The area was not too far from the school vicinity,perhaps a 30minutes on foot and 10mins in a car,she was enjoying the ride as Rotimi made polite talk,she didnt want to talk much,not wanting her favourite
lipstick,Jimmy Choo to wear off'No you haven't,but others have,Biyisi has,the woman i call my mother,Titus has,the man i call my uncle and ..... ..... .....' she wanted to tear herself apart,she was going to run mad soon,her heart racked with sobs,her body shuddered,the tears flowed freely.

In a frenzy,she picked her clothes,and began to wear them,Priye looked on as she wore her clothes hurriedly like a force greater than her was taking control of her mind,she said a quick goodbye and almost ran out of the door.

The cool night breeze brushed her face outside,she had lost track of time,it was dark already,the people she addressed as her parents must have returned home,she wasn't running home tonight,she was walking quietly like she owned the road,enjoying each feathery step she took.

Her house was now in view,suddenly a force overcame her,something propelled her to walk fast,she almost broke into a run,she walked into the gate,pushing it open,she never knew she possessed such amount of strength within her.

She climbed the stairs two at a time,she opened the sitting room door without knocking,to hell with formalities or politeness,what had she been doing to herself this two weeks,allowing herself to be molested,but last night had been worse,it had superceeded others,she wanted to tear the world away,for taking such humiliation without basking an eyelid,to hell with destiny!

Who destined her to be molested,assaulted,abused? As the door flung open with a loud thud,she allowed herself in slowly,she couldn't explain how the calmness descended upon her.

Everyone was taken aback with the noise as six pairs of eyes were trained on her,exactly what she wanted a full house and an attention.

He stopped in front of a two storey building,LION HOSTEL was boldly inscribbed in front of the house,he came down from the car to open the gate,he drove the car in and got down to open her side door before closing the gate,whats with all the formality self?

She walked closely behind him as he led her into the house,the environment looked neat,she climbed the stairs,thank God she was wearing a flat heel,as he stayed on the top storey.

He opened the door and she walked into a tastefully furnished apartment for a student,
'Please sit' Hanny smiled as she sat on a cushion chair.
'Welcome to my apartment' he said smiling warmly.'Do relax and make yourself comfortable.
'Thank you'
'Do you mind if i show you around'
'Don't bother.' she said.
'Its no bother at all'
He showed her around the apartment.She wondered how many girls he had applied this method with,Guys! you just can't trust them sha.
'You've got a nice apartment here.' she said.
'Thank you ma'
They return to the sitting room.
'What would you like to drink?'
'Anything is fine.'
'Any fruit drink will do'
'Now you're talking,please excuse me,i'll be back in one minute' He walked inside,probably to the kitchen,he returned with a tray.
'Hope,i didn't keep you waiting.'he said as he poured her a glass of five alive.
'No,you didn't.'
'How are you,how was your day?'
'Fine o and you?'
'Not too fine,Did you miss me?'
'Miss you? She laughed.'Why should i?'
'Because i miss you.'
'Is that to say you miss me too?'
'Hmmmm' she sighed
'I take that for a yes then.'
'I thought we already crossed this phase,why are you always saying maybe to me.'
'I don't know'
'Are you shy?'
'No,am not.Do you stay here alone?'
'Nope,i have a roommate,but my roomie is not yet back from school.' He explained moving from his seat to sit close to her.
'I like you,and i am sure you like me too.'
'What an assumption?' she said smiling.
'Its written all over your face.'
'I don't believe you'
'Just give me a chance to love you.'
'Just like that?'
'Is there a condition?'
'None that i know of'
'I see no reason to keep postponing me.'
'I am not......' A chill went up her spine as he touched her arms.she looked alarm.
'I didn't mean to make you afraid.'
'Its okay,am fine'
'I love you Hannah,we're ain't kids,lets get this started.' He relaxed his hands on her shoulders.
'Am just...'
'Please Hanny don't make excuses'He pulled her closer.'Don't you see how much i love you'

Hannah was finding it hard to breath locked in such a close embrace with an opposite sex,she tried to pull away,
'Hannah please let me love you' he said breathlessly.
'I have heard you' She said,how was she suppose to pull out without embarrasing herself.Before she could say Jack his lips had found hers,he was kissing her gently,still holding her hands.The kiss! On a first date?

