Jacob knew his head would break,the way it was spinning,as much as he tried to get the image of that silly neighbour off his mind,the more it glued.and it had taken
him more than self control not to break the 's head.He picked the glass that contained his drink and swallowed hard.And to think his wife had rushed after him,oh poo,he banged the table,he just wouldn't accept it.

When the second bottle of vodka landed on the table,he knew he was a goner from that moment.He saw ten ladies walking towards him,and he made to grab them together.The female attendant let out a tiny whimp as she stepped back.

She had walked up to inform him that they were past closing time when he suddenly stretched out his hands to grab her."Excuse me sir." She said,pointing at the wall clock."We are closed for the day."

Jacob let out a bewitched laughter,"Good,is that why all of you want to carry me?" He asked,the attendant looked around,the other attendant was aleady closing the fridge who else was he referring to,but past experience had thought her that men in his situation could see hundred girls in one,his breath stenched of alcohol when he belched loudly.

It took the two attendant a whooping 30minutes to lead him to his car.they opened the driver's door and pushed him in before closing the door.


If anything at all,the sound of hammering filled his head,he sluggishly forced an eye opened,his nose came awake to the odour of vomit.His eyes became clearer and his head woke up too.

What was he doing in his car at 6am in the morning,he couldn't find a place for his foot ,a banging sound erupted from his head.The event of the past evening flashed in his brain,so he took his time to analyse what had happened.

He ignited his car and found himself at his gate after an hour of driving,his kids were about leaving for school,he couldn't even plant the regular'Goodbye daddy' kiss on their cheeks.he waved at them,quickly he gave orders for the car to be washed immediately and he disappeared into the bathroom.

It took him like forever to get out of the bathroom,he came out dripping water,a white robe on his shoulders and the fresh scent of bath hung around the room.He dried his hair with a towel and stood in front of the mirror.

He didn't even occur to him that his wife was missing,he glanced around the room for the second time."Where is she?'" He said to himself rushing down the stairs,he called Nnamdi and Aishat.

"Where is your madam." He directed the question to both of them.

Nnamdi took a quick glance at Aishat,he was scared to look at his boss in the eye.And for the second time that morning,he knew something had gone wrong with the family.

"She ..Aishat talk now." He. Said fidgeting on a spot.

Aishat shot him a glance that screamed'Are you crazy' she tried to clear her throat,"Hmmmm hmmmm,she went to see Oga Toye."

Jacob knew he was loosing it already as he tried to steady his foot in a place,"So where is she now?" He asked trying to contain his anger.

"She's still there,I mean she didn't come back home last night." The answer was short and needed no explanation.Nnamdi was shocked to hear that,he could see anger well upon his boss's face.

"You mean she spent the night in that house." The way he spoke one would think the house in question was a sacred one.Without thinking he hit his fist hard on the wall,breaking their beautiful wedding frame into pieces,his hands were bleeding but he didn't give a damn,all he wanted at that moment was Toye's head in a lunch bowl.
I used to think miracles were a figment of people's imagination,or how else could a man whose's eyes have failed him suddenly regains sight all of a sudden.Such were the thoughts that had found root in the heart of Adetoun.

Or how would I describe what happened to her over the weekend,she had thought her life had finally come to a full stop,when a miracle happened,after so many deliberately missed call she had spoken with Priye,and they had agreed to trash things out.She wondered if she took the right decision in agreeing to see him Priye.

And it was then it struck her that Kelvin had not been calling,was that what love was all about?she let he mind stroll away from that .

And what was more suprising was the appearance of both brothers,that shocked her too.It was awesome when Priye said he was no longer interested in her again and had accepted her as his brother's wife.Adetoun's joy knew no bound as she jumped on him happily.Kelvin took turn to engage her in a warm lingering embrace too.

The rest of the evening was fun,as Priye got to know her sister-in-law better,he excused himself after a while leaving the two love birds to enjoy.

Adetoun relished that moment over and again,her friends were happy for her when she informed them of all that transpired between both brothers.It sounded hard to believe but it was true,that night she waited for Priye to call to tell her that all that happened was a farce,but that call never came through,rather it was Kelvin who called to wish her a peaceful night blowing her kisses all over the phone.She had slept like a baby without a worry in the world.


Jacob barged into the well decorated sitting room,the door made a loud thud against the wall,he scurried to the man bent over a woman,definitely his wife.The other man had turn back at the sound of the door,and that what was saved him from receiving a brutal kick.

