Our Dear Students Beware Of Student Pastors! (True Life Story) | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

Our Dear Students Beware Of Student Pastors! (True Life Story)

I wanted to do a political status today until i remembered what happened last semester in school. My faculty girl has been pestering me to visit their church even if it could be just once in my whole life. "Ify, we're having a special service on Sunday, you must come this time around" she said. I wanted to
give an excuse but i ended up saying yes.

Sunday morning, my sleep was cut short with her frequent calls, i got up, dressed and head to the church. "brother, you're welcome to the service" an usher said with a smile and pointed to me where to sit. The whole atmosphere was agog with shouts of joy,

i was enjoying myself until i noticed two neatly dressed young outside the church auditorium discussing with one of them demonstrating with his hands. "who are those people?" i asked as if i was seeing the pastor for the first time, "our pastor of course, but the other man could be his friend, seems you're a first timer?' The guy sitting behind me replied.
"hmmm, i hope it is not what i am thinking" i muttered to myself.

I was not disappointed as the student pastor whose dressing was sharp introduced his friend(guest speaker) to the congregation and handed over the mic to him for his sermon. "how many people want 'A' this semester, can you give the Lord a big shout" he said. Almost all the students shouted to the extent i blocked my ears. I didn't know that someone could buy an A from God with just a shout, but at least I learnt that day. "Come and seal your A with a seed" he said. Students flooded the offering box with money, "those of you sitting down, do you not want an A?" he chided. few people who were sitting down got up and went straight to the offering box. After that, he introduced his message title.

Before i continue let me brief you of this chief student pastor(the church founder). He was once a student of our school or rather he still is a student. He has spent over 10 years in the school, anybody who graduated from EBSU in the past decade will definitely know him or at least have heard about him. He drives cars that lecturers can only dream of. By now you must have been thinking how he managed to defraud students of such huge sum of money.

Students are made to pay tithes, sow seeds(phones and laptops inclusive), first fruits, huge offerings in exchange of academic excellence. He goes to pre degree school where he arrests the minds of these youths who are desperately looking for admission and brainwashed them into believing that their admission and academic success is largely tied to him. Funny enough when these students are admitted into the university, they become his slave till their rest of days on campus.

I have to admit that it is a shame that such deception should take place even in the university community, people regarded as intellectuals should allow themselves to be deceived by just a fellow student. How can a reasonable person think that writing exam with a pen anointed by a pastor will give him an 'A' when he did not study? How sensible is it for a student who is not working, whose parents are struggling to train in school, be giving a pastor huge sum of money just to pass his exams? Does God exchange good grades with money? Can you pass your exams even if you didn't give a pastor a penny? Well, let's return to what happened that day because it was even more surprising and disappointing at the same time.

to be continued.... Stay tuned!

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