That same day,Jacob and his friend celebrated with him,while they hanged out at the club.

'This one that you have proposed,you're gradually becoming a real man.'Jaiye said.
'I'm still in awe of your proposing to Jane,i know you loved that girl too much to let her go.'Paul said sipping from a glass.
'I'm glad,i proposed,Jane brings sunshine into my life,and i will do anything to keep her.'Jacob said smiling.
'What if she had said no?'Paul said.'Because you're just too confident in her.'
'If she had said no,today we will not here be drinking,and i would keep proposing all over again till she accepts me.'Jacob answered.
'When there are hundred of ladies that would marry you at the snap of your fingers.'Jaiye said.
'Well,love makes the difference,i'm head over heels in love with her,'
'That lady is one few men will pass by,without straining their necks,she's got it all.'Jaiye said.
'We all know you love her.'Paul laughed.
'And no one tampers with her,'Jacobs eyes was filled with unspoken threat.'Not while i still breath,she's mine till death do us apart.'
'You're drunk in love man.'Paul said slapping Jay's back.'You got that whie gold expensive ring too,i thinks too much.'
'Nothing,i repeat nothing is too much for my Oyindunmade.'

Jaiye signalled to a waitress to get them more drinks,the young girl soon returned,Jaiye settled the bill,and as the girl made to leave,he slapped her butt.The lady turned back,the expression on her face was not readable,through the smile,it looked like a soft reproach.
'That was uncalled for man.'Paul said.
'A leopard never changes its spot.'Jacob said.
'Alright guys,i was just playing with her.'Jaiye poured himself another glass.
'You should learn to respect your woman by refraining your itchy palm from other ladies.'Jacob said.
'To think,you'll be a married man,in the space of two weeks.Cynthia must not hear this.'Paul added.
'Guys chill,ladies want money,and i've got them in abundance,they want class and material possession,i've got that too.'Jaiye said,pointing to his chest.
'And if you want my money,i'll give you but with your butts to my bed.'Jaiye explained.
'When will you change?' Paul asked.
'Perhaps marriage will change you.'Jacob said checking his wristwatch.
'I pity that young woman,who has decided to walk down the aisle with you.'Paul lamented.
'Common man,i'm not that bad...'Jaiye laughed.
'Who is travelling with you to America?'Paul asked.
'Franklin is going with me,i'm buying the best suit i can find.'Jaiye laughed.
'So guys,since my place is the nearest,lets go over,the match starts in an hours time.'Paul said gulping the last glass.
'Good idea.'Jaiye smiled.
'Women...good,football....good,drinking...good,be careful man.'Jacob said slapping Jaiye lightly at the back as they got up to leave.Each man to his ride.
Jane and Jacob had met to settle their grieviances,the two love birds were back again.It is true that people you love,when they walk away would come back,if truly they are yours.
Funmi would not stop talking about Jane in the house,that was one part he loved.
One of those weekends,Jane came visiting.They had just had a home cooked lunch of semovita and egusi soup with assorted meat and snails.Courtsey of Aunty Janet.
Jacob had finished his own helping,and even asked for more.Jane was a good cook to say the least.
He sat across her from the sofa,
'How are my two girlfriends.'Jacob asked.
'They're both fine,i called them yesterday.'
'I called them this morning too.'Jacob said'Jane........I got you a new car.' he said quietly.
Jane looked up,at him,
'I have a car already.'
'The car funmi gave to you,i want you to drive a car,i bought with my own money honey.'
'Thank you so much sweetheart.'Jane said.
'Come and sit here.'Jay said,and Jane came to sit by him.He kissed her softly on her lips.
'You're too far away,i want you by myside always.'
'As your lordship pleases.'Jane smiled.
'I got myself a job yesterday.'She said.
'A job? I was coming to what about this job?'
''I was given an appointment letter yesterday at their headquarters.'
'Which position were you offered?'
'The Human Resources Manager.'Jane answered,unconsciously playing with Jacob's finger.
'How's the pay?'
'Its good.'
'How much honey?'
