My First And Last Affairs With My Sugar Mummy....Episode 18 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

My First And Last Affairs With My Sugar Mummy....Episode 18

I heard a voice of a man…
Man: “I finally caught you red handed”

Blood of Jesus, that should be Madam
Abike’s husband, it is indeed her
husband, Ambassador. The man caught
me and his wife making love red handed,
in a very distasteful position.
Man/Ambassador: This is so good, I
caught you Abike, shame on you..
Madam Abike: (Crying) Its not what you
think dear, I’m sorry…
Man/Ambassador: Shut up! My family
warned me against marrying you I never
listened, they told me how you’ve
sleeping around with men. Not even man
this time, sleeping with a boy, a boy who
is not up to your son’s age.
Madam Abike: Its the devil…
Man/Ambassador: Devil? Haaaaa!
Shame on you, sharing a bed with your
son’s mate, I am totally disappointed,
your children will be glad to hear about
it. Thank God for my friend who gave me
the juju I placed on you, thank God for
the juju that exposed you, I never would
have believed you could do such to me
and the children. You want to ruin my
I was just looking at them, I couldn’t say
anything than to cry and was shivering,
sweating, I’m dead..
Me: (crying bitterly) please sir….
Man/Ambassador: Young man, this
serves you right, this will teach you and
the other ones like you a lesson to stop
sleeping with another man’s wife.
Me: I didn’t mean to, please sir (crying)..
Man/Ambassador: Its okay, this is where
you people will die, I will just walk away
and pretend I didn’t see you. I will help
you cover your shame by leaving you
alone, by the time both you are found
dead in this room or house, I think that
will cover your shame, like they said,
death is better than shame.
I shouted….
Me: Yekpa! Temi bami…. Please sir, we
won’t do it again, E Jo sir…
I actually thought the man was joking,
the man walked away, left us in the
room, while we are still stuck together.
Me and madam Abike started struggling,
we struggled for hours before some
people came to help us. Not just any kind
of people, Madam Abike’s family,
including her mother, that day was hell
for me, her husband brought them to
come see what their daughter has done.
We were dragged naked outside by
Madam Abike’s husband, he was just
slapping my face, cursing me. Madam
Abike’s mother was just crying feeling
disappointed, the woman even fainted
cos she couldn’t bear the shame. No be
small thing ooo, people gathered on us,
the shame was too much for me to bear,
I couldn’t cry again, the tears couldn’t
come anymore, I felt like committing
suicide that moment. What will my
parent say about this if they found out?
The shame in school, how do I bear the
shame in school, I’ve been totally
ridiculed, my big boys days are over,
shakara has totally end for me. Thank
almighty, after so much plea from the
people and family, the man agreed to
separate us using only God knows. I was
arrested at the end of the day, detained
for some weeks, my parent were not
allowed to bail me, but God intervened at
the end. I was released, my parent didn’t
welcome me, especially my father, I
begged and begged my parent till they
finally accepted and forgive me since I’m
their son, although it is unforgettable in
their heart.
After so many weeks, Anita didn’t call me
or come to check on me, it was only Ejiro
that came, he was a good friend, he
apologised and all that, gave me some
money. I couldn’t go to school cos I
dunno how I’m gonna cope cos I heard
the news was everywhere on campus, the
picture was everywhere, some using it as
display picture on bbm. I didn’t go to
school ooo, I no fit try am, I called Anita,
she didn’t pick my calls, I sent her
several messages, she didn’t reply, i was
really disturbed. My parent were
complaining that I didn’t go to school, so
I planned on going the following week, i
just have to accept the shame, I’m
almost through with school, I dare not
ruin my life academically so I just had to
go to school. Its my cross to carry, i
wouldn’t try such mistake again in my
life, i just have to learn how to be
satisfied with what I have, I shouldn’t
walk in other people’s shoes. ANITA!
Chai, see my life……….

*****THE END*****
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