Seven Ways People Exhibit Poverty Without Knowing | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

Seven Ways People Exhibit Poverty Without Knowing


You see two folks:
One has "physical cash" but he still begs because he's trying to be smart.
The other doesn't really have much but lives his size.

Some folks are like the former.
By way of introduction, Poverty is a mindset that says, "Keep this little one you have, you may not have another one."
Does that strike a cord in you?
The good thing is over the years, different religions (Christianity, Islam, Budhaism, Traditional Religion, Witchcraft and Demonology etc) have all unanimously come to an agreement on how to live a life of abundance: VISUALIZATION!
How Do Some People Exhibit Poverty Without Knowing?

1. Stealing From Others.
Especially Yuletide season, thieves will be recruited from every nooks and crannies.
In politics nko, hmm, Haven't you seen The Rich of Yesterday? Now, they're Broke! Stealing from others cannot guarantee a lifetime of wealthy living, No!
People who steal from you will always need to steal from you to live! FACT!
2. Cheating On Others
Some folks do this as fun. In businesses, we see this a lot. They tell all kinds of lies to make, perhaps, #1000 extra!
Have you noticed that the sellers who cheat becomes very good at it and still remains there to keep it rolling?
3. Being An Addicted Borrower
Every company is supporting Debt ranging from banks to MTN, hmm.
How can I be so broke that I'll start borrowing credit? Hmmm, poverty is a mindset.
Those who are indebted are always on the move.
Please don't be caught in the eye of Debt! You may not survive it!
Imagine living your wife and kids with debts to pay after you're gone!
Debt is bad!
Quit ALL these gambling and football betting, na so e dey take start, before you bet your house and kids!
4. Being A Miser
I know what it means to spend wisely. I'm talking about not even taking care of your own self in the name of savings that one ish can wreck...
Some people work but their family haven't felt them yet! AkA gum!
Only a poor mind does that!
This Christmas Season, Go, Give something out to family at least!
5. Always Saying "I'm Broke"
After watching a scientific documentary titled "THE SECRET", where I learnt how what you casually say WILL BE YOUR EXPERIENCE!
I shook in fear...I haven't been a bad boy in this area, lol...
‪#‎can‬'t go into details #
Watch your tongue, Man!
This, "we dey manage small small" is a signature to Living a life of Financial Mediocrity!
What you say, PUTS THE UNIVERSE TO WORK for or against you!
6. Spending More Than Your Income
This is actually born as a result of poor planning sha.
You want to show how trendy/ caring you are too, so you empty your small savings account for a girl or perhaps for a change of ward robe!
I laff you! She too will laff you!
Give according to your size! Don't pledge 1M, when your yearly income 500Gs. No na!
7. Looking And Appearing Poor
Looking Good they say, it's good business.
Poor people are first and foremost sighted by their appearance.
Change that torn belt.
Cut your bushy hair.
Press those clothes.
Look ‪#‎spick‬ and span# all the time whether to the market or the work.
Wearing seductive gowns or bum short to the market tells me you don't have a better dress! Shikena!
Brian Tracy was he who stated, The greatest discovery of our age is that YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE BY THE WAY YOU THINK AND ACT!
The BIG question: What about those who have money and are just opposite all these?
They're Non Existent!
At least, they know some of these principles and keep it.

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