''Adetoun have i wronged you in anyway?''Kelvin pleaded,squatting by her seat.He looked sad and confused,and
Adetoun was making matters worse for him.

Adetoun turned up the volume of the music on her phone,she was shaking her head to Korede Bello's Gbeborun.Her hands typing furiously on her laptop.
''Adetoun,please give me a listening ear,i don't think thats too much to ask from you.''Kelvin sighed,her attitude was irritating,but he needed to wear his patience armour,if he would achieve anything.

''Is it too much,to want to be alone,is it too much to want some space?''She glared at the ever humble lover boy.

''I'm sorry,if i got you angry.''

''Sorry for yourself.''she hissed,returning to her laptop.

''At least,i deserve to know my offence,you can't just ask me to leave you when this relationship has just began.''he said.

''You have always been good to me,and you know how much i care about you.''He explained further.

''I just need some space to myself.''Toun murmured.

''I'm not choking you?i'm i?''

Toun looked up at him.''You are.''she said angling her head to a side.

''Can we talk about it?''

Toun stopped the music blaring from her phone,''You have just five minutes.''

''Thanks.''he swallowed.''I just want to know why i have suddenly become an object of irritation before you,you no longer honour my calls,and when you do,you're yelling or screaming at me.''Kelvin paused to catch his breath.''You have changed!''

''One thing that is constant in life is change,you have not offended me at all,i just want to have sometime to myself.''Toun's voice was low and her countenance had changed.she stood up and looked out of the window.

''Is this about me?''

''No,its about me,the real me,the real woman in my girlhood.''

''You're speaking in parables,I'm lost.''Kelvin said quietly.

''I have never loved a woman like this,i will fight for you Adetoun.''

''Sorry,this is a lost battle.''

''I can't let you go,not when i'm getting closer than ever.''He walked over to stand by her.''Whatever you're going through,give me a chance to go through it with you baby.''

He held her by the shoulders,her arms were soft and strong,and there were scars on them,he hugged her from the back,gently turning her to face him.
''Adetoun,give me a chance to love you.''his hands dropped to her waist and he kissed her slowly but sweetly.Adetoun was responding,kissing him back,she could feel the butterflies in her stomach.

''Oh my.''she gasped.

''What?''Kelvin stopped.

''Please kiss me.''she pleaded,pushing him on the only three seater in the small sitting room.Kelvin took control kissing her like a starved him,he worked on the buttons on her blouse,Adetoun was smiling now,his hands unhooking his belt.

Kelvin removed her blouse,and proceeded to uncloth her,when she jerked in his arms.
''No no oo oo o o o''she screamed in fear.

Kelvin was surprised and afraid too,''Did i hurt you?''he asked.

''You''Adetoun pointed at him.


''Get out.''she pointed at the door.

''I won't.''he said moving closer to her,he made to hold her hands,but she was faster,she handed him a cool clean slap.

''What?''he asked embarrased.He had never been slapped in his entire life.

''Now leave my house.''she glared.

Kelvin adjusted his shirt,and fixed his belt.He made for the door.
''Hey.''Toun called.
You forgot your phone.''she said,Kelvin walked back to the table and picked his phone.

''Please don't come back.''She whispered.

Kelvin walked out without as much as a backward glance.He opened the door and left.

Toun watched him leave,something screamed inside of her to go and pull him back,but she was so afraid to act.What was it about asking a man to leave when all you honestly want is his hands around your arms...

She slumped on the chair,hot tears rolling down her cheeks.Why was she made to be a broken woman.Why?

God was not being fair with her.

It was getting dark,she went into the bathroom to wash her face,and changed into something more comfy,she made for the kitchen,she had to look good to avoid another question and answer segment with Hannah.

She boiled some yams and proceeded to blend some pepper and onions for the egg,when she heard the sitting room door open.It must be Hannah she knew.

She washed her hands and went to check,she was taken aback with the sight that greeted her..........
''Oh my God!'' Adetoun gasped at the sight of a teary eyed Hannah.

