She sighed,this was one man she had to hold on tight.With much effort she dragged her tired body from the bed,and pulled off the satin lacy material before taking a
shower.She opened her wardrobe,and picked her nightie.

Her stomach rumbled from hunger,she had only taken a bottle of drink at the party,she went off to the kitchen to make a glass of tea,there was bread in the frigde.she sat on the couch,switching on the plasma tv for company to push the food down her throat.

She remembered the bride's smiling face when she made her vows with her husband.Jane smiled too,and she felt good from she placed the cup to her mouth,something flashed in her memory,she was trying hard to remember what it was.

Oh,Katherine.....Jacob introduced her at the party,the lady was one hell of a beauty with her glowing skin,her smile could light a candle and as she spoke,her voice was beautiful,she had it all.The lady made her comfortable,not until she was set to leave,she made a remark that got her on her feet.The words sounded heavy in her heart,she gulped the tea and returned to her bedroom.

Calling Jay was the first idea that came to mind,she thought against doing that.Katherine made it sound like,she was still seeing Jay when she wanted to.Or is she aware that Jacob and her had not... ..? No,how would she know that.

For a split seconds,she doubted Jacob's sincerity to her,he was a man afterall with blood in his veins,he'd been sexually active before she hit him with her,no-s*x-until-marriage-nonsense.Probably he was getting his satisfaction somewhere else.Never! She would give him the benefit of doubt.
His phone rang but no one was picking it.She had just arrived from church.Jacob was not a church goer,he would probably be at the club now.
She thought about,giving him a surprise there,but decided against that.she was relaxing with an excited Bibi who would not stop discussing about her wedding in five days time when Jacob returned her call asking if she would be free for the evening.To which she screamed yes.

''That was Jacob.'' Biola said emphatically.Stretching out her legs as she relaxed into her seat,her eyes fixed on the television.''Yes'' Jane said,filling Bibi's glass with juice.

Biola averted her gaze and turned to her daughter,''He's damn lucky to have you.' she smiled sweetly.''I think you should reserve this lovely smiles for friday.''Jane teased her mother as she got up to leave.
''I've got more than enough.''Biola laughed again.

In a matter of minutes,Jane was ready to leave,she bade her mother bye and drove off in her newest car,spewing dust into the air.
''Its so sweet to see your beautiful face dear.''Jacob said smiling warmly into her eye.
Jane smiled too,letting her long lean hands rest on the mass of hair on his chest.It felt peaceful from within just being close to him.
''I love you sweetheart.'Jane said,when he kissed her forehead.she felt a tingling excitement down her throat.He was the man she had come to cherish,love and adore.Inspite of his busy schedules,he found time for her.

'And you Janet,is the very best thing that ever happened to me.'Jacob said leaning up a bit,he scooped a spoon of vanilla ice cream in Jane's mouth.Jane picked the fork and a knife,and cut a part of the grilled chicken.Picking the meat with the fork,she asked Jacob to open his mouth.
Jacob opened his mouth,''Wider''Jane said raising the fork to his lips,without warning she pretended to want to kiss him,but rather she snatched the meat from the fork with her teeth.
Jacob fought her,for the meat.But jane had swallowed it.In place of the meat,he kissed her soft lips,Jane went stiff in his arms,before realising that Jacob had broke the kiss.
She pulled him closer and kissed him too,she loved the taste of his lips in her mouth.Jacob never one to miss an opportunity,let his hands glide down her back to her deriere,gently cradling her to himself.

It was late in the evening when Jane set to leave,Jacob was about to say something when a call came on his phone.
''Hello Katherine.''he said moving towards the extreme end of the room to answer his caller.

In two minutes he was back,''Sweetheart''Jacob called.
''Yes darling.''Jane looked up.She wondered what he had to say that made his face become gloom all of a sudden.
''Is everything alright?'' Jane asked him,watching a crease of frown on his forehead.''Its okay,its just that i changed my mind.'He said sitting on the couch.

''About what?'' Jane was starting to get worried now.''I think you should work.'' Jacob said without looking at her face,he seemed to be hiding something.

''You mean,getting a job and all that?''