Thank heavens for the shrill sound of his phone,but that didn't stop him,the phone rang twice before he picked it.
Hannah adjusted her rumpled cloth,
'Can you please excuse me for ten minutes.' Rotimi asked,he looked a bit angry,but he was doing a fine job of keeping it in control.
He had been arguing with someone over the phone,the person wanted him to bring him/her some things,she guessed from the little she heard of the conversation.
'If you're going in to the school,you could drop me then.'
'You don't have to cut short this visit,i'll be back soon.'
'Its alright,pls don't keep me waiting.' Hannah said.
'Thanks for understanding,let me play you a musical video'

He inserted a disk and played her some music,it was blaring from the speaker,she had to tell him to reduce it volume.
'What would you like me to get you?' Rotimi asked.
'I'm okay.'
'I promise to get you something nice.' He smiled for the first time since receiving that call fifteen minutes ago. 'I just want to drop some stuffs for someone,i'll be right back.

With that,he let himself out,carrying his backpack along.

'Wow!' Hannah exclaimed. 'This place looks nice o'

She went towards the corridor,the kitchen was well kept too,she opened the first door she saw,that must be his room,it was in total dishevel,after looking around she closed it and opened the other room,

'This must belong to his roommate' she said aloud.

She opened the door noiselessly,she had to grasp the handle so as not to fall.

Little wonder he hadn't opened this door,when he showed her around,she was dazed to say the least,he was keeping a very big cockroach in his wardrobe.

The guy had guts,she had to leave now,she rushed to the sitting room,picked her purse and bolted.
The weekend was going to be a good one as Jacob had promised to come over.excitement tinged all over her body,it was like awaiting the convoy of a semigod,and truly Jacob was her semigod,her personal man.

'I can't wait to meet him.' Ajoke chatted excitely.
'You won't have to wait for long.' Jane said giggling.
'I have heard his name quite a number of time,but i haven't been privileged to meet him.'
'You will very soon.'
'I am yet to get over the fact that Jacob Smith is your supposed boyfriend.'
'And so?'
'You say it like it means nothing to you.'
'Whats so special about that?' Jane asked an inquisitive Ajoke.
'Everything is special o,he's an hunk of an handsome man from what i have heard o,he's a multi millionaire,he's contantly on the pages of papers and magazine and you think thats not special.' Ajoke said eyeing her friend.
'You're over hyping this thing self.'
'Over kini?,Jane you're damn lucky,you just don't know it.'
'I've heard you o.'
'I want to look good for him.'
'I should be saying that.'
'Well,i am saying it because you don't see a big deal in being the girlfriend of Jacob Smith.'
'I hope you're not having ideas'
'C'mon,i have a fiance,i am just excited thats all.'
Jane's eye strolled to the wall clock,'I think its time we start dressing.' Ajoke brought out her box and the search for something nice to wear began.
'I want to look real good.'
'Yet,you're still on an ultimate search for what to wear.
'Let me take my time o.'
'We do not have all the time in the world o.'

'You look surprised.' Jacob said as he got to the sitting room,where Bash was sitted comfortably watching a football match.
His friends Jaiye,Paul and Frank had just left after a futile attempt to drag him to the golf course.He had declined saying he had a better and far more important place to touch.

'Yes,am surprised.' Bash said looking at his Boss,his confident and his -friend,though Jacob never reffered to him as that.Bash has a good taste when it comes to fashion,design and combination.And he was the one who arranged his clothes,selecting the best combo that suited every occassion,but he was surprised because Jacob was not wearing the matched clothes he selected this morning for their afternoon outing.
'Well,i just decided to wear something else,something simple,thats all.' Bash smiled,Did Jacob just call this simple?Yes maybe it was simple,but he looked elegant and dangerously handsome in his Jean and white shoe,white had a way of bringing out the life and sparkle in his bright eyes,and he was rocking this white shirt nicely.
'You look good sir.'
'Thanks,are those boxes in the car.'
'Yes sir.'
'I am ready to move.'

