Oh my God,this taste good.''Jacob said,cleaning the sides of his mouth.

''I discovered this place,last week curtsey of my wife,they also make take home dishes too.''Jaiye said pouring juice from a pack.He took a sip and began to laugh.

Jacob was startled,he stared at his friend.''Whats funny?''

''I remember your drama on the day of your introduction:''Jaiye paused.''You kept looking back,checking the gate as if someone would barge in any moment.''

''You silly man,you still remember that.''Jacob smiled embarrassed.

''How can i forget that look on your face.''Jaiye teased him more.''You love her so much,and its very obvious.''

Jacob stared at his juice for some seconds,''You know what Jaiye,if anyone goes funny around her.''he clenched his fist.

''I'll squeeze the very life out of that person.''

''Easy man,no one is snatching your bride anyway.''Jaiye laughed.

Jacob picked his call,it was his secretary,his attention was needed at the office urgently.He had to leave.
''Jaiye,i gotta run now,maybe we should do this again.''he said finishing his drink.

''Yes,i'ld love that.''Jaiye said,getting up.

''We'll meet at the golf culb on sunday.''Jacob said as they both walked out of the eatery and got into their different cars.
Jane got down from the car,parking her car in the compound,she had just arrived home,or rather Girls Dormitory as Jacob would put it.she smiled locking the car and walking in.

''Hey girls'' she called dropping her bag on the sofa,as she sat down.

''Hi sis'' Hannah answered coming into the sitting room,she sat down placing her Samsung x3 on the table.

''You're home early.''she said.

''Yes,i got something to show you guys.''She said peeling off her shoes.

''Really?.''Hannah asked.''What is it anyway.'' her curiosity growing by the minute.

''Where's Adetoun?'' Jane asked.

''I'm not her keeper sis.''Hannah said,a frown etching on her face as she scrolled through her phone.

''Not again Hannah.''Jane said,a bit of anger sipping in her voice.''We're supposed to make her happy and not sad.''

''Why is it that,no matter what happens you take her side? Why?''

''Because she needs all the love she can get.Unlike you dear sis,she's been through a lot already.Let the poor girl be.''

''Now,i get it.''Hannah stood up.''You choose Toun over me.Thats pretty fine with me.''

Jane watched her sister walk out on her,she had tried to settle their countless fight over trivial issues,it just was not working right.Ever since they returned from school after their exam,it was one rooster and bull story or the other.

Even when they went visiting their mother,and Biola spoke with them.There was no changes.She was growing weary of the constant arguement when she was in or out of the house.

She was simply tired,she stood up and made for Toun's room.And as usual she was engrossed in one of her many novels.
''Hi Toun.''she said standing by the door.

''You're back.''she said sending her a smile.

''Yes,can i come in.''

''Ofcourse you can.''Toun said sitting up in bed.''How was work today.''

''Cool,but the moment i arrived home i became sad.''Jane said,her arms around Toun.

''But why?''

''Its not the same anymore,the laughter,the peace and happiness.''Jane sighed.''All i get these days are quarrels,long faces and noise.''

''I'm sorry,i caused all that.''Toun spoke,she felt truly sorry for every of her actions this last month.

''Are you saying,there'ld be no fight again?''

''Yes.''Toun smiled,''I promise.''

Jane pulled her close,''I'm glad to hear that.''she stood up.''Now lets go make up with your rival.''Jane laughed.

In no time the girls had made up,Adetoun apologised to Hannah,and to everyone's surprise Hannah also apologised too.Hannah embraced Adetoun,while Jane smiled behind their back.
She was happy to say the least,one house,happy home.At last her efforts had yielded some good result.

''You know what girls,i'm glad you two made up.''Jane smiled.

''I have a surprise for you guys.''Jane said leading the girls back to the sitting room.She opened her bag and brought out an envelope.

''What's in there?''Hannah snatched it from Jane.

''Girls,be careful.''Jane screamed after them.

Adetoun made to snatch it,but Hannah fled the sitting room,Toun followed in hot pursuit,entering the room just as Hannah closed it.

''Toun i'm really sorry for my attitude to you,and all i said to you.''Hannah said holding Toun's hand.

''I'm sorry too.''Toun smiled:''And why are you staring at me in that manner?''

