaten you on your own property, No matter the security of your safe they must hack it,some will even sign their name there #god of Iron was here ...
5. Christain students

This good ones will spend most of their stay in church activities,reading the bible and trying to convert the bad ones..
The bad ones on the other hands will use the opportunity to meet with the beautiful christain girls and also using the christain faith to lie and carry out their activities.
6.Obedient students.

This ones will listen to their parents and teachers advices to read their books,study hard and stay away from bad friends especially on resumption date.. The bad ones would try following their parents advice but with time they would decline and go the other way forward..
7. Bad students

This category of student are keen in breaking the school rules and regulation,either breaking bounds, skipping classes,loitering, and being at the worng places at wrong time,sagging.. Etc
8..Peer Friends

This ones would want to do things cos their peer leader is doing it,either good and bad.
The good ones will emulate their peer leader by reading,being at the right place and time,attending fellowships etc.
The bad ones would always want to be in the same group with their peer leader so that other people can respect (Fear) them.
9.Social students.

This student you see some times, you ask are this the reason their parent send them to school, they are always in social gatherings and discussing social topics with sometimes the opposite sex.
Some do it to be looked up with High self esteem by moving around with the big boys/ girls.
10. Inteligent students.

This category are very inteligent and bright in class activities and most loved by teachers..
The good ones help in holding extra classes for the students that arent able to catch up, they help in holding and explaining to their reading group for charity.
The bad ones will use this opportunity to upress others and will even ask to be paid to help them out, to write exams/ assignments for them.

11.The Activists

This group are always against the decisions taken by the principal and teachers against students. Especially when games are seized.

They may go as far as instigating other students against the authorities by writing and pasting articles in the school's notice board.

12.The Guardians of the galaxy

They most time separate disputes.
They're often used as lie lie witnesses too...junior students lie with their name cus of their influence and most times when you're in a big mess with some Senior students, they're your only security.

13. The militants

This group breaks all school rules just to give others the courage to break the rules too and to remind d authorities that d school is there cos of d students. They break into forbidden areas and stores just to write their names on the wall. beating them only hardens their resolve. They are d ones dat join SUG in univs. later on.

14. The Snitches/Amebos/The Watchdogs:

These are the set of People who Report improper conduct to the housemasters e.g Rooms that make Noise or don't switch off their after Lights Out, Untidy halls, They report pple who bring in contraband Food items, clothes or materials. Most of them are Very close with the Housemasters and use their position to threaten other Students!! I hated them with passion!!


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