The Ac was doing a good job as he was more relaxed,he leaned in the back seat,enjoying the ride,Bash was a good chauffeur and he enjoyed his company,his phone rang and he answered it.

He was happy to be putting away his business trouble for the mean time,his work was succeeding in taking over all his time,it was not an easy task,running such organisation,management wasn't his favourite.Thank God he was finally getting out this weekend.

He was jolted to reality from his thought by the sound of a text,that just came on his phone.

A frown caressed his face as he looked up from the phone,his brow furrowed like he was deciding about something,
'Bash take a turn,we're heading towards the Island.'
A surprised Bash turned to his boss with a questioning look on his face.
'You heard me,be fast about it,take the next turn.'
'Okay sir.'

'I'm getting impatient o' Ajoke said looking at Jane who was draped in a pink chiffon dress that hung perfectly on her.
'What am i supposed to do,you heard me call him few minutes ago and he said he was on his way.' Jane said tapping the table lightly.

They'be been sitting at the table for close to an hour with a pack of juice both shared in two glasses.
'Huh! Its getting late now.'
Ajoke said sipping her drink while Jane played with a strand of hair in her face.
'You don't have to remind me,i know.' Jane said,Jacob was getting late,and Ajoke would be so disappointed after going to all the trouble with her hair,her make up,and her beautiful knee length white gown that made her look like one of those ladies in fashion magazines.
'Don't make that face for me o,lest your make up wears off.' Jane said feigning a smile,as she didn't want to show the coldness riding in her own soul.
Ajoke smiled,'Lord please let him come on time.' she prayed.
'Is that a prayer.'
'Ofcourse it is.' The ladies laughed.Jane adjusted her seat and sat up.

And there he was walking towards them with so much vitality,he looked more handsome than the other time,his soft eyes smiling as he walked towards their table.

His lips......,she breathed hard,were damn sexy,she couldn't wait to kiss him.Would he love to kiss her,it would be so much fun....
This was the height of it,she was taking the assault and the pain no more,she was merely sharing a house with the two people who derived so much pleasure from being called her parent but never fulfill their obligations as one.Her parents neglected her like a priced burden upon them.She lived each day in constant fear of being flogged at her age,where her mates were graduating.

She had showered some minutes ago,taking a shower this days was taking much time,she always wanted to wash away the pain from being bruised each night.she dressed up,her face looked pale in the mirror,she didn't give a damn,she was going to see Priye because he had insisted he wanted to see.

She had been home all day,she looked at the corner where she kept her weapon,Titus must have a strong head and his god was solidly behind,if not he would have been rumaging around in the land of the dead by now.But luckily for him,he hadn't come to her room for his usual rendevous,else he would not have lived to tell the story,her body shivered at the sight of Titus in cold blood and mudered by her.
If she would be hanged tomorrow,then it must be fro m murdering her own killer.

She heard Adekunle knocking her door all day,but she'd pretended to be asleep,the boy wanted to know what was wrong,but she wasn't telling,at least not yet.he was too young and helpless to be let into the matter.or how was he going to take it,that his uncle was shacking her sister,molesting her,assaulting her at every opportunity he got,for the past two weeks.

'Your voice...... was so cold,the way you sounded on the phone,and...and now,you look pale.' Priye said hugging her tight.

'I am not fine.' She wanted to let it out,all of her worries her pain,her bitterness,sorrow,heartbreak,disappointment,but she just couldn't do it.
'What happened to you?' Priye sat her down holding her hands.He looked so worried,just like a mother hen huddled over her baby chick with a broken leg.

Adetoun was silent.