Jane wondered what made him change his mind.''I'll get you a job in a reputable company and come Monday,you'll start work.''he finished.

''Since when have you been thinking about this?'Jane asked with a glint of worry in her eye.
''Just this morning.'Jacob said as a matter of fact.
''Whatever you decide is okay by me.'Jane said.

Jacob relaxed now,
''We'll meet at the registry on friday,my regards to your mother.''
''Thanks.'Jane said.
When a knock came on the door,
''Are you expecting someone?''
The door opened,and Jackie sauntered in rocking a white chiffon blouse with black leggings to go,she looked excited and all.
'Hey Jane.''She smiled walking into the room.
''I didn't know you were in,is this how you've been coming without bothering to say hello.'Jackie said,feigning annoyance.
''Not all.'Jane smiled.''I'm sorry.''
''Its alright dear.''
''Good evening brother.''
''Hi bigger sis.'' Jacob said.''You look tired.'
''Yes i am,you know Mallam Sanbisa right? The minister of Agriculture,today is his daughter Zaynab Sanbisa's Nikkai ceremony at Nee gardens.Jackie bridals planned the event.''
''Wow,one more feather to your cap girl.'' Jay said.
''My girls are at the party,clearing and packing,i rushed home to give you a goodnews,and i can't find mother inside.'' Jackie blushed happily.
''Goodnews?''Jacob asked again.
''You know what?Jane is set to leave its getting late already,you'll tell me later..... .....''
''No one is leaving yet.''Jackie said,she brought her hands forward,raising it for the duo to see,on her third finger sat a shinning diamond ring.
''Wow!''Jacob and Jane exclaimed.
''This is lovely.''Jane said coming closer to admire the ring.
'Well,thats because....Danjuma proposed this afternoon.'Jackie screamed in delight.
''Sis,i'm so happy for ..... ......'.

The beep of Jackie's phone,cut him short.Jackie excused,and picked the call,it was a strange number.
She had just been on the phone for less than a minute,when she screamed dropping the phone.

In an instant,she was falling,but before she could slump,Jacob caught her,peering at her face.Jackie had just fainted.
The two girls proved to be good company for each other,Hannah was succeeding in making the scales fall out of Adetoun's face.
It seemed Adetoun and Kelvin were growing fonder of each other as the days wore on.Hannah noticed this and was happy for her.

Not less than a week,that she had seen Rukayat,the day she went out with Ade.The two had a date,well,it was not really a date.Ade had asked to see her as usual,but this time around in his place.

Hannah had been afraid at first,but it was Ade who had asked her not someone else and she had no reason to be afraid.It was a bright saturday afternoon.

He lived alone in a room apartment,the moment she stepped in she was taken aback with the neatness of the room.Everything seemed to be in place.

Ade welcomed her with a hug,after chatting for a while,he offered her a pack of juice,pouring two glass,one for himself and the other for her.
Ade asked her to date him,Hannah thought she hadn't heard right.
''You're asking me to be your girlfriend?''Hannah asked again,she couldn't contain her joy,but pretended to be considering him shifting away from him a bit.
'Yes,i'm asking for a relationship.'Ade said serious,wondering what his fate would be this time around.

''What about Rukayat?'' Hannah asked cautiously.
''We both know,she was merely a substitute,and i'm fed up with her,its you i want Hanny.''
Hannah sighed,''I dislike making quarell,and i know what Rukayat is capable of.''
''What are you suggesting?'Ade asked.
''I would prefer it if you come out with a clean break.''
''I'll do anything for you Hanny.''Ade smiled.
''Me too.''
''And i have never stopped loving you.''
Hannah blushed.
''Same here.''

Ade pulled her close,planting a kiss on her lips,''i have waited for the day when you would be mine.''he smiled.
''My heart is with you.''

The lovers kissed for a long time,enjoying each others company.Ade made her laugh with his constant joke.

It was in the evening,when Hannah was set to leave.There was a loud thud on the door,followed by heavy bannging.
Hannah and Ade looked at each other,fear was bold inscripted on Hannah's face,her fingers began to shake.Her mind was troubled,she needed no soothsayer to know it was Rukayat.

