Jane was trying to think of a suitable answer,as he held her too close for comfort.
'I was thinking about you'

'Me? So tell me.'
'I bet you don't want to know.' Jane teased him.
'If you don't want to kiss me,i'll understand.'Dickson said bitterly.
'No,no,its not that,ofcourse i want to' Jane said.

Dickson grinned,he seemed happy to hear that.
'You want to do what?' he asked feigning innocence.
'I want to kiss you' Jane smiled.
'I love that baby.' Dickson laughed heartly.'But first,i want you to pull off your shirt'
'My shirt? Why?' Jane asked.

Dickson disliked petting girls,but he had to do this,if he was going to get down with her right here and now was the time,the delay was getting too much.He bagan unbuttoning his shirt.
'So that your white shirt won't get rumpled or dirty.' he said smiling.
'No,i don't want to pull it,i won't feel comfortable.'
'Its just you and i here,are you afraid of me or shy?'
'No,am not.'
'Then let me help you' he moved closer to her and began to unbutton her shirt,picking each button with pleasure.
'This is going to be fun,just i dreamed it would be' he thought.
Ajoke had been feeling uneasy since Jane left,
'I just hope this matter is not spiritual o' she thought aloud.
You have a ready made man,and you're running after a jobless graduate.
To think that Jane even took some of the things that Jacob bought for her to him was really annoying.
It was quarter to seven,she should have been back by now,and her cell phone was not reachable.
She fought the urge to go over there and drag her back.The girl sure needs some serious flogging.

She was starting to get tired of her attitude,seeing another man when you have a boyfriend was sure not in her books of good ladylike conduct.At least she was content with her fiance,she had sworn to herself that no other man would lay with her except her fiance,since the day she agreed to be engaged to him.And she was being faithful about it.

Ajoke stood up from the bed,that was the fifth time she was doing that within the space of one hour,she prayed that Jane would return in one piece and in peace.

She had to find a way to put an end to this menace,even if it requires breaking Dickson's head she wouldn't mind.
Her hair was rough,the breeze was having a field day playing with them,she felt bad for her actions,this evening.She walked fast,
someone called her,she had noticed that someone was following her,but she was only being calm as she could see people all around her.
'You're Jane' the person said again,walking towards her.
The guy was shaking,but the weather wasn't even cold,he looked jittery at first.
'Yes,i am Jane.' she stopped in her track.
'Did you do it?' he asked,he looked so afraid of something.

She looked around her,
'Do what?'
'Did.... you,....did you.... sleep with him?' he asked stammering.
'Sleep with who? Are you crazy or something?' Jane asked puzzled,,she looked white as snow,guilty? she wasn't feeling comfy talking to a stranger although his face looked very familiar,she just couldn't nail it.'Are you trying to insult me or what the hell are you talking about?'

'I am sorry,if i sound crazy,i just couldn't hold myself,i can't go ahead with the plan.' He said.

'I don't understand you.' Jane said,confused-she had her bag of woes already,she didn't want anyone adding to it,she was yet to get over what just happened between her and Dickson- and at the same time surprised and eager to know what he was ranting about.

'Actually,i am Charles,Dickson's friend.'

She knew it,she had seen his face somewhere on camp.
'I have come to tell you something that is very important' *****
There's something about being guity that gives you away even when you're everything possible to look innocent while you are as guity as sin.

Hannah dropped the phone out of guilt,and fear,how did Rotimi know that she had lunch with someone this afternoon?her teeth were shattering as she kept an eye on the phone to see if Rotimi would call back.
It was barely one week away and Rukayat had fallen out of her mood,she was starting to recuperate,on realising that Habeeb was gone for good.She got her solace by returning to her old habit of drinking,smoking and hunting for rich,old guys,married or unmarried.

The weather was far from cold,she felt warm air caress her skin as she hurried from the bathroom.

In the space ot fourty minute,she had her face,hair and clothes done,she checked the mirror for one last look,she was pleased with the fair goddess she saw,slipping on a flat pink shoe,she picked her purse and left.

She was happy that either of her roomie,was in to peruse her about her outing and all that.