'Its 80000 for a start.'Jane smiled.
'Thats a meagre sum.'
'Jacob,thats for a start.'Jane protested.
'Whats the name of the company?' he asked.
'Hmm,J&J Corporations...'
'J&J corporations Ltd,their headquarter is situated at Iju Lekki and they have branches all over Nigeria and beyond.'Jacob finished for her.
'Oh,you know it already.'
'I know the owner.'
'Really? Thats interesting,i just hope you didn't put in a word for me.'
'Because,i want a job i deserve,i want to convince myself that i'm capable enough.'
'Anyway,you can't work there.' Jacob said standing up.
'You really want to know?'Jacob smiled.
'Thats Jaiyes company.'
Jane looked confused,what was he talking about,she hadn't even known,the company belonged to Jaiye as she had not met him on her three visit.
Moreover,whats the big deal in working for him,she thought.
'For one,i didn't know its his,and again what is wrong in working for him?'Jane asked innocently.
'Well,you won't understand,you just can't work there.' Jacob maintained his stand.
Jane was perplexed,
'Is it that you don't trust me around him?'
'On the contrary,i don't trust him around you,i'm not comfortable with him aroud you,you do not entice a dog with fresh meat and bone.'Jacob said.
'And i'm the bone right?'
'Sweetheart,would you stop speaking in parables.'Jane pleaded with him,Jacob stood by her,lowering his frame to hers on the chair,he gently placed his hand on her hair,tracing it down to her neck as she flinched.
'I want you safe by me always,i don't want to gamble with you.'He paused in his words,to kiss her.This time in hot passion and anger,Jane could feel his hot lips and then something fierce,a burning rage from within.Suddenly he stopped kissing her.
'Oh my my,i can't believe you're this jealous.'
'Yes,i am.'Jacob said.'I don't entertain rabid dogs around my property.'
'Jane,i can get ruthless with any one because of you.'He grinned.
'Calm down honey,i get your point,but i can't stay idle,i'm young and strong?an idle mind they say is the devil's construction company.'
'If you want to work,you will,but not under anybody,you will be your own boss,you will have people in your employ and not the other way around.'
'Oh Jacob,you're so sweet.'Jane smiled.
'So what do you suggest?'
'How about lying here with me all day,i just want to smile into your eyes every minute and kiss your soft lips.'Jacob said.
'No,no,i'm talking about work?'
'Oh,that? Its up to you?'
'I'll like to dabble into importing and exporting.'
'That'll be too stressful,and i don't want you jumping from plane to places.'
'I prefer a large complex for a supermart.'
'With all my certificate? A supermart?'
'You'll have chain of stores,and it will be the largest.' Jacob boasted.
'I'm working for you alone,the money i make is for you to spend,and i'll teach you how to spend it.'
'If thats what you want then.' Jane agreed.
'I'ld have to consult people to learn more.'
'Don't worry,i have agents trained in that,they'll get a well patronised business point,when all is done,i'll notify you.'
'Just like that.' jane asked.
'Yes honey.' he sat beside her,holding her hands in his.
'This time,i want nothing to come between us,because we're walking down the aisle together.'
Jane breathed in,sending back the tears that stung to the back of her throat.
'And i will fight you with anyone,with the last breath in me.'She said in her mind.
'I love you baby.'Jacob said,his mouth to her hair.
'I love you honey.' Jane smiled.
Biola was full of gratitude to God,when Jane explained to her,all that Jacob discussed with her.She adviced her to be strong and yet be submissive to her soon to be husband.
Jane thanked her profusely,as Biola informed her about her plans for her wedding.She and Funmi had decided everything this afternoon,when they had lucnh together.
In two weeks time,her mother would take her vows.
'Mother,will you still be living here.' Jane asked.
'Ofcourse not,i'll be moving in with Kenneth,i want to take you to his place,its very big and beautiful,he's so rich,and he'd been pretending as an average man all this while.'Biola burstled in excitement.
'Wow,and what was the rationale for that?'
'He wanted to be sure i loved him for who he is and not his money.'
