Jane left for the store and thought about her promise to Toye,it would be bad of her to dishonour her own words.After two weeks of putting it off,she finally decided to make
good her promise.It was a warm evening and when she called to confirm their appointment,he asked her to come with her swimming gears,she refused at first but he was she agreed.

She wore a simple blue gown,iit was just casual and packed her swimming gears in a bag.if she was expecting a quiet dinner,then she was far from it.They were having dinner in his beautifully trimmed garden.It was a somptous one at that.she drank some wine before changing into her swimming trunk and hair cap.Without thinking she jumped into the water and began to swim,Toye joined her and they played like old lovers,she let him hold her and he even kissed her lightly on the cheeks.They were splashing water on each other when she looked up to see a figure marching towards them,her heart summersaulted in quick leaps and her body went still.

It was Jacob and one look at him,she knew she was done for tonight.He ordered her to come out of the water which she did calmly.Toye also came up."Hi Jacob care for a quick dip?" he asked coming to his side.

Jacob threw a punch that narrowly missed Toye's well shaped lips,"I never miss my target,and let me warn you,stay away from my wife,you miserable hag." He pulled Jane by the arms and began to pull her with him.

"Pls let me take my dress." She said quietly,he didn't even hear her talk,he pulled her along and outside the gate and into their own compound,she wasn't walking fast and that annoyed him more.He picked her and up the stairs he went.He dropped her on the bed and locked the door."I'll teach you how to be obedient to your husband." He was visibly angry as he began to unhook his belt.
It had been a while now that Jane and her friends hanged out together,it seems everyone was minding their business,Jane picked up her phone and dialled Lucy's number,it rang for a while but no one answered it.she didn't even have her residential address.she dialled her other friends and they agreed to have lunch together.

And as usual it was fun filled and their kids made it more colourful,Ajoke was heavy with child already.And Cynthia's baby was now a big boy too.

When she returned home,her kids were tired and they fell asleep immediately they were put to bed.she was worried about her friend Lucy.Later that night she dialled Lucy's line again,this time she picked it.Jane knew almost immediately that something was wrong but she didn't want to push her.They fixed a meeting at her store the next day,she couldn't sleep well,her mind was on how her friend was faring with her ruthless star of a husband,even though they were not legally married.

Jane prayed in her heart that Lucy would show up,and when the clock struck two and Lucy didn't show up she knew her friend was not going to come.she was preparng to leave for home when she was informed that she had a visitor.She was glad and couldn't hid her smile when she that it was Lucy,she didn't come with her boy and what was astonishing was that she was pregnant.

Jane offered her a seat,and also ordered for drinks.Lucy tried to smile and act well,but she failed because Jane knew her too well.After some minutes of exchangng pleasantries.Jane took the bold step."You're how many months gone?" She asked her eyes on Lucy's stomach.

"I don't know...sincerely I wasn't counting." Lucy said shaking her head.Jane stared at her dumbly."Was that some kind of joke?" She said easing up a bit on her seat.Lucy got up and began to pace the room,she was lean Jane noticed.

"I don't give a care about this baby,because I don't even want it,I wish I could abort this thing." Lucy said all of a sudden stopping in her tracks.Jane was mute,she badly wanted anotther child but her darling husband would not hear of it.she had been praying to God to surprise her again but at the rate things were going.God wasn't close to listenng to her tiny voice.

Jane was silent.

"He still beats me." She said quietly,taking her seat,Jane offered her a Kleenex.she accepted it and removed her jacket to reveal scars and injuries from severe beating."I can't even protest when he sleeps with me,he treats me like a thing he can use and dump as he so wish,but Jane.....even in all this.I still love him,its just that I don't want this baby." She weptly bitterly,jane secured her door firmly and wept with her friend.

"I know a very good lawyer we can talk to,let's fight him he's a star and he'll do anything to protect his name,let's drag him to the public."Jane said amidst tears.

"No." Lucy jumped up in protest.

"I don't want to ruin his career with my mess of a life,Jane he loves me and I love him too." Lucy said.

"I see his love all over you dear,its overflowing." Jane mocked taking her seat."Let's get a good lawyer and settle this before he kills you."