She had barely stepped out of the hostel gate,when Rotimi's car glided to a stop at the far end of the G3gardens,she picked her way towards him.

What is the essence of mpney,if not spent,a rich man who refuses to spend his cash and a broke guy are both broke,Rotimi had money and he spends it well.

He'd taken her to the newly opened food cafe by the school entrance gate,she enjoyed his company as much as she enjoyed her dinner of Friedrice and chicken over a pack of juice.

Rotimi looked every inch proud,of her as he chatted with her and held her hands as they walked out of the door.

Hannah thought,he would drop her at the hostel but he didn't,he wanted her to come over to his place,she'd argued on and on with him but he won,so he drove her home.

Hannah climbed the stairs with ease,she sat on a cushion set as he got her a glass of cold water,
'Thanks' Hannah said crossing her leg.

Rotimi kept her good company,cracking soft jokes and talking about his family,making her laugh.she was taken about with his question as he was beginning to get all romantic with her, 'Do you enjoy being kissed?' he asked. Hannah felt her legs moving against each other she sensed where the question was heading.

She nodded her head,
'Is that in affirmative?' Rotimi asked again,Hannah subtly asked him to keep quiet as he was beginning to bore her.
'Then i know what to do,to lighten your mood.' he smiled coming to seat by her.

He took her lips in his without warning,caressing her lips softly with his,and exploring every inch of her mouth,Hannah relaxed in his arms enjoying the kiss,his hands found a soft round ball and still she didn't complain,she was gradually leading him on and yet she wasn't ready for what was to come as the zipper of her dress slid down her back.
Cynthia lay on the bed reading a magazine,she borrowed from a friend when shade and Rukayat came in,their dressing was different,as Shade looked quite simple and Rukayat flamboyantly dressed,
'Where are you guys coming from?' Cynthia asked raising her head from the book in her hand.
'Library things ofcourse' Shade said laughing. 'I am sure Rukayat is not coming from the libaray' Cynthia said that judging from her dressing. 'Yes,i went for a party?' Rukayat smiled peeling off her shoes and dress.
'10days to exam?' Cynthia asked bewildered.
'Point of correction mother theresa,its just 9days,8hrs.' Rukayat said.
'You girls should stop talking pls,i am hungry jare.' Shade sighed stiffling a yawn as she rummaged her food box for something to eat.
'Rukayat,you're not reading.' Cynthia said as a matter of fact.
'You read your business,i party my sole business' Rukayat said.
'I am saying this because we're friends.'
'Thank you ma'Rukayat mocked,as she tied a small blue towel over her bosom,her phone began to ring,she picked it on the first ring.
'Hello Chief' she said,giving her caller a big smile. She rambled on and on laughing,as she set a date with the man.she dropped her phone.
'Don't tell me you're going out tonight?' Cynthia asked surprised.
'Well,i am,as you can see,i just received a call from an important friend and a helper.' Rukayat said.
'All that i am saying is for your sake,don't joke with your Gp,before it becomes too late.' Cynthia said.
'Cynthia,please i need a bath,before i pollute this room with with my smelling armpit.' Rukayat laughed.
'Just go and clean your body jare' Shade chipped in having a field day with a cup of garri with milk and sugar.
Rukayat dripped water as she returned from the bathroom,eight minutes later.

There was a soft knock on the door as Hannah sauntered in looking like soaked agege bread.
'Hey what happened to you?' Shade was the first to ask.
'Where are you coming from?'Cynthia asked.
'Tell us what happened?' Rukayat joined in too.

