The white floor length gown looked smashing on her,even though she had added some weight from the first time she
wore,she had been very excited when she unwrapped the box her husband brought home from one of his numerous travels.The shinnng material rolled out,it had looked perfect when she tried it on.

The front was A̶̲̥̅ v shaped bossom peeping neckline,and it was sleeveless,tiny silver stones sat brightly at the back line,it hugged her curves making them well pronounced,it flattered her well.she smiled at the mirror and was glad with the result.The happenings of her first outing in that dress came clouding."You'll be wearing that for the Levites business night,and did i tell you that,you'll be delivering the opening speech." Jacob's voice echoed her thoughts and she turned to face him.Her face was A̶̲̥̅ good definition of surprise,with puckered eyebrow she looked at her husband."You should have told me earlier so that i can prepare." Her voice sounded rough and shaky.

Jacob waved her away,"Someone has done that,all you have to do is read it dear,i trust you." Jane smiled at her husband,this time she wasn't too confident.And on the night of the party when she appeared on the podium to give the opening speech she almost fumbled as thousands of eyes settled on her gorgeous figure,she could feel strange eyes tearing off the cloth from her body.she took one long look at her husband and read the speech brilliantly,smiling and pausing where necessary,the warm applaud she received ran straight to her heart.she walked in style to her seat,where an angry Jacob sat boiling."I should have known this was A̶̲̥̅ bad idea from day one,we're leaving the party." He said A̶̲̥̅ frown etched on his fine face. He held her hand and walked her out to the car,she winced in pain as he clutched her hand tightly.Openng the door,he almost pushed her in.

He ignited the car,"My purse....on the table." Jacob was mad as he killed the engine,he got down and disappeared into the large hall.A̶̲̥̅ knock on the side door distracted her from her thought. A̶̲̥̅ young man wearing A̶̲̥̅ black suit and A̶̲̥̅ pair of dark glasses waved at her,he was too young to be bald probably 20 or A̶̲̥̅ year older.Jane opened the door and he carefully thrust A̶̲̥̅ white complmentary card in her hand."That's's from my boss." He said scurrying away before Jane could say A̶̲̥̅ word,his big bald head shinning bright.she held the handle and before she could close the door another man stood there,he wasn't bad looking in his ash coloured suit for A̶̲̥̅ stout man."Please permit to say you look gorgeous tonight."He smiled and dropped his card on her hand.Making A̶̲̥̅ call me sign as he walked away.Jane starred at the cards on her laps,she was stunned to react or say A̶̲̥̅ word.

"Bravo.". Jacob clapped,she turned to see the bloodshot look on his face."I've only been away for less than ten minutes and you're messing around,where's the card that man gave to you? " Jane feigned surprise and starred at him."I don't know what you're talking about.". She answered avoiding his face.He pushed her slightly and two cards fell down.

That was it,she had never seen him drive this reckless,he was flouting road signals and sped fast,when the big black gate opened to the compound,he almost jumped off the car.Jane got down and before she could say A̶̲̥̅ word he was by her,"Meet me inside." He said taking long strides away from her.

Jane was confused to say the least,she dragged her tired feet in,she had barely stepped her foot in when he grabbed her by the waist lifting her up,he ran to the bedroom and dropped her on the bed,his trousers disappeared and he had his way roughly with her.she screamed but he wouldn't stop nor listen."I own you,i own your body and all that you have." He said more to himself.He was furious and very angry.She knew better than to argue.That was the sourful event that took place on her first outing п̥̥ this dress,she had vowed never to wear it again,but this time Jacob had personally ordered her to wear it.she sighed as she finished up her makeup and picked her purse.

"This is just amazing." Hannah swirled in excitement,as Adetoun paraded around the room again lifting her hands up,A̶̲̥̅ tiny gold ring sat on her third finger.It was A̶̲̥̅ surprise when Kelvin proposed to her that afternoon,just the two of them.The kind of thing she liked,it was intimate,romantic and sizzling when he went on one knee and asked her to marry him,she had screamed yes.And her head turned in excitement.

It was A̶̲̥̅ dream come true for her,she was the happiest woman on earth at the moment."Hey babe congratulations." Rekia embraced her friend,tears strolled down her cheeks and she quickly wiped it away before any of her friend could see it.She knew such A̶̲̥̅ day like this would never come.she knew it in mind.Because no man born of A̶̲̥̅ woman would ever agree to marry her.

"I'm just so excited." Hannah screamed in delight,she got up and held her friends hand."Wedding bells are ringing!" She laughed,embracing her once again."Yes yes,and that brings us to you,when are you bringing him home?" Rekia asked.