'I just might be of help.' The concern in his voice touched her.
'You can't understand,i bet you don't want to know.' Priye held her close as she closed her eyes and wept.
'Make me understand,i love you so much.' Priye looked like he would start crying soon.
'This is beyond you Priye.' she sobbed.
'If i can't be of help,i'll let my parent in on this' Adetoun wanted to tell him,but decided against it instantly.The last thing she wanted to do was wash her dirty linen in public.
'Its just too complicated.'
'No,its not,let me help you.' Priye had began to cry too.
'Is it biyisi again?is she the one causing you so much pain?' He asked bitterly.

Adetoun only wept harder.

'Adetoun,......let me worry about you..... ,allow....allow....... me to solve your problem.' Priye stammered as hot tears stung the back of his throat.

'My problem is beyond an arithmetric progression or lines on a graph sheet...' you Priye.'

'I love you too dear.' Priye cried.

What a day!,overwhelmed by their tears,pain,passion and love,Priye bagan to UnCloth her and for the first time,she said no to him.
'Why baby?'
'I just can't do it.'
'Let me make love to you'
'You'll hurt me.'
'I wont,have i ever hurt you?'
'No you haven't,but others have,Biyisi has,the woman i call my mother,Titus has,the man i call my uncle and ..... ..... .....' she wanted to tear herself apart,she was going to run mad soon,her heart racked with sobs,her body shuddered,the tears flowed freely.

In a frenzy,she picked her clothes,and began to wear them,Priye looked on as she wore her clothes hurriedly like a force greater than her was taking control of her mind,she said a quick goodbye and almost ran out of the door.

The cool night breeze brushed her face outside,she had lost track of time,it was dark already,the people she addressed as her parents must have returned home,she wasn't running home tonight,she was walking quietly like she owned the road,enjoying each feathery step she took.

Her house was now in view,suddenly a force overcame her,something propelled her to walk fast,she almost broke into a run,she walked into the gate,pushing it open,she never knew she possessed such amount of strength within her.

She climbed the stairs two at a time,she opened the sitting room door without knocking,to hell with formalities or politeness,what had she been doing to herself this two weeks,allowing herself to be molested,but last night had been worse,it had superceeded others,she wanted to tear the world away,for taking such humiliation without basking an eyelid,to hell with destiny!

Who destined her to be molested,assaulted,abused? As the door flung open with a loud thud,she allowed herself in slowly,she couldn't explain how the calmness descended upon her.

Everyone was taken aback with the noise as six pairs of eyes were trained on her,exactly what she wanted a full house and an attention.
Hannah ran down the stairs,she was about to open the gate when Rotimi walked in.he was surprised to see her leaving.
'Are you running away?' he asked lightly.
Surprise was written on jer face,thank heavens he wasn't looking at her face,she was thinking of a lie,as he bent to open the gate,she was a bad liar.
He drove in,got down and locked the car.
'Ofcourse not.'
'If then.lets go upstairs.'

Rotimi led the way while Hanny followed gullibly behind,she knew she was not supposed to be doing this.she was trapped now,she couldn't come up with a reasonable excuse.

Rotimi opened the door and she walked in,
'Sorry for the other time.'
'Oh,not to worry,at least you're back.' she smiled.
'I bought you this' he said bringing out his bag.
'Whats this?'
'Why don't you take a look.'
She opened the disposable to find a grilled chicken.
'Oh,thanks' she mumbled dropping it on the table.
'Let me get you a fork and a knife.' he glided into the kitchen.

She sensed a new breath in the room,she turned slightly to see a young girl,probably eighteen or nineteen standing by her,wearing a brown tube over shorts,that was the exhibit,the big cockroach she saw in his cupboard,before bolting out the other time,the last thing she needed was a showdown,she should have known,he had a girl he was shacking right in his apartment and still had the guts to bring her in.

The girl sized her up,from her hair to the toe nail polish she wore,
'Who are you?' the girl asked rudely.
Hannah was taken aback,what insolence?,she wasn't going to fight a kid so she kept mute.

'I just asked you a question.' she continued,staring at Hannah.
'Who are you too?' Hanny returned.
'As you can see,i live here,this is my apartment,i am Rotimi's roommate.' she said calmly but in a rude way.