Hannah slumped on the seat,her eyes closed and her hands on her laps,she looked bitter,tired and angry.

''What happened to you?''Toun asked.

Hannah explained to Toun,how she became friends with Ade,how he stood by her always.And the latter part which Toun knew about,how they started a new relationship again.
''I know all that.''Toun said anxious to know what happened.

''Well,this evening he wanted... .... us''Hannah stammered.

''He wanted what?''

''Sex''Hannah said flatly.


''And what?''

''And what happened after that?''

''I told him,i wasn't prepared and he got angry.''

''Why are men so selfish,the fact that you're not ready now,doesn't mean you will not be ready another day.''Toun said sitting across Hannah,her hands folded across her chest,she sighed.

''You don't get it.''Hannah looked up,how was she to say it in a manner void of embarrassment.

''I get you.''Toun said.''Men are books,you can't read all'f them,notwithstanding thats not a reason to get angry.''

Hannah sighed,sitting up in her seat,''I've never had sex.''

Adetoun turned around,her eyes rolled in their socket with mock surprise.she must have heard wrong.she burst into laughter.

''Whats funny?''Hannah asked feeling embarrassed.

''I didn't know,you're now a comedian.''Toun said holding her sides.

''I'm serious here.''Hannah said,all expression screamed serious.

''Did you fall from mars or jupito,this is the twenty first century girl,how can you?''

''You make it sound like a crime.''

''Its not a crime,but our norms are changing,the society no longer cherish Virgin girls because they don't even.....exist.''Toun said.

''Well,i am,i want to get rid of this thing.''she said pointing towards her thighs.''I'm just afraid.''

''He who has a head,is capless and that who is lucky to have a cap,has got no head.''Toun said,as a naughty tear dropped from her eyes.

''I would give anything to become the pure innocent child i used to be years back,before.....i.....i...''Toun broke into tears.

Hannah watched helplessly as Toun cried,the waters streaming down her face in a rush.She could not bring herself to console her friend who was more than a sister,she relaxed in her seat and her pain consumed her.

Who will console these two?
''You should at least take a sip of that drink,its getting hot.''Paul was saying to a gloomy Jacob.

It was a friday evening,and the guys were at the club,chilling to take away the stress.Jacob was having a hard time,and he wasn't partaking in the conversation,as he stared away at his drink.

''Drink?''Jacob sighed,his forehead creased in a deep frown.''

''Yes,take a sip.''Jaiye said filling his glass again.

''Will that solve my problem?''

''Not drinking,will not solve it either,just relax and lets help you out.''Paul said,his gaze on his friend.

Jacob lifted his glass,and to his lips,he drank the glass halfway,holding the back of his head as he dropped the glass.

''Stop that,there are watchful eyes around.''Jaiye said.''Who do you think sent this man after our dear Jane?''Jaiye asked.

Jacob's eye widened in their socket.
''Our Jane?''

''Oops sorry,Jacob's Jane.''Jaiye grinned.


''Who else other than Katherine.''Paul joined in.

''Katherine has left me for good.''Jacob put in defending her.

''How sure are you about this?''

''Our Katherine has a superrich boyfriend who is proposing marriage anyway.''

''And when last did you speak with her?''Jaiye asked.

''Two weeks ago when she rescheduled my appointment with her boyfriend,who is partnering me in the Dangote cement contract.''Jacob explained.

''Why partner with him?''Paul asked.

''The proposed firm hand picked their choice firm for the contract,or do i back out of a business deal worth 2.8billion naira,because he's dating my ex?''

''Ofcourse not,apart from Kate who else could be doing this?''

''Or,is there some other girl,you're shacking away from our knowledge.''Jaiye winked.

''Everyone is not as naughty as you.''

''There is non,that i know of.''

''As long as he doesn't make another attempt on her,lets watch.''Paul said.

''I hope so,for his sake.''Jacob spoke,his anger sipping away.

''Hows marriage life?''Paul laughed at Jaiye.

