The 5 Kinds Of Student You Might Not Like As Rooomate | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

The 5 Kinds Of Student You Might Not Like As Rooomate

1. Cultist:yes,cultist the aye,ake(axe),eye,black scorpin student pray to have anyone of them as roommate,if yawa gas and the other cult member come to the room.makes me remember the “99 cult attack in oau,when they entered the room to massacre sug secretary general(afrika),althought he was
not a cultist,but imagine what his roommate will be thinking when they arrived.

2. S.U.scriptural union:some say suwegbe union,whatever,i don’t want to be in the same room with this kind of student.they are just too holy for my liken,small thing you say or do,they start quoting bible. i had a roommie like that in my year two.the way he dress,this guy can tuck in on anything,no matter the cloth he put on,they was a day we were hungry,so me and some of my roomate with this su guy went to buy bread and akara. we were so hungry before we got to the room we had already finished the food.this guy made sure he entered the room put down the bread and akara on the table and prayed.untied the nylon,you know normally you tear the nylon.this guy untied it like he’s going to need the nylon.his behavior makes me sick.since that year,i don’t wish to have su has roommate again.

3. Prayer warrior:you can’t imagine coming from the night class exhausted,just can’t wait to get to your room and fall in your bed to crash.and that is the time one of your roommate thinks is the time to pray,start to cabash, no no,no way.

4. Thief: Throughout my staying in hostel,i have been so lucky not to have thief as roommate,i can leave my phone charging with my roomates to common room.i will meet it without moving an inch.i trust all my former roommate die.

5. Reading mode:these kind of students are always on reading mode,whether eating,gisting,even sleeping you will always find book with them,i always feel guilty,when having fun and seeing them makes me look like am not a guy like that in my room.this guy sabi jack,always reading,but like some people say “no be by jacking” after the exams he had 4 F’s, while we wey dey play clear all our papers.
Feel free to add yours,what can you say about your roommate?what kind of student you don’t want to have as roommate?

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