''I miss the times we shared,the crimes we commited and the jokes.''Hannah laughed,''i'm glad we're friends again.''

''Nope sisters now,its alright lets check the envelop.''

Hannah openned the envelop,bringing out a card.Her eyes opened brightly as she stared at the card in utter surprise.
''Whats in there?''Toun asked.

''Its a card,Jane's wedding invitation card.''
Every hands was on deck,as preparations began in earnest towards the wedding.

Jackie would be handling the planning and catering services,she was happy for her brother.The Smith were good people from what she Jane had seen.

Funmi and Biola seemed more happier than the youngsters getting hooked.Jane would be travelling out of the country for her wedding shopping.

Jane had just arrived at the Smiths family house,She had left office just after lunch.She got down holding her black purse in one hand.

A young lady was walking out of the house just then,the lady pushed her making her purse fall in the process.The lady was just as the same age as hers,she wore a jean jacket over a red camisole on a bumpshort.Jane stood short to the lady in her 6inches red heels.

Jane watched helplessly as she swayed away without as much as a sideward glance,talk more of an apology.

She picked her purse and walked into the Smiths mansion,she climbed the stairs,when Jackie appeared.

''Hey little bride.''Jackie smiled embracing her.

''Good afternoon sis.''Jane smiled.

''I like your purse.''

''Thanks...hmm,i saw a lady just now,is she family?''

Jackie paused before answering.''No,she's not,she's Jacob's friend.'' she said climbing down the stairs.

Jacob left for Jay's wing,he lay on the bed in his room,a glass of wine by his sides.He hadn't notice her come in and sit by the bed.
'Sweetheart.''Jane called kissing his cheeks,he'd smiled to her without the usual way he would have pulled her close and kissed her too.

There was an awkward silence for about ten minutes,''Would like to eat anything?''he asked raising his head a little.

''No.''Jane answered.

Jane glanced at him,he looked troubled and seemed to be brooding over something.''Are you alright?''

''Yes yes,i'm fine.''



''You look tired.''Jane said touching his forehead.

''Its work.''

She made up her mind to ask about the lady she saw when she arrrived.''Hmmm,hmmm i saw a lady while i came in,who's she?''Jane asked cautiously.

''You saw her?'' there was a slight panic in his voice.''Oh,she's Jaiye's PA.''


The rest of the afternoon was dull,and each spoke in monosyllables.After a while Jane left,he hadn't bothered to see her off.
Hannah and Adetoun were in the kitchen preparing dinner.There were speaking at the top of their voices.
''Alright,i submit.''Toun laughed as Hannah screamed.

''That reminds me,i invited Ade for Jane's wedding.''Hannah said delighted.

''Thats interesting.''

''He agreed to come,you know this is his final year in school,i want him to meet my family.''

''Good idea.''

''Adetoun,one more thing,i have a confession.''Hannah said,her voice was cool now.


''Yes,i have speaking with Kelvin behind you.''she said quietly.

''What? My kelvin....oh sorry my ex boyfriend.''Hannah said angry dropping the knife in her hands and pushing the plantain away.

''Please calm down,we both think you over reacted the other time.''

''And so,you're gossiping behind my back.''

''No,its not what you think,its just that he's unable to get you out of his system.''

''What do i do about that?''

''Good,there is something you can do.''Hannah pleaded softly.

''There's no harm in giving him a second chance,he still wants you,and there's no mistakening what you feel for him too.''

''I'm i that readable?''Adetoun smiled.

''Yes dear,do you promise to be nice when he calls your phone?''

''Ofcourse,i've been waiting for eternity.''Toun laughed,taking few steps towards Hannah,she embraced.
''You've been such a darling,how can i thank you enough.''she said.

''Just make sure to invite him for the wedding.''Hannah smiled.

''I love you sister.''Toun smiled.

''I love you too dear.''

''Hmm hmm hmmm''Jane coughed by the door startling the girls.

''What's happening.''she asked walking into the kitchen.

''Nothing,we're just happy.''Hannah answered.

''I see.''Jane stepped towards the pot.''What's for dinner?''

''Beans and Dodo.''

''Jane are you okay?''Toun asked concerned.

''I'm fine,traffic stress,i need a shower,a nice meal and a good sleep.'' she said going out of the kitchen.

''Do you believe her?''Toun said.

