She wondered if he had any other girlfriend save her,she had not completely forgotten about the creamy skin,rich lady at the restaurant,she quickly banished such thought from her mind.

She remembered the flirting gaze of the pretty attendant at the supermart and how Jacob had returned it with a sweet innocent smile.She was the envy of so many ladies.

She made a vow in her mind never to do anything to provoke him or make him distrust her,she packed the clothes,shoes,accesories and other things into its pack.

If always and forever truly exist,that was what she wished for with Jacob,a voice in her head told her not to forget about his mother,she scolded the voice saying nothing was impossible for God.

But why God! She laughed,A God she hardly prayed to,thanked? Praised?
Awwh! Life was a handful,she thought.

She looked forward to her Aunt's visit the next dae and spending a whole day in the Smiths! That was something she didn't want to think about for now.

It was late in the evening and she settled on the couch to watch a new movie her mother brought last night.She asked Rose to join her after asking about her leg.

It was a comic movie,a love story like that of hers and Jacob,it had a happy ending,and she laughed till tears found their way down her face,she hoped her relationship with Jacob would have a happy ending too,she wished,she wished,she wished..........
Adeola gave the phone to her mother,the phone had stopped ringing,adeola returned to her seat.

Biyisi took the phone from Adeola,the phone was in automatic lock,
'Toun unlock this phone now' she said handing her the phone,she received it with shaking hands and shivered as she fed the screen with a 5 letters code,she handed it back to Biyisi.

Biyisi saw two missed calls,she didn't understand how she saved the name. 'Who called' she asked again.

Adetoun was shaking,
'I .....I.....I .....haven't,I....don't know...' she stammered.Biyisi gave her the phone she scrolled to missed calls,her racing heart stopped when she saw the name,it was her aunt who had called she told her mother.

Biyisi had only nodded,saying she didn't have her time at the moment.

Adetoun left for her room immediately,she had not bothered to carry her food,she sank on her bed,thankful to have escaped any beating that night,but it was not her aunt that called,it was Priye,she was lucky that Biyisi had not insisted that she returned the call.

Her father had sat at the table like a dummy through the whole time,not saying a word,she was even happy he didn't contribute,or he would have made matters worse for her.

She called Priye,who asked to see her tonight at his place,which was just 10 minutes walk from their house,she explained to him that he would have to be wait till everyone had gone to bed.

Adetoun sat on her bed counting hours,wishing she could cast a spell on everyone to leave for bed especially Biyisi,but that only happened in movies not in real life.

She had met Priye when she was in Sec. School,he'ld been so nice and caring especially after hearing the ugly tale of her home.Priye stood by her through thick and thin,his parent were okay and he always had money to give her,even when she didn't ask for it.
He used to visit her at home,until Biyisi had developed a lukewarm attitude towards him and Adetoun had adviced him to stay away for some time.she was the one always going to his house,or somewhere discreet to meet him.
His mother was always nice to her everytime she visited.Priye cared so much for her,they had sexx several times,she really enjoyed doing that with her,they were special moments,she would not erase from her memory

If wishes were horses,beggars would ride,as Adetoun wished things were different from the vague life she was subjected to,she sneaked to the sitting,no one was there,eveyone had retired to bed.she collected the bunch of keys from a drawer and sneaked out of the house quietly.

Adetoun had been gone for an hour and a half,she explained to Priye all that happened that afternoon and he brought her food and a pack of juice,he comforted her,they both cried,that she loved about,he was always ready to share in her pain,they had a quick sexx in his room,he also gave her some money,she ran all the way home,she carefully opened the gate so as not to wake Sulaimon,their gateman.she didn't even worry much about Sule,a bottle of Gulder would settle him.

She locked the big gate,climbed the stairs and entered the kitchen noiselessly,she locked the door,she was about to proceed to the sitting room,when the light suddenly came on in there,she froze on the spot,she prayed that whoever it was would leave in time,but alas,the intruder had come to stay.

Her hands became cold,she was sweating at the same time,the sound of the television came on.

Ah ah,this was big trouble o,she had to get to the sitting room to get to her room.she peeped and saw Biyisi's lean frame on the chair.

It was like her prayer had been answered,when the light in the sitting room went off,but when the lean figure began to walk towards the kitchen,she began to say her last prayer.

Adetoun lay quietly by the cupboard and prayed for a miracle,when.........
Wake up Sleepie! Wake up!,Jane heard in her sleep,was this a kind of dream or was it a nightmare.
She snuggled the duvet closer,enjoying its warmth.

Like a shy baby,she opened her eyes,Biola was standing there in a white apron,waving a spoon at her,Jane glanced at the white clock resting on the wall.

She opened her mouth and closed it for lack of what to say,her mother sat by the dressing table,
'Wake up sleepie' Biola said smiling at her daughter.

'Mummy,are you not late for work?' she asked.

'Somebody has forgotten something here' Biola laughed.

'And whats that?'

'I own my business and i can do as i wish'

'You don't have to remind of that' Jane smiled warmly.

'Today is Friday!'

'I know too,and Aunty Lade is coming to visit us.' she said quizzically.

'Good,i'm staying at home and am cooking too' Biola giggled

'I can't wait too'
'You know what,i made breakfast for you,let me get it,so that you'll have no excuse not to help me in the kitchen,my lazy girl.'

