I and Ogechi.... Episode 29....... | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

I and Ogechi.... Episode 29.......


I felt the so humiliated and at the mercy of some freak who had a nude video of
me and could decide to put it on air or use it to blackmail me. I thought Ck would use
that video to blackmail me into marrying

him. I became so sad and regretted even
the best things that had happened to me.
Anything in the world could happen to me
but not a nude video of me being put on air
as I thought it would eventually. I called the
number that sent the message to me and
heard the voice of a lady on the other end.
It was a lady who did that.
“Hello, who are you?” I asked. “And how did
you get this video?”
“Hey listen to me and listen real good”
replied the lady on the phone. “Get your
filthy hands of my man or the video I sent
you goes public”
“What are you talking about? Who the hell
is your man? And what makes you believe
I’ve got my hands on him?”
“Quit fooling around bitch! Call off
whatever it is you have with Ck ASAP or
this video goes on air. Ck is my man but
has become a naughty boy recently because
of you. I ain’t gonna take that shit from you
no more, so back off!”
“Hello, hello…..
The lady hung up after making her point. I
was in hot soup. So Ck had a girl I didn’t
know of? And now she thinks I came
between them. God knows what she’s going
to do with the video if Ck refuses to get
back together with her. Pressure came on
me and I didn’t know whether to call the
lady back or go to Ck with the news. I was
also confused as to how she got access to
that video. I rushed to Ck with burning
anger in my heart and called him out of the
“I wanna leave Ck. I wanna leave now!”
“What’s up with you girl, the night is still
“I said I wanna leave now! I have something
I want to talk to you about.” I retorted.
Okay, okay. Let’s leave! Gosh!
I hopped into the car aggressively and
frowning my face all the while. I tried my
best to withhold myself from pouncing on
him in the car to avoid accident of any
sort. But as soon as we got to my
apartment I began yelling at Ck. He didn’t
understand what my anger was about and
was trying to get me to let him know what
it was all about. We got to my sitting room
and I flung my purse and phone on the
couch and tuned to Ck as though I wanted
to engage him in a fight. I was so furious
that Ck drew back as one trying to prevent
harm from coming to him from me. He then
saw that whatever it was that made me
furious was something really serious. He
calmed me down and asked what the
problem was and I yelled it at him.
“Ck, why the hell did you take a video of
me bathing huh? C’mon answer me! Why?
And don’t even try to play dumb with me
because I know everything now. I actually
thought you were a respectable man but it
turned out you’re worse than senseless
things. Why did you take a video of me
“Are you crazy or something? What video
are you talking about? Wait a minute; did
you bring me here to insult me? How dare
you call me names you little brat? Are you
out of your mind? Ck retorted.
“Oh, me crazy? Me little brat? Look Ck,
there’s no escaping this. You have to
explain to me why you called me and
recorded a nude video of me without my
knowledge. I’m gonna sue you for that, you
son of a bitch. I hate you! I hate you!”
“You’re really crazy. I can see that now. I
better leave before you drive me nuts with
your insanity.”
Ck opened the door to the sitting room and
made his way to his car to leave. I followed
behind him closely. As Ck opened the door
of his car to enter inside, I grabbed a gun
from one of my securities standing by and
pointed it at Ck with a determination to kill
in my eyes. Ck paused and all the
securities pulled out their guns but put it
down at my order. I stated to them that I
had scores to settle with Ck. There were
my securities anyway and where bound to
protect me at all times, but Ck was not just
any guy to deal carelessly with. So the
security guards just stood still and watched
the drama, also trying to talk me into
putting down the gun before I hurt someone
or myself.
I made it clear to Ck that I was going to
shoot him if he didn’t explain to me why he
took a video of me and circulated it without
my knowledge. Ck walked towards me
bravely as though not afraid of the gun in
my hand. I had to show him how serious I
was by pulling the trigger into the air three
times before pointing it back at him. That
infused great fear into him and he started
Oge, I swear with my life that I know
nothing of what you’re talking about. How
could I have taken a video of you in the
bathroom? Have I ever been around you
when you’re in the shower? How then could
I have done that?”
“Bloody liar! You skyped me when I was in
Nigeria and I picked the call unknowingly.
Instead of dropping the call when you found
I was bathing, you left it running so you
could feed you lustful eyes on my bare
body. And like the pervert you are, you
went ahead to record it and even
distributed it to your hoes. Now you stand
here and dare to deny it? I’m gonna blow
you brains out if you don’t give me an
explanation right now.”
The moment I said that, I pulled the trigger
again into the air once more. I had never
handled a gun before, but how I managed to
pull the trigger amazed me. I guess my
anger and bitterness provoked the monster
in me to action. Believe me, I was ready to
shoot Ck in the head that night and spend
the rest of my life in jail. After all, my
nude video was to put on air anytime, and
that to me was like a lifetime in jail. I saw
Ck shivering, sweating, and even shedding
tears as he explained to me that he knew
nothing about the allegations I labeled on
him. His acts were so convincing. But I saw
the video, and it was he who called me the
day what appeared in that video actually
took place in reality. I concluded Ck wasn’t
going to speak and I held tightly to the gun,
ready to pull the last trigger that would
send him to his perverted ancestors. But
before I could do that, I heard sounds of
siren approaching. It was the police. A
neighbor had heard the gun shots and called