Hannah's resolve not to wash her dirty linen in public was quick forgotten as she plunged into her story.
'What?' Her friends screamed.
'What?' Ajoke shouted.
Jane got in some minute ago,and recounted all that happened to Ajoke,they were both stunned as she wept.
'I was very surprised too' Jane said sobbing quietly.
'That Dickson is a beast,a sheep in human clothing,a wolf in disguise and to think you fell foolishly for him' Ajoke said.
'You don't have to remind me of that.' Jane cried again,
'Let me remind you,because i warned you,but you just wouldn't listen.'
'You should have seen,the Charles guy he was shaking as he explained all about the plan and their bet.'
'Oh i am awed,men are so dangerous,yet we have honest and God fearing ones like Jacob is.' Ajoke said smiling.
'I am yet to believe Dickson set me up.'
'The earlier you believe him,the better for you.' Ajoke told her in a strict voice.
'I can see the reason for his actions now.' Jane lamented.
'What actions?'
'He cooed me to pull off my shirt for a kiss'
'And you did?'
'I ....I.....'
'Oh no Jane,are you that daft,you pulled off your shirt to be kissed?you make me laugh.' Ajoke said as Jane cried.'I am just happy all this is over'
'I am so sorry for all i have done,i am ashamed of myself.' Jane said as Ajoke wiped her tears.
'You let that guy get down with you,its just too bad.'
'He didn't'
'C'mon,i am a lady like you,and i understand that such things happen between people of opposite sex' Ajoke explained.
'Yes,thats true but we didn't have sex.' Jane maintained.
'Is that to say for this past one week,he didn't touch you?' Ajoke asked surprised written all over her.
'No,he didn't.I guess he was being careful,taking time with me so that i'ld give in when he decides to launch an offer.' Jane said.
'Well,you should be happy,even if he had his way with you,Jacob wouldn't have known.'
'He would definitely know' Jane corrected her.
'How in the world is that possible except you tell him' Ajoke asked.
'Thats because.....i.....i' Jane stammered.
'You're what?'
'Don't tell me its what i am thinking?' Ajoke cut her short.
'What is it? Jane asked.
'No,you go first,how would he know?'
'Well,i am virgin.'
'You're what?' Ajoke said quietly afraid that people might hear her.
'I am what i just said.'
'Is that a kind of joke?'
'No,i am.'
'Unbelievable!,at your age? You still have the pride of every woman stuck under you.' Ajoke said puzzled.
'Is it a bad thing?'
'No,my dear,i'll give anything and everything to have mine back,its your confidence,your pride,oh why are you so lucky? And you would have given that away to that Dick headed pig?'
'Ajoke,please stop it.' Jane pleaded.
'I should stop reminding you that you almost sold your priced gold,your most valuable diamond to that nuisance.'
'Its okay,i have learnt my lesson' Jane said.
'I hope thats true,Jacob must be a proud man,just imagine the look on his face when he realises that you're not who you claim to be.'Ajoke asked.'I am not a saint here,i started having sex when i was 18yrs,i never got pregnant for once,and since i got engaged i have stayed away from other men,only my fiance has full access to my body. Ajoke landed.