Hannah picked her glass and downed the water in one gulp,"When i find that man i'll bring him home." She said with an uneasy smile across her red dabbed lips.Adetoun turned to face her."That doesn't sound like A̶̲̥̅ good answer jare,yoj should at least give another man A̶̲̥̅ chance.its been two years since you and Damola happened now,time dey go o"

Hannah's laughed out loud,"Chance you say?for another man to disappear just like Ade or deceive me like Damola did right?" She got up and walked out of the sitting room."She needs A̶̲̥̅ lot of talking too." Rekia nodded.

"Says who? You? I've never heard you talk of A̶̲̥̅ man in your life,or are you A̶̲̥̅ lesbian."Rekia hauled A̶̲̥̅ throw pillow at her hitting Adetoun fully on the head."I'm not A̶̲̥̅ lesbian please,i'm not just one for relationship mush mush nonsense". She said crossing her leg as she spoke,she could feel hot tears burn down her throat at her lie.

"On A̶̲̥̅ more serious note,whatever it is that's bulging your mind,feel free to share." Adetoun smiled."Let's go and celebrate o."Hannah walked in,she had changed into A̶̲̥̅ shiffon blouse with A̶̲̥̅ black and white stripped mini skirt.

"That's the spirit girl." Rekia got up pulling Adetoun along,"Wedding girl let's go doll up,we're having fun tonight."

Jane walked into the sitting room downstairs,picking her step one at A̶̲̥̅ time."Mummy..." Adam shouted running to hold Jane's leg.She smiled at the very first child that came out of a womb she once termed barren which to her amazement was fruitful.

Flashing back to the night when she received that strange call,she didn't know how she arrived at the hospital because she was still in shock.She only remembered being in the labour room for close to five hours,she demanded to see her husband who was miles away receiving treatment for the bones dislocated in his arm.A̶̲̥̅ drunk driver had hit their car,his driver was really in A̶̲̥̅ bad shape and their car was badly damaged.Jacob was lucky to have sustained A̶̲̥̅ few bruises.Jane was complicating issues by requesting for the presence of her husband.The doctor had informed her mother and mother-n-law who had both arrived that she would undergo A̶̲̥̅ ceasarian section.The two women had shouted in pain as they went to make the required deposit.

Funmi and Bibi prayed in the reception while awaiting the scheduled time for her operation,it was A̶̲̥̅ surprise when the doctor came to inform them that she had put to bed naturally,bringing forth three children at A̶̲̥̅ time.A̶̲̥̅ baby girl and two bouncng baby boys.But it was sad to announce that one of the boys gave up barely ten minutes of his arrival.

The birth of these children brought so much happiness to the family again,Jaiye really proved to be A̶̲̥̅ good friend,he was there for her and his wife provided the company she needed.Cynthia cuddled her three month old baby too.The christening was done in A̶̲̥̅ quiet way due to the accident of Jacob,she was surrounded by her family and in-laws who were there to share in their joy.Two weeks when Jane was strong enough she visited her husband,he was getting better and would be discharged soon.Jacob was full of joy when he held his children in his arms.Jane also paid A̶̲̥̅ visit to the driver who was responding to treatment very well.

And when Jacob was discharged,it was just three weeks from Jackies wedding.Another welcome home party was organised for father and children,before A̶̲̥̅ grand party was organised to celebrate the childrens dedication in the church.They were christened Adam and Eve.

Jackie's wedding was celebrated in grand style,with the creme de la creme of the society in attendance.The birth of her kids heralded another side of her husband,he was A̶̲̥̅ caring and doting father to his kids.He would bath them very early well before going to work,he would return early in the evening to play with them,they were his bundle of joy.

Jane blessed God for his continual mercy upon her family,especially when Jacob began to complain about her weight.Constant argument arrived from this issue and he even got her A̶̲̥̅ personal instructor to assist her to work out so as to burn some fat.In no time she shed some baby fat but she still had some.His anger disappeared just as it had appeared.

Adam and Eve brought happiness into the home of their parent as they began to grow,Jacob's attention was on the kids alone.she was gradually growing apart.The children had clocked two years already and Jacob had celebrated them in grand style once again.He was always lavishing on them expensve things.And each time she passed A̶̲̥̅ comment about it,he would go mad and make A̶̲̥̅ quarell out of it.Jacob was changing so fast she couldn't grasp it,at times he'll be all cool and romantic and at other times just acting like she was poo.She took her mind off it as she climbed down the stairs.

Tonight he had informed her that they were going out,and it was supposed to be A̶̲̥̅ surprise."Adam don't let mummy fall." She said unwrapping his hands from her leg,he was just A̶̲̥̅ split image of his father,you'll need no soothsayer to know Jacob was their father.Eve had her mother's face,calm and beautiful.