Ade told her to remain calm,and be composed,he was here and nothing would happen to her.

''Open this door now,or let it forever remain closed.''Rukayat's voice boomed from the other side of the door.

Jane was shaking already as she arranged her hair and adjusted her clothes.

Ade opened the door,letting Rukayat in.

''Gboa'' a heavy slap landed on a surprised Ade's face.
''How dare you cheat on me with this? She pointed to the lady sitted.

Hannah's heart was in her mouth,with fear and guilt written all over her face.

As Hannah and Rukayat's face met,Rukayat stopped all of a sudden like someone who had just fallen out of a trance.

''Its you Hannah.'' Rukayat asked surprised and confused at the same time.

Hannah who was tongue tied already maintained her calm.

''Oh my God,i didn't know,you were the one sitted.'' she repeated.

Ade angled his face to a corner and watched as a former boiling Rukayat went on her knees.

''I'm so sorry dear.'She pleaded.

Hannah's mouth opened in surprise.

''It was a wrong information,when someone called me that a lady has been with you all day''she explained in tears.''I thought you were cheating on me with another girl,i didn't know it was Hannah that was with you.' she burst into sobs.

Hannah heaved a sigh of relieve,thanking God for saving her head this evening.

''Well,its me.''She said haven found her stolen voice.

''You should learn to be patient Rukayat,i have always told you that.'' Hannah said.

''Pls forgive me Ade,i'm sorry for my actions.''Rukayat pleaded placing her hands on his leg.

Ade looked at her,moving away from where she knelt.
''Thanks for making this easier than i thought.''Ade smiled.

''It is over between us.'' he walked out slamming the door.

''Pls don't let him go,Hannah please plead with him for me,he's leaving me,i'm sorry.....i'm so sorry Ade.'' She wailed louder.

Hannah tried to console her,as the two left together.

Adetoun listened with rapt attention as Hannah gave her a full account of what happened that evening.
''That was interesting.'' Toun laughed when Hannah came to the end of the drama.

''You wouldn't say that,if you were in my shoes right there in the middle of action.'Hannah laughed drinking water from a glass.

''So,the hunter finally became the hunted.''Adetoun said.

''You needed to see Ade acting,i was surprised and happy in all.''

''Lucky you girl.''Adetoun said''Dinner is ready,i'm famished.'

''Me too.''

''I can't wait to go home come thursday for Mother's wedding.''

''My thought too.''
''Life in itself is a mystery,that men can't fully comprehend,take heart my dear.'' Mrs Smith was saying,sitting on a couch in the living room,her right arm across a weeping Jackie.

''I understand how you feel dear,don't fall sick,you've been crying two days now.''Funmi said cleaning Jackie's face with a clean hanky.

To all this,Jackie sighed,staring hard at nothing.
''Mother,i'm twenty eight,and this is the second man to ever propose to me,and now he's dead too,Funmi i'm ruined.''Jackie wailed as fresh tears rolled down her plump cheek,her heart sang sorrow,she looked tired from crying.

''God forbid.''Funmi said,waving her hand over her dauhgters head.''You're not ruined,you're the fruit of my womb and you're a blessing to this generation.''

Jacob strolled in carrying a briefcase,behind him was Jane.They walked into the sitting room.

Jane knelt by Jackie holding her hands,''I'm so sorry about Danjuma.''

Jackie merely nodded her head.

Funmi tied a blue iro and buba with a silver shoe to go,her brazillian weavon flowed freely about her shoulders,with a little makeup,a young man could confuse her for 40.

''I'm so sorry about Jackie's fiance.'Biola hugged her friend.

''Thanks dear.''

''And to think,he proposed that same day.''Biola said sitting by her friend.

''Jackie has been throw into despair,i'm looking up to God to console her.''Funmi gave a weak smile,it was evident that her daughters sorrow was weighing her down.''But she's beginning to pull herself together anyway.''

Biola shaked her head in pity.

''Let that not spoil our mood,its your wedding tomorrow,whats left.''Funmi asked forcing a smile to her face.