"No jane I don't want to do that,you know I trust you that's why I can confide you,and you're the only soul who knows about this.." Lucy said."Let me be on my way now."

"So how is my baby doing?"Jane asked.

"He's fine o,and the twins?"

"They're doing good o,its just that their trouble is too much." Jane laughed.They had a quick lunch at the restaurant before both departed to their separate home.And she even promised to show up at the lady's hang out the following week.Jane pondered over her friend's was really heart breaking to see Lucy go through all this in the name of love.

Jane drove home,there was less traffic and she made her way steadily.she tried to get Lucy off her mind but it wasn't working.Toye's call came through and she picked it,he was calling to say hi.Toye was quite funny and a good company too and secretly hoped to see more of him,She drove into her husband's house,the kids were waiting already.

She picked them up and pressed a kiss to their lips,"Mummy Adam hit me on the leg." Eve said reporting her brother.Jane smiled and asked him why he hit her sisters leg."She was singing for her dolls and I wanted to sleep." Adam said in his small voice.The two kids were such a bundle,she asked Adam to apologise which he did.The kids went on and on about school,their teacher and how Nana Aisha helped them with their take home works.

Jane heaved in relief when they finally fell asleep,she showered and went to the kitchen to check on Nnamdi,they were having vegetable poridge and fish for dinner.she thought of how to tender a very important issue to him tonight.she didn't want to get on his nerves tonight.But this was something that'l'd make her a happy woman.

Nnamdi had just finished setting the table when Jacob arrived,Jane helped him change and they went to the kids room,both were fast asleep.Jane didn't talk much during dinner as she kept on re-arranging her choice of words so as not to displease her husband.

Jacob glanced at his wife as she swallowed her food,when she acted like that then she had something to say.he dropped his fork and drank some water."What's on your mind?" He asked.


"Oyin you heard me,just tell me what you want me to get for you."He said picking his fork he picked a piece of fish and put it in his mouth.

"Its not that." She began dropping the glass of water she held.

"Then its what?"

"Its about our kids."

"What about them?" Jacob asked peering at her over his meal.

"Nothing,I still think we should make another baby." She dropped the bombshell.

"Oyin we'll talk about that after dinner,right now I want to eat." Jacob said,if he was angry he wasn't showing it.

"No dear,let's talk about it now." She pleaded.

"Oyin stop it." He shouted dropping his fork.

"Just another baby,let's make it happen please."

"Oyindunmade!" Jacob pushed his seat back and got up,"Dinner is over." He said walking away.

The girls were quiet as they listened to Adetoun speak,she explained to them how she found out about Priye who she was dated back then when she was still leaving with her parents happened to be Kelvin's blood brother.It was a big shock to her.Just when she thought she was making headway,this had to happen to her.

"I think there's nothing to worry about here,you're dating Kelvin now and that's all that matters." Rekia said pledging her full support for Kelvin.

"You're right." Adetoun nodded her head.

"Is Priye against it,I mean you and his brother being together?" Hannah asked quietly.

"I don't think so,he only asked for my contact and when I'll be available and he promised to check on me." Toun explained.The doorbell sounded and Rekia answered it."Who do you want to see?" She asked the stranger,she knew he was Priye because the resemblance was there.

"I want to see Adetoun." He said confidently,his hands in his pocket.

"She's not in." Rekia said obviously irritated by his poise.

"I know she's in,so let me in." Priye protested.

Hannah and Adetoun heard the converstion clearly.

"Rekia let him in." Hannah said getting up.Rekia who had crossed her hand over door,removed it and gave him a long stare."Just so you might know,you're not welcome here." She let out one long hiss and walked out of the sitting room.Hannah followed her leaving Priye alone with Toun.

Priye stood there staring at her,all the memory of the old came crashing all over him."Adetoun is this really you?" He asked the lady who coiled up on the couch.

"Yes its me." She let the water flow as he tool two long strides towards her and embraced her warmly.The two remained in each others arm for some minuttes,none saying a word.

"I've missed you." He cried like a baby.
"Me too." Adetoun said.

There was an awkward silence in the room.

"What do I offer you?" She asked him.

"I'm okay for now." He hadn't changed one bit,same voice,same look,same manner,he was taller now and matured too."How are you?"

Adetoun nodded her head with a smile.

