Adebimpe The Facebook Girl Part 5. Episode 15 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

Adebimpe The Facebook Girl Part 5. Episode 15

ME: why the deep breathe Bimpe?, or is
there something hidden about it?
BIMPE: nothing hidden dear, just that I

have been pregnant twice after the birth
of daniella.
ME: what happened to the pregnancies?
BIMPE: I had miscarriages, the first was
after 2 months while the second was
three and half month old pregnancy.***
feeling sobbed ***
ME: ***moved closer and pat her on her
back*** I’m so sorry about that dear.
BIMPE: its alright.
ME: have you guys consulted a doctor
concerning the issue?
BIMPE: yes we did. I have been placed
on medications.
ME: I pray it works sha.
BIMPE: I hope so dear. That reminds me,
how about your friend?
ME: who?
BIMPE: segun or what is his name?
ME: oh! Segun, he is fine. Its been long I
spoke with him sha.
BIMPE: long kee?, why?
ME: since I started this banking job, I
had been disconnected from everybody, I
hardly chat with people again these
BIMPE: eeyah, I know you must have
discussed about me with him, don’t lie
ME: not really, I just told him you are the
wife of betty’s elder brother.
BIMPE: is that all?
ME: yes
BIMPE: he told you to harm me shebi?
ME: rara ooooo,
BIMPE: then what has he said?
ME: nothing. He just said we shouldn’t
fight anymore since our spouses are
related, that’s all
BIMPE: are you sure that’s all he said?
ME: yeah
BIMPE: ok, good. Just that I don’t trust
that boy. I’m very sure he must be
planning a harm for me through you.
ME: no na bimpe. Segun is a very nice
person oo, he was just angry because of
the double stunt you played while you
were in akure.
BIMPE: hmmmmm, I hear.
ME: bimpe, thanks for the apartment you
got for me, I’m so grateful and I so much
appreciate. May God continue to bless
BIMPE: you are welcome deary.
ME: adebimpe, I need to start going now
so as to get home on time
BIMPE: haba onihaxy, pls stay till
tomorrow morning now.
ME: till tomorrow morning kee?, where
will I sleep? **smile**
BIMPE: anywhere dear. Just enter any
room of your choice.
ME: funny you. Let me get going jaree,
my cousin and other room mates will be
home soon, and the room key is with me.
BIMPE: ok onihaxy. How about that stuff
I told you about?.
ME: what is that?
BIMPE: the alfa place I told you about.
ME: bimpe, sincerely, I don’t do all these
spiritual stuffs.
BIMPE: huuuuuuh!!, sit down there, let
me tell you, everybody seek for power
and spiritual help, just that people don’t
just loud it. Its never a sin as long as
you don’t use it to do evil or harm
another person.
ME: hmmmmmmm
BIMPE: you better act fast before what
belongs to you will be taken away from
ME: ok give me time, I will get back to
BIMPE: no problem, just be fast about it.
ME: ***stood up*** alright dear, let me
start going.
BIMPE: ***stood up also and pulled
closer**** I’m missing you already
onihaxy, I wish you could stay the night.
The house will be boring now, there will
be no one to gist with
*** murmuring continues****
ME: don’t worry, your hubby will be back
tomorrow, and betty should be around
next weekend.
BImPE: no joor, before then nko?.
ME: then daniella will keep your
BiMPE: no jooor.
ME: bimpe please let me be going, I can’t
sleep over please, maybe next time sha.
BIMPE: ****pulled my head closer and
kissed me*** onihaxy, I won’t be able to
see you off so as to avoid gossips,
ME: no problem, I understand.
BIMPE: onihaxy, please wait for me, I’m
ME: ok dear.
BIMPE: ***climbed the stairs, entered her
room and returned downstairs with a
small purse*** onihaxy, take this 10k and
use it as your transport fare
ME: ***shake my head**** no ooo bimpe,
lailai, hold your money, I don’t want.
BIMPE: onihaxy, I insist, just take it,
afterall, I was the one who invited you
over to this place.
ME: *** reluctantly received the
money***, ok dear, thank you very much.
BIMPE: you are welcome dear
*****hugged me so tight******.
ME: ok dear, bye.
I left the house and walked out of the
compound. I took a bus back to lekki
gate and returned home from there.
On my way home, the thoughts of bimpe
began to flood my brain and I suddenly
began to develop a kind of likeness for
her. I got home and dialled segun’s
number and it wasn’t reachable again.
Haaaa!!!, what could be happening to my
friend?, this is so unlike him!!!!!!.

To be Continued on Monday

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