Jane looked at her as she spoke,clunged to her and wept.
'I hope you will never do this again,make Jacob proud by being undefiled,stay away from the likes of Dickson and co.They have nothing to offer than the stick dangling in between their legs.'
Jane sneezed,holding Ajoke tighter,'I know how much you adore him,i hope someday soon,you will be able to look Jacob in the eye and tell him about this.'
Its been three whole days since the incidence happened,Ajoke advised her to move on like nothing happened.
'And what happened after that?''''I told him,i wasn't prepared and he got angry.''''Why are men so selfish,the fact that you're not ready now,doesn't mean you will not be ready another day.''Toun said sitting across Hannah,her hands folded across her chest,she sighed.''You don't get it.''Hannah looked up,how was she to say it in a manner void of embarrassment.''I get you.''Toun said.''Men are books,you can't read all'f them,notwithstanding thats not a reason to get angry.''Hannah sighed,sitting up in her seat,''I've never had sex.''Adetoun turned around,her eyes rolled in their socket with mock surprise.she must have heard wrong.she burst into laughter.''Whats funny?''Hannah asked feeling embarrassed.''I didn't know,you're now a comedian.''Toun said holding her sides.''I'm serious here.''Hannah said,all expression screamed serious.''Did you fall from mars or jupito,this is the twenty first century girl,how can you?''''You make it sound like a crime.''''Its not a crime,but our norms are changing,the society no longer cherish Virgin girls because they don't even.....exist.''Toun said.''Well,i am,i want to get rid of this thing.''she said pointing towards her thighs.''I'm just afraid.''''He who has a head,is capless and that who is lucky to have a cap,has got no head.''Toun said,as a naughty tear dropped from her eyes.''I would give anything to become the pure innocent child i used to be years back,before.....i.....i...''Toun broke into tears.Hannah watched helplessly as Toun cried,the waters streaming down her face in a rush.She could not bring herself to console her friend who was more than a sister,she relaxed in her seat and her pain consumed her.Who will console these two?
Kelvin walked out without as much as a backward glance.He opened the door and left.Toun watched him leave,something screamed inside of her to go and pull him back,but she was so afraid to act.What was it about asking a man to leave when all you honestly want is his hands around your arms...She slumped on the chair,hot tears rolling down her cheeks.Why was she made to be a broken woman.Why?God was not being fair with her.It was getting dark,she went into the bathroom to wash her face,and changed into something more comfy,she made for the kitchen,she had to look good to avoid another question and answer segment with Hannah.She boiled some yams and proceeded to blend some pepper and onions for the egg,when she heard the sitting room door open.It must be Hannah she knew.She washed her hands and went to check,she was taken aback with the sight that greeted her..........
''Oh my God!'' Adetoun gasped at the sight of a teary eyed Hannah.Hannah slumped on the seat,her eyes closed and her hands on her laps,she looked bitter,tired and angry.''What happened to you?''Toun asked.Hannah explained to Toun,how she became friends with Ade,how he stood by her always.And the latter part which Toun knew about,how they started a new relationship again.''I know all that.''Toun said anxious to know what happened.''Well,this evening he wanted... .... us''Hannah stammered.''He wanted what?''''Sex''Hannah said flatly.''And?''''And what?''
''And what happened after that?''''I told him,i wasn't prepared and he got angry.''''Why are men so selfish,the fact that you're not ready now,doesn't mean you will not be ready another day.''Toun said sitting across Hannah,her hands folded across her chest,she sighed.''You don't get it.''Hannah looked up,how was she to say it in a manner void of embarrassment.''I get you.''Toun said.''Men are books,you can't read all'f them,notwithstanding thats not a reason to get angry.''Hannah sighed,sitting up in her seat,''I've never had sex.''Adetoun turned around,her eyes rolled in their socket with mock surprise.she must have heard wrong.she burst into laughter.''Whats funny?''Hannah asked feeling embarrassed.''I didn't know,you're now a comedian.''Toun said holding her sides.''I'm serious here.''Hannah said,all expression screamed serious.''Did you fall from mars or jupito,this is the twenty first century girl,how can you?''''You make it sound like a crime.''''Its not a crime,but our norms are changing,the society no longer cherish Virgin girls because they don't even.....exist.''Toun said.''Well,i am,i want to get rid of this thing.''she said pointing towards her thighs.''I'm just afraid.''''He who has a head,is capless and that who is lucky to have a cap,has got no head.''Toun said,as a naughty tear dropped from her eyes.''I would give anything to become the pure innocent child i used to be years back,before.....i.....i...''Toun broke into tears.Hannah watched helplessly as Toun cried,the waters streaming down her face in a rush.She could not bring herself to console her friend who was more than a sister,she relaxed in her seat and her pain consumed her.Who will console these two?