"I'm yet to understand what happened back then.,no one was willing to tell me not even Adekunle,we had to move to daddy's new house when I began to lose my senses over your disappearance from the hospital." Priye told her.

At the mention of her brother's name,she burst into another round of tears.Where would they be now,they hadn't made contact over five years now.How would she explain to him the madness she experienced back then.Would he still want to talk to her.

"Priye,its really a long story and one I'm not prepared to talk about." She said after a long silence.

"You totally forgot about us." He said looking away."The times we shared together,you never stopped to think about me and how I would feel about your disappearance.You shocked me."

"I never meant to do that,I just wanted to be free....- just wanted to be free from my bondage,I'm really sorry if I let you down."

"And what's worse?you appear in my house with my brother as your fiance,I'm really going to get mad again." He was truly angry.

"Look Priye,I never planned for things to go this way,I never did.I didn't bargain for a life like this." She said amidst tears.

Rekia came in,"Your time is up mister,please leave." She said to Priye who got up without another word from his lips.

"Adetoun I'll be back." He said and stepped out of the house.

Rekia consoled Adetoun."You shouldn't have spoken to him if you know it would bring back sad memories."

"I have to."

Adetoun was confused than ever,would she ever be free from trouble? She thought or was this her destiny.

Hannah returned to the sitting room and took her place.

"Will you go there tomorrow?" Rekia asked.


"Yes you."

"Where?" Hannah asked in dismay.

"Hannah its three month already,and we need to be sure that's why you have to go for the confirmation test." Rekia reminded.

"Oh that?I'm not going anywhere,the deed is done so why worry over spilled milk?" Hannah said.

"You just can't conclude its over,let's be sure." Adetoun said,she got up to sit by hannah."We'll both come along with you."

Hannah sobbed quietly,"It was just one single mistake and I'm paying dearly for it.God why?" She said looking up into the sky for a last minute miracle.
Jane tried as much as she could to find grace in her husband's face,she usually returned home from work early so that he would meet her at home,she was being extra sweet to him just to gain his attention and love but Jacob looked the other side.Days moved gradually into week and all her effort seem to be heading down the drain.

It was a cold evening and she had just returned from the store,her kids were asleep already,she showered and quietly crept into bed.

She felt a warm hand across her bosom,and a simmering sensation sauntered down her belly.she snuggled closer and she felt those strongs hand again laying on her.she turned to see her husband cuddled beside her,she opened her eyes.she was Unclad and she knew what had happened.she wanted to wake him but decided against it.she carefully got up,it was 2am by the wall clock she was hungry.The food was cold so she made tea and sat on the couch,a late night movie was showing so she sat down to enjoy it.

She must have fallen asleep because when she opened her eyes again,it was morning,and it was Jacob who tapped her.he was off to work."Breakfast?" She asked.

He nodded and took off.she stood up,her kids ran towards her,they were dressed up and ready for school,she walked them to the car and returned inside.

Her phone rang,she didn't check the caller ID,but when Toye's voice echoed in ear she felt it was cool.he was asking her out to dinner and without thinking she said yes.She dropped her phone and went through her morning rituals she was getting ready for work when Biola,her mother called that Hannah was on admission.

She drove down to their part in Lagos and to the hospital where her sister had been admitted,her mother was there already and she jumped into her arms asking her what led to her admission.Biola narrated to her first daughter how Hannah drove herself and nearly killed herself in the process.

When they were allowed into her ward,she was sleeping and Rekia sat by her."Good afternoon Jane." She said when they took their seat.

"How 're you my dear,thanks for staying with her." Biola said.

"What really happened?" Jane asked directing the question to Rekia.

Rekia knew that she couldn't tell them the truth as that lied in Hannah's hand.She and Detoun had accompanied her to the test centre as promised.And it was confirmed that she was positive.They were glad she took it in good faith without as much as a tear drop from her eyes,she was calm and quite cool about it.It came as a surprise when later in the day they received a call that she involved in an accident.She had been admitted since then.Although the doctor assured that she was fine and only sustained bruises and a dislocated arm which could taken care of.

"Well,I don't know what happened.,we just received a call about the accident." Rekia said and hoped her voice sounded steady enough.