Jane embraced her mother,
'I'm so happy for you.'
'We'll be having our honeymoon in Vernice,italy.' Biola said.
'Thats so lovely,God bless him for us.'
Mother and daughter were locked in an embrace,this was getting better than imagined.
Mrs A. Thomas,formerly Ajoke had been full of excitement,when Jane told her that Jacob proposed,she kept screaming over the phone and extracted a promise out of Jane to take her out one of this days for celebration.
Jane filled her in,on every available information and invited her to Biola's wedding party,to which she agreed.
The two ladies shared their happiness with eachother,with Ajoke telling her to hurry up as marriage was a beautiful thing.
In the evening Jacob called to ask,if she would like to attend Jaiye's party,a party organised for him by friends and colleagues for his move from bachelorhood to marriage life.As his wedding was just in a weeks time.He was getting married to the only daughter of the minister of finance,Cynthia Brown.
It would be fun,Jacob said to entice her along,but her spirit didn't feel like it.And moreover,her mother and kenneth were having a night out and their househelp had travelled,so she wanted to enjoy the solitude in the house.
Jacob informed her that he'll be leaving for the party anytime soon before ending the call.
Jane prepared herself a warm bath,she showered relieving the tension in her,she had just got out of the bath,the towel hung loosely on her body and water drizzled from her now fresher skin,curtesy of mummy funmi,who took her to a beauty spa barely three days ago,when her bedroom door flung open in a haste,she froze in fright as her eyes stayed glued to the door.
'Now that you've decided to move in with me,l'm happy again.'Detoun said holding Hannah's hands.
They had become soul sisters overnight,with one watching over the other.
Thanks to Kelvin,her stalker turned friend who assisted them in carting her bags and boxes from the school hostel to her new abode off campus with his car.
Though,Hannah was two levels ahead of her,she didn't feel bad.They left the house together in the morning and headed to their various department in the school.
Her ex roommates were sad to see her leave,even pink shirt had pretended to be sad too,it was later when they were alone that he confided in her that he was most happy when he heard she was leaving the hostel.
This is because,Rukayat had clung to him like a scorpion refusing to be detached,but now that the girls no longer stayed together,he would be able to come visit her regularly.
Hannah had chided him for thinking like that,but at the same time she was more than glad.
Academic work had began again,this was the second semester.She was doing well in her studies,she had been most surprised,that Detoun came third place in her faculty,she was an academic guru.
Jacob and Jane had been very excited when she informed them,Jacob called them regularly and often sent Bash,to deliver money and goodies to them.For that they were grateful.
She was glad that,Rukayat was yet to find out about her and Ade,but come to think of it,they were not really dating,just enjoying each others company,and that didn't sound like a criminal act.
She cherished each moment,she spent with him,encouraging him to do more.
Three weeks gone from the academic calendar already.
Detoun seemed too serious with her studies,no time for extra curricular activities,little wonder her result was that good.Hannah didn't see anything getting serious between her and her stalker friend,Kelvin who visited regularly,perhaps Detoun was hiding her feelings she couldn't tell.
It was a beautiful saturday afternoon,the girls had just had a superlucnh of Amala and egusi soup after scrubbing and washing all morning.
They were relaxing in their mini sitting room watching a movie over two cans of coke.
Detoun's phone rang,and she checked the caller id,showing the screen to Hannah,the two girls burst into laughter.
Detoun picked the call,and had a long chat with Mitchell.

He had been constantly on her neck,ever since he got her number,even though Detoun had politely declined his request.But he was being adamant.He'd even asked for her address in school.
As Detoun dropped her cell phone on the chair,Hannah took a long look at her.
'You don't like him?' she asked.
Well,its not like that,who wouldn't like him,he's tall,handsome,sexy and the way he smiles is just heavenly,i just can't bring myself to care in that special way for any man again.
'Yes' Detoun said.
'You sure?' she asked again.
'Ofcourse.'Toun said,turning up the volume of the Tv set.
The girls continued to watch their movie.