"What?" The man screamed,Jacob was surprised,it was not his crazy neighbour but another man probably his friend.

Jacob tried to relax,"What the hell are you doing to my wife?" He asked with a clenched fist.

Jane sat up on the couch.,that was when Toye appeared dressed,he was going out."What's your problem Mr Smith?" He said,dropping the suitcase in his hands on the nearest chair.

Jacob took two long stride at the man who had bent over his wife,he shook him vigorously,"For the last time what were you doing to my wife?"

"I'm Doctor Chase,Toye's doctor and I was examining your wife." He said,he tried to hide the fear in his eye but it was a wasted effort.

It was then it dawned on Jacob that he hadn't noticed the stethoscope that hung around his neck.he was forced to look at his wife."I wouldn't be wrong to call you a bad husband,your life looks this ill and you keep her at home,what man does that?" He heard Toye's voice loud and clear.

Jacob held his wife and led her out without another word from his lips.He changed into something better and drove her to their family hospital.The doctor gave her immediate attention.After waiting in the doctors office for over an hour,the result was out and his wife was diagnosed of fever,she wass given some drugs and injection too.And she was to report to the hospital every day for check up for the next one week.
After one week,the symptons were persistent and doctor ordered for total body test,and it was then they discovered that Mrs Smith was 8weeks gone.Jane almost collapse on receiving the news.How could she be pregnant,she hadn't been intimate with her husband for a while now.

She drove home,her thought was her only companion through the journey,she parked her car and leaned against it,thoughts on how to break the sweet bitter news to him filled her up.Goodnews to her but bitter one for her hubby.

It was later in the evening when she opened her eyes to find herself in the hospital,she tried to recall the event that led to her being hospitalised.Nana Aisha sat on the seat close to her,with a smug look on her pretty young face.

"What happened?" Jane's voice was low when she spoke.

Aishat explained how she found out that her madam had fainted on her bed when she went to call her to eat.Nnamdi had called oga,who then asked his driver to bring her to the hospital.But the doctor said she was fine and would be discharged later in the day.

It was some minutes past seven when she arrived home,the driver parked the car and Jane got down,her kids jumped all over her,each had something to say about what happened in school today.she was tired but she still managed to put a smile on their face,making jokes with them.They had dinner,but Janet only picked at her food.

The kids were settled in bed after dinner she and Nana Aisha had sang some lullaby.Her kids were just three and a half year and Adam was already complaining that he wanted a room of his own because he disliked all those colorful teddy that filled their bed,while Eve was tired of all the noises her brother made while playing with his toy cars and lorry.

She was really exhausted when she got to her room,the time was ten past eight,she sat on the bed and tried to concentrate,what had really happened to their marriage?and when did Jacob become this jealous each time she came close to another man.Most importantly,how would she explain to him about the pregnancy.she silently hoped that the doctor hadn't informed him.

She found solace in the pillow,clutching it close to her heart.she must have dozed off when her husband came in,he shook her roughly causing her to wake up."Is it true?" He asked, anger was evident in his high pitched voice.

"What's true?" Her brain was yet to process what her husband meant as she was feeling sleepy,she yawned noisily.Jacob grabbed her by the hand and pulled her to the bathroom,he opened the tap with the other hand and splashed cold water in her face."Tell me you're not pregnant?"

Jane began to tremble,she tried to pry her his hands off her but he was strong."Jacob leave me alone." She shouted.

"Answer me now before I hit you." He shouted back pulling her to the bedroom and pushing her on the bed,she fell like a pack of card.

Jane had never seen him this angry nor had she heard him speak like that.she looked at her fingers and began to shiver."Yes I'm pregnant." She said,her voice was cold and void of courage.

"Who is responsible for that thing?" He asked her,Jane felt a rush of wind gush into her mouth,what a rude shock!she must have acted without thinking when a heavy slap landed on her husband's cheek.

Jacob was nothing but stupifed,as he watched his wife march out of the room.He couldn't feel any pain or emotion in his legs as he wobbled on the bed.Was he dreaming or did Jane just slap him.

Hannah hummed as she drove home,she put the music on repeat,she so much enjoyed listening to Niyola's Toh bad.she was almost home,all she wanted was a good food,a bath and sleep.It was not like she was fagged out,just the normal routine at work.
And with the way things were working at the office,she was making quite a good progress coupled with her supervisor's remark for the month.She was least worried about anything.she stopped the music and called her mother.Biola was happy from the way her voice sounded over the phone she and her husband had just returned from a trip to the states.