''You made a final tour of the last list,i don't think there's anything left.''

''And the cake?''

''Oh,i almost forgot,I don't think Jackie can do that again.''Biola said.

''She will,her girls will,she will never dissappoint a customer,her mother's bosom friend at that.''The two women laughed.

'Thats all then.''Biola said.

''How's Kenneth?''

''He's fine,and can't wait to get married to me.''Biola said giggling.''He left my place not quite long.''

''I'll be here by 9 to pick you up for the wedding.''Funmi said.

Biola smiled to herself.

''Why are you smiling''?Funmi winced at her friend.

''I'm just happy,my girls would be back from school today.''

''Good one,tomorrow's bride,lets order for something tasty to fill our mouth,i'm famished.''Biola laughed as she signalled to a waiter to come over.

The Odenuga's home burstled with activity,it was a full house since Hannah and Adetoun returned from school that evening.

''Are you girls done packing my things?''Bibi screamed from the kitchen.

''Mother,they can't you hear.''Jane said while going through her mother's wear for the wedding.

''Would you believe,Kenneth insisted on a white wedding gown,i had to carefully talk him into a white dress.''Biola laughed.

''Wow,lucky you.''

''What do you mean?''

''Nothing,just happy for you.''

Jane packed the dress into its case and handed to her mum,just then the two girls came in sweating.
''We're done packing.''Adetoun said finding a space for her a$s on the couch.

''So,you'll be moving to his house now.''Hannah said.

''Yes,i belong to my husband's house now.''

''But,your still our mother.''Hannah smiled hugging Biola.

Kenneth and Jacob arrived some minutes later.Dinner was noisy and fun with everyone gathered at the table laughing.

The men left later,it was late already.The girls stocked the used plated in the kitchen to wash later.

There was a knock on the door,
everyone looked at each other,wondering which of the men forgot something.

Hannah stood up to get the door,she opened it a little and peeped.
''Oh my'' she covered my mouth.''Look who we've got here.''she said looking at the others who were anxious to know the caller.
Adetoun flashed her eyelashes in steamed surprise,''And what are you doing here,at this time of the night?''Adetoun asked as Mitchell pulled her away from the door towards the gate and outside where he parked his jeep.

''You ask too many questions pretty.''Mitchell said placing a finger on her lips,while Toun gently removed it.''You haven't answered me?''

''Your Bbm location changed to Lagos,and i took a wide guess you were home.''he scratched his well trimmed bears in a seductive manner,Toun pretended not to notice the undercurrent that was electrifying her body as they stood inches apart.


''I wanted to see your pretty face.''he smiled warmly into the cold eyes that stared at him.

''Is that the reason you're here at this time of the day?its almost 8pm,what impression are you trying to create in front of my family?''Toun asked with a frown etched on her brows.

''Please don't get mad,tomorrow is my birthday party,and i want you to be there.'' he said calmly,his eyes drooling.He looked damn sexy.Oh my! Were did that thought come from?

''Is that supposed to be an invitation?''


''Its a no from me,good night.''Toun made to stump away,but Mitchells' arm caught her hand,pulling her back,he held her against the car,his hands on her waist,before planting a kiss on her lips,Toun's lips parted slightly,sucking in air and steadying herself as she made to fall.The kiss broke abruptly as it had started.

The duo kept quiet,each to his own thought.
''I'm sorry.''

''For kissing me?''

''No,for breaking the kiss.''Mitchell answered,he seemed confident as he spoke.''I'll be expecting you 6pm tomorrow evening,i'll text you the address.''

With that,he got into the car and drove away,Toun watched his car zoom off,the man has some guts she thought,as she closed the gate.
The Odenuga's home burstled with activity,it was a full house since Hannah and Adetoun returned from school that evening.

''Are you girls done packing my things?''Bibi screamed from the kitchen.

''Mother,they can't you hear.''Jane said while going through her mother's wear for the wedding.

''Would you believe,Kenneth insisted on a white wedding gown,i had to carefully talk him into a white dress.''Biola laughed.

''Wow,lucky you.''

''What do you mean?''

''Nothing,just happy for you.''

