I and Ogechi.......Episode 30 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

I and Ogechi.......Episode 30


The girl refused to say anything. The cops threatened thunder and
brimstone, yet, she said nothing. She kept looking at everyone
angrily and spitting out angry words and threats. She was arrested and taken to the station for further
questioning and investigation. This Mariana of a girl was tall, skinny and beautiful. I didn’t
understand why she stooped so low to do such a thing because of man. Or was it because she he was a star?
I quickly demanded that the video be
deleted, but the cops insisted for it to be
kept in case the whole thing became a
matter for the court to handle. It would
serve as evidence. I agreed but insisted on
keeping the video myself to prevent it from
spreading, and so was it. The cops left with
the girl to the station and got I and Ck’s
contacts in case they needed our attention,
and also to keep us posted on the situation
of things. It was just I and Ck left
afterwards. We took convenient sitting
positions opposite each other, looking
firmly into each other’s eyes.
“You know Mariana is going to say
something sooner or later, don’t you?” I
asked Ck.
“So?” Isn’t that what we all want?”
“Stop fooling around Ck. We all know you
recorded that video. Maybe she stole it
from your computer or something, but you
recorded it, and the cops will come for you
as soon as she talks.”
“I thought we’ve been through this before?”
Ck flared up. I didn’t do anything. I didn’t
take any video! Can’t you understand?”
“Hey stop screaming at me?” I retorted. If
you didn’t do it, then how the hell did she
get a video of me on the day you called me
huh?” its better you tell me everything, and
I might just decide not to press charges
against your sorry ass.”
“I’ve had enough of this madness! Since
you don’t want to believe me, then suit
Ck walked out on me and I followed behind
him nagging. I just wanted him to tell me
the truth. Was that too much to ask? I
wasn’t even going to sue him for it if he
told me the truth and why he did it, but he
wouldn’t. He kept telling me he’s innocent.
Because of his actions towards me, I
despised him and prayed that Mariana tells
the cops the truth so they could arrest Ck
for committing such a blonder.
I paid Mariana a visit to try and persuade
her to talk to the police. As far as I was
concerned, Ck recorded the video. She was
just a victim of circumstance. I didn’t need
any further prove. All I wanted was for
Mariana to let the cops in on the truth so
that Ck would face the consequences of his
actions. Instead, Mariana kept cursing me
and telling me how my presence in the US
ruined her life. According to her, she had
worked so hard to gain Ck’s love over the
years, even before I came to America for
the first time. But my coming to America
distracted Ck’s attention from her. And the
only way she thought she could get back
Ck’s attention was eliminating me, but she
wouldn’t shed the blood of another, so she
resorted to blackmail.
I kept persuading her to say more. I wish
she could just skip to the part that linked
Ck to the video. I had my phone recorder
on, recording our conversation in case she
told me anything she wouldn’t tell the
police. “You ruined my life”, she continued.
I curse the day you came to America. I hate
myself so much for having not put that
video online. At least by doing that, neither
you nor I would have Ck, because I don’t
think he would want anything to do with a
girl whose nude video trended on the
internet. Now here I am. No Ck, no video,
and I gonna go to jail. She started crying as
she was lamenting and I took great pity on
her. I understood her position. I too am a
woman. I knew exactly how she felt. It was
then that I got emotional and started telling
her I wasn’t in love with Ck. I told her
everything about my Prince and made her
understand I was only freely hanging out
with Ck because my Prince was nowhere to
be found.
I succeeded in getting her to believe the
truth about everything, and I could see
relieve in her eyes. All the while she
thought I was the devil, but now she knew
better. She apologized for her actions,
explaining to me that she was acting out of
frustration. I accepted her apology and
consoled her with encouraging words. But
then I told her Ck doesn’t deserve a lady
like her. “If he had the nerve to record such
video of me, who knows what he might do
to you if you guys get together?” I asked.
She paused and was speechless for a while,
and I asked; why are you like that?
“Ck didn’t record the video” said Mariana.
“What?” I exclaimed with a confusing look.
“What do you mean Ck didn’t record the
video? C’mon, he called me. I saw his face
stuck to the screen. Why would you say
that? Are you that crazy for him? Even with
the situation you are in because of him?”
“I’m crazy for him, YES. But that’s not the
point. I know what I’m saying. He didn’t
record the video.
“You expect me to believe that? If he
didn’t, who did?”
“I did”
I was with Ck the day he called you. He and
his friends were out swimming in his pool
when I came visiting him in the company of
my friends as well. We all jumped into the
pool and started playing volleyball. It was
almost like each of his friends had each of
mine to hook up with. I had Ck to hook up
with as well. Of course I wouldn’t do so
with any other but him. The fun was blazing
hot when Ck hopped out of the pool and
went inside. I thought he went in to get a
drink or something, but when he stayed
longer than usual, I decided to check on him