Hannah wondered if Detoun was pushing away every man on purpose,if that was the case,she needs to see a psychologist soon.
When it was evening,she dressed up,Ade had asked to meet with her at the school club.Detoun refused to tag along,saying she had work to do.
Hannah had been sitting for five minutes before Ade finally showed up.
Pulling out a seat by her,he pecked her on the cheeks.
'Hey sweet,sorry i kept you waiting.'Ade said,calling the waiter to order for drinks.
Please,kiss me again,she blushed lightly,Who else should keep me waiting,other than you,Hannah thought.
'I just wanted to have a look at your pretty face.'Ade smiled.
Me too,if not do you think,i'ld be here.
'Thats cool'Hannah said.'
The waiter served their drinks,and Ade filled their glass.
They'd been sitting,for over an hour,they had nothing of importance to say to each other,Ade had just brought her here to feast his eyes on her.
After another one hour of smiling and breathing in and out,he saw her out.Taking a bike after one of his friends called him on the phone.
Hannah wondered,if she should take a bike,or trek as it was a cool evening.
She decided on the latter.she had almost gotten to the school gate,when she saw Rukayat on the bike,she had just gotten down and was paying the man.
Hannah greeted her,even though her body shook in wary,what if Rukayat had seen her with Ade?she would have been in cool trouble.
'Where are you off to?'Hannah asked.
'To the school club.'Rukayat answered.
Jesus,i thank you o,Hannah sang in her mind.
[b]'You have a date with someone?'Hannah asked.
'No,a friend just called me that he saw Ade there with a lady,but she couldn't recognise the lady,as she didn't see her face very well.'
May God punish the silly girl who called you,that was a narrow escape,she sighed.
'I wish you good luck,on your mission.' Hannah said.
'Let me hurry up,before they leave,i swear i will deal with whoever is frustrating my effort with Ade.'Rukayat swore.
After waving each other bye,Hannah let out a big sigh,thanks to her stars,she waved down a bike man and left for home.
The front door was closed,whenn she arrived home,so she let herself in with her key,it was a bit dark,you could still see,but not too clearly.
She was dazed with what she saw,her eyes were about to pop off its socket.
Jane had never seen Lucy in this manner before,she looked rough and shaken,fright embedded in her two beautiful eyes that were now red from crying.
She tightened the towel on her body,as she allowed Lucy to sit on her bed.
'What happened to you?' Jane asked.
Rather than answer,Lucy burst into fresh tears.Jane stood up,offering her a pack of Klenex,and giving her time to cry,within that time,she had changed into a more decent cloth,a white polo on black shorts.
'Can you talk now.'Jane asked.
'Yes.' Lucy answered.
What ever happened to her must be terrible,for her to be in this state of mind.
'Whats the problem?' Jane asked again.
'I'm pregnant.'
'What?'Jane was surprised.'You mean,you're .....i mean...'Jane stammered,she relaxed her jaunting nerves.
'Yes,....i'm pregnant.'Lucy confirmed.
'What happened to.........condom?'
Lucy was quiet.
Little wonder,she was about to cry off her head.
'How many months?'
'I'm 17 weeks gone.'She said quietly.
'Oh no!'
'When did you find out?'
'Just this afternoon.'Lucy sneezed.'I've been having a regular menstrual cycle,i noticed some changes in my body,thats why i did a home test,and it was positive.'
'You just have three months to your final exams,there's nothing to worry about?'
'There is everything to worry about.'Lucy sighed.
'I just hope you're not considering murder,because i'll not be a party to it.'
'Yes,its the same as abortion.'
'What do i do?'
'Tell your boyfriend.'
Jane had never seen such fright before,Lucys' eyes sparkled,and water poured down in torrent.Lucy looked afraid and terror stricken.
'I can't tell him.'
'I love him so much Jane.'
'Is that why you can't tell him.'
'No,you can't understand.'
Jane sighed,Lucy looked confused than ever.
'Inform him that you're carrying his child,or....don't tell me you don't know who is responsible for this.'
'I can't tell him.'