''Cool,it just shows i'm serious and mature than you guys.''he eyed his friends.

''And our bride?''Paul asked mocking Jaiye.

''My bride,my woman.''

''I just pray you give that thing in between your leg a break from other ladies and.....''

''Hey''Jaiye cut him short.''Stop the lecture,my woman is good and i'm taking good care of her.''Jaiye boasted.

''Thanks heaven,marriage life must be wonderful indeed.''Jacob laughed.''Oh let me inform you guys that i and Janet will be having our family introduction next month.''

His friends congratulated him happily.

''I better find a woman,before its late.''Paul laughed....
Biola looked fresh than ever,she had enjoyed a great time with her newly wedded husband after they returned from their honeymoon.

She now lived in his beautiful two storey buiding in ajah.he had asked her to stop work,she would design from home and send to her workers who would do the design,but she could go over once in a while.

Kenneth was treating her like a queen that she was,his two children had returned from America to congratulate them and flown back afterwards,she was happy and glowed from within.

Biola and Funmi had been planning and planning over the family introductions that were coming up by the weekend.

Biola was happy that Jane was handling her new store well,haven employed a manager,sales clerk,an accountant and a host of others,she was glad that her daughter would be tieing the knot soon.
It was a breezy wednesday evening,Jane arrived at the Kenneths,she parked her car and walked into the house.
Her mother was just setting the table for dinner,Jane dropped her bags and hugged her mother,greeting her step father too.He invited her to join them for dinner,to which she accepted.

After a good dish of semovita and egusi soup with a pack of iced home made lemon juice,Kenneth excused mother and daughter to take some rest.

''How are you?''Biola asked smiling at her grown up daughter.

''I'm fine and you?''

''Fine as usual,Funmi was here this afternoon,and we've selected the dishes to be prepared,Jackie is doing that anyway.''

''Thanks mother.''Jane embraced her,''I came to show you the clothes Jacob brought.''

Biola collected the bag and brought out its content,''This is lovely,but can you tie iro and buba?''

''I'll learn,Ajoke promised to help me with that,she's arriving on Friday.''Jane laughed.

''The shoes and bag are lovely too my dear.''

''I love them too.''Jane packed them into the bag.''Have they called you?''

''Oh,your father's people.''


''Yes,they promise to be in attendance,and asked if there was anything they could help with.''

''And what did you tell them?''

''I told them to come with their heavy purses.''Biola laughed.''And i trust them,they will.''

''This makes me miss father more.''

''I miss him too,but what can we do,Kenneth has been so good to me and he's ever ready to accept his fatherly roles over you.''Biola said.

''May God bless his good heart.''

''Amen.i think you should be on your way now,its getting late or will you sleep over?''

''No mother,i'll find my way.''

''Your sisters won't be able to come,they're starting their exams on monday.''Biola informed her daughter,as she saw her to the door.

''Goodnight dear,and please drive carefully.''

''I will,goodnight mother.''

Biola stood by the door,till she drove out of the compound,things will surely get better.She smiled,and walked into the house.
The traffic was light,so she made her way home steady.Lucy had called to inform her that she'll come home for her introductions as that would afford them a chance to talk better.

Jane pulled the car to a stop at the gate,she got down to open the gate,that reminded her,Jacob had said he would get her a guard to man the gate.She drove in and got down,she closed the gate and headed in.

There was a paper stucked to the door,she was surprised,it would be Jacob anyway,she took the paper in and locked the door before moving to her bedroom.

She was sleepy and fell into bed after pulling off her clothes and shoe.........
School curriculum was moving fast,lectures were rounded up,test conducted,notes filled up.
Hannah was giving her studies full concentration,she had succeeded in making things up with Ade,as he needed to concentrate too,since he was writing his final papers.Their relationship was going steady,one step at a time,even though Rukayat was still on her kneels,he had made up his mind to turn a deaf ear,and she didn't even suspect a thing between him and Hannah.Which was good for them anyway,she couldn't stand making trouble withat Rukayat of a girl.

