I was squeezing her Weapon of Mass
Defence and she reciprocated by
my OPA-MOSE. Still kissing each other, we
went straight to the chair and we started
tearing the clothes off our body. I stopped
abruptly to lock the door. As soon I returned
to the chair, I saw that Halima was stark
“unclad”. I went straight to her Holiest and I
saw that the place was as clean as Abu
Dhabi desert. I started sucking her and she
was moaning loud. I stopped but she urged
me to continue. I licked the outer and inner
l4bia she was restless and was flapping
everywhere. I stopped and immediately she
came for my OPA-MOSE and started sucking
it real bad. I was saying some
incomprehensible words and I didn’t know
when I released into her mouth. She
swallowed all like a pro and licked me clean.
Halima: dirty boy. You shouldn’t have
released to my mouth. But your load can
throw a ball from Challenge to Iwo Road.
Instead of answering her, I crashed to the
chair exhausted. After I rested a bit, I went
again to suck her c^nt. She was begging me
to stop but I decided it is payback time. I
sucked her until she squirted all over my
face. After then, I spread her legs and
entered her. I bleeped her mercilessly, her
moans was subdued with the cushions of
the chairs. Then I lay down and she came to
ride me for some minutes. We reverted to the
missionary style and bleeped each other.
After we climaxed, we were shocked hearing
someone crying at the back of my window.
When I open the curtains, behold it was
After some days, a call came into my phone
Caller: Collins this is Chief Emeka
Me: Good day sir. How are you?
Chief Emeka: I’m fine. Just came into Nigeria
yesterday night.
Me: how was your trip and I hope you
brought something for your boy sir?
Chief Emeka: sure I did. Please I would like
to see you this afternoon at my house.
Me: ok sir.
As soon as I got to their residence at Akobo
and entered, I was ushered in to sit down.
After a while, Chief Emeka and Dcns. Idowu
came inside. I felt that the ground should
open up and swallow me.
Dcns. Emeka: Bad boy how are you?
Me: (stammering) I am fine ma. How….how
was your trip ma?
Dcns. Emeka: it was fine. (turning to her
husband) don’t mind him o. it is because
you are here.
Chief Emeka: Collins, feel at home. By the
way what should we offer you?
Me: Never mind sir. I’m ok sir.
Chief Emeka: Collins, I want to appreciate
you for what you did for my family. The
baby my wife had about 1yr ago is the only
child I will boast I will have ever on earth.
Me: (shocked) what?
Chief Emeka: you are surprised? Don’t be
because my wife told me of all your s*x –
escapades when she was in Nigeria. That
child is your
daughter and you are the father.
I knelt down in front of them to apologise.
Me: I am sorry sir for what transpired
between me and Dcns. I take personal
responsibility for what happened and I am
ready for whatever
consequences it may arise.
Chief Emeka: you dey fear? If I wont forgive
you I would have killed you before now. But
by the grace of God, what my kinsmen had
conceded as write – off is carrying my own
babies. I mean twins. I want you to know
that your daughter is safe with me and I am
ready to take personal responsibilities for
her upkeep.
Me: thank you sir.
Chief Emeka: give me your account number.
I will be forwarding Ninety – seven million
Naira to start off and be very comfortable in
I was contemplating if I should accept the
money or not when someone entered the
sitting room. Guess who I saw again……….
Me: what is she looking for here? (I pointed
at Iyoaye)
Dcns. Emeka: Collins o je f’ara e bale (you
need to be patient) we have told her all
about you and all what happened. Honestly
we all are at fault and o gbodo mu mo’ra
bi’so inu egun (you have to keep all that
transpired between us all as secret) and
besides, you need to forgive her.

Iyoaye: Collins, do you know that you are the
one at fault? Even though I have forgiven
you, hear this, I am not going back with you
to your house.
Me: (Kneeling in front of her) Iyoaye, I am
very sorry for what I have done to you. I
know I have the greatest blame but honestly,
I love you and I was pained when I caught
you and also when you wanted to abduct me.
Iyoaye: (sobbing) am I not ok for you?
Mama Tee was the one who confessed to me
that she loves you and she wouldn’t mind
tasting your OPA – MOSE. Had I known, I
wouldn’t have dared her.
Me: (sobbing) I am sorry. I slept with her
Iyoaye: WHAT? Slept with both SISTERS?
(she burst into fresh tears) Collins you have
killed me!!!
Chief Emeka and his wife were watching the
drama but later Dcns. Emeka spoke up
Dcns. Emeka: It is ok boht of you. Iyoaye,
will you still consider him back?
Iyoaye: (turning to Dcns. Emeka) it cannot
be possible any longer. Since he could be
bold to sleep with both sisters and they are
our neighbours, I will not be able to stand
seeing them. (turning to me) mo yonda
gbogbo nnkan ti a ti jo ni papo (I have
released all that we’ve had together to you)
Me: no it cant be. Please forgive me.
Iyoaye: we are no longer compatible and
besides, I’m leaving for the States for good
tomorrow night
Me: well if you insist, I will give you
50million out of what Chief Emeka wants to
give me. Just forgive me…..
Chief Emeka: that’s so thoughtful of you.
(calls bank) transfer 47million to the 1st
account and 50 million to the 2nd account
immediately (ends call). I am happy that
both of you could settle things amicably
between yourselves.
Me: thank you sir.
I went to the office and drafted my
resignation letter. When I gave the Head
Pastor, he was pleading that I should stay
for some time more but my mind was made
up. After spending 17hours in the office
tidying up and balancing all the accounts, I
went home. As soon as I got home, I saw
Halima sitting on the couch silent.
Me: baby, how are you?
Halima: leave me alone. You went out since
yesterday and common call you couldn’t
Me: baby, I’m sorry. I had to stay back in
office to tidy up my desk. Well, I have
Halima: what happened baby?
Me: (kneeling in front of her) baby I have
been a serial player and I don’t know if you
will ever forgive me
Halima: what happened?
Me: before I got married to my former wife, I
slept with 4 different women. They are all
married women; two from my church, the
previous account officer and the current
account officer of the church
Halima: Allahu Akbar!!! Collins? Haaaaaaaaa
Me: infact, one of them have my baby
Halima: lobatan!!! And you also slept with
my sister (she burst into tears)
I tried to hold her but she resisted me
touching her. I went to the room to lie down
for a while; later, she came into the room
Halima: I have thought about ourselves.
From the very 1st day I saw you I knew you
were not “born – again” but I was still
attracted to you. I am ready to stay at your
side come rain, come shine…………
Few years later at Jo’burg South Africa……..
my daughter was shouting at 2 children.
When all the parents rushed to the place I
discovered that it was Dcns. Emeka’s child,
Iyoaye and Pst. Mattkelly child my child was
shouting at.

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