When Rotimi said he had a roommate,it hadn't occured to her,that it could be a female galfriend.

'I see' Hannah said getting up.

Just then Rotimi walked in,with a fork and a knife in his hands.

There was an awkward silence in the room,before he walked up to the girl,hugging her lightly.
'Hey,you're up,i didn't even know you're home.' he said smiling.
Hannah was so embarrased,she picked her purse,
'Oh,my bad,i didn't introduce you ladies.' Rotimi said

So what was he going to introduce her as?as a galfriend? Or just a friend and what about the girl?

'Hanny,meet Tomilola,she's my kid sister.' he said pushing Tomi towards her.
'And Tomi this is Hanny,my girlfriend.' he smiled warmly towards her,now that was soothing in a way. And girlfriend?

None of the ladies raised her hands to be shaked,
'C'mon ladies,a shake wouldn't hurt.'

Hannah stretched her hands,and Tomi shook her warmly,giving her a hug,at least that was a surprise.

Tomi cleared her throat,
'So this is the lady you're always talking about? She's so fair and beautiful.' wow,what that a compliment coming from this rude girl.'Nice meeting you'
'Same here.'
'I guessed she had said something bad while i was washing the knife in the kitchen,pls never mind her,she's such a rude girl,i mean R.U.D.E,but not bad you'll come to love her soon.' Rotimi laughed,but that was cut short with a punch to his sides from tomi.

'Don't mind him pls,am sorry about the other time.' Tomi smiled this time.Was that an apology from the rude girl? She wasn't that bad indeed.

'Me too.' Hannah smiled.

'You're the lady playing hard to get for my brother,you're worth it in everyway,i hope to know you better soon.' she said 'Please excuse me.'

'I have to leave now,its getting late.' Hannah pointed at the big brown clock hung on the wall.

'I hope you're not angry'

'No am not,she's a nice girl.' she said.

'I'll drop you,what about your chicken.' he asked

'Save it for another day.'

Another day? She thought.

'I don't waste food,you'll have to take it along.'

'Please i can't.'

'I'll be dropping you don't forget,let me get a nylon bag for you.'

he buzzed into the kitchen and soon returned with a nylon bag,picking the chicken,he wrapped it neatly and led the way down stairs.

He opened the side door and she got in,he closed her door and got in the car.

They had only been driving for about six minute,when they came to a sharp bend that cornered onto the road leading to the school.

There were four long sticks or was it plank used to line the road,as an obstruction to coming vehicles,Hannah pointed at the road block,Rotimi told her to be still that he would get down and clear the road,before he could get down,he heard a gun shot,he remained in his seat.

Hannah froze on the spot,she gave a loud scream,Rotimi urged her to be calm and to remain quiet.

Four hefty guys walked out from the side bush from different each had a club,in his hand,they looked like smokers she watched in a soap opera on her laptop last night.

The guys began to walk towards their car while Rotimi who had been typing started laughing.

She was caught in a trap! She thought.
The four hefty guys stood in front of their car,Hannah was shaking as tears welled up in her eyes.

Rotimi who was typing furiously-what was he typing in such a critical situation-was laughing.

'Oh my God,this is a trap,and i walked right into it' Hannah cried as the tears flowed freely down her cheeks.

The guys just stood there peering at them through the glass,and not making any move to speak to them.
'Hey calm down.' Rotimi said.
'Calm down my foot,i can't believe you're in this' Hannah said locking her door and clutching her purse.
'You think i planned this'
'I know you planned it.' Her eyes was red with anger.
'Keep your voice down,can't you see we're in this together.'
'God please,don't let this happen to me.'
'Look,you'll be fine,and i promise you,not even a strand of your hair will get lost in this.'
'Please keep your promises,keep them...'she cried '...just keep them to yourself.'
'Put yourself together baby'
'Just...' she was cut short by the tapping on the glass,she turned her head to see one of the guys standing by her side.

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