''I don't,she hurried away which confirms that she was lieing to us.''Hannah said.

''I just hope everything is alright.''Toun sighed.

''I hope so too.''
'Calm down dear.''Biola said,while Jane took her seat.

Jane was at the Kenneths,she had gone to see her mother,she was deeply worried over Jacob's attitude this past days.

''I'll advice you to be patient and give him time.''Biola told her daughter,as she held her hands.

''Mother,he acts strange,he rarely calls,and when he does,he's out of what to say.''Jane complained bitterly.

''The wedding perparations might be taking a toll on him.''

''Thats the more reason he should confide in me,i can't let things go wrong,my wedding is around the corner.'' Her eyes were sad,and she looked tired too.

''Thats alright dear,i have a feeling everything will be well.''

''Soon,i pray.''

''You two should see the pastor again,haven finished the counselling programme is no reason to stay away.''Biola adviced.

''We will.''

''So,how's sale at the store.''

Jane looked a bit relaxed now,''Sales has been tremendously high,i just asked the manager to send an order this afternoon.''

''And your workers?''

''They've been good so far,i've got nothing to worry about.''Jane said happy.

''Good to know that.''Biola smiled.''And my girls.''

''They're more than enough headache,i overhead them planning to come over here for the weekend.''Jane laughed.

''I can't wait.''

''I hope you say the same when they arrive here,with their bags of trouble.''Jane said.

Mother and daughter burst into laughter,Kenneth joined them later before Jane left for home.
''Whats happening here?''Jane asked as she entered the spacious Smiths sitting room.

Jacob was on his feet,and Funmi was seated too,except for the lady who had pushed her the other day,who was on her feet.

Jacob wished the ground would open and swallow him this moment,this was the moment he dreaded most,his friends had adviced him to inform Jane earlier.

But,he was afraid,how would he put it across to her.This was not happening he wished.

''Is anything the matter?'' she asked again,Funmi looked at her,there was anger in her beautiful face.As she perched on the couch watching the lady who stood meters away from her.

The lady stung her a hateful look,she looked between but for the scowl on her face.''Ask him'' she pointed at Jacob.Her eyes on him.

Jane knelt by him,''Whats the matter,someone please speak to me.'' she screamed.

''Jane please be calm,its nothing we can't handle.''Funmi said tapping her feet on the persian rug below her feet.

''If they refuse to speak,i'll inform you.''The lady gave her a wicked grin,adjusting her gown.She took few steps towards Jane.

Jane looked up,into the lady's eyes.

''I'm Perosola,and i'm carrying Jacob's baby.''she smiled.

The breeze ceased for an instant,she could hear so much noises in her head,she could feel herself going down gently.Funmi and Jacob got up and helped her to a seat.

Jane found herself on the couch,with a glass of cold water to her lips.she drank all the water and relaxed in her seat.

This must be a bad dream,or perhaps a scene in a Nollywood movie,she pinched herself to come back to reality.Alas! It was true.

''Jacob....''She spoke at last,her eyes fixed on his,her voice shaking and hurtful.

''No,Jane don't believe her.''Jacob said,standing by her side.

''Listen Jane.''the lady continued.''You remember that night you called him after his friends party,i was with him at the hotel.''

''I was the one who picked your call.Can you deny that?''she shouted,picking her bag and stumping out of the sitting room

Jane was breathing fast,her blood pumping faster,she knew she would faint now.But,she didn't.

''Jacob... .....''Jane swallowed.

''Jacob,is it true?''
Before Jacob could answer,Perosola had returned.Walking majestically around the sitting room,she stopped right in front of Jane.

''And if you're all confused,have this.'' she flung a brown envelop on the floor walking away.

Her steps echoed in the distance,and everywhere grew silent once more.

Funmi picked the envelop,and tore it open,she gasped when she saw her son almost Unclad against Pero.

In anger,she flinged the envelop at Jacob and walked out of the room.

Jacob sat by Jane,he looked sad and embittered.

Jane picked the pictures that were strewn across the room,taking a look.

Her world came crashing before her,this was definitely not her own Jacob.

The evidence was glaring,but before she made any decision.She had one question to ask.
''Jacob Smith''she called gently,putting her arms across his shoulders.''Is she pregnant for you?''