................. ''You should at least take a sip of that drink,its getting hot.''Paul was saying to a gloomy Jacob.It was a friday evening,and the guys were at the club,chilling to take away the stress.Jacob was having a hard time,and he wasn't partaking in the conversation,as he stared away at his drink.''Drink?''Jacob sighed,his forehead creased in a deep frown.''''Yes,take a sip.''Jaiye said filling his glass again.''Will that solve my problem?''''Not drinking,will not solve it either,just relax and lets help you out.''Paul said,his gaze on his friend.Jacob lifted his glass,and to his lips,he drank the glass halfway,holding the back of his head as he dropped the glass.''Stop that,there are watchful eyes around.''Jaiye said.''Who do you think sent this man after our dear Jane?''Jaiye asked.Jacob's eye widened in their socket.''Our Jane?''''Oops sorry,Jacob's Jane.''Jaiye grinned.''Better.''''Who else other than Katherine.''Paul joined in.''Katherine has left me for good.''Jacob put in defending her.''How sure are you about this?''''Our Katherine has a superrich boyfriend who is proposing marriage anyway.''''And when last did you speak with her?''Jaiye asked.''Two weeks ago when she rescheduled my appointment with her boyfriend,who is partnering me in the Dangote cement contract.''Jacob explained.''Why partner with him?''Paul asked. ''The proposed firm hand picked their choice firm for the contract,or do i back out of a business deal worth 2.8billion naira,because he's dating my ex?''''Ofcourse not,apart from Kate who else could be doing this?''''Or,is there some other girl,you're shacking away from our knowledge.''Jaiye winked.''Everyone is not as naughty as you.''''There is non,that i know of.''''As long as he doesn't make another attempt on her,lets watch.''Paul said.''I hope so,for his sake.''Jacob spoke,his anger sipping away.''Hows marriage life?''Paul laughed at Jaiye.''Cool,it just shows i'm serious and mature than you guys.''he eyed his friends.''And our bride?''Paul asked mocking Jaiye.''My bride,my woman.''''I just pray you give that thing in between your leg a break from other ladies and.....''''Hey''Jaiye cut him short.''Stop the lecture,my woman is good and i'm taking good care of her.''Jaiye boasted.''Thanks heaven,marriage life must be wonderful indeed.''Jacob laughed.''Oh let me inform you guys that i and Janet will be having our family introduction next month.''His friends congratulated him happily.''I better find a woman,before its late.''Paul laughed....
Biola looked fresh than ever,she had enjoyed a great time with her newly wedded husband after they returned from their honeymoon.She now lived in his beautiful two storey buiding in ajah.he had asked her to stop work,she would design from home and send to her workers who would do the design,but she could go over once in a while.Kenneth was treating her like a queen that she was,his two children had returned from America to congratulate them and flown back afterwards,she was happy and glowed from within.Biola and Funmi had been planning and planning over the family introductions that were coming up by the weekend.Biola was happy that Jane was handling her new store well,haven employed a manager,sales clerk,an accountant and a host of others,she was glad that her daughter would be tieing the knot soon.It was a breezy wednesday evening,Jane arrived at the Kenneths,she parked her car and walked into the house.Her mother was just setting the table for dinner,Jane dropped her bags and hugged her mother,greeting her step father too.He invited her to join them for dinner,to which she accepted.After a good dish of semovita and egusi soup with a pack of iced home made lemon juice,Kenneth excused mother and daughter to take some rest.''How are you?''Biola asked smiling at her grown up daughter.''I'm fine and you?''''Fine as usual,Funmi was here this afternoon,and we've selected the dishes to be prepared,Jackie is doing that anyway.''''Thanks mother.''Jane embraced her,''I came to show you the clothes Jacob brought.''Biola collected the bag and brought out its content,''This is lovely,but can you tie iro and buba?''''I'll learn,Ajoke promised to help me with that,she's arriving on Friday.''Jane laughed.''The shoes and bag are lovely too my dear.''''I love them too.''Jane packed them into the bag.''Have they called you?''''Oh,your father's people.''''Yes.''''Yes,they promise to be in attendance,and asked if there was anything they could help with.''''And what did you tell them?''''I told them to come with their heavy purses.''Biola laughed.''And i trust them,they will.''
