The Tale of a Private lesson Teacher...Episode 24 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

The Tale of a Private lesson Teacher...Episode 24

Sunday morning, we went to our
separate churches. After church,

I went to see a friend before returning
home to white house by 6pm. Janet had
arrived before my return and we were
gisting and chatting about what
happened during the exams. She
resumed her cooking until tuesday when
sikirat arrived from ilorin. Now
the white house was full again,
During the week of janet and sikirat’s
arrival, I thought of everything that
transpired between me and the entire
white house, I thought of what would
happen if the 3 of them finds out about
me, then I concluded that the best way to
maintain my game and dignity is to move
back to my house which I did in the
following weekend.
Janet’s result came out after 3weeks of
exam and she scored 237, madam was so
happy that she showered me with gifts,
cash, and pats on my lap. Janet begged
me to continue staying in the
white house for her own interest but I
declined telling her my landlord was
complaining about my absence at home
and also, my properties aren’t safe in my
long-absence. Madam also pleaded for
me to stay and prepare janet for her post
ume. I was amazed for hearing this, I
never knew madam could compel me to
stay. After long discussion, I agreed to
be staying over once in a while but not
fully like before. Sikirat and I resumed
our market days
meetings, janet will also visit twice a
week on my safe days “non-market
days”. My lesson sessions was going on
smoothly with janet as she was preparing
for post UME. White house
became my second home as I was
staying comfortably at both places. My
sexcapades with janet and sikirat was
going smoothly, though sikirat is always
suspicious and complaining
about my closeness with janet but I keep
assuring her that nothing was going on
between us.
More importantly, madam and I had 4
sessions of accidental hotsex sessions
within 4 months in the white house. It
was either she calls me inside to fix
something in her room, or she gives me
laptop to sort out and tell me to return it
to her in her room and sex will come up
accidentally . Janet couldn’t suspect us
because madam treated me nicely like a
son. One thing is common about madam.
After each accidental sex, she will keep
saying, “I don’t know why I found it so
difficult to resist your look and touch and
you know I’m old to be your mother. You
are making me an adulterer.”
After janet’s post ume, something
To be Continued

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