When the tide of the heart changes ....Episode 20 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

When the tide of the heart changes ....Episode 20

Yvonne rushed into the compound carried by
her legs at the highest speed it could carry
Her wrapper was flowing from the wind
turbulence her speed created threatening to
slip off.
Her belly visibly large led the way and were
being supported by her right hand and the left
grasped the wrappers preventing them from
slipping off.
“What is it Yvonne, whats wrong?” Johnny
bolted up on seeing her rushing into the
compound, abandoning the bamboo sticks he
was cutting.
“Baby what is it?” He asked again taking hold
of her in a more calmed manner.
“I just got a call, my mum was involved in an
accident, her car rammed into a speeding
trailer and the driver is dead, the doctor said
my mum is in a very critical condition and her
chances of surviving are slim”
She announced breaking down in tears.
Johnny’s mind raced back to his parents and
how he got the news of their demise, he could
still recall how it all happened;
He was playing ball with Onyedika his
childhood bestie, judging from their sweat you
could think they were on a champions league
final match.
He knew immediately that something was up
when he saw people gathered around with his
uncles he knew lived down in the village all of
sudden were in their yard with their faces
wearing a long gloomy look.
He could feel the pitying eyes of the crowd as
he walked in after being called in by Linda
who was the news caster in their childhood
days but that day linda too was clueless of
what was going on, judging from the way her
questioning eyes cast a suspicious glance at
everything and everyone around blinking at
more interval than others.
His uncle’s voice still resounded fresh in his
mind as the news was broken to him.
“Nnaaa, your daddy and mummy were
involved in an accident and are in a bad
condition nobody knows what will happen.”
Johnny knew they were already dead judging
from the looks and even crying faces of most
people there,
“Why would such sympathizing crying crowds
gather her if they were still alive”
But strangely he understood the need for them
to try and mask the obvious from him.
“Baby am so sorry, please dont cry” he tried
calming Yvonne down who was already on the
floor, “Am sure she is alright” he added
hoping it is the truth.
Johnny and Yvonne travelled to abuja the next
morning to see Bimbo who lay just like a
mummified Egyptian corpse on her hospital
bed, the bandage that covered most part of
her body shone under the light, her left arm
and both legs were hung slightly, face covered
except for the openings for her eyes, nostrils
and mouth.
Bimbo’s eyes slowly and weakly cracked open
for this first time after 4weeks of being in
Her now uncovered face swollen and deep cuts
still were visible on it.
Her eyes were met by two figures, one was
sitting beside her in bed and it looked like a
pregnant woman, the other was a very tall
male figure stood against the wall looking
down at her, he could recognize those
sparkling eyes and tall frame.
“Yvonne?” She muttered weakly her hands
tilting up to hold Yvonne who sat on the bed.
“Yes mummy” Yvonne intoned leaning forward
and taking her arms in, tears already battering
her face like a waterfall on slow motion.
“Please you and johnny, my children find a
space in your hearts to forgive me…I am so
Tears followed unsummoned tickling down
from the corners of her eyes down to the
region of her ears.
..Continued in the next episode..
Will Johnny forgive he after learning about all
she did?
Will bimbo survive?
Will Johnny return back to what he used to
Find out in the final episode…

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