They believed her and were now concerned about the girl on bed.After two weeks she was discharged from the hospital.Biola had asked her to come and stay in her husband's house for a while but she declined that she could take care of herself.

Jane had to call Toye to apologise for the dinner she cancelled,she didn't inform Jacob about Hannah's accident.If he wasn't prepared to act like a man then she was prepared to act like a woman.

Hannah took on with life like nothing happened,she was putting all her energy into work and being happy.she had made up her mind to erase the word men from her life.It was one mouth since the accident happened and the cast had been removed from her hand.she moved about freely and promised to enjoy her life to the fullest.

It didn't come as a surprise when her performance for the month improved and her boss congratulated her,the company's chairman was having a birthday party and everyone had been invited.she was attending with some of their colleagues at the offfice.

She had a good feeling about the party,and she had also invited Toun and Rekia to tag along,it was going to be a big party.

Office closed early on friday so that workers could prepare for the party tomorrow,she made a knew hair and dug out a very nice outfit for the party.Her friends were coming too.Unfortunately for them there was congested traffic,and time was moving fast.It was easing up a bit and she sped up,she was crossing away from the express when a car drove fast hitting her side mirror in the process.She hurled a curse at the who drove past,the car zoomed back and the driver stopped,he was a man and he was just a little above her height.

"I'm sorry madam." He said with a wide smile appearing on his pink lips,he looked at her.

"You can go to hell.". Hannah hissed at him as recognition hit her in the face.He was Ade,he had changed,he looked quite handsome too.She pushed back the flood of memories on seeing him.

Rekia was not left out in the word hurling game,it was only adetoun who remained calm and spoke gently,"Its alright mister."

"Hannah Odenuga?" He asked again.

"Whatever!" Hannah hissed and got back into the car.

"Adetoun!" The man called this time in surprise.

Adetoun was taken back,"Ade....Ade? Is this you?" She shouted. As she lounged into a warm embrace,he planted a peck on her cheeks.

"Omg you look fabulous and Hannah,what's wrong with her?" He asked.

Hannah honked and moved the car forward a bit,signaling Adetoun that she was wasting their time.

"We have to be on our way now." Toun smiled,

"Can I have your contact?" He asked quickly,and brought out his phone for her to type her number.

Rekia watched in amazement as they exchanged numbers,Toun got into the car and Hannah zoomed off.

"Hannah that was Ade,pink shirt." Toun said surprised at the way Hannah responded to her long time lover.

Rekia was lost,"What happened back there??" She was forced to ask. Hannah and Addetoun maintained decorum.

"Hmm hmm" Adetoun cleared her throat and then explained that the man who just left was Hannah's lover,the one she whined continuosly about when he suddenly disappeared off the surface of the earth.This was the same man she dated till she finished her university.

Rekia nodded in understanding,she could remember all of the things Hannah had said about him. What was not clear was her reaction.Hannah asked for the invitation card and checked the address once more,they were almost at their destination,she really hoped to have a nice time at the party.

Adetoun sat in the car with Priye in her compound,she was trying to be reasonable about this whole thing.Here was a man she had left without a word,she tried to figure out how it must have been for him.She sat in the passengers seat while he sat opposite her.

The way he stared at her made her loose her voice,she cleared her throat and tried to look over his head,he was wearing a short sleeve blue shirt with white blazer over a blue jean,his hair looked neat and as much as she tried not to look in his face,she was caught in the act.
"Priye you should go now." Her voice sounded strange to her hearing.

"Adetoun why do you want me to leave?" He asked quietly,"Don't I deserve to know whatever happened to you back then?"

"Its all over now,please forgive me."

"I forgive you,but promise me you won't marry my brother." Adetoun's heart raced faster than usual,how would he say such,it was impossible.there was a huge silence. In the car.

"Promise me now.". What an unusual request Adetoun sighed.

There was a knock on the side mirror,Toun turned back to see Kelvin standing outside the door arms folded across his chest.Priye and Toun got down."What are you doing here?" Priye heard his brother's voice loud and clear.

He held Toun's hand,"Exactly what you've come to do bro." He sounded very confident in himself.

Kelvin fought within himself to control his words and action,"Leave her hands." He barked at him.Toun tried to pry his hands off her but it was a futile effort.

