When the tide of the heart changes ....Episode 21....Final Episode | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

When the tide of the heart changes ....Episode 21....Final Episode

The finale
Yvonne was clad in a white flowing gown
shimmering under the lights as different
colours reflected from the little white gems
that adorned the dress.
Her face shone, deep mascara darkened her
artificial eye lashes more, contrasted my light
golden eye shadows and pink lip stick.
The diamond tear on her neck was held by a
white gold necklace and her radiant face could
beat that of any goddess.
Her belly was masked well by the size of the
white dress that flowed downward to her legs
clad in a silvery medium heeled shoes.
young girls were around her, adjusting things
here and there, adding more make ups and
doing what they know best.
Johnny was in another room adjusting a black
tie to go with a white crisp shirt with a
shimmering american suit to go over it.
The room was filled up with young men clad
in similar suit and ties as Johnny who was the
center of attraction as they all took turns in
hitting and teasing him.
names like “baby papa, old man” was given to
him by the boy who laughed and joked over
It Was A Wedding Day
The bells of St. theresa catholic cathedral
loudly tolled and jimed letting out echoing
sounds that seemed to linger.
Men and women clad in different exquisite
clothes ranging from long flowing agbada that
always needs to be packed up to the
shoulders, to simple shirt tucked in a trouser
for the men folks.
Over exaggerated and massive head ties with
colourful and ranging native attires to go with
it, to normal girl folk dresses were adorned by
the female folks.
The face of the church wore a colourful and
smiling look as people trooped into the
massive cathedral.
It has been on the Front page of the
vanguard, nations, guardian, sun magazines
and even on the homepage of coolval22.com;
the long awaited day of the couple John
Williams and Yvonne Adesua swept the
nations trend like a wild fire.
Bimbo was seen clad in a golden netty lace
with silvery stiff head tie than blends with the
silvery shoes she wore, she was seated on a
wheel chair.
** ** **
Bimbo have demanded to see a pastor after
her apology to Johnny and Yvonne on her
hospital bed.
The doctor have made it clear her spinal cord
were affected and she wouldn’t be able to use
her legs again.
On the pastors admonition she had made an
open confession and seek retribution for her
sins, no one could doubt the sincerity of her
Her close contact with death changed her life
forever and the life of everyone around her.
She apologized mainly to Johnny for almost
ruining his life, gave him the sum of 1billion
naira for his sunk goods so he can rebuild his
She made Yvonne the sole owner of 70% of
her wealth and empire, and handed over all
her businesses over to Yvonne as the owner
and C.E.O as a wedding gift.
She now uses the remaining 30% of her
wealth she left for herself to run a charity
organisation for the homeless and disabled.
And most of all, she gave Johnny Yvonne’s
hand in marriage. Blessing the union with
tears in her eyes and hope for the new life
that smiled at her.
With Bimbo’s help Johnny appealed on
Onyinye’s behalf and she was granted pardon
and was granted bail on a legal bribe of
15million naira.
The tears in her eyes as she knelt down and
kissed his feet when he came to pick her up
from jail after paying her legal bribe.
“Johnny i have waited and prayed for months
for this one chance of asking for you
forgiveness, i am so sorry and ashamed of
what i did please find a place in your heart to
forgive me” She cried holding his legs with her
tears draining the tough fabrics of the jean
trouser he wore.
“it’s ok Onyi i have forgiven you and i am
thankful for still being alive. . . THE TIDES OF
MY HEART CHANGED but it has taught me
many lessons in life” He said pulling her up as
she sank deep into his body intensifying the
heat of her sobbing.
Johnny had already made plans to build a one
storeyed duplex back home in the east and
have repaid the bank who luckily held off
plans of selling his house and cars they
** ** **
“Johnny found peace in his tribulations and
love in his suffering, for within all this he had
found something more intense than suffering,
more precious than joy and deeper than Love;
all this he had found in ‘Yvonne”. The young
deep milky voice of the priest sang out, with
his white neat chasuble giving him an angelic
“Do you John Williams take miss Yvonne as
you lawful wedded wife, …………..” The priest
stated almost aligning with the tune if the
church organ that flew off from the speakers.
” I do”
“And you Miss Yvonne Adesua take John
Williams to be your lawful wedded husband,
will you stand by him in sickness and in
health, in riches and in poverty, for better for
worse till death do you part” The priest sang
out yet again, casting a look at Yvonne like an
examiner would a student.
“I do” Her voice rang out, her mouth giving
way to an invading smile as her eyes were
fixed on Johnny’s face brightened with a spell
bound smile.
“And i now pronounced you Man and Wife…
You may kiss your bride” The priest Voice
rang out casting a spell of silence and anxiety
over the congregation who looked on with
popped eyes and large grins as Johnny’s lips
met Yvonne’s with tears rolling down both of
their eyes, Bimbo sat on her wheel chair
looking on wiping her eyes occasionally with
her white handkerchief.
Jessy who was Yvonne’s Chief brides maid
looked on with smiles holding on to the white
piece of flowing vail.
The ceremony was grand and out of the world,
Bimbo spared no dime in making the wedding
the best in town.
Mr Johnny Williams and his Bride Mrs Yvonne
Williams flew to barcelona in spain for their
honeymoon with Yvonne’s Pregnancy almost
The world was looking up, Johnny have found
a family in place of the one he lost. . . It was
him, his wife and the little baby that would
open it’s eyes to the world of changing tides
A bright new DAWN shone on Johnny’s life
again. **Weeping may endureth through the
night but Joy cometh with the dawn**
(Love never dies, The love we loose are still
always around us and are always reborn in the
form of a new love)



 Agba Oye Berlogun. ©2015


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