"Aisha!" Jane called.The girl answered and came in."We're going out take care of my children." She said patting Eve's hand.

"Are you not done?" Jacob came in,the driver was done warming the car.he stood transfixed to A̶̲̥̅ spot,taking one long look at his beautiful wife,she was smashing hot,and the added weight flattered her curves giving her one hell of A̶̲̥̅ sensual look.He blinked rapidly starring back at her innocently.

Jane sighed,"Did i do anything wrong?" She asked,because she was beginning to perspire.And the way he was starring at her.

Jacob stepped in fully in his black shirt over jean with A̶̲̥̅ white shoe,even though he was dressed casual he was damn sexy.He cleared his throat."Can we leave now?"Jane asked again.

"No,i'll be going alone,stay with the kids." He said slamming the door in her face.Jane stood rooted to A̶̲̥̅ spot as his car roared and left the compound.

Kelvin dropped his phone on the sofa and turned to face her,sweat trickled down the side of his face."You can not keep on evading this issue,i want to ask for your hand in marriage from your parents."His voiced echoed in the room.

Adetoun was surprised at his outburst,nevertheless she remained calm.she played with the curls that travelled down her shoulder.Her brown top were A̶̲̥̅ pretty shade to flatter her eyes.she crossed and uncrossed her leg.She picked her mobile phone and scrolled it."Don't even play dumb with me." His voice was high and he struggled to control his brewing temper.

"Enough of this hide and seek game,or don't you think its time to let go of whatever you had against your family.Your working now,you're matured enough to make good decisions.For the sake of our love please let me meet them." Kelvin's plea was A̶̲̥̅ balm to her sore heart.she sighed and lowered her head.she didn't want him to see how weak she felt as tears trickled down her face.

Kelvin was on his knees again,he held her by the leg and looked into her eyes,he only wanted to do what was right and she was making it look hard.Adetoun felt her heart heave repeatedly.she pulled him up."I have made up my mind." She said getting up.

She walked towards the curtain and pulled it apart,looking outside the spacious apartment her fiance occupied."I'm taking you to see my parents tomorrow.Jacob and the Odenuga's are the only family i've got."

Adetoun returned to the chair,she picked her handbag swiftly and stumped out,Kelvin watched her leave but not without having the last word."If you will not take me to your parents,then do me honours of returning my ring."His voice was cold and lifeless just what he wanted it to be.

Adetoun stopped in her tracks."What!" She screamed,her legs failed her and she had to hold the pillar in front of her."You heard me." Kelvin said and walked away A̶̲̥̅ smirk look spread across his face.
She was almost done filling the online form for A̶̲̥̅ job she discovered through some site,she popped two prawn crackers in her mouth and chewed noisily as she punched the keys on her laptop.

"What's funny?" Hannah asked taking A̶̲̥̅ look at Rekia who sat behind her laptop all smiles,she was wearing A̶̲̥̅ sleeveless wine gown just an indoor cloth,she crossed her leg and held the remote control iп̥ one hand.

"Its this form i'm filling jare."She said turning to face Hannah."I'm being asked of my Hiv status,i'm thinking of stating it that i'm positive or rather go for A̶̲̥̅ test." She said.

"Crazy babe,just write positive jo,abi are your hands not clean?" Hannah joked reducing the volume of the music viideo she was watching.

Rekia closed her laptop,"How about i go for the test?" She said aloud.

"Now i know you're completely jobless,why would you waste your time going for test because of an online job form that could just be non existing."Hannah said shaking her head.Rekia's attitude was sometimes surprising,she wondered what made her like that."Anyway na you know o." She said increasing the volume of the music.

"I'll go." Rekia made up her mind,she saved the page and logged into her facebook page.There was A̶̲̥̅ knock on the door,she answered it,Adetoun walked in dropping her purse on the couch she sat down and unbuckled her shoe.

"I'm so tired i can eat A̶̲̥̅ horse right now." She said resting on the couch.

"Too bad,i didn't cook anything,i was job hunting online when i came across one company like that sha,i was asked to stamp A̶̲̥̅ copy of my HIV status to the form,so i'm thinking of going for the test sometime this week."Rekia landed.

Adetoun who had been yawning suddenly became awake,for the first time it occured to her that she could be positive knowing the number of men she had been intimate with willingly and forcefully.A̶̲̥̅ lumped formed in her throat.

"Pls tell her its A̶̲̥̅ silly idea for an online job at that." Hannah spoke.

Adetoun was silent,she really needed to find out her status,she could be positive,beads of sweat trickled down her face and her mind flashed back to the incidents that happened some years back.In anger she got up and began to hit her fist on the wall as if unbottling her anger.Hannah and Rekia rushed towards her holding her by the arm.

"Are you okay?" Rekia asked in fright,as they helped her to A̶̲̥̅ seat.

