Hannah brushed her weave on,rubbing some gloss on it.Cynthia had chided her that she was a stingy bone never wanting to
spend money on her hair,but thats an assumption because she didn't enjoy the idea of having a human hair or a brazillian weave on,where you have to pay special attention to the hair,and every girl you meet asks,
'Is that a brazillian weave on?' and you have to answer 'Yes'
'Oh its a peruvian hair!'
'How many inches?'
'Whats the colour? Who is the maker?how much is it and all other silly question.

Thats the more reason she prefers ordinary weave on,she brought out her make-up box and began to paint her face,
'How many lectures have you got today?' Cynthia asked,she had just returned from the bathroom.
'Just two' Hannah answered,brushing her eyelashes.
'I have got three lectures o' Cynthia said rubbing cream on her body.'Are you going out after class?'
'Well,i can't say should something come up,but as at now,am free like a bird.' Hannah said laughing.
'I just don't think its a good idea to leave her alone in the room' Cynthia said pointing at Rukayat.
'I agree with you,but what can i do? She's so sad and shattered
'I don't know too,i am really surprised with Habeebs reaction' Hannah said dropping her brush.
'I am not too surprised,never trust a guy.'
'I personally talked her into going into this relationship,thinking that Habeeb would be a responsible man as a muslim leader.'Hannah lamented.
'I am surprised too,and to think Rukayat has changed since she started dating him.' Cynthia said.
'I wonder too,i just pray she doesn't get into wild partying,drinking and Dating old men again.' Hannah said packing up her make-up box,satisfied with the work of art on her face.
'I hope so too,may God help her o.'Cynthia said opening her wardrobe.'How is Roro?' she asked smiling.
'I've told you to stop calling him Roro you this ibo babe.' Hannah laughed.
'He's just there,he's fine'
'And the relationship?'
'Well,we're just building it.' Hannah smiled.
'I just want you to lay a good foundation and don't do what you'll not be proud of.' Cynthia adviced.
Hannah gave a mock bow,'Thank you Mother Theresa' she picked up her bag.'I am off to class o'
'Alright be a good girl'
'And you too'

Hannah arrived in class on time,she had secretly hoped she would see pink shirt guy today,but unfortunately she didn't meet him,she was a bit disappointed,comforting herself in the fact that she might come across him before the day runs out.

She was chatting with her friends,Molade and Bukky when the lecturer walked in,she'd kept mute instantly,he'd only concentrated on the AOC,and left the class within an hour,The other lecturer was punctual too,although he spent much time saying irrelevances before getting into a brief lecture and an assignment,an assignment? Just two weeks to the exam? He left after three hours using extra time.

Finally her weekend was going to begin at half past one,they were walking to Chop 'n' Chop to have lunch,she'd personally chose the restaurant with the sole purpose of a probability of seeing pink shirt again,if only she had given him her correct digits,he could have called her.
'Have you made up your mind about that issue?' Hannah asked Bukola.
'Yes,i have.' Bukky smiled.
'I trust you to make good decisions' Hannah teased.
'So what are you going to do?' Molade asked.
'I am sorry to disappoint you Hannah,i have agreed to go along with HIS arrangement.' She said calmly.
'Yipee girl,just get done with it and it'll be over in no time.' Molade said.
'Hmmm' Hannah sighed.'I am not asking you to change your decision,i just hope you have had a thorough thought through.'
'Yes,i have,thanks girls' she answered quietly.
'Its okay,i am wondering how long this will continue.' Hannah asked no one in particular.
'For as long as he wants her'Molade cut in.
'You say it easily,i bet you wish you are in her shoes'Hannah said getting angry.
'Thats my business o'
'C'mon,girls don't fight over this.'Bukola said.
Tell that to her,she thinks she knows it all,the fact that you're fair and beautiful doesn't make you a genius' Molade lashed at Hannah.
'Is that a streak of Jealousy?' Hannah asked pertubed.
'Why on earth would i be?Mammywater'Molade shouted.
Hannah was trying to maintain her calm as she kept quiet and let it slide.why do people bring the question of my beauty into argument,she thought.
'Molade thats enough' Bukola said.
'Girls,i am going home' Molade said.
'I thought we were going to have lunch together.' Bukola asked her.
'I have lost my appetite' Molade said stopping a bikeman.
'Please don't mind her'Bukola said and apologised on Molade's behalf.
'Its okay,i am .... ...'
'Heloo' a strong male voice from behind interrupting her.
She knew who it was,the voice...,she just prayed it was PinK ShirT GuY O.
It seemed time had refused to move on,as Jacob devoured Jane's lip,sapping all energy from her body.
Jacob kissed her with pent up energy as Jane stroked his hands,he finally broke the kiss when he knew she wanted more.
He held her hands in his huge palms,lifting up her face,
'Jane what is the problem?' He asked.
'' Jane wasn't prepared for such a question.
'Calm down dear,what is the problem?' he asked again.
'I am fine' she answered.
'Jane,look into my eyes and tell me that you're fine.'
'I can't'
'Then you're not fine.' if only she could tell him.
'I am' she said feigning a weak smile.
'Are you angry with me?' he persisted.
'No,i am not' she answered surprised.
'So what is troubling you?' he asked with concern in his voice.
'Jacob,i am many times should i repeat that?'
'Its okay,don't get upset'
'I am not.' she replied.
'If there's something wrong with you,i deserve to know'
'Does it look like i am sick?'
'No,you look disturbed,distracted,unsure of yourself,worried and....'
'And what? Mad?'
'Not in that sense,you seem drawn away from me in a way i can't explain.'he said sadly.