A great silence greeted her.That was a million dollar question,Jacob knew the time had come to tell Jane the truth and he would not hesitate.

''Were you with her that night?''Jane asked.


''Is she carrying your baby?''Jane asked.

''I don't know.'' That was the honest truth....yes the truth.
It was two days now,since she received the bad news of Perosola carring Jacob's baby.

Jane called Jacob asking him for a whooping sum of twenty million naira,he had hesitated at first,asking if she needed it for the store,to which she said no.

He agreed to send her the required amount,Jane still acted in the same way and manner expected of her.She didn't seem to be angry at him.She was just curious and excited.

In two weeks time,she would walk down the aisle with Jacob,all things being equal.By thursday she would be travelling for her wedding shopping with Jacob,nothing would stop it.Nothing...

It was a warm wednesday evening,the time was around 6:30pm when she stepped into the the restaurant.

She was having company for dinner,and it was none other than her husband's baby mama Perosola.

Perosola sat at the extreme end of the restaurant,she raised her head as Jane walked towards her with a cool demeanor.
Jacob tapped his foot on the tiled floor,watching the door.

He'd been surprised when Jane had acted cool like nothing happened.Except for when she asked for the money.

Jaiye warned him that,a lady's rantings were far better than her silence.Her silence meant so much more,and that was what kept Jacob at the edge of his seat.He was concerned that Jane wasn't screaming or crying or breaking off their engagement.

He had been avoiding Funmi ever since the incident,Jacob wondered if Biola was aware of the happenings of late.

It was all his fault,he knew.

He heard footsteps and adjusted his sitting position,there was a knock on the door.
''Come in.''

The door flung open,and Jane walked in.she was followed by Funmi and perosola.

Jacob was suprised and at the same time confused.
''What's happening he asked.'' getting up.

Jane walked towards him smiling sweetly as she planted a kiss on his lips.
''Relax sweetheart,things are getting clearer.''

''I'm lost?''he said.''What are you doing with Pero?''

''Just watch.''

''Funmi,talk to me.''Jacob said.

''I don't know whats happening too.''Funmi said,Jane had only asked her come with her.

Perosola looked quiet and cool today,she stood by Jane.
''We all have to get to somewhere important right now.''Jane smiled warmly.

''Isn't that so Perosola?''


Jane led the way followed by Perosola,then Funmi.Jacob walked behind their back locking the door.
No one was speaking in the car,everyone to his thought,except Perosola who gave the description of their destination to Jacob who was at the wheels.Sitted at the rear was Jane who had a vague look,she was neither smiling nor angry.She just sat there,millions of thought buzzing through her head.

Funmi glanced at Jane,wondering what was going through that brain of hers.She hoped she knew what she was doing,because she was getting tired of this tirade of trouble.Jackie had just gotten out of her sour mood,she wouldn't want her beloved son getting into a scandal that would drag their well respected and protected name through muddy waters.

''Take the next turning by the right,yes thats the street.''Perosola said,her heart beating fast as they neared the building.

Jacob stole a look at Perosola,she looked beautiful and young just like Jane,smart too and sophisticated,she spoke the Queen's language fluently,and that was why she allowed her to sit by him when she asked to join their table,at the party organised by comitee of friends for Jaiye before his wedding.
He knew he had some wine at the party,but he couldn't remember taking something alcoholic,and how they had both ended up at the hotel later that was inexplicit,though she left before he got up in the morning.

''Thats it,you can stop the car in front of the brown gate.''Perosola said taking a deep sigh.

Jacob brought the car to an halt,there was an awkward silence in the car.
''Pero will go in,while we wait behind the door.''Jane said as she opened the car to get down.

''Wait Jane,what are you two up to?''Jacob asked frustrated.From behind,Jane stretched her hands to touch his shoulders,he jerked in his seat.''Sweetheart,i'm not doing anything silly.Just come inside.''Her voice was steady and smooth as she spoke,others were unaware of the battle going on in her head,her cool demeanor was deceiving and covering a lot for her.

''I trust you Jane.''Funmi said,her face void of any emotion. ''I just hope you're right.''Jacob said,feeling for the gun tucked in his pant,he just prayed it wouldn't come to using it.He just wished everything will go well.

They all got out of the car,Perosola leading the way.It was a quiet compound,a four bedroom flat.They climbed the stairs up the apartment.
''When i cough you can come in.''Pero whispered quietly.

