'I was so angry that i got out of his car and slammed his door,without a word' Hannah said looking at her friends across the room for support which she didn't get

After speaking with Prof. Boyle,putting a flipflop on her feet,she had gone to talk to him some meters away from the hostel,he was in his car.seeing a cigarette in his hands shocked her,so much for all his discipline and moral talks.

She got into his car,sitting on the passenger's side,Hannah wasn't listening to the trash he was spewing about how beautiful she was and how he had always admired her,she was studying his face,he looked like a bitter man who had just survived an argument with his wife for infidelity,he was rough but his handsome features shaded it,he came across as a deadly viper when stepped upon.

She'd only heard his last statement saying he would like to take her away for the night at one of the few upscale hanging out spot in the vicinity,can you imagine that on the first day of the week.Without as much as a sideward glance,she had gotten of the car,slammed the door and walked briskly to her hostel.

'What?' the other girls shouted as she recounted the episode that just took place to them.

The three girls were seated on Rukayat's bed watching a movie on her laptop,while Ann sat across them on her bed.

'Did i do something wrong?' Hannah looked confused.
'You did' Rukayat said,'How can you walk out on him like that,at least you should have agreed with him,going out with him wouldn't hurt a hair on your skin.'

'I wasn't expecting something better from you anyway' Cynthia eyed Rukayat.'Look,my dear,i think you did the right thing by walking away.'

Hannah looked a bit relaxed now 'Really?oh thanks,i was afraid of my action for a moment.'

'I think you have every reason to be afraid of your action Ann,from the little i know about that Boyle,he's as deadly as a cobra,he spits venom when he's angry,i wish you had taken a subtle action.' Shade said shaking her head as she spoke.

Shade was an all rounder in gossip all over campus,thats her hobby.The two things she should be awarded for are reading and gossip.

'I said it,i don't see any big deal in what this man proposed,just hang out,osho free drink,peppersoup,chicken grill,you might be yellow pawpaw but you have a dull brain.'Rukayat said,she was never one to miss out on something free anyway.

'This is your matter,each one of us is entitled to our own opinion,but your decision carries the weight,so be wise' Cynthia cautioned eager to continue with the movie.

The girls resumed their movie while she resumed her thought,she was more confused than ever,what was she supposed to do? Apologise? Plead? Beg? Or just keep quiet and watch things play out.

She opened her provision bag,bringing out a blueband butter,she ate the remaining slice bread she left over in the morning.she was definitely going to think this out before sunrise.The sound on her phone revived her lost mind,it was a ping from Rotimi.
Rotwilm:Hello babe
she so much disliked being referred to as a babe.
Hanny: Hi Rotimi
Rotwilm:How was ur dae?
Hanny:Cool as usual nd u?
Rotwilm:Just boring without you
Rotwilm:Yes babe
Whats with this babe thing self.
Hanny::Okay,anything for me.
Rotwilm:So many things for you now.
Rotwilm:Yes,but first,i'ld like to see you after class tomorrow.
Hanny:I don't know if i'll be busy or not.
Rotwilm:You can make yourself available,if you really want to.
Hanny::Okay i'll try.
Rotwilm:Is that a promise?
Rotwilm:C'mon pleeeeeeeeease.
Rotwilm:Whats with you and boil?
Rotwilm:Reread previous chat.
Rotwilm:Should anything come up don't hesitate to inform me.
Hanny:Sleeping things o
Rotwilm:Its not 10 yet.
Hanny:I sleep when i like
Rotwilm:its alright.
Hanny:Its a good night then.
Rotwilm:Not so fast.
Hanny:What else?
Rotwilm::ppromise to dream about me.
Rotwilm:I know you will
Hanny:Good night..........
Rotwilm:Sleep tight.
Rotwilm:Someone cares
After 10secs
Rotwilm:Remember to dream about me.Sleep well my lady.........

Hannah enjoyed chatting with Rotimi,he was a good guy,funny and understanding.she placed her phone by her pillow,and pretended to sleep before she finally slept off.

Tuesday Afternoon
The big fan standing across the room generated much heat than the air it was supposed to provide due to the number of people in the room.
Chop 'n' Chop[/b]was always crowded,morning afternoon and night.She didn't so much enjoy the food,but her friends had insisted that they eat here.Students were always moving in and out every seconds.It was a small eatery though expensive.It still had an enviable number of customers.
It took an eternity to find a good table where some fresh air could get in,and another century to get their food on their table.

