• Do you always cry when cutting onions, well there is a logistic I believe will work. After peeling onions cut in half and soak in
water for about 5 minutes. Now, when you cut these onions your eyes will not water.

| Scientifically, When you remember a past event, you are actually remembering the last time you remembered it, not the event itself.

| The less sleep you get, the more dreams you have when you DO sleep. Take note.

| Strange but true, people with high IQ's tend to be very forgetful.

| If you touch your tongue while yawning, it can stop the yawn.

| Scientifically, a single human male produces enough sperm in 14 days that can impregnate every fertile woman on this planet. Don't try men

| if egg comes first before the chicken then who hatched the egg that became the chicken ?
Confusing, Have you ever thought of this ?
Scientists concluded that the chicken came first not the egg: because the protein which makes egg shells is only produced by hens.

And lastly

| Nearly 1 billion people throughout the world will go to bed hungry tonight.u cut these onions your eyes will not water

• French was the official language of England for over 300 years. If you don't believe me then ask Google.

• Guess what science says; According to scientists, fish were the inventors of sex.

• A group of vultures is called a wake, committee, venue, kettle, or volt.
A wake of about 30 vultures can skeletonize a human corpse in less than five hours.

• I believe you must have heard of the genius called Albert Einstein, well let me tell you something about him:
Einstein was stopped so much in public, he would reply, "Pardon me, sorry ! Always I am mistaken for Professor Einstein."

• Do you remember Omar Gonzalez — the man who jumped the White House — he was concerned the atmosphere was collapsing and needed to inform the President.

If you smoke weed and intoxicant drinks well you might as well behave like this.

• No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn't trying.

• Revenge can be bitter sweet, but if you sit back and watch, karma can be pure entertainment ...

• Study had shown that Half of Workers Have Quit a Job to Escape a Bad Boss.
A new study sheds new light on worker-manager relationships, finding that about 50% of the 7,200 adults surveyed left a job “to get away from their manager"

• We die because our cells die. Though they replace themselves over and over again for some 70-odd years, they can't do so forever.

• Eating ripe bananas help combat abnormal cells and the more dark spots a banana has the better the anti-cancer quality.

• Paris is the most popular tourist destination in the world.

• Porn industry is one of the biggest lucrative money making industry. Every second, over $3,000 is spent on pornography and 28,258 Internet users are viewing it worldwide.

•123456 is the most commonly password hacked... So, change your password.

• According to some psychologists, human beings are not capable of being “just friends” with members of the opposite sex.

• We are going to miss those guys, who rant on social media saying,'Jonathan till 2019 In Jesus name".
"Buhari will never smell Aso rock, never".
"Say No to Buhari (Buhari)".
"Monumental failure, when is he going to accept his faith as a collosal failure, contesting 4 times, no show"

Hehehe we gonna miss them.

It is no longer a myth that women prefer men with bigger genital, no wonder men are boasting about it.
A research was done;
A new study by Australian researchers found that while the average woman rates the average man with large genitals more attractive, large genitals also give tall men a bigger attractiveness boost than shorter men.

 According to psychologist:-
Psychology fact: Cheaters tends to think everyone cheats.
Liars tends to think that everyone lies.
Keep this in mind.

| Psychology fact: If you want someone to listen to you, start the conversation with "I shouldn't be telling you this..."

| Researchers says by 2070 India, now mostly Hindu, will become the world’s largest Muslim country.

| Things happening behind closed door:
She said; I have just finished at the university and have a circle of friends I had in my undergraduate days,and I cherish their friendship. My mum is one of these go-getting sophisticated women who see nothing in having affairs. My dad has affairs too, as you can see they have an open marriage.
My mum has been a source of embarrassment to me. She drinks like a fish, dresses young and wants to be part of our discussion whenever my friends come over.
A few weeks back, one of my friends phoned that his mum was almost out of her mind because my own mum was sleeping with his father. I refused to believe him because both families are close.
He then came over and showed me a copy of the love note my mum wrote his father. I was really ashamed and when I accused my mother of being indiscreet, she told me not to be silly. That people in her circle sleep with each other‘s husbands all of the time. I felt sick. She can do whatever she likes but how can I make her leave my friend’s father alone? His mother is more of a mother to me.

• #BBMShop is always being updated with new offers, stickers, and more. Check back often! http:///vQn97eaH4n http:///HOdWSdu8Yv

• Looking for a special character ? Press and hold a key and you'll be able select from a additional characters.

• If you type "LD" and tab space it will show today's date.

• If you tab "LT" and tab space it will show you the current time.

• For phone version type "myver".

• To access your Camera from the Lock screen, tap and hold the Camera icon

• Need to generate a random password? Grab Password Keeper from BlackBerry World to do this and much more! http:///4I9bV7xhrq

• Your pin will automatically appear if you type "mypin" and then tab space.

• Naturally Men are totally hardwired by evolution to prefer curvy women, study finds. The bigger butt she has the more likes she gets from men, the bigger her boobs the more staring she garner from men. Study says right from the days of Adam and Eve men are created to have desire for curvy women ..

• A 14-year-old boy once broke into Buckingham Palace and stole from Queen Victoria. What did he steal ?
He stole her underwear.

• If your head is cut off, you can remain conscious for 25 seconds - Meaning, you can still blink & do everything.

• Psychology says We change our voice when we talk to people we like. Right now be observing how your spouse speaks to people. No fighting please incase you realised it.

• The 1st European smoker was arrested, Because people thought he was the devil.

• According to a study, white men prefer the faces of Asian women, while white women prefer black male faces.