Lucy began to cry again,and then she explained to Jane that,he is an artist from a wealthy home just as hers,she was afraid that he would punch out the baby,the guy was a terrorist from what Jane could deduce.He had been beating her since the first month of their relationship,but Lucy loved him too much to leave him.How was she to tell him,she was carrying a baby they didn't plan.
Jane was perplexed.
'He beats you?'
'Your boyfriend beats you'.Jane said over and over,she was finding it hard to register that part of the confession in her brain.
'I love him so much.'Lucy said.
That sentence irritated her,is love an excuse to batter a woman.Is love a license to beat her?So behind a lousy Lucy,lay a fragile young heart.
This was not something,they could discuss in a hurry,she wiped off Lucys' tears,washed her face,before seeing her into their house,promising to come see her tomorrow for a better talk.
Jane was closing the sitting room door,when her mother arrived.The older woman smiled in content gisting her daughter about her date with her husband to be.
It was late when Jane retired to her bedroom,she wondered why Jacob hadn't call,probably he was still at Jaiyes party.
She tried his number,after it rang twice,he picked it.
She placed the phone to her ears and listened for Jacob's rich baritone voice,rather it was a lady who answered,telling her he was busy and should not be bothered with calls.
That was definitely not Jackie,nor Funmi,the lady sounded rude on the conversation.
Her eyes to the wall clock,it was quarter past ten,where was Jacob?
Like a woman who has just just seen a group of oro cultist,she turned back and tiptoed carefully back to the door.Closing the door gently but firm.What she had just seen had better be reality.
Hannah sat on a bench in the quiet compound,enjoying a field day with her phone,smiling to herself.
Soon afterwards,Kelvin came out with Detoun trotting behind him like a shy bride.Detoun was probably wondering why Hannah chose to sit outside than come in,it was pitch dark already.
Hannah decided not mention a word about what she saw,when she went in,it was late after dinner that she brought up the issue.
The rain had threatened to pour down,but it didn't,the lightening was rumbling and the weather was cold.Hannah wore her nightie while Detoun wore a singlet and shorts.
Hannah explained in details all that happened in the evening,while Detoun opened her mouth surprised and at the same time happy that Rukayat hadn't suspected a thing.
'I have never liked this idea of yours.'She complained to Hannah.
'It could get dangerous you know.'
Hannah sighed, 'Its not like i'm really dating him.' Yeah,i'm not dating him,i just enjoy his company and the feel of his hands over my hand.And i love staring into his blue eyeballs till i can stare no more.
'So what do we call that?a mini dating or a micro love?' Detoun laughed.
'Whatever.....,its not like i was caught kissing or wriggling over a man i confess not to be interested in.'Hannah said
Detoun choked on nothing,she rushed to the kitchen to have a drink of cold water.Was that to say Hannah saw them on the couch this evening?it had better not be.
[b]'What happened to you?'Hannah asked innocently.
'It was nothing.' she replied.
'What were we saying?'Hannah asked.
'Nothing,i want to catch some sleep.'
'Not so fast swirie,i was talking about kissing and cuddling on a couch.'Hannah pretended to have just remembered their last chat.
'Oh,is that?' Detoun yawned noisily.
'Did you come into the house this evening?'Detoun asked expecting a no.
'Ofcourse,i did,and i saw what i was not supposed to see.'Hannah said giggling like a baby.
Oh,she caught us,what do i say happened,i better be honest.
'You did see us then.'
'Yes,i did.'Hannah smiled.
'You don't have to say anything,you're mature enough to make your decisions.'
'I can't really explain or rather,i don't know how to put it.'Okay,its like this,i get dizzy around him,my stomach churns each time,our body,hands or eyes contact,he's always busy but he still finds time to be with me.And damn,i'm beginning to like him.Today was our first kiss,slow but satisfying,hot but fulfilling.and it was so know that taste,when you put vanilla iced cream in your mouth.I can't explain the funny things that kiss did to me.How his hand came to rest on my bosom is what i can't explain though.And while i'm thinking of him,my body craves for his touch,and its about to rain too.
