Realisation hit her hard,this is Jacob's room!,she stood from the bed,her clothes was strewn about,Jacob was not insight,she had on a robe that wasn't hers.

Anger raged through her bone,how could he? Why would he have done that to her? Jacob had taken her? This wasn't the time to ask questions,she picked her gown,wore it,she had trouble doing the zip by herself,she finally had it in place,picking her Hermes bag she made for the door.
'What did you say to her?' Funmi was startled to see a boiling Jacob towering above her with a deadly look.
Jackie came in,she had her night robe on,Jacob's voice had woken her,she sat beside her mother.
'Mum,what is it again?' She inquired from Funmi.
'Please ask him'
Jacob was wearing a polo and shorts with a towel around his neck,he'd gone to use the gym only to return to an empty room,he'd thought it was a bad nightmare,alas,it wasn't,he'd checked the bathroom,kitchen and every empty room in his wing,yet Jane was no where to be found,her bag and her clothes had dissapeared also,and only one person could make her vanish..FUNMI
'Jay,what happened?' Jackie asked impatiently.
'Ask her' his hands pointed at Funmi.
'Mum,what is it now?' Jackie said.
'Where is Jane?'Jacob said muttering every courage he could to remain calm as he spoke.
'Is she not in?' Jackie asked
'What happened to her?'Funmi looked at Jacob and Jackie.
'Don't pretend to me,what did you say to make her leave?'
'I know nothing about it' Funmi stood up.
'Please calm down mum' Jackie paused 'Jay what exactly are you talking about?'
'I went to use the gym only to return to an empty room'
'And you think i am responsible for her,when did i become a watch woman?' Funmi shouted.
'I am out of here' She walked out.
'Mum,if anything happens to that girl,if she does anything to hurt herself,mum..'
'You have to calm down,have you tried her mobile?'
'Not yet'
'Lets do that first'
Jacob dialled her number,but it was switched off.
'I think you should check her at home then.'
'I'll do that right away.'

'When a salt losses its taste,it becomes useless,it is poured out to be trampled upon by men.
So it is,when a christian losses his/her value in the lord,they become useless.
Are you here this morning,with a lost value? Have you lost your faith? Are you saltless?
Men no longer value you,then you have been trampled on by men.
Come to the lord,he'll add value to your life,he'll make you a salt to the world....... the pastors word echoed in her ear,as she sat gloomy in her seat staring at other worshippers in the church.

She'd returned home sad after the service,she'd only gone to church to avoid suspicion,she wasn't prepared to be on the hot seat today,her mother might begin to ask questions she had no answer to.

As she got out of her car,she saw Jacob's car parked in their compound,her heart did some sommersault,what did the devil want from her again?what was he doing in their house?

What effontery?after all that happened last night,he had the guts to come to her house.

He'd surely get what he bargained for today,she would lash him.
He'd overstepped on her,he'd broken his boundary,a man who puts a leaf to his mouth in an attempt to mimick a dumb person should be prepared for a bitter fight.

Her mother had gone out straight from church,she walked in opening the door quietly,Jacob sat on the sofa with Rose,with a glass of whatever he was drinking,only God knew what he was saying to make the girl laugh,she felt like slapping Rose,he was laughing with a traitor,the girl had done nothing to be ashamed of,she was probably keeping him company,so?was that a pang of jealousy,save heavens she said,with a heavy breath.

Jacob looked so handsome,he didn't make effort to look this hot,he was dressed simple,he was a natural.
And merely looking at him,something in her longed for his strong hands,she wanted to lay her head on those broad shoulders and sleep,No! That was simply impossible,a man who takes advantage of a woman is a beast,to be thrown to the dogs,he'd taken her without her knowledge,he'd taken away her innocence.she was now saltless,that tasted bitter in her mouth.

Rose turned her head slightly to see a staring Janet.She smiled,
'She's back,Uncle Jacob' she said as Jacob turned towards her a smile on his lips.
'Welcome aunty Jane' Rose said leaving for the kitchen.The frown on Jane's face had frozen Jacob,who sat tongue tied.

She walked away from the door,
Jane stared at him like he'd just said something strange.
'Ja... ...'
' have the guts to come here' the waters were rushing out before she could control it,she wiped it away with the back of her hands,her voice was vibrating.
'Now,get out!'
Jacob stood up startled,he was at a loss of what to say or do.He opened his mouth,but couldn't utter a word,his tongue was stuck,he was stunned as he stood there frightened thinking of something suitable to say.
'Leave my house right now!' she screamed,her handbag fell from her as she walked to the door and held it ajar.