"I'm taking that test with you." She said,her lips trembled as she spoke.Maybe that was the first step in letting the past go.


Jane tucked her kids in bed and stood for A̶̲̥̅ minute gazing at her bundle of joy as they slept peacefully,her dream had finally come true.she smiled to her herself,her hands combing through her rough hair,she really needed to use A̶̲̥̅ saloon soon.she closed the door gently and returned to the sitting room.

She sat beside her husband letting her head rest on his shoulders,his hands came to her waist naturally.she loved that feeling that let loose in her at the feel of his hands on her body.They were like that for some minutes both watching A̶̲̥̅ soap opera.

Jacob had been quite cool again,controlling himself and being good,if not for his growing jealousy things would just be perfect."I'm going to the saloon to fix my hair tomorrow." Janet said lifting her head to meet his eyes,as she was expecting A̶̲̥̅ protest but he was silent.

Jacob carefully went through his schedule for the next day,but unfortunately for him he was tied down with work and busy."No problem i'll ask mt driver to drop you."

"I can go in my car,what's with the watch dog now?"She asked carefully playing with his fingers.
"Oyindun everything i do is because of you,okay? I don't want anything to happen to you and my kids." He said kissing her on the forehead."Let my driver take you,i'll be rest assured there's no problem." His voice sounded cool and sincere.she brought his head closer and kissed him on the lips."Thanks dear i appreciate you."

Jane asked the driver to drop her outside gate,the driver did as he was told and drove off,she opened her handbag and picked her phone,it was ringing.She didn't hear the car screech towards her almost hitting her,she quickly jumped in fright falling in the process.

The car came to A̶̲̥̅ stop few inches away from her,the driver's side door swung open and A̶̲̥̅ young man of about Jacob's age jumped down and helped her up."I didn't know i was standing on the road,i'm sorry." She apologised while the man dust her dress.

"I should be apologising madam." His accent,american.he was quite handsome in his red shirt tucked in white jean and his face was clean shaven,she had seen his face somewhere but she couldn't remember.

The gatekeeper opened the entrance and the man helped her in,"I'm okay thank you." She managed still trying to remember the man's face.

"I'm Toye,i leave next house and i'm new in this area." He said shading his eye from the sun."Once again i'm sorry for frightening you." He smiled and bowed.Hmmm hmmm now she remembered him,he was the one who bought the mansion beside their house.

"How about A̶̲̥̅ glass of water?" Janet asked politely.

"That'll be nice but thanks,i really have some things to fix,can i check on you later in the day?" He said smiling down at her,he was tall,and well built too.

"No problem then." Jane flashed him one of her sensous smile again.

"And your's new and it looks great on you."

"Thank you Mr Toye."

"You can call me Toye,what's the name?"

Jane flushed in hot embarrassment as she felt like A̶̲̥̅ teenager once again."I'm Oyindunmade."

"Alright them Oyindun,expect me." He touched her hands briefly and walked out of the gate,she sniffed п̥̥ his fragrance and sashayed into the house.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Kelvin asked A̶̲̥̅ gorgeous Adetoun who sat huddled in her seat.

She pulled her face down and did her seat belt,she hoped she was making the right decision this time,she had gone with the girls to make her new weavon,she had her face made up and her dress was just good on her.It would be foolish for her to back down at the last minute.

Her mind drifted back to the discussion she had ealier in the day with her friends,what if she was positive,would Kelvin ever accept her,she was yet to reveal the truth about herself to him.All this and more rushed in her mind.
"Adetoun!" Kelvin called for the third time.

"Yes dear." Her voice was quite calm and her face was sullen too.

"You know if you don't want to do this i'll understand and not trouble you about it,i have this feeling my parent will love you,they're good people and my siblings too." Kelvin said,since she didn't want him to meet her parent now,they both agreed to go and see his parent first.

"I'm ready to do this." She answered quietly.Kelvin slipped his hands in hers,and A̶̲̥̅ warmth of strength paddled through her stomach,she felt alive again and A̶̲̥̅ smile came on her face.

Kelvin smiled and pecked her,"That's why i love you baby." He relaxed п̥̥ his seat.

"I love you more." She whispered as he turned on the ignition.

Jane asked Nnamdi to get the door,she smiled at herself.She had been checking the time all day and silently prayed that her neghbour would fulfill his promise and show up.she didn't go to the store today.

Even before she turned back to face him,she could perceive his fragrance,it was strong and appealing...somewhat sensous for such A̶̲̥̅ charming man."Hello o good evening." His deep baritone tone echoed behind her.His tone was A̶̲̥̅ pitch low and it came on naturally like A̶̲̥̅ sweet rhyme.

To be continued.........



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