Jane hated that look on his handsome face,her bad mood was really affecting him.he must care so much about her.How about.
'I am seeing someone else who is driving me crazy' She thought,that was a silly thing to even think talkless utter.
'Are you seeing somebody?' He hated to say that,but that possibility could not be ruled out.
Jane almost bolted out of her seat,
could he read her mind?was he seeing through her?
'Why are you taking so long to answer me?' Jacob asked,he doubted her faithfulness for a seconds.
'I am not cheating on you Jacob' she stammered.'How can you say such?' she said turning the table against him.
'I am sorry about that,Jane you know who and what i am in the society,i need a woman like you,i just want you to be sure what you want in life' Jacob explained.
'I don't get you'
'I need to know what is worrying you.Do i inform your mother about this,at least you should be willing to talk to her.'
'Please don't' She almost screamed.
'Are you willing to talk now?'
'I am fine'
'I am trying to believe you.' He said.
'Its getting late you know.' Jane said checking her wrist watch.
'You're politely asking me to leave.' she nodded.
'Its okay,i got you some things,they are in the back seat,let me.....' he made to open the door.
'Don't worry,i am okay.'
'I brought it for you' he said
'its okay,let me have it.'
He got out of the car and opened the back door,bringing out a wrapped basket.He handed it to her.
'Thank you' she muttered quietly.
'Let me take you back'

It was a silent journey,as each kept to the himself,Jacob tried to make polite chitchat but Jane replied with monosyllables.He dropped her off,without a hug or a peck.
'Say hi to Ajoke for me.'
he said that to anger her not out of genuine care,he drove away as she walked away.
'You're back?' Ajoke said,jumping off her bed.'That was fast.'
'Yes it was.' Jane dropped the basket by the bed.
'How did it go?' she asked lifting the basket and tearing away the wrap on it.'Look Jane,he got you all this!' she exclaimed
looking at the various expensive wine,fruits,provions and can food.
'It was just fine.' she said nonchallantly.
'I want a full gist abeg' Ajoke said.
'Nothing special,we just talked.'
'Did you guys iron things out?'
'I never mentioned that we had a quarell' she snapped.
'Don't get mad at me,i was only asking a question' Ajoke said calmly.
'So,did he kiss you?' she asked again.
'Do you ever back down on anything?'
'Yes,but not an interesting topic like this one 'she smiled.
'You need a slap'
'Did he kiss you,simple yes or no'
'Ajoke!' she shouted,the other ladies in the room looked towards them.
'Just answer me'
'This one that you're stammering hmmm,i can't wait to hear what happened.' Ajoke grinned.'Is Mr Jacob a great kisser?'
'Yes,he kissed me' she said shyly.
'I knew,and what else did he do?'
'Leave me alone'
'Jacob is so handsome,i like him,he's a naturale.'
'Was that why you held his hands for so long?'
'See jealous babe o'
'I am not jealous,just curious.'
'Sincerely,i like him,anyway who wouldn't?he's got this pleasant smile and good manners too.But i love my man better,so stick to your Jacob,you had to see the look on his face when he hugged you,Jane its so obvious he's crazy about you. Ajoke laughed.

Jane had to smile too,
'I know'
'Is that why you're taking his feelings for granted?'
'No,Jacob is Jacob and Dic.... ..'
'Don't even mention his name.'
Jane picked her phone,and answered a call,she brought out
a small bag and began to pack some of the things Jacob brought into it,
'Where are you going?'
'To see Dickson!'
Ajoke was stunned,[b]Jane has finally gone mad![/b]she thought aloud....
Everyone in the room was startled as she walked in with so much confidence,she walked to the center of the room,facing the whole family thus disrupting their view on the wide screen Tv on the wall.