Jacob tried to lift his leg but he was finding it difficult to move,Jane glared at him with tear stained eyes,a greater force shook him pushing him to move as he walked out of her house without turning back,he entered his car and drove away like a mad man.

As she heard his car zoom off,she slumped on the sofa crying.
One,two,three,....he'd lost count,as he continued throwing his clothes into a box,he'd drove fiercely ignoring traffic signs,he drove at a high speed,he was driving in body while his spirit was being tortured,he couldn't think straight,he drove recklessly all in a bid to get home,he'd ordered Bash to get him some travelling boxes,and also make arrangement for a place to sleep.

He'd gotten home in 40mins,climbing the stairs two at a time,he went to his wing and into his room,he packed his clothes,the ones he could pack anyway,few shoes,some office documents he'd brought home and other necessary items.

Whatever his mother had said to Jane must have hurt her badly,she'd never reacted to him in such manner,she was a smart woman but cool headed,not the screaming or nagging type,he knew what to do.

'I'll deal with my mum first,am coming back for you Janet' he said in his mind,his shirt was soaked with sweat,he cleaned his face with a towel as tears sprang to his face,he wasn't prepared to let go of her now.

His mother was merely pushing him,he wasn't going to give up,he had better plans than that.

His phone rang,it was Jaiye,he picked it up on the fifth ring,he knew what he was calling about.
'O boy,whats up' Jaiye said laughing over the phone.
'You said we're moving by one,its quarter past one,and you're not here.'
'You guys can go,am not coming.'he sounded impatient.
'What? Something is wrong' Jaiye said,he was talking to someone beside him,Jacob held the phone to his ear listening to their conversation as Paul another of his friends spoke with him.
'What happened now?' Paul asked surprised,because Jacob had been the one bragging that he was going to spoil the others guys rotten at their friendsparty that sunday.
'Sorry guys,i can't make it' he said with a dull voice.
'Are you sure you're alright,should we come over.' Paul asked worried about him.
'No problem man,i can handle it.'
'I'll sort it,you guys can go,thanks.'
'I trust you,there is nothing you can't handle.At the snap of your fingers,every contract must bow.' Paul laughed,even Jacob had to laugh,his friends were fond of saying that.
'I've got to go now' he said into the mouthpiece.

He dropped his phone,checking if his wallets and cards were in place,he remembered he was boasting to his friends that he was going to spoil them with drinks at their friends party,that was a bygone now,he had issues to sort out.

Someone was at the door,
'Whoever is there should come in or get lost' he growled like a wounded animal.
Jackie walked in,dressed up,she was probably going out.
'I didn't know you're back' she said looking at the packed boxes.
'Yes,am back'
'What are all these boxes for?'
'I bet you don't want to know' he said without looking up.
'What is it?i want to know'
'Jackie am leaving' he said without much ado
'I take it you're joking.' she said feigning a smile.
'Does it look like i am' he answered her.
'Today isn't fools day,come off it'
'Jac...kie,thats it,no jokes' His voice was stern and controlled.
'You know what mum can be like,she said she hadn't spoken a word to her.' Jackie defended her mother.
'Do you believe that?'
'Well,am not too sure.'
'Good! Jane doesn't want to see me,she does not want to talk to me,she walked me out of her house! Jackie don't you get it!' he was angry as he spoke.
'Please calm down' she said as she held his hands trying to soothe him. 'We can work together to solve this'
'Its late,am leaving' his phone rang again it was Katherine,she'd been calling for the past three days,he silenced the call as he swore under his breath.
'Was that Jane?' she asked with hope in her beautiful eyes.
'Why did you cut the call'
'That was Katherine' He said
'You guys still see each other?'
'No,trust me on that Jackkkk,i don't go back to my vomit'
'Its okay,lets talk this out'
'There's nothing to talk about sis' he rose to his feet,he walked towards her and hugged her close to himself,he kissed her on the lips,they were both locked in the embrace for some minutes,Jacob pulled himself away from her,he picked the box along with him and walked out.

Jackie left to call their mother,Funmi thought she was trying to scare her at first,but the frightening look in Jackie's eye?

Jacob returned to his room to pick the other boxes.

