I and Ogechi...Episode 26
“I went with Ck everywhere he went, Ogechi continued the story.
Accommodation was made available for me in an estate belonging to the owner of the recording label Ck was under. That same recording label signed a contract with me later on
when they found me to be an asset. My
name began ringing a bell in America and
people started speculating that Ck was my
man, while others said it was his manager.
The rumor that Ck was my man spread
widely that Ck himself sought to make it a
reality. He wasn’t expecting me to be
though at all, so he didn’t think he needed
to pull so much string to get me to play
along with him. I told him about Prince
Charming which he already knew about but
that didn’t mean anything to him. Little by
little, Ck got really serious about making
me his girl and did a lot of romantic stuffs
just to win my heart.
He bought me flowers and showered me
with gifts unceasingly. When we go to
occasions together, the press normally
addressed us as soon to be couples and Ck
would concur just to put me in a position
where I would have no other choice but
agree to his proposal. For some reason, I
never had any feelings for Ck. Not even a
feeling I had to fight. I just liked him
because of his personality. His charisma
was adorable, he is a great singer, and I
felt like I owed him for bringing me to the
height I found myself then. He however
thought I would repay him by becoming his
girl, but my love for Jesusboy was still
burning inside me like wild fire. I wished it
was Jesusboy in Ck’s position; then my life
would have been complete.
But then, the things Ck kept doing got more
and more interesting until it found its way
to my heart. My friends advised me to go
with Ck who’s a star like me and forget my
Prince Charming who was still struggling to
arrive. They also told me that his arrival at
the top wasn’t certain because not
everyone who embarked on that journey
made it there. They said many things to
disqualify my Prince Charming but I refused
to pay attention to them. Anytime I
remembered how far I had gone with him, I
couldn’t bear the thought leaving him. I
know he will make it one day. Even if he
doesn’t, I’ll gladly share all I have with him.
After all, what is wealth without love?
I remembered giving him N100, 000 back
then to start up something with and pay
back on a set date. He paid back on the
exact same date we agreed on. After then
he was able to foot his bills unlike when I
first met him as a homeless fellow in
another man’s town. I was glad to have
been the angel who rescued him from the
cruelty of hardship. He has valued me
since then like nothing in the world because
he truly knows my worth and how much I
love him. Ck might be a nice guy, but he
may at some point think that he picked me
up from some studio in Nigeria and made
me what I am today. He may even rub it on
my face sometimes. I remember having a
misunderstanding with Prince Charming
back then, no matter how much he yelled,
he still apologized afterwards for yelling,
even if I was the one at fault. As time went
on, we rarely misunderstood each other
anymore, and saying I’m sorry to each
other was as easy as saying I love you. We
never crossed over into a new day with
unresolved issues. I’m used to that kind of
guy already and I wasn’t ready to try out
another kind of guy. It took me years to
build what I and Prince Charming share and
I’m not ready to start all over again with
someone else when the first hasn’t ended.
Everyone got uncomfortable with my
decision to hold on to my feelings for
Prince Charming until fate permitted us to
meet and be together again. Ck and his
manager particularly took that really
personal. I bet they would have been
tempted to shut me out if I hadn’t secured
a contract with the label before then.
However, they all let it be. But I could see
something whenever I looked at Ck’s eyes. I
also heard that same thing in his voice
whenever he spoke to me. He still hoped
that I would come around one day. We
however played along as soon to be couples
before the press and the people but knew
between ourselves that we had nothing
going between us.
The familiarity between I and Ck got a little
intense. We had come to agree that we
would only act in accordance with the
speculations of the press and the people
but then, our constantly spending time
together began to provoke unwanted
feelings. I know Ck still wanted me. I was
the only one who now had to fight such
feelings. It got to a point that I couldn’t
spend a day without seeing or talking to Ck.
Of course he was the only guy that was
close to me, so I called on him when there
was any matter that needed the attention of
a guy except those that had to do with my
feelings, and I was gradually getting there.
Whenever I thought of Prince Charming, I
would call on Ck, thinking that would help
stabilize my feelings at the moment but it
ended up trying to get me to replace the
preferable with the available.
I would never do that! I kept telling myself.
I opened up myself to Ck, who gave me the
best treats ever. I must confess, Prince
Charming had never given me such treats
as Ck did, probably because he couldn’t
afford it. So when Ck started doing all
these to me, those things my friends had
told me about my Prince not being liable to
succeed as a star despite his gifts and
talents began to ring in my head, and I
wondered if he was ever going to give me
the kind of life Ck had given me so far. I
mean, I owe my fame and wealth to him. I
shook those thoughts off my head and still
placed Prince Charming in the tenderest
part of my heart. Nevertheless, I decided to
give Ck a try, not because I was
considering making him a replacement for
my Prince but because I was missing the
company of a man like hell.
Ck maximized that opportunity and spoiled
me with gifts and treats which I cherished
so much and couldn’t stop desiring for
more. Ck sort of thought I was trying to get
Prince Charming off my mind and was really
helping me to achieve that. He never did
anything that would make my Prince appear
like the better man among them both. He
wanted to beat my Prince in all
ramifications. He was wealthier, famous,
exposed and now wanted to add things like;
more loving, more caring, more respectable
and more serious to the list. There was no
end to what Ck did in order to get me to
see him more deserving of me than
Jesusboy. I hate to say this but it worked. I
was gradually falling for Ck but all the
while convincing myself that I wasn’t.
Well, as long as Ck continued treating me
like a queen, I was okay. It went on and on
till he asked me to join him on a trip to the
Bahamas. I consented without a second
thought. I had been hearing about the
Bahamas and watching people go there in
the movies. So I quickly obliged when an
opportunity to go there came. Not that I
couldn’t afford to go there on my own. Of
course I had money enough to do that, but
it feels a lot more different when it is a
guy asking you to go there with him. We
reached the Bahamas and settled. Took a
tour around and visited a few places we
could before returning the heart of the
area. It was so much fun there. We danced
together and even got recognized by some
folks there who knew us to be celebrities.
They interviewed us briefly and still
considered us soon to be couples, which we
didn’t object to. We got all caught up in the
enjoyment there that we nearly tarried just
to groove all night. Around 1am Ck drew
very near to me and told me to come with
him to somewhere. I said okay and we left.
As we walked to where he was taking me he
held onto me with his right arms across my
back. Well, I also held onto him in like
manner with my left arm while we walked
away together like newlyweds. He led me to
a room illuminated by florescent bulbs and
richly furnished. The thing that stood out
the most in the room was the heart shaped
bed which was covered with red linen from
Egypt. After we got in he locked the door
with a smart card only he had access to
and inserted it into his pocket. I couldn’t
believe it had gotten to that. Was this
really happening? I thought to myself. How
the hell was I supposed to get him to
change his mind? How was I supposed to
stop it from happening? There was
absolutely no way I could stop him. It
definitely happened.
To be continued.