And as usual,she asked if Adetoun would come spend the weekend with her,to which Adetoun said no.They spoke till she got home.She honked and Rekia opened the gate for her,she parked and shut the car door.

She walked into the sitting room and closed the door,she was surprised to see Adetoun and Ade at the dinning table.She greeted her friend and walked in not sparing them a glance.

Ade dropped his spoon in surprise at the way Hannah had acted like she didn't see him."Adetoun do you think she will listen to me?" He asked,worry carefully written on his face.

Adetoun smiled as Rekia joined them at the table,"We can't rush her that you must know,the Hannah i know is still in love with you." She assured him.she excused herself to go and speak with Hannah.

She knocked on the door,and listened for a response,she opened the door and went in."Hey babe,how was work today?" She sat on the bed while Hannah changed into a red top and black shorts.

"Work was fine jare,you nko?" Hannah asked.

"It was good, hmmm hmmmm..."

"You have cold?"

"No..would you mind speaking with Ade? You snubbed him totally,you should at least listen to him first before making any judgement." Toun said in a serious tone.

"Ade?" Hannah asked,pretending to think."I don't think I know anyone by that name." She said picking her phone."I'm hungry I need to put something in here." She patted her stomach softly with a smile on her face.

Toun returned to the dinning,assuring Ade that things would get better,both of them stopped speaking when Hannah came to the table with a plate of her food.she sat down and said her prayers.

"Hmmm Hannnah,how are you doing?" Ade asked.

Hannah let on a genuine smile."Mybad." She said."Good evening,don't mind my manners.I'm Hannah Odenuga,have we met?"

Rekia exchanged a look with Adetoun who looked surprised too,"Its me Ade."

"Ade... Ade? From where?you know what mister,I just want to enjoy my meal,so let me be." That was final,she buried her head and continue to."Look I can explain all that happened,just listen please." She heard his voice loud and clear,and at that moment all she wanted was to place her head on his shoulders and sleep,she didn't care about the explanation,even though it hurt her when he left.

Hannah lifted her plate and walked back to her room."And you think she's ever going to listen to me?" Ade said watching her retreating figure,he had some important things to do at the office but he was here wasting his time.

"Yes." Toun assured him."She'll soon get over the pain and then come back to you."

Ade took his leave after receiving a call from his friend.Rekia and Toun saw him off.

The weekend was splendid for Adetoun,Kelvin was in Lagos and they had so much fun hanging out and havng fun.It was late Saturday in the evening when they returned to Kelvin's condo in Lagos.
With a new zeal spread over her,she bounced around the house happily,they sat on the tiled floor to devour their dinner and toasting to a new life over a bottle of blue cocktail bubbling wine.She was seeing a different person tonight and her passion overflowed her.

They made love all through the night,tumbling the sheets and making weird noises,lips entangled,body bonded and souls merged.She wished that morning would not come but it did and with it,rays of hope for a lasting relationship with her hearthrobe.

She stirred lightly in bed,stretching her hand towards her partner,but what she met was emptiness.

Quickly,she opened her eyes and pulled the covers over her Unclad self,she listened for sound in the shower but it wasn't forthcoming.she sat up in bed and wrapped her covers tightly.she saw the note by the bedside.With thuding heart she read its content.

He had gone to get something for breakfast and would be back soon,she sat back on the bed and tried to think about her life for a minute,if anything at all,she was making progress.she yawned lazily it was a sunday.

Adetoun stepped out of the bedroom just as the door opened,a fresh looking kelvin sent her a warm smile,her toes curled and she could feel the butterflies inside.Like a buzz he was already standing by her.And just like magic he had his lips locked hers what an heavenly feeling.

They ended up on the bed in a matter of seconds,the two partners lay apart spent and tired,"You mean the world to me." He whispered quietly in her ear.

She nodded her head briefly,"I know and that's why I want to spend the rest of my life with you." A peaceful smile spread across her face.

He gently pulled her up,holding her hands firmly like his whole being depended on it,he engaged her eyes in his,if what he felt was anything to go by,he felt a gentle breeze of peace flood over him.He lifted her hands and brought them to a stop right on his chest,the resting place of his heart."This is where you have always belonged to,I promise to protect you all my life."

Adetoun smiled,her eyes boring into his very soul,"Tell me you love me." She heard him say tickling her hand.

