Guys! 7 Qualities Ladies Want You To Have | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

Guys! 7 Qualities Ladies Want You To Have


Every lady has a bucket list of qualities and attributes she desires in a partner. Some qualities vary, while some others are general qualities every lady desires her partner to have. From his walking step, height, body shape, character, to even skin tone and how he look on a suit. As a guy, no matter how hard you try to get a good grade on some ladies’ score sheet, it just won’t work. You can’t change you physical qualities or your appearance to fit all of her desires.

There are a number of qualities ladies seek that are highly achievable, and that’s what you should focus on. They are more enticing and have nothing to do with your skin tone, height, face shape or biceps.
Here are 7 desirable qualities that ladies look out for in a guy, and reasons why you should maintain them.

1. Be Humorous
Every lady wants a guy who can make her laugh, or at least show her the humour in even the most uncomfortable situation. Unfortunately, not every man is born with the ability to make people laugh, but just being able to laugh is often enough to diffuse a situation. Show her you can laugh at yourself and life’s little mishaps and she’ll find it irresistible.

2. Be Confident
Confidence is one key quality that every lady seeks. If you are not confident, and you don’t feel secure about yourself, how on earth will you make her feel secure? Being confident is not just in how you relate with others, but also how you carry yourself in public and private. Hold your head up high in a tall, straight posture and walk like you own the room — even on the days you feel like the exact opposite is true. A confident man can handle unfamiliar situations with ease and assurance, and won’t be rattled if he commits a minor error, even if everyone’s watching.

3. Be Faithful
We’re in a world where cheating is like the order of the day, and staying faithful is like a really hard job for even the most devoted individuals. Most ladies go into relationships with the plan of remaining in it for long and even forever, and they want their partner to be as committed as they are. Get control of yourself and prove that you’re faithfully committed to the relationship. Keep those wandering eyes when you’re in public, stop exchanging flirtatious texts with girls from your relationships. This way, you both will last longer than you must have planned.

4. Be Passionate
One word you’ll hear from most ladies who are fresh out f a relationship is ‘passion’. Show her that you care, not just in the bedroom, but also emotionally. Be passionate about her! Take interest in things that make her tick — from her work to her hobbies and life goals.

5. Be Generous
Generosity comes in two ways, and your lady desires both. One is being generous with what you have – ability to give out to the less fortunate. The other is being generous with your time. Sometimes, she needs a shoulder to cry, an ear that listens to what she has and someone that can spend time with her.

6. Be Dependable
Here, being dependable entails staying true to your words. You make a promise to be ther 9:00pm, and she end up not seeing you till the next day. Always ensure you stay true to your word, even if it’s something as simple as dinner plans or a weekend outing. You must have made plans with her, something urgent comes up, let her know and reschedule soon as possible.

7. Be Mysterious
Every lady loves excitement, especially in a new relationship. One way keep to keep this excitement is by being a little secretive. You don’t have to tell her every single though that crosses your head, revealing every little detail on a single date. Don’t pester her with constant texts or messages if she’s not responding. Develop a sense of rhythm in your communication with her. If you’re doing 90% of the talking — or even 70% — that’s a problem.
That being said, you can go too far in the other direction, too. Don’t be too monosyllabic, and never let the text go for hours without a response. That’s the difference between keeping her interested and turning her off by being a jerk. In the later stages of a relationship, keep it mysterious with things like weekend plans or surprise gifts for special occasions.

While ladies find all of these traits desirable, you must always remember never stop exhibiting these over time. Be confident, keep her laughing, be passionate towards her, be mysterious, stay faithful and you’ll remain desirable to her for years to come.​

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