Biyisi was very furious,she got up and stood before Adetoun,
'What rubbish are you performing disrupting our view?'Biyisi asked angry.
Adetoun stood menancingly before her mother,they were of the same height,and size.She was measuring her up in a fight.She refused to answer her question.
'Have you gone deaf?' Biyisi shouted.She raised her hands in her usual manner to slap Adetoun,but Adetoun hanged her hand in mid air.
'Don't you try that with me' Biyisi was shocked to the bone marrow when she realised that Adetoun was speaking to her.

'Was that for me?' Biyisi asked
'You heard me.' Adetoun answered looking into Biyisi's eyes coldly with hatred..

Her father was stunned too,as the rest of the family sat watching the free home cinema before them,tongue tied.

'Do you know what you're doing?- Her father chided.

'Hey you,Hold it' Adetoun screamed her father down,she couldn't believe that the voice she heard some seconds ago belonged to herself.

He kept quiet instantly,
'You have grown wings to talk back at me,you this rat.' Biyisi pointed in Adetoun's face.
'What will you do? If i talk back at you.' she asked Biyisi as she raised her hands to slap her again,Adetoun hanged her hand in mid air again.
'Don't try that again' she warned Biyisi.sho walked to her seat like a wet fowl.
Adekunle was so surprised,he hadn't seen that coming from his sister,it hurt to know to know that she didn't carry him along in her plans,he would have gladly supported her.Adetoun deserved to be heard afterall.

Adetoun turned her back on the only family she knew as she walked towards the TV disconnecting the wires and plug with one single yank.

'Adetoun are you alright?' Titus spoke when he realised others had gone tongue stuck.

Adetoun picked the stool by her side and flung it at Titus,thank God for quick reflexes,his head would have found solace on the floor by now,
'If you utter a word again,i'll butcher your head into pieces,you fucckiing bastard' she hissed like a rattle snake.That was the first she swore before her family.

Titus was awed as he touched his head to confirm,if it was still in place,he cuddled on his seat like a baby python in danger.

Adetoun carefully removed a knife from the hem of her jean,she dazzled it in the air to allow every one have a good look at the shinning edges of its blade.

The family sat together like a heap of dirt,even Adeola and yemi were shaking,they knew she meant serious business,and what was that she saw in Biyisi's eye? It was fear,a frightening look.she never thought existed on her mother's face or in Biyisi's stone heart.

Only Adekunle looked a bit relaxed,partially assured that Adetoun couldn't harm him,but this Adetoun was a reformed one,this bold anger filled lady before him was definitely different.

Adetoun paced the big and well furnished sitting room,staring each person in the face.she was very anger,and was trying to calm down before speaking.

'I have just three questions for the three of you' Her eyes threw dagger as she spoke.
'You,you and you are to answer one question each' she pointed the blade of the knife on Biyisi's head,Her fathers head and Titus's throat,letting it linger there for extra seconds.Titus was shaking like a pregnant leaf.
'So this could shake like this?' she thought in her mind.
'And i woudn't like any of you to waste my time' she roared,'If you do,i will butcher you and throw your carcass to the dogs.' she gave a wicked laugh.
'Is that understood?' she asked while they nodded their head in unison like a well mastered part of a choreography.

Pulling a big chair to the center of the room,she sat down facing the others,
she spoke with so much energy and exuded a ne brazen confidence,
'My first question goes to you Biyisi' Adetoun cleared her throat for better hearing.Biyisi adjusted in her chair.Fixing her gaze on Biyisi she continued,
'Don't waste my time,i need straight simple answers,who is my mother?'
Hanny turned to face the intruder,and to her utmost joy,it was Pink shirt,he was wearing a pink shirt again,so cool.
'Hi....hi...' Hanny replied.
The guy walked over to Bukky.
'Good afternoon,i'ld like to speak to your friend for a minute,could you please excuse her.' he said it in a such a smooth way,that one would find it hard to object.
'My pleasure' Bukky smiled.
'Thanks pretty.' He turned back to Hanny as Bukky took some steps away.
'Being honest is a good virtue that every beautiful lady should exhibit,in my books' He said smiling.
'The number right?' Hanny asked.
'Yes-a wrong number,i want to talk to you,do you mind if i buy you lunch?' He asked dropping his eyelids to her face.
'Actually,i was going to have lunch with my friend.' Hanny explained.
'Thats not a problem,we can all have lunch then.'
Hannah beckons to Bukola,who was talking to someone over the phone.
'Hanny please i have to leave now,my roomie is back and i have the key with me' she explained in one breath.
'Oh,i just wanted ...'
'I'll ping you sha so that we talk,later things bye, Bukky said waving down a bike man.
'What happened?' Pink Shirt asked.
'She had to leave,it was important.'
'I hope there's no problem?'
'Shall we?'