Jane packed the dress into its case and handed to her mum,just then the two girls came in sweating.
''We're done packing.''Adetoun said finding a space for her a$s on the couch.

''So,you'll be moving to his house now.''Hannah said.

''Yes,i belong to my husband's house now.''

''But,your still our mother.''Hannah smiled hugging Biola.

Kenneth and Jacob arrived some minutes later.Dinner was noisy and fun with everyone gathered at the table laughing.

The men left later,it was late already.The girls stocked the used plated in the kitchen to wash later.

There was a knock on the door,
everyone looked at each other,wondering which of the men forgot something.

Hannah stood up to get the door,she opened it a little and peeped.
''Oh my'' she covered my mouth.''Look who we've got here.''she said looking at the others who were anxious to know the caller.

Adetoun flashed her eyelashes in steamed surprise,''And what are you doing here,at this time of the night?''Adetoun asked as Mitchell pulled her away from the door towards the gate and outside where he parked his jeep.

''You ask too many questions pretty.''Mitchell said placing a finger on her lips,while Toun gently removed it.''You haven't answered me?''

''Your Bbm location changed to Lagos,and i took a wide guess you were home.''he scratched his well trimmed bears in a seductive manner,Toun pretended not to notice the undercurrent that was electrifying her body as they stood inches apart.


''I wanted to see your pretty face.''he smiled warmly into the cold eyes that stared at him.

''Is that the reason you're here at this time of the day?its almost 8pm,what impression are you trying to create in front of my family?''Toun asked with a frown etched on her brows.

''Please don't get mad,tomorrow is my birthday party,and i want you to be there.'' he said calmly,his eyes drooling.He looked damn sexy.Oh my! Were did that thought come from?

''Is that supposed to be an invitation?''


''Its a no from me,good night.''Toun made to stump away,but Mitchells' arm caught her hand,pulling her back,he held her against the car,his hands on her waist,before planting a kiss on her lips,Toun's lips parted slightly,sucking in air and steadying herself as she made to fall.The kiss broke abruptly as it had started.

The duo kept quiet,each to his own thought.
''I'm sorry.''

''For kissing me?''
''No,for breaking the kiss.''Mitchell answered,he seemed confident as he spoke.''I'll be expecting you 6pm tomorrow evening,i'll text you the address.''

With that,he got into the car and drove away,Toun watched his car zoom off,the man has some guts she thought,as she closed the gate.
Jane drove the girls home,they could not stop discussing about the wedding,Jane's make up was soiled already,she was tired from the running around and trying to be a homely host to the few invited friends.

Even the girls looked tired,Hannah got down packing up her blue satin gown as she opened the gate for her sister to drive in.
''You girls should get the cooler's and empty crate from the car before coming in.''Jane said as she walked in leaving the girls to pack.

It had been so stressful,from the registry to the small reception party,The Smiths were present,a few of her mother's family and Kenneth's people.Finally Biola was led to her new home.

Pulling down the zip of her dress,she peeled off her heels and made for the shower,a warm bath and a pillow was all that mattered.

A text flew into Adetoun phone,Hannah read the text aloud,it was an address.
''Have you made up your mind about going?''she asked applying a cleanser to her face with a cottonwool.

''Yes'' Adetoun answered from the bathroom.

''Do you want me to tag along?''

''That won't be neccessary,i can take care of myself girl.''

Adetoun walked into the room,with a white towel tied across her bosom.she began to apply her a sweet scenting body lotion.

''I still doubt Mitchell's sincerity,its not entirelly a good idea,you going over there.''Hannah voiced her doubt,which was a replica of Toun's fear.

''I'll be fine,let me get dressed,its almost five pm.''

''I trust your instincts,but be careful dear.''Hannah said not wanting to sound jealous or something.

''I will.''Adetoun answered,opening her wardrobe to select a dress.''I still want to stop by the supermart to get him a present.''

''Okay,i'm off to my room,i want to catch some sleep.''Hannah said getting up,her dress and shoe were in her hands with her purse too.

''Good luck babe.''

It was a quarter to six,and she was nearing her destination,she manouvered the car to the other lane,from the description,his place was just ten minutes away.All things being equal she would be there by six.

