The Church Accountant Part 2...Episode 4 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

The Church Accountant Part 2...Episode 4

I returned home in the evening and met
my wife in a somber mood. As soon as
she saw me, she ran to meet me and

knelt down in my front. I took her up and
hugged her. I told her that I had a
surprise for her. We freshened and went
to Ventura Cinema at Samonda. We
enjoyed each other watched some movies
and went home. As soon as we entered
the house she wanted to apologise but I
stopped her with a kiss, then I
unbuttoned her shirt and unhooked her
bra. I grabbed her Weapons of Mass
Defence and squeezed it mercilessly. She
was moaning like someone in the theatre
whom they are arranging his fractured
bones. Afterwards she reciprocated by
removing my OPA – MOSE and was
stroking it. But the funny thing is that
OPA – MOSE refused to stand at
attention. It was rising and falling like
forex. She knelt down in front of me and
started sucking it. But as she was doing
it, I started imagining how it was Chief
Ladapo standing in front of my wife and
she is performing orals on him. I wanted
to remove my OPA – MOSE from her
mouth but another part of me was
saying that I’m not innocent too. We
continued and afterwards, I started
fingering her. She was vibrating like
Nokia 2310. I sucked her Weapon of
Mass Defence hungrily. Then I carried her
to where she stacked cartons of malt. I
placed her there, placed her legs on my
shoulder and inserted my OPA – MOSE
into her. We have fun with each other in that position and later we went to the dining
and did wheel barrow style. Then I
carried her to the chair we did the
missionary style and I released
powerfully into her we were exhausted
and we rolled over to the floor and
cuddled up
Iyoaye: my love…….(using her fingers to
rub my chest)
Me: Iyo t’on mu aye mi dun (literal
translation: the salt that makes my life
sweet) o se mi gan
Iyoaye: (breathes deeply) I know my love
I am sorry.
I was looking into her eyes…the feeling
when you really want to hold something
that you don’t want to lose
Iyoaye: my love,I was thinking that when
I was caught, it was all over. I couldn’t
believe that you could forgive me
Me: forgive you keÉ…(she want to burst
into tears)…..cry cry baby, I have
forgiven you ooo
She poked me and we started playing
again. We hugged each other and slept
]The following day, we woke up very late
and we got to church late. After the
service I released her to be going home
early because I wanted to compile the
reports for the month. After counting the
money and recording, I went into my
office and was working. I was busy to the
extent that I did not know my phone
rang. When I saw the phone I met twenty
– three missed calls; 16 from my mother
– in – law, 3 from iyoaye and 4 from
Ritababe. I called my mother – in – law
Me: Maami, e ka`san ma (Good
afternoon ma)
MIL: Omo mi nibo l`e gbe phone yin si! I
have been trying your line but you have
not been picking it.
Me: the phone was in silent and I have
been extremely busy.
MIL: my daughter told me all what that
happened and she told me what you did.
I am very happy you were able to handle
the situation even more matured than
older men. I will be eternally grateful to
God to have such a wonderful SIL like
Me: I had no choice so as to kill any
scandal that will trail the escalation of
the issue; and I have promised myself
that nobody will settle any crisis I have
with my wife.
MIL: my son, I an happy. But can I ask
you for one favour
Me: sure
MIL: I want your sister to come and
spend some days with me in Ajaokuta
Me: mummy no wahala. When can she
MIL: the driver is almost in Ibadan. They
will take off first thing tomorrow.
Me: Mum, she is all yours.
I was relieved because there will be free
days for me to rest and to plan my
revenge on her. Later I called iyoaye
Me: Mumsi has called me.
Iyoaye: yes she had called me first and I
told her to call you
Me: ok ma. But cook soup down o
Iyoaye: é ti e ma wale na…. well it is
ready and available
Me: thanks dear. But I will be late from
office today.
Iyoaye: ba damuwa (no problem)
Me: love you…. (calls ends)
As soon as the call ends, I call Ritababe.
As soon as she picked the call
Ritababe: are you in the office
Me: yes I am.
Ritababe: wanna tell you that I am on
my way home.
Me: ok but where are you
Ritababe: I am at the junction. Are you
already home
Me: nope. Im still in the office
Ritababe: we will see tomorrow
When I got to office the following day,
the Head Pastor summoned me
Head Pastor: Accountant, when I was
praying this morning, I saw that you and
your wife were chasing each other with
cutlasses. But what I saw again was that
your wife was two to three times her
present size and you were thinner. I
enquired of the Lord and he said that you
should be alone, I mean to be in a retreat
for some days, because your fence has a
hole somewhere. But by the way, where is
your wife
Me: she travelled to see her mum at
Head Pastor: is she from there
Me: no sir. She is from Bacita. But her
mum is a top brass in Ajaokuta
Head Pastor: but she never told me
anything like that
Me: yes. She kept her family away from
her work.
Head Pastor: all the same, e sa rora. By
the way, I wanted to see you on Saturday
but Ritababe told me you quickly went
Me: yes Pastor. I went to catch up with
my Dry Cleaner before he travelled.
Head Pastor: ok take care. Hope you are
not missing her already?
Me: no daddy. I’m not missing her sir
Head Pastor: Ok. I will be travelling to
Abuja for a conference tonight. Please
prepare my allowance
Me: I will get back to you right away.
After leaving the Head Pastor office, I
went immediately to prepare his
transport allowance. Not too long, he left
the office. But as soon as he left the
office the Assistant Pastor came into my
Pst. Mattkelly: Baba Olowo, I am going
Me: Pst. the Pst. e fe sare lo se ministry
nita abi? (do you want to go and do
outside runs?)
Pst. Mattkelly: (hissed) Accountant you
are offending me. I am going to bank to
make some transactions.
Me: ok, withdraw some for me o
Pst. Mattkelly: na you know (he left)
To be continued

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