The others stood behind the door while she opened the door with her key and entered closing the door again.

She looked up,to see her companion waiting for her.
''You're late,what took you so long?''Her companion asked gulping a glass of drink noisily down her throat,while litghting a cigarette.

''Everyone is familiar with Lagos traffic.''Pero said taking her seat.

''Whats the update? Wait,i hear footsteps,is anyone here with you.''Her companion said getting up to check the door.

''Don't bother,no one is here,i came alone.''Pero said,her heart in her throat,she rushed towards the door,as her companion opened it.
Hannah lay on the couch,reading a soft sell magazine,her phone on the table.She turned back when she heard voice,it was Adetoun on the phone.

Adetoun sat opposite Hannah cradling the phone closer to her ears,smiling as she spoke.

''Who was that?''Hannah asked as soon as she dropped the call.

Adetoun laughed.''You should bag a degree in Ameboism.''

Hannah sat up,waiting for Toun to answer,''Okay,it was Kelvin.he said....''

''I knew it.''Hannah screamed.

''Its a lie.''Toun said.''Would you believe he asked if he could come visit me this weekend.''

''I'm sure you said yes.''

''No.''Toun angled her head.''I wasn't sure it was a good idea,so i declined.''


''I was only kidding you,ofcourse i said yes.''Toun laughed.''That means we will not be visiting mother this weekend.''

''We'll call and tell her,we changed our mind.''

''Thanks girl,you're a darling.''Toun said.

''And you Adetoun,are a super darling.''Hannah laughed.''I'm glad you and Kelvin are getting together again,its makes me happy that i am an instrument to this union.''

''You can say that again.''Toun smiled,flinging a throw pillow at her,Hannah saw it and dodged quickly.

''Hey wait.''Toun called.

Hannah stopped,she stood facing Toun.''What's the matter?''

''The plan,do you thinks its going to work?''Hannah watched Toun sink on the couch.''It will work,i just have that feeling in me.''

''I'm so afraid,I'll be so happy,when the storm is finally calm again.''Toun said.

''Its alright,don't get moody,how about we go out and get a movie to watch.''Hannah proposed.

''Stop it Toun,just put your mind at rest will you.''

''Lets go.''Toun got up,slipping her feet into her sandals.
Katherine opened the door slightly,taking a peep,but there was no one behind the door.she looked at Amaka angry,
''Why did you rush at me like that?''she asked furious.

''I....i wanted to check too.''Amaka answered.

''I'm all ears.''Katherine said taking her seat.

''Why are you even doing these?''Amaka rubbed her cheeks as a heavy slap hit her.

''How dare you question my orders?''Katherine spewed.''I only employed you to work and not review my orders.''

''I'm tired of telling lies,we're hurting Mr Jacob and Jane.''Amaka said.

''You must be out of your mind.''Katherine hit her again.''I hope you've not said something silly to them,you dam.''

''I didn't.''

''So,how's Jane taking this?''Katherine asked.

''Well,she's strong about it,no screams,no noise,just quiet.''Amaka said biting her fingers while facing her boss directly.

''You mean,they ar yet to call off the wedding you dam!''Katherine screamed.Removing a gun from her purse,the gun pointed at Amaka.

Amaka's face went white,as Katherine held her against the wall.''Speak to me,what have you said to the Smiths?''

''I only spoke with Jane,i..i..''Amaka sluttered.

''You're seeing Jane?''Katherine shouted,she was boiling furiously.
''Pls don't act like that,let us get to the root of this.''Jane said pulling Jacob away from the door.

''I can't believe Katherine is behind this...''he fumed.''But why?''

''Thats why we are here,so calm down.''Jane said.

Funmi looked confused amidst them,''Jacob relax and be cool.''

A white jeep drove into the compound,a man in his early thirties climbed down and locked the car.He walked where the trio were crowded.
''Good afternoon Mr Jacob.''he offered his hand,which Jacob took reluctantly.
''Good afternoon Mr Elizealde.''

''What brings you here?''he asked,looking at Funmi and Jane.

''Maybe we should all go in.''Jane said when Jacob was at a loss of what to say.Elizealde,Katherine's fiance and Jacob's business partner of recent.