Funmi got up from the bed,and followed her to Jacobs room,but he wasn't there,they both rushed to the balcony in time to see his car zoom off from the compound.
Mother and daughter looked at each other.
'Did he tell you where he was going?'
'He's gone!' Jackie said as a tears glistened in her beautiful eye.
This was one thing she disliked about bean cake,the peeling of the beans! aaarh she hissed,she washed it twice,rinsed the pepper and onions and poured it into the blender,Rose was supposed to be doing this but she had sent her on a personal errand and it was getting late already.

She put on the blender,and watched as the beans,pepper and onion blender together,she wished her life could be blended together too to give her peace.

Why was it that people you love always let you down,it was said that,when you love someone,you are giving such a person the power to make you,or destroy you and hoping that they don't do the latter,how true can this be? She sighed,she'd put all of her trust in Jacob,and look what he dished her in return,men!

She wasn't proud of her action this afternoon,but she couldn't stand his sight either.she'ld have been a fool to call to apologize,if there was any apology to be made,it should be coming from that pig headed man.

She had just unplugged the blender,pouring its content in a bowl when Rose returned.
'Did you get it?'
'Yes i did,here it is' she handed Jane a bag.
'I have just blended the beans you can go on and wrap it' she left the kitchen.

It was quarter to 6 in the evening,she was not even aware of the serene atmosphere,she had cried a lagoon this afternoon,and she hadn't eaten a bite of anytthing today,she was about to go into her room,when she caught sight of the shopping bag beside the sofa.

That was the same bag,Jackie gave her yesterday,Jacob must have brought it for me,she'd forgotten the bag this morning and even if she saw it,she wouldn't have taken it along.

She took it to her room,and dumped it in a corner,she sat on the bed staring at the bag,her curiousity got the better part of her as she pulled it out to divulge its content,she was awed,three dress,a pack of perfume and two Dior heels,the dress were her size,and to think she'd seen those two shoe at the supermart,though it was of different color,she'd wanted to pick them but the price tag sent her away.

Jackie must have gone to great lenght getting her all these,she packed the bag and returned it to its position,she'd packed her boxes as she was leaving for camp tomorrow morning.
Biola arrived not quite long,she heard Rose answering the door,she cleaned her face and added a little powder to it,her mother had owls eye,she could detect anything.

To avoid suspicion she'd gone to the sitting room to watch TV,her mother came in afterwards placing a little bag by Jane's side.
'Whats here?' she looked surprise.
'For your eyes only dear' Biola smiled at her grown up daughter.
Jane opened it to find a plate of vanilla ice cream.
'Oh Bibi,thanks' she threw her arms around her mother.
'You're welcome dear' Biola said studying her daughter as she unwrapped the paperbag,bringing out a small spoon to eat her ice cream.
'What are those circle i see under your eyes' Biola was curious.
'Yes,it looks like you've been crying all day.'
'Mum,have been crying all day because Jacob has deprived me of my pride without my consent,i am now a woman,my innocence is gone,i have lost my salt,i have no value'she wanted to scream but thought against it,Biola would hate Jacob for the rest of her life.
'Mum,you're imagining things,am fine,fine,fine' she laughed heartily to convince her inquisitive mother.
'So how was the event' Jane was trying to change the topic.
'It was good' Biola said oblivious of her daughters agenda.
'Did that woman attend?'
'You mean mrs George?'
Jane nodded.'Yes she did.'
'How's Jacob' Biola asked
'He's fine.'
'And his family?'
'They are all fine too.'
'Are you set for tomorrow?'
'Yes,i have packed my box and other necessary items.'
'I'll drive you there before leaving for work'
'Thank you mum.' she smiled warmly forgetting her sorrow for the moment.
'Jane,i want you to becareful in all you do,you're not getting any younger you know,do not taste what you're not ready to eat,i have known you to be a decent lady,pls keep youself for Jacob,and pay attention to every instruction.
The lord is your strenght,i love you so much' Biola said holding her hands.

'I love you too mum' She smiled.

They'd just had dinner,she drank a glass of warm milk and had a quick bath,she sat on the dressing table,applying an ointment to her face and staring at herself in the mirror.
The tears came from nowhere,she had always wished that her wedding night would be the best,knowing her husband intimately for the first time,but alas,she wished wrong,Jacob had blacken her dream,she looked at the saltless image in the mirror and wept harder,she got a kleenex and cleaned her tears promising never to wallow in self pity again,she prayed that night to God to forgive her.

As she lay in bed,all her thought was about camp and how she planned to enjoy her every bit of it.She slept like a baby oblivious of what lay ahead her on Monday monday.I bet you don't want to know.

To be continued at 10pm.

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