"I've known her before you,and I know her very well." His eyes were tearing off Adetoun's cloth.
"Priye please don't do this." Toun pleaded,by now Hannah and Rekia had come to join tthem outside.

"You heard her Oga Priye,leave her alone." Rekia said,it was quite obvious she harboured hatred towards him.

Kelvin tapped his foot on the ground confused,"Let's take things gently,Kelvin you need to calm down." Hannah tried to put things in order.

"She's my woman and I still love her."Priye said letting his grip fall from her wrist.he pecked her on the cheeks before getting into his car.Toun opened the gate and he drove out.

There was an awkward silence in the compound.Kelvin cleared his throat."Adetoun we need to talk."

"No way,you should speak with Priye first." She said."Don't drive me crazy please." She ran inside the house with Hannah trailing behind her.Kelvin folded his hands and looked at the woman scurrying away,he made to follow her but Rekia stopped him.

"That won't be necessary." She said facing him."I think you should go home and settle things with your brother.Good day." She marched off into the house closely the door firmly behind her.

Jane opened the pot to check if the spag was boiling,steam rose up and. She saw that it was almost cooked,she covered the pot and walked back into the sitting room to enjoythe programme she was watching.Her eyes strolled towards the wall clock,it was some minutes past seven,her husband would be home any seconds soon.

"Mummy i'm feeling cold." Eve said coming to sit by her mother,Jane checked her temperature by putting her hand to her neck and chest."You'll be fine baby,I'll ask Aisha to get you some drugs now.

"Maybe I should see my doctor,I don't want to come down with fever." Her voice was cool and sonorous for a kid."You just like seeing the doctor." Adam laughed.

"Leave my baby alone."Jane said picking the remote control.

"And I don't think you should call me a baby anymore I'm more than three years already.Daddy says I'm a big girl." She said frankly.

"You know what mummy,Eve is too girlish and you should stop pampering her."Adam said without mincng words he was just like his father.

"Its okay kids,come with me to the kitchen,let's finish up." She said and they all disappeared into the kitchen.In no time dinner was ready and she set the table,the kids had gone to brush their teeth when their father arrived.

Jane opened the door and collected his briefcase,he had his shower and returned to the dinning."Welcome home daddy." Eve said running to embrace.

Jacob lifted her up,"How are you dear,and how was school today?" He asked lowering her into a seat. He shaked Adam who had informed his parent that he didn't want them carrying him as he was now a big boy.

Jane served them Spag and sauce garnished with salad,she ate while the kids chatted her up,she noticed that Jacob only picked his food."Are you okay?" She asked taking a sip from the fresh orange juice Nnamdi extracted that evening.

Jacob nodded in response,"No dad doesn't look fine,perhaps he's cold." Eve said tugging at her mothers dress.

"Hey kid,I'm fine,daddy is just tired." Jacob explained to his children.When they finished eating Jane took them to bed.

She was getting bored of the cat and mouse relationship between her and her husband of recent,she climbed into bed and waited patiently for him to come to bed.After about an hour she went down the stairs to find him studying some files."Honey its late come to bed.l" she stood beside him and stretched her hand to pick one of the files.

"I have to attend to some things now." He said without raising his head.

"I know but work can wait till tomorrow,pls come to bed." Jane said,strapping the belt of her robe firmly.she was expecting him to put up this kind of action.

"Ever since I raised the issue of having more kids,you've changed Jacob,is it wrong of me to want more children?" She asked.

"Jane...i'm really tired and I need to sleep." Jacob got up and arranged the files,packing them into his briefcase,he closed it and walked to their bedrood leaving Janet to trail behind him.Dropping the suitcase he disappeared into the shower before climbing into bed.

Jane was playing calm and waited for him to settle in before bringing up the conversation again."Jacob" she called loud enough for him to hear.

She went on and on about her insistence on having another child while Jacob listened to her.After five minutes and her husband didn't utter a word.she felt anger in her.she tapped him only to discover he was fast asleep.she woke him."Jacob when did you become like this? You should at least dignify me with an answer."

"Woman let me be." He said turning to face the other side.

"I'm trying to solve whatever is on ground and you're not interested."She let out a long hiss,switched off the bedside lamp before pulling the duvet over her head.


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