Kelvin had stopped calling Adetoun,who was acting irrattional.She ignored his calls,now she missed his calls than ever.It hurt her to know that she pushed him away,and her heart still beat for him.She'd taken to her studies,she needed to study as best as she could.Disappointing herself was not an option,and she wouldn't Jacob disappointed too.And for her so called parent,that was a story for another day.

The relationship between them was dwindling,this happened after Hannah tried to talk to her about Kelvin.Adetoun had almost screamed down the house,asking Hannah not to meddle in her affairs,she'd shut her up and walked out.This was really affecting the girls as each one kept to herself.

Adetoun's life was a a square box again,from home to school to the library to church and home again.She had made up her mind,no boyfriends,no attache.

It was so easy this days for them to argue over the slightest of things.It was friday evening and Hannah had a date with her boyfriend.She came into the sitting room dressed in a black sleeveless gown with a red belt wound securely around her tommy.As she moved,her weavon breezled from her shoulders to her well made up face.She looked beautiful in the gown and her fair skin shown brightly.

Adetoun was in the sitting room,painting her fingers,when Hannah came in.
''Em...em Toun,im going out.''She said moving towards the door.

Adetoun raised her head,''Wait!''

Hannah stopped in her tracks doing a u-turn,''Isn't that my gown?''

''Yes,its yours.''

''You didn't bother to ask for permission before wearing my dress?''Toun glared,Hannah was a bit taller than her,which made the gown go up her knees a little and she looked perfect in it.

''Permission? From who?you?''

''Yes,because that dress belongs to me.''Toun said.''Get out of my dress now.''

''I can't believe you just said that to me.''Hannah smiled.

''Anyway,i'm not stepping a foot into that room,maybe some other time,i'll remember not to touch your dress again.''

Toun stood and blocked the door,''You think i'm kidding right?''she scowled

''I can see you're spoiling for a fight,but i don't have your time.''Hannah hissed.

''Did you just hiss at me,i swear i'll beat you to coma this minute,if you don't put that thing off.''Toun was getting ready for a fight.

''Let me go''Hannah yelled pushing Toun away.

''You spoilt girl,who cannot make up her mind about a man,cheating with your friends boyfriend behind her back.''

''Jeez! Adetoun.'' Hannah rolled her eyes.

''You call me spoilt?''Hannah was surprised.

''Then you're a shameless dam,you were.. ....are.....''she shut her mouth before she could do more damage with her mouth.

Adetoun's eyes were filled with tears that threatened to spill.''Go on and finish your statement.''she cried.

''Whatever.''Hannah hissed walking out the door and slamming it hard.

That night,Ade had followed her home,after she explained all that happened to him as an excuse for standing him up on their date.

He apologised profusely to Adetoun,who was folded up in a chair crying,her eye were red.He tried to settle the dispute but left when he realised he wasn't making head.

That had become an habit,if they were not arguing over a scarf,it would be a sandal,or what to cook,who would wash,or what station to watch on Tv,these were things they had done in love.Going to class was an issue,each girl left at her own time.

It was a good thing,they would not be attending Jane's introduction on sunday anyway.They were slowly drifting apart.So much for being sisters or was it friends?
The morning light streamed in through the open curtain,bringing warmth into the room.Jane woke up with a strong headache,as she tried to get up from bed.

She pulled the duvet away and got up,washing her face in the bathroom,she drank a glass of warm milk and two tablets of paracetamol.she returned to the sitting room,turning on the Tv,she picked the remote control and lay on the sofa.

Her phone was ringing from the bedroom,she got up to pick,it was her soon to be mother in law.Funmi had made it an habit to call her every morning.she had just dropped the call when she caught sight of the rumpled paper on her bed.

Her head was getting better,she opened the paper to view its content when Jacob's call came through,unconsciously crumbling the paper,she dropped it in the waste bin as she walked out to continue her call.

She was glad,everything was falling in place for her and Jacob.she wished Saturday would come fast,she couldn't wait to see Ajoke and Lucy again.