She laughed heartily,"I love you Kelvin." She say the way the muscles on his faced relaxed,oh! Love is beautiful

"One more thing..." Kelvin paused and it seemed the air ceased to exist,he parted back a strand of hair that escaped to her face.Adetoun watched his serious expression and wondered what he wanted to say.She prayed in her heart that he would not say anything to upset her.

She waited to hear his voice,"Go on" she said,she was impatient already.

"So many things happen to people in life,life changing events and occurence,some mar while others make them.But one thing that is constant is change,never letting go and courage to move." He paused to see if she was listening to him.

"No matter what has happened to you,I want you to let go of your past,I don't want you living your life in constant painful memories.Let's enjoy life to the fullest,I want to accept you for who you are,tell me the dark past you've been hiding,confide in me,I want to share in your every pain." He said pulling her into a warm embrace.He felt warm waters on his chest,she was sobbing quietly.He let her cry away the pain.

His hands patted her back and she sobbed harder,"You can't ugnderstand what i've been through." She said sadly.

"Tell me all,I want to know."
"Maybe its truly time for me to let go,I've hidden this in my heart for a long time now." She stood up and walked to the window,parting the blinds she looked out like it held the secrets of her life.She knew by the time she was done telling him,he would either accept or reject her.

Kelvin watched her every movement,he was glad she was willing to share this with him and so he listened with rapt attention.

"Hmmm started while I was very young,I had a mother who never loved me,she used..."

Adetoun then explained in details to him,her horrible experience in the hands of her mother,and both men she called Uncle and father.She wept like a baby as she spoke.And by the time she was done,all her energy was gone.

It was rude shock to Kelvin,he had always know she had something wrong from the past,but never had he for once envisaged this happening to her,she was a strong lady indeed.

Toun was prepared for the worst as she watched what his reaction would be,"I'm sorry you had to go through all that." He said walking up to meet her.

"But 'm here now,I promise to watch you all my life,not even a strand of your hair will come to harm." He embraced her.

"Do you still want me?" She asked the only question on her mind.

Kelvin looked her straight in the eye,"I've always wanted you,'m not going to stop now.I want you more than ever." He kissed her on the forehead.Toun let the water stream down her eyes,she was surprised to see tears on Kelvins face too.

He carried in his arms like a baby and placed her on the bed,he bent over her and kissed her tears away,she smiled and he smiled back."I want you to meet my real family."

Kelvin pinched himself hard,did he just hear that from her,today was one of the best days of his life."Ofcourse...yes..I've always wanted to meet them.Thank you dear."

Toun laughed,"You're welcome sweetheart." Her lips formed a beautiful smile,pulling him over herself,she kissed him again.Breakfast must be cold by now or what do you think?
Jane scanned the living room,relaxed that her husband was not there,she slipped into the kitchen,swallowed some pain relieving tablet with water,she sneaked towards the stairs and climbed it one step at at time, she needed a good sleep,it was quite hard to get over the fact that her hubby doubted the paternity of their baby.

She undressed and put on a robe,eased her tired self into bed and slept off,she was damn tired.


Exactly three days later,the couple did not seem to have found a way round their misunderstanding as Jacob made sure he kept his distance from his wife,which was quite unlike him. He paid close attention to his children and work,as that seemed to be all that mattered at the moment.

Jane wasn't feeling any better,so she decided to give herself some rest from work,her kids had just returned from school,Aishat helped them with their homework while she listened to their activities in school,they were bright kids and she was truly proud of them. She blessed God for giving her the opportunity to carry those wonderful fruits in her. she was indeed glad to be a mother. After they had eaten,she noticed the sour look on Eve's face."Are you okay?" She asked feeling Eve's temperature by putting her hand to her face and body.

Eve did not say a word,she only forced a smile,Jane noticed that Eve grew silent and her eyes seem to be in a far away place,something was wrong with her baby but Jane tried to relax and not get worked up.

Later in the night when Jacob arrived,she found her way to their bedroom and quickly tucked herself in. She was just getting her sleep when Aishat came to call her that Eve was vomiting and that Jacob was with her. she rushed downstairs and found them in the bath. Jacob sprinkled cold water on Eve's face before caring her into the children's bedroom. Jane stood by the door and watched her husband tend to their baby. she wondered what happened to their relationship.

Eve laid on the bed with a cup of milk to her mouth,"I want you and mummy to sing for me." Eve requested silently.Jane moved closer and sat at the other side of the bed.They both sang for their children and waited for them to fall asleep before gently leaving.,


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