Something was happening and she was yet to get a grip on it,she couldn't remember the last time Bibi took off a day at work or volunteer to cook,oh God! Bibi is gradually recovering from her husband's death,to her old funny self.Death was a sad thing,it took their mother's joy away and robbed them of a father figure.
She couldn't wait to enjoy some of her tasty meals and the prescence of a whole new mother,she grabbed her brush and in two seconds she was in her bathroom,she washed her mouth with some water,the aroma of whatever her mother cooked filled the whole place.she rushed out of the bathroom to see Biola placing a tray by her bed.
'Here you go darling.' her face was plastered with a smile.

Jane walked over and examined the content,a plate of srambbled egg,a toast,tomato ketchup,and a jug of hot tea.
'This smells nice and it tastes....hmmm' she said putting a toast in her mouth.

'I knew you'll say that,so hurry up with that,so that you can join me in the kitchen.' Biola headed out.

'Yes mum,i'll be out in a minute' she said with her mouth filled,she poured herself a cup of tea,sipping cautiously to avoid an emergency.

Jacob called saying he had much work at the office today,he didn't want to bring home any work so as to enjoy the whole of saturday with her.he had dropped the call blowing her a kiss over phone.

Jane downed all the content of her plate and returned the tray to the kitchen,her mum was having a field day,so much to cook,clean,wash and arrange.Awwwwh!

It was some minutes past eleven when Aunt Lade arrived,she had jumped on her,they both crashed on the couch.
'Let me hug my sister o' Aunt Lade laughed,giving Biola a big hug.
The two sisters were like that for three minutes before disentangling.

'I miss you so much sis.' Lade said sitting by Jane.

'I miss you too dear' Biola answered.

'Jane get Lade some juice from the fridge'
Jane dissapeared and reappeared with a jug and a glass on a tray.she poured some juice and gave it to Lade.
'Here you go' Lade collected it and downed the glass.
'Ah ah,you didn't say you were so tasty Aunt Lade.' Jane asked.
'Well,you didn't tell me it was freshly made orange juice with GG' she said smiling at Jane.
'How did you know it was freshly made?'
'You ask so many question Jane,i spent four years reading Food Technology,two years in a cooking school and i still cook for KFC.' she let out in one breath.
'Wow,you're a star then.' Jane laughed.
'You can say that again.' Lade said.
Biola who had gone into the kitchen soon appeared,
'We do not have all day Lade,don't let my food get cold o' she said placing a tray on the dinning.
They all moved to the table,on it were arrays of dishes,even without opening the plates,the aroma said it all.
'You must have gone to great length getting all this prepared'Lade said picking a fork from the cutleries.
'Yes o,mum cooked all theses food,she had been up early today.Jane said.
'If i don't take care of you,who will?'
They all burst into laughter,and soon began to eat.
Biola had made,Jollof rice,fried rice,sushi,fruit salad,fried plantain with fried chicken,and peppersoup.she also made fresh orange juice and pineapple cedar.

Jane made sure she had a taste of every dish on the table,
'Aunt Lade you're not eating much.'Jane asked with a chicken dangling in her hand.
'Thats because am watching my weight,i am to maintain a particular figure for my wedding gown' She said drinking the peppersoup.

After the meal,they all sat in the sitting room catching up on each others life,Biola had made some plantain chips which they sampled as they discussed.

The trio talked at length,Lade had left in the evenin,after giving Jane some things she got her and Hannah,promising to visit soon before her wedding.She drove off in her Lexus Jeep.

Biola was so happy,she and Janet cleared the table and resumed to the kitchen to wash them and stash away the leftovers in the fridge.

Biola chatted away excited,she loved talking about her family,how they were raised.Her parents and her siblings.

One story she never tired from telling was how she met her husband at an interview,and how his parents had disagreed of their relationship saying she was from Ijebu,but he had remained adamant and went ahead to see her parent who gave their consent.

After months of quarell,they agreed that their son should marry her,he'd been so happy that he got drunk,she'd been so excited too.Their wedding was not a big societal one but it was a union of two people who feared God and were in Love,Biola had danced away her sorrows, When God finally blessed their union with two beautiful looking girls.She was glad that she didn't lose hope of marrying her husband.

Biola smiled while recounting the story to Janet that evening,she'd really loved her
Biola smiled while recounting the story to Janet that evening,she'd really loved her husband,but tonight was special,she was not going to cry again,she had moved over that phase of her life.
And now,she was ready to nuture her children all the way to their husbands house.

Is it not funny,how people think? The mother is thinking about her children,her daughter is thinking about her boyfriend.All the while Biola spoke,Jane was thinking of Jacob Smith.

Aunt Lade had come to inform them,that they had fixed a wedding date,She had brought the tall handsome looking man their house twice before their fathers death,the man was a doctor and he had his own private hospital.

Aunt Lade was Biola's mother's lastchild,she was finally getting married at 31:> after so many heart break from men,she thought she loved.

she had informed Jane that she was to be her best lady,her joy knew no bounds.

For Aunt Lade to have talked so much about Doc Lamide,it could only mean one thing,they were in love,interesting .

To be continued at 10pm.

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