She showered and had lunch,before going over to the store.she was glad she was making progress,the store as usual was agog with customers and her workers were being cheerful and accomodating as the customers selected their choice.

The store had recorded a total sales of three hundred and eighty five thousand on its grand opening,and since then sales had been on the rise.Jacob had handed her the documents and papers that certified that the store was hers.Could there ever be a man like Jacob? No,she smiled to herself as the manager gave accounts to her in her private office.

She left the office five pm,she needed her rest and Jacob had warned her to be careful and take enough rest.she got into her car and drove out of the complex.Her head high,with a playful smile on her lips.
Jaiye,be serious for once,did you make the order?''Jacob asked rolling up the sleeves of his shirt as he drove.

Jaiye's voice came over through the earpiece stuck in his ears.
''I did.''Jaiye laughed.''And stop getting tensed,things will be fine.''

''Thanks man,i'm meeting with paul we have some things to talk about.''Jacob finished before dropping the phone.

Jacob was as happy as a horse today,he would be much happier when sunday's introduction were over and done with.

A careless driver swerve into his lane,almost hitting his car,he swore under his breath as he took a turn.He had better things to worry about.

''Look who we have here.''Jane screamed when Lucy arrived later on saturday evening.Ajoke had arrived in the afternoon,they gisted about old times and laughed as they discussed.

''Hey Jane.''Lucy hugged Jane,even in her flay chiffon blouse,her stomach had bulged a little only a careful observer would notice that anyway and she was five months gone already.Jane could feel the weight of her sorrows in those two words.

''Hi Ajoke.''Lucy greeted,''how's your husband.''

''He's fine,thanks.''

The girls began another conversation as they prepared dinner.The house bubbled with life,Jane missed the prescence of her sisters anyway.

There had been much celebration later that night,when Ajoke confided in her friends that she was 3months pregnant.Jane had embraced her happily.

The ladies,planned for sunday and Ajoke taught Jane how to tie her iro properly over her buba.It was so much fun for them.

Even amidst the laughter,Jane noticed Lucy's heavy eye,she was dieing to speak with her,she wanted to hear TaliRoyce reaction about their baby.

It was late in the night before,they slept off.

Jane felt someone tapping her lightly,she opened her eye,it was Lucy,her eyes were red which seemed to say she had been crying,sitting up in bed she patted her side and Lucy sat.
''Jane,i spoke with him.''Lucy began,playing with her fingers.

''And what did he say?''Jane asked.

Rather than speak,Lucy removed her gown.Jane wondered what she intended.
''Look at my body.''

''What?''Jane covered her mouth before she could scream.

''Sue him''

''Jane i can't.''Lucy said as she cried.''I love him''

''You love him beating you?take a look at your body,a man who punches a pregnant lady is a mad man.''Jane said.

''What can i do,i have promised to keep my baby away from the media,so that it won't affect his musical career.''

''I don't even understand you Lucy,why don't you stand up to him?''

''Jane,i love him,i can't do anything he doesn't like,he'll get mad and hit me.''

''Okay,can i speak to him?''

''Thats publicising him,he would bite off my head.''

''So much for love.''Jane muttered.''Why would you want to suffer in silence?''

''Jane,i'm confiding in you because i trust you,father is very mad with me,mother doesn't want me around.''she sighed.''You're all i've got now.''

''And i'll never let you down babe.''Jane kissed Lucy's bulging stomach.

''Oh,i love you for that.''Lucy smiled.''I think you should sleep now,tomorrow is going to be a big day.''
Jane smiled again.
A beautiful day it looked,right from the sky to the breezy atmosphere,everything seem to be in place.

Even the birds sang lovely tunes this morning.Jane had woken up with a bright smile on her beautiful face,she knelt by her bedside and prayed to God,something she had been doing regularly for the past three month.

Her friends were up already,
''We didn't want to disturb your sleep.''Ajoke smiled,winking at her friend.