'I enjoy eating here'Bukky said,uncovering her plate of food.
'Me too o' Molz joined in.'Are you not going to say something'
'What do you want to me to say?i dislike eating here,the crowd pisses me off.' Ann ate a piece of plantain as she spoke.
'Relax girl,this place is crowdy,i agree,but the food is tasty.' Molz said bringing out a towel from her bag.
'Lets talk better matter jare,i still can't believe Boyle said that.'Bukky said dropping her fork.
'Are you calling me a liar?' Ann asked she had explained all that happened to her friends in the class this morning.
'Ofcourse not,am just surprised.'Bukky added.
'I am not surprised at all,Men like prof.Boyle abound,they do the exact opposite of what they teach or preach to you.'Molz said.
'I think you should tell this to Rotimi,he has extra fingers in this department.'Bukola said.
'I agree with that.'Molz said.'It wouldn't hurt to tell him.'
'You guys talk like,i am already dating him'Ann said raising her eyebrow.
'We all know you're going to date him'Bukky said
'He's handsome,rich,caring...........'
'Intelligent,social,if you ran out of adjectives'Ann said sipping her cold drink.
'Its a known fact,that you like him,he likes you too.whats there again'Molz said measuring her gaze.
'What happened to love?' Ann asked.
'Love is a gradual process,it will come in at the right time.' Bukola said pressing her phone.
'You guys are simply dumb'
'And a friend to dumbs'
'Is simply dumb too'
The girls burst into laughter,drawing a few eyes to themself.
'Hey girls,lets be serious,i know whats troubling you,'
'And what is it?'
'You're trying to convince yourself that you do not like him,but sorry dear,its so obvious,its written all over you that you dig this bobo'Molz was a blunt person,she didn't sugar coat words,she says it the way it is.
'Is it that obvious' Ann asked pertubed.
'Well,......yes,at the mention of his name you become extra careful,why are you even fighting it.'Bukola asked her.
'I don't want a guy to play me like strings of a guitar and move on to the sticks of a drum like nothing happened.' she explained,what she was really afraid of was that three letter word that usually pops up in every relationship.
'Just give him a trial,it just might work out,how many have you tried before self'Molz asked.
'Just one' Ann answered.
'One pere,just one and you're spewing like this.' Bukola said.
'Yes,and guys enough about me,' Ann said,she looked around,most people were eating and chatting with friends.She'd noticed some admiring glances thrown across her which she returned with cold hard stares.

His hair was jet black,well cut,he looked neat in his pink shirt,huh thats a feminine colour and he rocked it well.he was staring at her when he thought she wasn't looking,and now that he looked elsewhere she was staring at him too,he hadwell defined features too,He looked like he'd stepped straight from the pages of GQ,not that she had ever read Gentlemen's Quarterly but she was familiar with the comparison.And if anyone looked like he deserved to be on the cover of GQ,it was this guy.
'Who are you staring at?' Molz asked piling the plates together she signalled to a waitress.
Before she could think of an appropriate answer,the shrill ringing of her phone came in,she checked the caller id,
'Rotimi is calling' she whispered to her friends who kept quiet.
'Hi' she answered putting the phone to her ears.
'Hello pweetie,how are you?' Rotimi's voice boomed through the phone.
'I am fine,and you?' she asked.
'Fine too,where are you so that i can pick you up'
'I'll be waiting outside Chop 'n' Chop ' she answered.
'Okay.i'll be there in ten minutes.'
'Don't keep me waiting' she said
'Trust me,i wont.'
Ann dropped her phone in her purse.
'What did he say?' Molz asked
'He is coming to pick me up in ten minutes.' she smiled as she spoke.
'Where is he taking you to?'Bukky asked.
'I don't know yet.'
'Just be a good girl and don't say anything to hurt the guy o,am happy for you sha'Bukola smiled too.
'Make sure you get a goodbye kiss from him o'Molz added as they all moved out of the eatery.
'Isn't that too early?'Bukola said
'It isn't at all,i trust you now.'
'Thank you girls' Ann said laughing.