the cops. I still wanted to shoot Ck before
the cops got to me but I heard one of them
who had already been there waiting for back
up say to me; put down the gun ma’am.
This whole place is surrounded by the FBI
and there is no where you’re gonna escape
if you do anything ugly. What the cop said
meant nothing to me. I was ready for any
consequences Ck’s murder would attract.
But when I saw Ck crying for his life as he
pronounced his innocence unceasingly, I got
soft. Why would he risk his life by not
wanting to spill out a truth I had found out
already? He must be a bloody blatant liar.
And when he got on his knees, begging me
to please spare his life and promising to
stand by me until the perpetrator of the act
I accused him of was brought to book, I
slowly lowered the gun in my hand. Before
my hands were completely lowered, the
security I got the gun from rushed to me
and collected the gun from me. The police
came and arrested me, charging me for
attempted murder.
Ck told the cops not to take me in. He
explained to them that the whole thing was
a misunderstanding. The police were bent
on taking me in until Ck told them he
wasn’t pressing any charges against me.
There was a little augment between them,
but the police later let it be. I was
flabbergasted at Ck’s actions. What the hell
did he think he was doing? Did he think he
could just get me to forget about the whole
thing like that? I, Ck and one of the police
officers got into my sitting room for a talk.
I explained everything to them and Ck
swore not having anything to do with the
video. As a matter of fact, he said the only
time he got to talk to me the day the video
was recorded was later in the day after
calling me severally without getting any
response. I was confused. I didn’t
understand what he was trying to say. “You
mean you only got to talk to me later that
day?” I asked. “Yes of course”, Ck replied.
“Who then called when I answered
unknowingly and left it on while I continued
bathing?” The three of us looked
inquisitively at each other and Ck asked;
“who did you say the caller was again?”
“Your girl. She said she’s your girl.” “Damn
it! I should have known” Ck said.
“What?” the police asked Ck.
“There’s this girl who’s been bugging me.
She has always wanted to be my girl but I
don’t love her. I just let her be nothing but
a friend to me, but she needed more. I
didn’t bother myself with her because I
thought she was going to leave when she
saw it wasn’t working out. I didn’t know it
would come to this.”
“And she thinks Oge is the reason why
you’ve been avoiding her, and now she
wants to have her pound of flesh by making
the video go public. We have to stop her,
and we have to do that real quick” the
police said.
“But how in the world did she have that
No one, even Ck seemed to know how that
silly girl got the video. I still believed Ck
recorded the video and was just trying to
cover his ass by putting up that entire act.
Well, I was determined to get to the root of
the matter. The police man demanded to
have a look at the video to confirm my
accusations were correct but I refused to
show it to him. He demanded to see the
video if the investigation must take place,
saying he must be sure they’re fighting a
noble cause. And he also had to be sure I
wasn’t just trying to get at Ck for some
reason by labeling false accusation against
Ck. I saw that there was no way to get him
to forget about the video, so I demanded
that a female officer took a look at the
video and confirm the content to be true.
How could I have shown my bare body to
the longing eyes of those boys scout who
called themselves FBI. For all I care, some
of them would have just taken advantage of
the situation to have a look at what the me
under my dress looks like. A female officer
was called upon to confirm the content of
the video and she did, after which I made
sure no one else but me had access to the
video. Of course that bitch who called me
had it too.
While we were still planning on how to
capture her, she called me for the second
time that night to continue threatening me
to leave Ck else she was going to put the
video on air. I had put the phone on speaker
so everyone could hear her talk. It was then
that they all were sure of all I had been
telling them. The FBI brought a plan by
which she could be captured and the video
retrieved and done away with. He asked me
to tell her I had broken up with Ck. If she
believed I had broken up with Ck, she’ll
want to draw near to him and win him over.
It was a good plan and Ck bought it. I didn’t
understand how he intended to vindicate
himself when the girl was caught. Maybe he
was hoping the police would believe him
over the girl when he denied not having
anything to do with the video.
The next day I spoke with the girl again,
sounding so afraid of what she could do
with the video as I told her I had broken up
with Ck. Ck pretended to be heart broken
and the girl paid him a visit to console and
win him over. Just as planned, she was
captured in Ck’s house before she got to Ck
and the video was retrieved. Only the
female officers were allowed to view and
confirm that the video was in the device
she had with her. After that, interrogation
“Who are you?” the cops asked.
“Let go off me you assholes! Let me go”
the girl screamed.
“You wanna play tough girl? We can do this
the easy way or the hard way, it’s your call.
But I promise you aren’t gonna like the hard
way bitch! Now give me a damn answer!
Who the hell are you?”
“My name is Mariana”
“And why are you blackmailing this lady?”
“I’m not blackmailing her. She stole my
man from me!”
“And who the hell is your man?”
“Ck of course. This bitch stole him from
me and she’s gonna pay for it”
Ck was asked to affirm her claims on him
as her man and he denied. He told everyone
she had always wanted an affair with him
but he declined. The girl started ranting
and was man handled by the cops. When Ck
cleared himself of all her claims, the police
man turned to Mariana and asked; HOW
To be continued.


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