There was an awkward silence as they all climbed the stairs.Elizealde opened the door without knocking.
''Good afternoon dear.'' Elize said as he entered,Katherine was shocked,slowly withdrawing the gun from Amaka's face.

Funmi,Jacob and Jane walked in.
''Bravo.''Jane clapped,standing by Perosola.

''Whats this gathering about?''Elizealde asked,his face contorted in anger.

''Its nothing.''Katherine said,her fears rising.

''Well,Perosola and Katherine have some explanations to make.''Jane said taking her seat.

''What is she talking about?''Katherine feigned innocence.

''Katherine,how dare you try to blackmail me?''Jacob shouted standing up.

''I know nothing about that?''Katherine defended.

''You do know something about it,you're the brain behind this scheme,you hired me to blackmail him.''Amaka said pointing at Katherine.

Katherine kicked Amaka hard in the stomach,sending her sprawling on the floor.She grabbed Jane by the throat pointing her gun in Jane's face.
''If you say a word again Amaka,i'll blow Jane's head.''Katherine threatened.
Jane blinked rapidly,gasping for breath,while Jacob brought out his gun pointed at Katherine.
''If you come near me,i'll pull the trigger on her.''Katherine grinned.

''Hey calm down man.''Elizealde stood up.

''Katherine,what are you doing?''he questioned.

''Stop this all of you.''Funmi screamed,her voice rising against the others.

''And you two,drop those guns,there aren't toys i suppose.''Funmi said.

''You go first.''Katherine said,eyeing Jacob who withdrew his gun.
Jane fell as Kate pushed her away,tucking her gun back.Jacob rushed over to her,''Are you hurt?''he asked checking her neck for bruises.

''I'm fine.''Jane said rubbing her neck.

''What's all this about Katherine?''Jacob asked.

''I know nothing of what you're talking about.''She lied.

''Why are you trying to hurt us?''Jane questioned.

''Hey this is not about you,its about Jacob and i?''

Jacob laughed,''There is no us,and you know it too.''he was getting furious too.His gaze fixed on Kate.

''Kate we are all waiting to hear from you.''Funmi who had been quiet spoke again.

''I'll tell you all,if thats what you want,i will.''Kate said.

''Is love a crime?'' she asked no one in particular.''I love you Jacob,is that my offence,i have always cared about you,i entrusted my life in your hands.You are the best thing that ever happened to me.''

''Is it not funny,that i'm still in love with you after all this years.''Katherine said anger in her face.

''You still love me.''It was more of a statement than a question.

''Jacob i love you,i cherish every moment we spent together,i fell in love with you fifteen years ago at Jaiye's fouteenth year old birthday party.Long before you fell for me,i waited patiently for you to ask me out.''

'Little wonder you said yes,that very first day i asked you.''Jacob answered.

''You can mock me all you like,but i'm still in love with Jacob smith,ain't i silly?.''

''Every one out there sees a perfect gentleman,a caring and hardworking successful business man.''Kate paused,''But i see the imperfect Jacob,the one who cries each time he loses a business deal,the young man who never gives up on anything,i see love in your eyes.''

''If you love him this much,why are you trying to hurt him now?''Jane asked.

''He left me.''

''Jacob left me,just after one single unfaithfulness,one silly mistake.''Kate said punching the glass frame,her fingers cut as blood oozed out.

''You call sleeping with my friend and employee,a silly mistake?''Jacob scowled.

''You don't have to throw it in my face're so soft and yielding,you would have forgived me,if this dirt had not come into the picture.''she pointed at Jane.

A heavy slap landed across her face,''Don't you ever refer to my fiance as dirt again.''

''Your slap doesn't hurt me anyway,your distrust hurts more,you threw our love into the bin,you broke up with me because you love her.''

Funmi had a clearer picture now,no wonder Jacob had refused to be appeased after their break up.......
''Our parents are friends,you didn't even think twice before pushing me outta your life.I wept,i cried like a baby,with no one to stop me.''

''Was that my fault?''Jacob asked.

''Yes,you made me a broken woman,i am not capable of loving any other but you.Its a pity she's walking down the aisle with you.''Kate cried,as hot burning tears gushed down her face.

''So why the blackmail?''

''Because i wanted to hurt you back,i wanted that wedding called off,i tried,but.....i was just unlucky.''