'I'm listening.'Hannah said.
'We got talking this evening,and the next thing he kissed me and i kissed him back.'
'How was the kiss?'
Great too.'
Great? Hot? Don't get me thinking,i wish i was with Ade now.And how would it feel like to be kissed with those sexy lips,i mean kissing not pecking,something deep and ....whatever.
'Interesting! And the cuddling?'
'I don't know about that.' Detoun said.
The two girls adviced each other,on how to deal with men.

Detoun and Kelvin seemed to be getting closer as each day passed by,once he arrived from work,he would come hang around with them.He seemed to be the serious type anyway.And that made Hannah relax her guard.

After the episode,Hannah began to feel her bones jumping each time she was with him.She just couldn't say it.And she was being careful not to allow herself get seen with him.They met at angles,and discreet places.The fewer people who saw them together,the better for them.
But as they say everyday is for the thief and one day is for the owner.
It was as if,that one day was near,when what she had been dreading happened a week later.
Jacob had called her in the morning to explain that,he left the party late,he drove himself,so he checked into an hotel to pass the night.
Jane decided not to bring up the issue of last nights' call,charging it to network inconsistency.She had probably heard wrong.She got up but it was still early,she got back into bed,ruminating over her previous discussion with Jacob.
She felt so happy within her,that he cared so much about her.She had always wanted to work in an office but here he was,not wanting her to work under anyone's employ-especially Jaiye.
A bit of Jealousy is healthy in a relationship,she knew,she only prayed he didn't get overprotective of her.She would soon become her own boss,she would have to sign other people's pay slip.God bless Jacob's heart for her.
After sometime,she got up to take her bath,cleaned up the kitchen and the sitting room before preparing breakfast.Bibi ate before leaving for work.
Jane also had breakfast,she was trying to remember what happened to her last night..oh she remembered now.It was Lucy.Her lousy lucy was pregnant for a woman crusher.
She dressed up and went over to Lucy's house,there was no one at home save her.As she entered her room,she saw her trying to hid something behind her.
Jane noticed her dishevelled room,and Lucy looked sad than ever,she wondered what was going through her mind right now and if someone else was aware of her state.
Knowing she had been caught,Lucy flung the picture away,Jane picked it.It was just the picture of an artist,one of Jane's favorite too.
'You like him too.' Jane asked.
'I love TaliRoyce.'She saiid flatly.
'He's my favorite artist too,his music are genuie and heart touching.There's a style to his songs that makes you want to fall in love over and over again'
'Yes,his love music are so real.'
'He does inspirational musics too,he's one of my top ten most preferred artist.' Jane said admiring the young man in the picture.
'Have you watched any of his mucisal videos?'
'Ofcourse,i have a couple of them on my phone,he's so real and gifted,handsome too.'
Lucy gave a short laught that did not reach her heart.
'I'll give anything to have a date with him.'
'You're saying his girlfriend must be lucky then.'She asked Hannah.
'Ofcourse,he's an artist with local and international recognition.'
'And he's worth million's of naira.'Lucy stated.
'I can see you're feeling better today.'
'Yes,whenever i talk about him,it lightens my mood.'Lucy smiled through her eyes.
'You must be an apt fan of his.'
'I do love his music.'Jane said.
'But,i love the man in him.'
'Have you ever met him?'
'Yes.'Jane answered.
'He's the father of the child i'm carrying.' Lucy said breaking into tears.
Jane was at loss of what to say,as she kept her calm and remained silent watching as water drops formed a pool on Lucy's face.
To say she was shocked was the least,she was trying to comprehend it all but it seemed diffficult.
TaliRoyce was an artist who portrayed the human feeling of love as indispensable to people of opposite sex.He sang about love with a rare geniuty that made you want to fall in love over and over again.
Why was it that he knew little or nothing of a word he had made his personal anthem.If Lucy was right then Tali was a failure where matters of the heart were conncerned.
Jane dropped the picture and wiped away Lucy's tear.Lucy got up from the bed and brought out,an album of beautiful memories captured on paper.
