The church Accountant part 2....Episode 11 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

The church Accountant part 2....Episode 11

Few days later when I got to the office, I
realized that the Head Pastor was back.
I went straight to his office

Me: good morning sir. How was your
Head Pastor: Accountant….well my trip
was fine o. na wa for you. Call you no
fit call. But if na your madam na so so
call you go dey do
We both laughed.
Me: but sir there is an issue
Head Pastor: (perplexed) what is the
Me: like you narrated in the dream, my
wife has left the house
Head Pastor: JESUS!!! When did that
Me: the very day you left for the
conference sir.
Head Pastor: hmmm… well give me her
When he called her she picked it
Iyoaye: who is speaking please
Head Pastor: Mrs. Ajidara, this is the
Head Pastor of your church
Iyoaye: (coldly) Daddy good afternoon
HP: good afternoon. Your husband
reported you to me that you left the
house for him
Iyoaye: Daddy, if not for the sake that
you are a pastor, I would have ended
the call. The man is a good for nothing
HP: where are you now?
Iyoaye: I am at Ajaokuta.
HP: ok. I will talk to your husband.
After the call ended, the HP turned to
HP: Accountant, what is going on in
your family?
Me: Daddy, to be candid, I can not say
that this is the situation.
HP: I am sorry Accountant. I have to
report you to the Church Board and
Me: (mogbe) Daddy, ko ti de gbogbo
level yen sir.
HP: for your wife to have said such, it
means you are hiding some skeleton in
your cupboard.
I was scared because, the fear of
DISCOM in the Church is the beginning
of Wisdom. After I left Pastor’s office, I
called Pst. Mattkelly to come to my
Me: Pst. Mattkelly, wahala dey o
Pst. Mattkelly: you don give another
woman belle?
Me: (hissed) Pst. it is not that. The
case between my wife and I has
escalated to the table of the Head
Pastor. He called her and she made
some terrible allegations at me
Pst. Mattkelly: is that why you are
Me: na so my brother.
Pst Mattkelly: don’t worry I will speak
with him baaaaaaaad boy.
Me: emi baaad boy ke? Anyway sha it’s
ok (Pst. Mattkelly leaves)
As soon as he left, I started thinking on
what to do, which submission I will
make when a call came in to my phone
Caller: is that Mr. Ajidara?
Me: yes. But who am I speaking with
Caller: this is Alhaji Kashim Omoveghae
Me: ok….good day sir. How may I help
Alhaji Omoveghae: send your email
address. I want to send you some
important documents
Me: what for sir?
Alhaji Omov.: your wife, the owner of
Lakasoro Company bidded for a
contract worth 33 million Naira and the
number on this document was the one I
called. But, your wife slept with my
Accountant. So I want to send a copy of
the letter of award and evidences of
what I just told you.
Me: (pretending to be surprised) ah!!!!!
my wife??? Hmmm. I have heard you
sir. I will send the e – mail address
right away.
After I had send the email address, and
I was happy that I have irrefutable
evidences against my wife, her call
came in. a part of me didn’t want to
pick the call a part of me wanted to pick
her call. After the 3rd ring, I picked her
Me: why are you calling me
Iyoaye: Collins please don’t hang up on
me. It is urgent
Me: so, what do you want?
Iyoaye: I bidded for a contract worth
33million naira and it was when I was
checking the copy of the documents I
have, I discovered that it was your
number that was placed there.
Me: woman, firstly, you bidded for a
contract without my knowledge.
Secondly, you have transferred all the
title deed of the company to my name.
so you are no longer the owner and
director of the company. Also sl^t, you
slept with the Accountant in order to
secure the contract. Well, I have no
information about the contract; and I
am ready for you when I am being
summoned at DISCOM. She wanted to
say something but I ended the call.
To be continued

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