A blue car Honda accord pulled to a stop before them,Rotimi came down,greeted the other girls and opened the door for Ann just as expected of a gentleman.
'So where are you taking me?'
she asked,she wasn't expecting what she heard.' My place outside the campus!'
The pool was very cold,the water in it ice cold,she couldn't remember going there,they didn't have a pool in the compound,adding to her foolishness,she was swimming with her clothes on,how weird?

Worse still,she couldn't swim,no one thought it wise to teach her how to swim,her parents saw it as a luxury they couldn't afford.Her parent never took her out until the younger ones started coming,at times she had been left at home while the other members of the family had fun elsewhere,she used to worry about this,but now she was used to it.

She was shivering by now,totally drenched like a hen caught in a stormy rain.she just couldn't get out of the pool,isn't that funny?something blurred her vision,she tried opening her eyes,after so many effort she finally opened her eyes,to find an angry Biyisi standing over her with a bowl of water.

She was dazed.stunned.shocked to say the least,this woman was pouring iced water on her right in her bed,
'Wake up sleeping frog,its 6:00am' she said in a terrifying softness.
'Mumm.....' Biyisi's hand cut her short.
'Don't waste my time,get out of that bed,prepare the bath for your siblings,wash the dishes,make breakfast,and clean this house.' Biyisi fumed,speaking in a haste.'Your father's car needs some washing and you know he'll be ready for work in 90minutes time.'

'And what will you be doing while i work my poor self to death,you wicked Naughty Lady'Those were the very question on the tip of her tongue,she had to caution herself least she invoke her mother's wrath this morning which could lead to a beating and slapping session.

Biyisi watched as she crawled out of bed,looking over her with disdain,her dislike for her first daughter was so obvious this morning.

The memory of last night came flooding in,her clothes were still on the floor,the room dishevelled,was this about to become a routine,a cold chill went up her spine and she shuddered at the thought.

She boiled water for tea and went to prepare the bath,she returned to clean the dishes and sweep the kitchen,her body complained as she felt pain all over but who was a beggar to complain about a dirty money.

Even Adekunle noticed her coldness,he was a smart boy,
'I still believe something is wrong with you' He had said,Adetoun recognised his voice and didn't bother to turn as she mixed the tea in a jug.
'You thought wrong.'
'Why do you look this pale?'
'Am just tired.'
'And the pain in your face?'
'I'll be fine'
'You have a listening ear,confide in me.'
'Don't let me bother you with my gibberish nonsense'
'Am not complaining.'
'Why are you so bent on knowing?'
'Why are you so bent on making a secret of whatever happened to you.'
'Thanks for worrying over me,its enough,i'll come around soon.'
'I hate to see you this way,the smile is gone,no trivial jokes,you haven't asked of Daniella in 18hrs.'
Adetoun cracked a smile,so those little things meant a lot to her dear brother.she continued with her work while Adekunle stood behind her.
'Okay,i'll tell you when i am ready' But,being an inquisitive person,Adekunle wasn't satisfied with that.
'Is this about Priye?'
'Sshhhh,don't put me in trouble o' she whispered.
'I need to know what is wrong with you.'
'Nothing is wrong with her,she is just seeking a little attention that i am not prepared to give.' Biyisi said from the doorway,she made no secret of her dislike.
'Mum,thats harsh.wicked.blunt and stale coming from you' Adekunle said venting his anger,Adetoun kept mute,what is the business of a rat at the meeting of a lion and an elephant?
'Adekunle please keep out of this.' Biyisi warned.
'And if i refuse?This cold treatment is uncalled for,you're being heartless about this.' He was getting angry.
'You know nothing about this,so get out of here.' Adekunle recognised that tone and knew better than to argue,he glided out like a rattle,hissing as he did so.

'Look what you caused?' Biyisi's palm stung Adetoun's back twice.
'What nonsense did you feed his head with?don't get on my nerve this morning o'

Adetoun felt hot tears stung the back of her eyes,she let them spill, as she hurried with the breakfast.

At last what she feared became stark reality,Titus had made a routine of sleeping with her anytime he felt like,he'd appeared at her room and every other night that followed for the past one week. She always left her door open now,so he made an habit of coming to empty himself inside her,making her a public latrine.

He had come one afternoon,while her parents were around,she argued with him for the first time and he'd said. 'Your parents are busy doing what we are about to do.' she hushed herself letting him in.