''You suceeded to an extent miss.''Jane flung her a newspaper article that read.

''Rich business tycoon and youth ambassador,Jacob Smith in pregnancy scandal with young banker few weeks to his wedding.''
''This was not my wish,i want you two apart,if i'm not having Jacob no other girl will have him.''Kate grinned wickedly.

''And Perosola?''Jane asked.

''She's Amaka,i only used her to achieve my plans,i clinched her with Jacob at Jaiye's party,she slipped some pills into his wine,and he ended up unconscious in the hotel.He was unaware of the pictures we took,the pill didn't harm him,just to make him weak,sleepy and tired.''

Jacob sent Jane a message that said.''You should know i'll never cheat on you.'',Jane smiled at him.

''Amaka is not even pregnant,cos they didn't have sex,it was just a pretence.''

''I so much hate to see Jane and Jacob happy together,a nobody has taken my place in his heart.''Kate wiped her tears away.

''And the intruder at my house?''

''Oh Nick and his guys,thet were only doing their job,i didn't know you were that strong.''She grinned wickedly.

''Whats Jane's offence.?''

''She's beautiful,young,sweet,she's brainy,she's cool,she's about to become successful just because she's got Jacob Smith.''

''Is that all?''

''No,she's a virgin.''Kate's voice was cool.

Jane blinked twice,she pinched her ears hard,she must have heard wrong...maybe.

''I wanted to destroy her pride before you,Nick was supposed to take Jane away,molest her and send you the pictures....but i guess she's just so lucky.''

''How did you know she was with me?''

''I asked Funmi.''

''Mother,how could you?''

''I squeezed that info from unsuspecting Funmi,i used her.''

''I never knew son,i'm sorry.''Funmi said

Before Eliza could hold him,he slapped her hard twice,pushing her to the floor.''You bastard.''

''Control yourself man.''Eliza shouted.

''Son!''Funmi said touching his shoulders.''Be calm.''

''Hit me all you like Jay,it doesn't mean a thing to me again,i'm sure you two got my letters before your introduction.''Kate looked at him.

''I did but..... Jane.... did you get anything?''Jacob asked.

''No...oh yes...i got it,but i didn't read it,i can't remember what happened,i thought it was from you,i think i misplaced it.''Jane explained.

''Thank God.''Jacob said.

''I'm sure you two will still go ahead with the wedding...but...''

''Katherine,i can't believe you're this wicked.''Eliza stood up.

''Eliza i only care about your money,not an iota of love,i'm sorry and Its not what you thinK dear''She pleaded.

''You're trying to destroy two happy people,what wickedness runs through your blood.''He fumed.

''I'm glad i was here today,our engagement is off.''he said stumping out of the room in anger.

''Eliza,Eliza....Elizealde...plsss.''she cried,screaming,with one furious kick swung in amake's face,she pulled her by the hair.
''Pls don't hurt me.''Amaka pleaded.

''You will die for your sin.''Kate threatened bringing out her gun.

''Don't be silly Kate.''

''I've always been the silly one,it doesn't matter any more.''Kate said pointing the gun at Amaka who screamed loudly.

The door opened and four police men in uniform walked in.
''You are under arrest Miss Katherine.''One of the police said.

''I'm sure you don't know i am and who my parents are.''Kate said,pulling harder at Amaka's hair.

''Drop your weapon ma'am.''The police comtinued.

Funmi put her arms around Jane,who was shaking on her feet already.
''I'll make you lose your uniform's in the twinkle of an eye,you fools.''Kate threatened.

''You can't do a thing,have you forgotten,i am Jacob Smith''Jacob spoke furiously.

The police men were surprised,moving closer to Kate.
''Do your job guys.''

As the police men closed in on her,she pushed Amaka away and fired the gun at head,she raised the gun again,this time at Funmi,but it was a scare the bullet went straight at Jane.

Funmi screamed as Jane slumped to the ground,Jacob was besides her in a seconds,sweating as he carried her up.

''Now that she's dead,i'm happy.''Kate laughed,as the police cuffed her hands.

''I'll be back in some few minute,so don't gloat yet.''Kate grinned as the police took her away.

Jacob carried Jane's lifeless body,as his knees weakened and his heart throbbed.

To be continued tomorrow at 11am.

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