Life is filled with so many people each with a different character,and a different personality.His name is a tongue twister,Adegoroye,huh? Thats long:>,but she could call him Ade for short,he was cool and smart too,but,
They'd walked to the cafe to together,he didn't even bother to ask,if they could take a shuttle,she had to walk for 30minutes,too bad.He'd spent a total of 200 in buying her food and coke? Too bad.His phone,Nokia torchlight,huh?

Was that a sign of being broke or simply stingy?she disliked stingy guys,she thought as she made tea for Rukayat.
'You have to sit up now' Hanny said.
'I can't' Rukayat said lieing on the bed.
'Since i left for class and returned,you're still on the bed.' Hanny chided drawing Rukayat up and placing the pillow by her for support.
'I stood up to use the toilet some minutes ago.' Rukayat said.
'Just sit up,so that you can drink this.' she said placing a glass of hot tea on her hands.
'Thank you.'
'No thanks,just drink ,i don't want you to catch fever o'Hannah laughed.'So has he called yet?'
'Habeeb....Habeeb hasn't....' Rukayat said breaking into tears.
'Its okay,i shouldn't have asked'
'Hannah,he hasn't called to say he was joking,he hasn't called to tell me it was a big prank.he hasn't called to apologise.he hasn't.....'
'Its okay,he'll come around.'
'I am not a baby,and i know he's never going to come around,he's a man of his word.' she sneezed.
'i don't want you thinking about this for long.'
'But what can i do but think,Habeeb broke my heart,he used to preach to me,counsel me,telling me to be faithful to God and man,Habeeb disappointed me' She wept,and before Hannah could say Jack Robinson,she was at the door.
Hannah ran to her,
'What happened?'
'I am going to see him now!'
'No,you can't,you're weak,i can't allow you.' Rukayat tried to get her hands from Hannah's grip,but Hannah was stronger,pulling her away from the door,towards a corner in the room.
Shade came in without knocking,she was surprised to see Hannah and Rukayat on the floor.
'Were you girls fighting?'
'No,she tried to leave,so i had to pin her down,join me so that i can put her on the bed.' Hannah and Shade carried a weeping Rukayat on the bed.
'Hannah,has he truly left?'
'No,i'm sure he'll call to apologise for all this.'Hannah tried to calm her.
'I don't think so' Rukayat and Shade turned to look at Shade.
'Why did you say that?' Hannah asked.
'Because this afternoon,i saw both of them leave the school in his car.' shade said.
'Habeeb and who did you see?'
'Pweetyolly ofcourse' In a flash,Rukayat landed a hot deafening slap on Shade.
'What!' Shade and Hannah screamed.
You saw him and you couldn't stop them,and you had the effontery to come tell me.' Rukayat hissed.
'Oh,you shouldn't have done that.' Hannah said.
'She should have stopped them.' Rukayat screamed.
'You're taking this thing badly' Hannah said.'And Shade you shouldn't have told her that.not yet'
'Was that why she slapped me?' shade said holding her cheek.
'And i'll do it again,if you mention her name again in this room.' Rukayat said angry.

Shade picked her bag and stumped out of the room.
'Its alright just calm down'
'Hannah,i am trying to calm down,i really love Habeeb.'
'We all know,you have to get over this,most importantly exam is just two weeks away.' Hannah said calmy stroking her hands.
'I will get over this,once Habeeb comes back to me.'
'You haven't been listening to me.'
'Has anybody ever hurt you so badly?'
Hannah was about to answer her,when her phone rang,it was Rotimi.
'Who was that guy you had Lunch with this afternoon?' Came Rotimi's voice over the phone.
Surprise and guilt spread over her face as she dropped the call.
'You got me all this?' he asked surprised,spreading the content on the floor,'Oh thank you so much,you're such a darling' he packing the provision into its bag.

'So what would you like to drink?' he asked perched on the bed.

'Any soft drink will do'

Jane didn't feel like having a drink,she just wanted to sound polite.As Dickson was a good mind reader.
'You look dull' He observed.
'I am fine,just a bit tired.' Jane said casually.
'Oh sorry dear,come to daddy' he said laughing and tickling her.
'Dickson stop' she laughed.
'I won't' he was laughing and at the same time tickling her.
'Oh please stop'
'On one condition' he said smiling and pulling her on the bed.
'Whats that?'
'I want to kiss you'

Oh my my,something she had constantly dreamed of,was taking it to the next level.she wondered how it would feel like kissing him,She was still basking in the tatse of Jacob's mouth,his kiss was hot and cool at the same time, ...his breath on her.....,sweet,....soft,....compelling,and here she was,about to kiss Dickson.Well she wouldn't have to wonder for long.
'I hope he's going to be able to ignite this fire in my body' she thought.

'Jane,jane...' Dickson called.
'Whats that?'
'You were far gone,what were you thinking about?' he asked cupping her face.

To be continued at 10pm.

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