And tonight like every other night,he came knocking again,she didn't know why she had secured the lock,she opened the door noiselessly,but it wasn't Titus,it was the least person she expected.

The person stood there staring at her,and she was shocked beyond words.
'Do you like this place?' She asked her.

Jane was so happy to be in camp afterall,her mother dropped her at Iyana ipaja orientation camp,she did her registration,she saw a lot of corpers just like her,male female alike,tall,dark,fat,short,yellow pawpaw ones like her sister and semi orobo and lepa.

The camp was not as bad as it was painted to be,it was neat,and there was tap water,electricity and generator when PHCN decides to exercise their power.Though the hostel was crowdy,she had learnt how to manage and she adjusted fine,she was learning a lot at a fast pace,she always planned her activities,here she had learned to do things in a hurry,bath in a hurry,dress in a hurry,rush to camp ground to avoid punishment from those wicked soldiers that never tired of sending her admiring glances.

Jacob called frequently as he could,he said to call in before the week runs out.

She met people of different class and status,different age and attitude,attention seekers like our amiable visitor on this thread and other quiet ones who just read in ghostmode and disappear.

Luckily for her she had made three new female friends,she spoke generally with anyone who cared to greet or say hi,and two male friends in just three days.
At least she had friends to talk to,she made sure she participated in every activity,this was camp and she was going to enjoy.

'Yes' she answered Ajoke who finshed from Unilag studying Accounting,the lady was a talkative but she was intelligent and smart too.
'No place like home' Ajoke said looking into the sky
'Yes o.'
'You have a fiance?'
'What that suppose to be a question or a statement.'
'All of the above'
The ladies burst into laughter.
'So tell me'
'What's yes?'
'I have a boyfriend.'
'I mean a fiance not a boyfriend,someone who you're engaged to marry.'
'Oh,i don't have one at the moment'
'Why,you're such a beautiful lady.'
'Can't you see those young men always casting admiring glances each time you walk by.'
'Ajoke,hawk eyes,how about you?Does anything ever go past your eyes?'
'Not at all,and I have a fiance,he's a petrol chemical engineer,lives and works in Lagos.'
'So sweet' Jane said giggling.
'You love him?'
'With all my heart.' They laughed while Ajoke excused herself to the ladies.

She relaxed as she surveyed the environment,its been five days now and things were going on fine,she was sitting outside the camp hostel,there were other people sitting in two,three and in groups laughing and arguing as they discussed.

The sun was settling in and the atmosphere cool,although a bit noisy,it was a beautiful evening,she let herself enjoy the cool breeze romancing her beautiful skin.

Ajoke was taking time o,she disliked sitting alone,because of some guys,once someone discovers you're alone they tend to sneak up to your side boring you with dry jokes all in the name of keeping you company,and she didn't want that this evening.

Not that it matters anyway,she could always walk out on any inquisitive guy,what was more embarassing than a guy with poor english usage trying to get your attention,she often wondered how they made it through school with those bad grammer and poor use of tense.

There was a guy just two benches away from her,he was reading something in a pieces of paper,perhaps a song or a poem,but his demonstrative gestures was making him look funny,she tried to listen,he was reciting a poem,his voice was growing louder and people were beginning to place attention on him.
The guy was growing confident as he began reciting the poem aloud,everyone laughed,it was a funny poem about a beautiful lady,he saw in the market,fell in love with,tailed all around as she went buying foodstuff,he finally lost track of her in the crowded market,he had returned home crying,without realising that he hadn't purchased any food item too,he wept and slept in hunger.

They way the guy recited itwas so funny,especially when he got to the latter part,everyone clapped and booed at him as he did all over again changing his styles and gestures as he did so,by now he had pulled a crowd of people to himself.

Jane wished Ajoke was here,including Duro and Ibrahim her newly found male friends,both guys finished from the same university,and were very funny,never a dull moment with either or both of them.

People were asking him for a repeat performance,he never declined as he seemed to be enjoying himself and the large crowd he had succeeded in pulling,he'd began to recite other poem he had mastered too,the crowd kept cheering him on.

She felt a soft warm hands placed on her shoulders,no one could touch her with such familiarity except either of her two male friends,the owner of the hand was in no hurry to take it off,she turned to look at the person.

She was surprised as she looked into the most beautiful and soft looking pair of eyes she had ever seen.

To be continued at 9:30pm.

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