Adetoun found the brown gate,which was the exact description he gave her.she parked Jane's car in front of the compound and stepped down from the car.

She knocked on the gate,but there was no answer,she pushed the gate gently and it opened,she stepped into the wide well trimmed compound,there were beautiful flowers planted by the walk way,but all was silent.

Mitchell had said there was a party by six,but the surrounding that stood before her was the exact opposite,quiet and cool.Her fear had mounted by now.Her instincts which had never failed her,told her to leave but a stronger will held her and she moved on,taking steady steps as she moved closer to the front door.

She wanted to turn and leave,but she felt her hand moving up,raised to rasp the door.
Her heart beat faster than usual,she held her breath as she knocked the door,her knock echoing in the distance as she made to knock a second time.
Adetoun knocked the door,a second time,luckily this time,someone answered.And no mistaking the voice,it was definitely Mitchell.
She let out a pent up breath,the door opened right in her face.
''Hey pretty,you're here right on time too.''Mitchell picked her right hand,lifting them up,he brought his lips to kiss them.Adetoun blushed happily,she was loving this attention each way.

Opening the door wider,Toun stepped in and followed behind Mitchell who led the way,her steps echoing all the way.
''Where's the party?'' She asked.

''Ssshhhhh''He quietened her,moving on.Toun followed obediently.

The house was spacious with stae of the art decor,opening each door leading her up the stairs.He stopped in the middle of a large room,which looked like a sitting room.

Mitchell offered her a seat,before dashing off into the oposite room,which seemed to be the kitchen.

On the glass table stood a magnificent cake with bottles of wine.Toun took in the atmosphere,it was cool enough and so she relaxed.
Mitchell soon appeared with a glass of cold water,
''I knew you would come.''he said offering her the water,which she accepted thankfully.

Toun smiled,''You haven't answered my question?''she said dropping the glass by the stool.

''Here's the party,just you and i''Mitchell grinned seductively,there was a low rumble in her stomach,which she decided to ignore,she wondered if he was doing that on purpose.

''I can't believe that.''Toun said placing her hands across her crossed legs.

''Well,here we are.''he said unfolding his hands,''I think thats for me.''he pointed at the present she was holding.

''Oh yes,Happy Birthday Mitchell'' she said handing him the present with a beautiful smile on her face.

''Thanks.''Mitchell said taking the gift from her.''I think i should get a hug.''

Toun embraced him,muttering a happy birthday to him.Mitchell held her longer than necessary kissing her neck before letting her go.Toun was shy but loved the attention she was receiving.Ever since she left home,she hadn't enjoyed this kind of attention apart from Jacob,the picture of Kelvin flashed in her mind.

Mitchell cut the cake with the help of Toun,eating and laughing as they sat.he filled their wine glasses and they drank.he removed her shawl exposing her arms and neck,from that moment,he couldn't take his eyes off her.

It didn't take long,before they ended in his bedroom,kissing and touching.Toun's body wanted what was happening but her mind detested it.Mitchell hands had become a second skin.

As if snapping out out of a trance,she pryed his hands off her body.
''I can't do this.'' she whispered.

''We will.''he breathed heavily,''I've got a condom.'' he said gropping for one in his drawers.

''Mitchell,i can't do this,please stop.''

He seemed to be holding his patience as he kept his calm trying to remove her cloth.In a split seconds,Toun gave him a double slap,which seemed to spill his rage.

In one smooth brush,he pinned her to the bed,tearing off the material she was wearing.
''I'm going to fvck you to death.''he screamed in anger.''I'll teach you never to slap a man for the rest of your life,your bastard.'' he said dealing her with blows,Toun was loosing her strength,as she was no match for him.

She bit his hands,and that further angered him,he pushed her harder wanting to have his way with her.

''Bravo'' someone clapped.

Toun and Mitchell looked up at the same time,to see a lady in her early twenties wearing a pink top on a skin leggins.she had her face well made up,she looked stunned at the two tangled body on the bed.

In one quick dash,she was out of the room.

To be continued tomorrow at 11am.

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