''This makes me miss father more.''''I miss him too,but what can we do,Kenneth has been so good to me and he's ever ready to accept his fatherly roles over you.''Biola said.''May God bless his good heart.''''Amen.i think you should be on your way now,its getting late or will you sleep over?''''No mother,i'll find my way.''''Your sisters won't be able to come,they're starting their exams on monday.''Biola informed her daughter,as she saw her to the door.''Goodnight dear,and please drive carefully.''''I will,goodnight mother.''Biola stood by the door,till she drove out of the compound,things will surely get better.She smiled,and walked into the house.........................The traffic was light,so she made her way home steady.Lucy had called to inform her that she'll come home for her introductions as that would afford them a chance to talk better.Jane pulled the car to a stop at the gate,she got down to open the gate,that reminded her,Jacob had said he would get her a guard to man the gate.She drove in and got down,she closed the gate and headed in.There was a paper stucked to the door,she was surprised,it would be Jacob anyway,she took the paper in and locked the door before moving to her bedroom.She was sleepy and fell into bed after pulling off her clothes and shoe.........
School curriculum was moving fast,lectures were rounded up,test conducted,notes filled up.Hannah was giving her studies full concentration,she had succeeded in making things up with Ade,as he needed to concentrate too,since he was writing his final papers.Their relationship was going steady,one step at a time,even though Rukayat was still on her kneels,he had made up his mind to turn a deaf ear,and she didn't even suspect a thing between him and Hannah.Which was good for them anyway,she couldn't stand making trouble withat Rukayat of a girl.Kelvin had stopped calling Adetoun,who was acting irrattional.She ignored his calls,now she missed his calls than ever.It hurt her to know that she pushed him away,and her heart still beat for him.She'd taken to her studies,she needed to study as best as she could.Disappointing herself was not an option,and she
wouldn't Jacob disappointed too.
too.And for her so called parent,that was a story for another day.The relationship between them was dwindling,this happened after Hannah tried to talk to her about Kelvin.Adetoun had almost screamed down the house,asking Hannah not to meddle in her affairs,she'd shut her up and walked out.This was really affecting the girls as each one kept to herself.Adetoun's life was a a square box again,from home to school to the library to church and home again.She had made up her mind,no boyfriends,no attache.It was so easy this days for them to argue over the slightest of things.It was friday evening and Hannah had a date with her boyfriend.She came into the sitting room dressed in a black sleeveless gown with a red belt wound securely around her tommy.As she moved,her weavon breezled from her shoulders to her well made up face.She looked beautiful in the gown and her fair skin shown brightly.Adetoun was in the sitting room,painting her fingers,when Hannah came in.''Em...em Toun,im going out.''She said moving towards the door.Adetoun raised her head,''Wait!''Hannah stopped in her tracks doing a u-turn,''Isn't that my gown?''''Yes,its yours.''''You didn't bother to ask for permission before wearing my dress?''Toun glared,Hannah was a bit taller than her,which made the gown go up her knees a little and she looked perfect in it.''Permission? From who?you?''''Yes,because that dress belongs to me.''Toun said.''Get out of my dress now.''''I can't believe you just said that to me.''Hannah smiled.''Anyway,i'm not stepping a foot into that room,maybe some other time,i'll remember not to touch your dress again.''Toun stood and blocked the door,''You think i'm kidding right?''she scowled''I can see you're spoiling for a fight,but i don't have your time.''Hannah hissed.''Did you just hiss at me,i swear i'll beat you to coma this minute,if you don't put that thing off.''Toun was getting ready for a fight.''Let me go''Hannah yelled pushing Toun away.
''You spoilt girl,who cannot make up her mind about a man,cheating with your friends boyfriend behind her back.''''Jeez! Adetoun.'' Hannah rolled her eyes.''Yes?''''You call me spoilt?''Hannah was surprised.''Then you're a shameless dam,you were.. ....are.....''she shut her mouth before she could do more damage with her mouth.Adetoun's eyes were filled with tears that threatened to spill.''Go on and finish your statement.''she cried.''Whatever.''Hannah hissed walking out the door and slamming it hard.That night,Ade had followed her home,after she explained all that happened to him as an excuse for standing him up on their date.He apologised profusely to Adetoun,who was folded up in a chair crying,her eye were red.He tried to settle the dispute but left when he realised he wasn't making head.That had become an habit,if they were not arguing over a scarf,it would be a sandal,or what to cook,who would wash,or what station to watch on Tv,these were things they had done in love.Going to class was an issue,each girl left at her own time.It was a good thing,they would not be attending Jane's introduction on sunday anyway.They were slowly drifting apart.So much for being sisters or was it friends?
The morning light streamed in through the open curtain,bringing warmth into the room.Jane woke up with a strong headache,as she tried to get up from bed.She pulled the duvet away and got up,washing her face in the bathroom,she drank a glass of warm milk and two tablets of paracetamol.

To be continued tomorrow at 11am.

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