''Thanks girls,let me take my bath.''Jane said,she stopped abruptly.''I perceive something from the kitchen.''

Ajoke and Lucy looked at each other and shared a smile.
''Its Ajoke preparing spaghetti sauce.''Lucy said.

''Oh,thanks dear,its smells good,i can't wait.''Jane laughed as she made for the bathroom.

Biola had called three times,asking the girls to be fast.As the Odenuga's family have started arriving and were asking to see their daughter.

They had a quick breakfast,while they ate Lucy excused herself from the table twice,and the third time she rushed off to vomit.

Ajoke starred as Lucy rushed off the third time.
''Are you sure she's alright?'' she asked.

''No,i'm not.''Lucy answered returning to her seat.''I'm pregnant.''

''Wow!''Ajoke laughed.''Congratulations! I'm happy for you.''

Lucy and Jane shared a look that said congratulation indeed.

''Why are you two staring at me like i just pooed on my body?''Ajoke asked.

Lucy stood up,and left the table,it was apparent she was about to cry.Ajoke and Jane followed her as she made for the guest room.Sitting on the bed,Jane and Ajoke sat at both sides.

Jane explained all about the pregnancy to Ajoke,who was surprised and at the same time pitied her,the girls did all they could to console her and make her get herself together.

Ajoke and Lucy helped her dress up,Jane tied the expensive white iro firmly over the Buba,and she looked smart.This was her first time of wearing an Iro and buba.She did her make up,and Ajoke helped her tie the red gele,with shoes,bag and jewellries to match.One would think,she had just dropped from Jupiter.

Soon,they were on their way to the Kenneths where the introduction would take place.
''You look lovely sweetheart.''Biola said meeting Jane by the car.

She also greeted Ajoke and Lucy,thanking them for standing by their friend.

''Your father's people are here already.''Biola said as Jane and her friends got down from the car.

''Oh mother.''Jane said.

''Come and say hello to them,they've been so good to Kenneth,i'm so happy.''Biola smiled,tieing her wine lace iro very well.Funmi and Biola wore the same cloth,with gele and bags to go along.

This was not just a union of their children,it was a union of two lost but found friends.

Jane greeted her father's family,who were all happy to see her.Even her mother's sister was here already,she was glad to see them all.

The programme was slated for 10am,and it was some minutes to eleven,yet Jacob and his family were no where in sight.Jane had began to fret.Her mother and friends calmed her down,saying they were probably stuck in traffic.
''You guys should block us at Suzuki junction,so that we can move together.'' Jacob was on the phone with Jaiye,he dropped the call and walked into the sitting room.

Funmi sat on the three seater upholster,she was dressed in a wine lace iro and buba with silver,bag and shoe to match.An expensive silver necklace sat on her plump fresh looking neck.

''Jacob,what are you still looking for,its almost 12pm.''Funmi said looking anxiously at her son.

Jacob sat by her side,''Calm down mother,Jackie forgot something in her room,we'll get moving now.''

''I hope everything has been packed,Biola has been calling.''Funmi said.

Jackie appeared and they left for the Kenneths.
As soon as the Smith's family arrived,Jane's heart light up again,today was the beginning of a new journey.

Biola and Funmi embraced each other warmly.Even had hugged Jane too,she looked happy again.

Jacob looked handsome in his white lace,Buba and sokoto with a red cap on his head.He had stood for some seconds staring at the heavenly made woman standing before him.

He controlled his heart,which was pumping blood faster than usual.Jaiye and Paul stood by his sides also dressed in cream lace buba and sokoto.
''You're sweating man,relax.''Jaiye whispered into his ears.

''I will,its just... .... .....''Jacob began.

''Shhh.....shhshh...nothing is going to mar this day,just relax.''

Paul's smile was also re-assuring,so he relaxed and took his waiting seat.

A man who appeared to be the Mc took the mic and beckoned to everyone to move closer and have a sit.''The programme is about to begin...Good afternoon.''he started the introductions.

To be continued at 9pm.

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