only to find him all dressed and ready to
leave for a destination unknown to me. He
didn’t notice my presence behind him in his
sitting room when he rang you to probably
have a word or two. After several ignored
rings, he left his PC and entered inside to
get his car keys. I stood there frustrated
and angry that the guy I was yearning for,
left me to call another girl. That was when I
thought of calling you to warn you to stay
away from him. But when you picked up the
call, I saw you bathing without even saying
a word. My heart was filled with rage and
jealousy at that point because I thought he
called to watch you display your beautiful
body to him. I thought he called to flirt with
you, and seeing you naked made me think
you were all ready and waiting for his call.
It really seemed like you two had been
doing that all along, judging from the way
you picked the call and left it running
without even checking to see who the caller
was. It appeared as though you knew it was
no one else but Ck.
That was when I decided to record the call
and use it against Ck. I programmed the
call to show his picture instead of video to
prevent you from seeing who was really on
this other end. I then transferred the video
from Ck’s computer to my phone. Like I
said, my original intention was to use the
video against Ck if he continued to treat me
like he wasn’t noticing the feelings I made
apparent to him. It was when you landed at
the US again that I thought otherwise. My
friends advise me to put the video online.
They said that would make Ck see you as a
slut and get rid of you. But I thought it
wise to warn you first before doing that.
That was why I called you. It was back at
Ck’s house the day I got arrested that I
knew you and Ck weren’t doing what I
thought you were doing. Now I hate myself
for everything.
I was stunned to hear that from Mariana. So
Ck wasn’t guilty after all. It was Mariana all
the while. As much as I wanted the
perpetrator of that act to be brought to
justice, I couldn’t bear to see Mariana
suffer because of something she did out of
jealousy for the one she loved. I told
Mariana I was going to withdraw my
charges against her. She didn’t believe me
when I said that. “The cops won’t let it
slide just like that.” she said. “Don’t worry,
I’m going to tell them it was just a
misunderstanding and that there was no
video.” “That won’t work, not when they
have the video” she replied.
I gave a cool smile and Mariana asked what
was funny. “They don’t have the video, I
Mariana was glad about the whole thing. But
she asked why I was doing all that for her
after all she did and intended to do to me. I
replied telling her that a woman would go to
any length to keep the man she loves.
Mariana broke down in tears and thanked
me profusely for understanding the reason
behind her actions. I consoled her again,
and we began scheming on what to tell the
police and make them withdraw the case.
“Where’s the video” Mariana asked. “In my
phone” I answered. “Why do you ask?” I
asked. “Delete it” Mariana said sharply.
“Good idea” I replied and brought out my
phone and deleted the video. Finally, there
was no such video again in the planet.
I called to the cops and demanded the
release of Mariana. They questioned me
and I told them she hadn’t done anything
wrong to me and doesn’t deserve to be in
custody without any prove of the crime she
committed. “What about the video?” the
cops asked. “What video?” I replied. It was
clear to the cops that I had withdrawn my
charges against Mariana and gotten rid of
the evidence that proved her guilty. What
they didn’t understand was why. So they
concluded we had discovered ourselves to
be lesbians during the course of our
conversation and couldn’t afford to be apart
from each other. DAMN LESBIANS! They
called us.
We went straight to Ck’s place from the
police station. Luckily for us, he was
around. His eyes were filled with
amazement on seeing I and Mariana
together. He was short of words, while I
and Mariana where just discussing and
laughing like childhood friends. he waited
for an explanation without asking for it, but
we continued our little chit chat right in
front of him like he wasn’t there. Then
suddenly he broke his silence;
“I’m kind of lost here. Can someone be kind
enough to tell me what’s going on?”
“I was almost beginning to think you
weren’t gonna ask” I replied.
“Alright, I have, now start talking.
Everything was explained to Ck’s
understanding, and I seized that opportunity
to finally declare to Ck that I wasn’t in love
with him and couldn’t be no matter how
hard I tried. I brought the issue of my
prince to the table again, and this time, Ck
saw how inseparable I and my prince really
were. Right there he apologized to Mariana
and professed love to her. What? Was I
really the one standing between them? I
thanked God for the turnout of things. At
least everyone was happy at the end.
Everyone but me. My price was still miles
and miles away from me. I prayed that I
find him soon. I’m still hoping to receive
the answer to that prayer.
After Ck professed love to Mariana, he held
her by the hand and led her away to some
other part of the building. I stood there
watching them as they walked romantically
away. Mariana turned at intervals to smile
at me. She then whispered the words “I
OWE YOU” to me. I gave her a buzz, and
before I knew it, there were lost from my
eyes. Where in the world was he taking her
to? Well, good luck to them.
To be continued.


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