• The older you get, the less people you trust. That's because you have fallen to many of their trap and have seen their true color.

• Be smart, if they say to you,"You are lazy".
Reply back; I’m not lazy; I’m on energy saving mode.

• After reading this sentence you will realize that the the brain doesn't recognize a second 'the'.

Now go back you will see a double "the"

Psychology is the study of human behavior and it is very good in predicting people's thought. I love psychology :*

• Emergency Aid; If someone's having a heart attack, they have to CHEW the aspirin and not just swallow it. It gets the aspirin into your bloodstream faster. #HealthTip

• If you trust people more than calculators, you're wrong. A calculator never lies. #wiseUp

• It's better to be slapped by the truth than kissed with a lie. #True-fact.

• Sometimes the thing we can't change end up changing us. #Absolutely

• Gay men and women identify themselves with BeyoncĂ© because she frequently adopts a masculine swagger and men's clothing.

• Nigeria's president’s annual basic salary is put at N3, 514,705.

• Things happening behind closed door.

She said: "He sleeps with my best friend:
I have been dating my boyfriend for six years only to discover that he is also having an affair with my best friend. I confronted him on this and he promised not doing it again. I don’t know if I should quit or not because I still love him.

You introduce your friend to your wife/husband even sending him/her to his/her house to deliver your message and now you dey cry ? Hahaha probably even satan will be amazed by your Charisma =))

| Titanic was the first movie to make more than $1 billion. Avatar was the second.

| In Japan, when someone gives you a business card, it is rude to put it in your pocket.

| There is a French company can extract the smell of your dead loved one from their clothes and make a perfume out of it.

| With high level of polygamous marriage among muslim.
It is estimated that Islam will equal Christianity in size by 2050 and will surpassed Christianity by 2070.

| In 2014 alone, smokers lit up more than 5.8 trillion cigarettes.

| A horse can look forward with one eye and back with the other.

| Psychology says "Attempting to convince yourself that you don't care about someone is a clear indicator that you really do".

| To have beautiful servant girls is a threat to good marriages. ~ Chinese Proverb

| under Nigeria's law, one can use secondary school (high school) certificate to vie for governmental position.
The President Elect, Muhammadu Buhari used his secondary certificate to ascend the presidency.

26 coming members of the house of rep used school cert as well.

Most of the Reps that would make up the 8th National Assembly posses at least a bachelors degree (Bsc).

Only 26 ​m​embers ho​l​d only ​Secondary School Certificate.
Lagos S​tate produced the highest
number of lawmakers with low​
educational​ qualification, with four out
of the 26 lawmakers having SSCE only.
Kaduna S​tate produced three with SSCE only, while
Delta, Bauchi, Cross River, and Sokoto
produced two each.

The 8th House of Reps has at least 13
PHD holders. Enugu state with two
PhD certified lawmakers, produced the
highest number of doctorate holders​ in
the House.
Anambra, Plateau, Bauchi,
Benue, Borno, Kaduna, Kano, Lagos,
Osun, Sokoto, and Taraba produced
one each. Ekiti state, known for its high
number of literate citizens​, had none.

• In 1942 there was a Mississippi man called the Phantom Barber who would break into people's houses at night, and cut their hair.

• Whatever you train your brain to get used to it and it gets used to it then expect it to be perfect along the line. Just like typing without looking at your pad or keyboard.
By practicing a lot, you can train your brain to read and write at the same time. Practice makes perfect.

• Incase you don't know Research indicates that mosquitoes are attracted to people who have recently eaten bananas.

• The sun you see is so big that 1 million earths could fit into the sun.

• In order for a woman to have an orgasm during sex, her amygdala, the center for fear and anxiety in the brain, must be turned off.

• Cigarette smoking has been linked to joystick shrinkage. The more you smoke the more it shrinks.

• Its emotional and mindblowing;-
On May 23, 2014, when Mr. Sunday Obi, a retired staff of Chevron Company Ltd, Warri was served breakfast by his wife, Dora, little did he knew that that was going to be his last meal on earth.
The late Obi was alleged to have been served acid instead of water to go along with the food. Two of his sons are manipulated as among the three suspects ..... At the General Hospital Warri where he was rushed to, we were referred to Delta State University Teaching Hospital (DSTH), Oghara where the doctors said the case was beyond them. We were again referred to University of Benin Teaching Hospital (UBTH) when they could not handle the case. He died four days later at the UBTH ...
The motive of the action was probably as a result of his wealth. He did not offend them in any way; they wanted him to die so that they will inherit his wealth".
he said that he asked for water and he was served with acid; he said that he did not know it was acid .... I observed that the mouth and chest were burnt.

| There is a miracle performed by Jesus which was recorded in the Quran but not reported in the Bible, that "Jesus spoke on a cradle while a baby"

| Scientifically, When you remember a past event, you are actually remembering the last time you remembered it, not the event itself.

| The less sleep you get, the more dreams you have when you DO sleep. Take note.

| Strange but true, people with high IQ's tend to be very forgetful.

| If you touch your tongue while yawning, it can stop the yawn.

| Scientifically, a single human male produces enough sperm in 14 days that can impregnate every fertile woman on this planet. Don't try men

| if egg comes first before the chicken then who hatched the egg that became the chicken ?
Confusing, Have you ever thought of this ?
Scientists concluded that the chicken came first not the egg: because the protein which makes egg shells is only produced by hens

| Nearly 1 billion people throughout the world will go to bed hungry tonight.

Good Night All.....Continue Reading More Post On A 1000% LAFF WEBSITE WHILE YOU LEARN AS WELL.

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