I and Ogechi.... Episode 28... | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

I and Ogechi.... Episode 28...

They say it is somewhat difficult to
differentiate between a mad man and a

drunk. But if you saw me that day in the

shower after I realized the call was on all
the while, you would probably make
soundness out of a mad man and consider a
drunk blessed. I went GAGA! I was crazier
than crazy itself. For crying out loud the
call had been on while I was bathing and Ck
was at the other end viewing. Damn it! I
quickly rushed to the Ipad to end the call
and save myself anymore embarrassments.
I noticed something. It was supposed to be
a video call but Ck’s face was stuck to the
screen motionless. He wasn’t blinking, he
wasn’t moving, and neither was he talking.
It struck me that it was a network issue.
The network had gone bad at some point,
but at what point? Was it before or after I
heard him speak? I refused to end the call
but instead, I quickly grabbed my towel and
covered my bare body, and then tried to
see if I could communicate with him. I
didn’t do that because I really wanted to
talk but wanted to be sure whether or not
the network had issues or it was something
else. My heart beat started drumming
irreconcilably as I leaned on the wall of the
bathroom, wondering how Ck could act that
irresponsibly by taking advantage of the
scenario to watch me bath. I felt violated.
But I wasn’t sure if he actually did it or
not. There was only one way to find out,
and that was confronting him. Not on the
phone but face to face, and that only meant
Ck however called back later that day and
we got talking. I waited to see if he was
going to say anything towards that direction
before I exploded. I didn’t want to make
mention of it first to avoid embarrassing
him in case he hadn’t done what I
suspected he did. He talked to me like we
never had any issues in the past and even
apologized for ill-treating me after I turned
down his proposal. He said so many nice
things to me but acted like one who had not
done what I thought he did. Or was he just
pretending? I also tried to act like
everything was alright but was hoping he
would try to flirt so that I would bring up
the bathroom topic and confirm my
suspicion to be true or false. Ck didn’t say
anything stupid. All he said made sense
overly. He then asked me to come back to
America since my Prince Charming wasn’t
with me at the moment. He didn’t make it
sound like I got dumped but rather, like
Prince Charming went on a journey to be
home soon. For the first time, someone
actually addressed the issue politely.
I had told my manager I was going to think
about it when he told me to come back to
America, but as soon as Ck proposed that, I
consented without a second thought. After
all, that was the surest way to find out if
Ck actually watched my bath when he
Skyped me. He broke the news of my
coming to the folks there and they all
thought I had developed a thing for Ck to
have consented immediately when he asked
me to come over unlike I did to my
manager, coupled with the fact that my
Prince whom I came back for supposedly
dumped me and left for America. That was
what they all thought, even though they
never voiced it out to prevent
I got my stuff ready and headed to America
in no distant time and was warmly received
right from the moment I arrived at the
airport. Everything I was entitled to was
restored before I arrived, so I just walked in
and continued from where I stopped. My
one million dollar contract was renewed and
the whole celebrity thing escalated to the
next level. Though everything had returned
to normal, my primary purpose was to find
out the truth about Ck, regarding the
bathroom incident. We got close to each
other again and started hanging out like we
used to. The speculations about us dating
continued. I didn’t care what anyone said or
did until my mission was accomplished. I
monitored Ck seriously to dictate any words
or moves that could be linked to the
bathroom event but couldn’t find one. It
seemed the network had prevented him
from seeing anything. As much as I wanted
to believe that, I had to be really sure. But
what on earth do I do to be really sure? I
didn’t find an answer to that question. All I
had to do was keep hanging out with him
and playing dumb until the truth was
unveiled, if there was such truth to be
Having hung out with Ck long enough, I
forgot why I let myself cling to him like a
soul mate. He turned out to be more of a
gentleman than I knew him to be. Was he
trying to impress me or had he really
become a better man than before? He
wasn’t some sort of bad guy though; it was
more like a saint becoming an angel. His
speech was tender. His approach towards
things wasn’t aggressive in any way; he
never pushed me into making any quick
decisions about us, though he was working
really hard to win my heart. I can’t explain
what got a hold of me that I suddenly
appreciated everything about Ck and opened
up my heart to him. Prince Charming was
still in my heart but my love for him
became the words I feared to speak, the
noise I couldn’t hear, the existence I feared
to imagine, the memory that hid but never
left, and the reason I purged frightfully. Ck
never knew the turns of the tables in my
heart, and it was a good thing he didn’t.
With the wisdom of a serpent Ck handled
everything he did with me. I’m sure he was
trying to secure for himself a throne in my
heart before declaring his intention to
ascend it. Then I wouldn’t have much of a
choice than to usher him in as the king of
my heart. In order to make sure he left no
stone unturned, he procrastinated. Ignorant
of the fact that his prey had no intentions
of escaping his claws anymore he spent too
much time intensifying his attack. I guess
he wasn’t ready to record a failed proposal
again. But was he truly in love with me or
was he doing it for the sake of image? You
know how it is when a superstars marry
each other, like the Jay-Z and Beyoncé
thing. Well, I wasn’t ready to find out in a
hurry. I just wanted to continue with the
euphoria. Everything was perfect from
inside out except the memories of Prince
Charming that never stopped popping up
from time to time in my head, leaving me
with feelings of guilt afterwards. But I
hardened my heart whenever I remembered
how he left me at the airport and his
refusal to contact me for that long. I
always tried to do away with those feelings
by justifying my actions with baseless
allegations against my Prince Charming. It
normally worked anyway, but not for long. I
could never forget him no matter how hard I
tried. I guess our souls had been tied
together. Whatever love is, it is most
However, I continued my romance with Ck. I
had starved myself of those sweet words of
a man that makes me feel supreme. The
care and attention that makes me try to
measure up with royalty. The touch that
sets off a chain reaction within me, the
embrace that makes me feel more secure
than the United States president inside the
White House. I needed those, and the only
available human being on the face of the
earth who could make that happen was Ck.
My Prince Charming was somewhere in
America, probably moving on with his life. I
had to move on with mine too. And if we
were meant for each other, we’ll find
ourselves back in our arms. Those were the
thoughts that permitted me to forge ahead
with my supposed romance with Ck.
Ck’s procrastination on coming out plain
with me made me uncomfortable. He was
taking longer than necessary to hit the nail
on the head, although I had made my forced
feelings towards him apparent enough. Ck
eventually dropped the bomb and I jumped
on it like one who was desperate for a man.
Things between us were so rosy that I felt
accomplished and complete. That didn’t
mean I had the ability to object to anything
Prince Charming proposed if he happened to
in the future. I just had to go on with life
because being a singer wasn’t the only
dream I had. I also wanted to be a good
wife and a lovely mother. I had lost all
contact with Prince Charming and only
hoped that fate would bring us together if
we were meant to be before anything
happened that could prevent our future
together forever.
One day I got a message from an
anonymous sender while in a cinema with
Ck. I flipped open my phone to read, turned
out it was video message. I clicked to
download, and when that was done
successfully I played it. You won’t believe
this. It was the video of me having my
bath. It was a good thing the movie at the
cinema captivated Ck and the lady on my
left so much that they didn’t notice what I
was playing on my phone, as their attention
was on the movie. I shut it off and inserted
the phone into my purse immediately. I
looked at Ck, his rapt attention was on the
movie. I excused myself and went to the
convenience to get a full view of the video.
It was exactly what happened the day Ck
called while I was in the bathroom. The
video went on till the very moment I ended
the call. It wasn’t network. It was Ck who
actually called. But who was the anonymous
sender of the video? And why was he/she
sending it to me?
To be continued.


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