'You've been seeing him for how many months now?'she asked Lucy.
'Twelve months and still counting.'
'Is the only one you're seeing?'
'I mean intimately?'
'So,how sure are you?'
'I and Greg have not.....'
'Greg,thats the one i was trying to remember,he's the one you told me about.'Jane said.
'Yes,we've not been on good terms for over four months now.'
'Apart from those two,any other person?'
'This is a calamity that could have been avoided,if you two had protected yourself.'Jane sighed,taking a glance at the album.
'He hates the mere mention of condom.'
'Now,he'll love the mere mention of kids then.'
'What if they are two or three in there?'
Lucy laughed,'Then will i know,that this is a punishment from God.'
'Children are God gifts not punishment.'
'How about we change body for the next five months.'Lucy said.
'Is that to saying you're keeping it?'
'Yes.' Jane embraced her.
'Is anyone else aware?'
'Yes,i informed my mother this morning.'
'She asked me to get rid of it,because father would not want to hear about this.'
'Thats insane!'Jane exclaimed.
'My mother is insane?'
'That idea is insane.' Jane stated as a matter of fact.
Lucy looked at her for a long time,
'I have made up my mind not to inform him.'
'What if he finds out?'
'Thats like denying him knowledge and existence of his child.'
'I can't tell him.'
'He going to be mad at me and.... ..... ...'
'Beat you up? In this condition?'
Jane shook her head,Lucy agreed to register for ante-natal,the next day she arrived at school.As she still had her final papers to write,probably three months.
Jane helped her arrange the room,while she took her bath.They had lucnh in the sitting room and Lucy ate well.By the time she was leaving,Lucy looked better than when she arrived.
She saw Jacob's car parked outside the gate.But he was not in it.she entered into the compound as he was about coming out,and so they collided,Jacob was fast to grab Jane.Each laughing at the accident.
They exchanged pleasantries as Jane led him in,unlocking the door to the sitting room.He sat down while she poured him a glass of cold water.
'So what brings you this evening.'She asked,sitting by him.
'I came to have a look at your pretty face.'he said placing his hands on her cheeks.he excused himself for a minute.
He came in minutes later holding a shopping bag.
'What do you have in there?'
'The brides' friends attire.'
What attire?' Jane said getting the bag from him,she brought out a pink dress sealed in another bag among other clothes,a set of jewellry,a pair of statement heels and a bowl of ice cream and hamburger.
Jacob picked the pink dress,
'The bride's friends are to wear this.' he said.
'How come i made that list?'
'You're Jacob Smith fiancee,the best man to the groom.'
'But,we've only met once.'
'You talk too much sweetheart,do you like the dress?'
'Ofcourse i do,its lovely and my size too.'
'I stopped at a store to get the other items to go along,i hope i made some good choices.'He asked smiling.
'You did better.'
'The shopkeeper helped me anyway.'
'I thought as much.'
'I brought this because,i'll be very busy,come tomorrow and friday,Bash will come to pick you Saturday morning.'
'Thanks sweetheart.'
'I'm missing you already.'He said pulling her into his embrace,Jane's head to his chest.The two lovers remained quiet for some minute,it seemed like eternity,before Jacob kissed her cheeks.
'I'll miss you more.' Jane said.
'I love you.' They spoke at the same time laughing as she walked him to his car.
She watched him drive off before going in,saturday on her mind.Jaiye would be tieing the knot with Cynthia.........All things equal she would be walking down the aisle with Jacob in a matter of months.
Well,he is handsome as you and i know,and he's a runner on the bed too........And each time i remember his bedmatics,i'm drawn to him all over.........KaTHeriNe

Sleep had defiled her beautiful but now tired face and body,the time must be around 10pm,she was still in the brides' friends wear,the pink body fitted gown looked hot on her today.

As she hadn't missed the numerous glances of appreciation she received at the wedding.Jacob looked the best man he was supposed,she loved his looks too.Needless to say,she caught the eyes of ladies sending him warm invites with their face and body.

To be continued at 9pm.

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