Adebimpe The Facebook Girl Part 5.....Episode 19 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

Adebimpe The Facebook Girl Part 5.....Episode 19

I woke up very early on Friday morning, I had my bath and went
straight to the
park and got there around 5:30am and
the bus took off at around 6am. My
mind was seriously troubled with mixed
thoughts of either meeting my friend
chilling at home or chilling inside police
cell. I lost appetite to eat anything that
morning, all I just wanted is to see
segun. At few minutes past 7am, bimpe
called me to request for my account
number which I sent to her immediately.
While I was still in the bus reminiscing
and thinking, my phone rang again at
7:25am, I looked at the screen and found
out it was the lawyer calling and I
ME: hello good morning
LAWYER: good morning. I just want to
inform you that I’m on my way to the
station. The DPO said I should be there
to meet him latest by 9am. And anything
beyond that, your friend is going to court.
ME: haa, I don’t have that huge amount
at the moment and there is no way I can
raise it today.
LAWYER: haaa, how do you want us to
do it now? I don’t want this case to go to
court, or else, more money will be spent
on the case, and he might be eventually
ME: that is true, but what can we do
LAWYER: ok, can you get like 50k?, I will
try and arrange for the rest, he is a very
good friend of mine also.
ME: ok, I will try. But can I speak with
him please?
LAWYER: no, you won’t be able to speak
with him until he is been released. He
had been restricted from
ME: ok, can I bring the money to the
station myself?.
LAWYER: bring money by yourself?, but I
was told you are far away in lagos. How
will you make it down here before 9am?.
ME: ***this should be real oo. How come
he knew I was in lag?**** I should be
able to make it sir.
LAWYER: this is 7:30am, its impossible
for you to be here before 9am.
ME: ok please, can you help me to
negotiate a little time with the police to
wait for my arrival?.
LAWYER: there is no time for that. After
9 o’clock, there would be no remedy
again and it will be late to save him.
Well, if you insisted that you can’t rescue
your friend, then no problem. Let me call
the police and tell them to forget about
settling the case out of court then.
ME: haaaaa!!!!!!
LAWYER: meet your friend in court on
tuesday Mr onihaxy. I’m done with this
case. And if you still need my assistance
in court, call me when you are around
and let’s discuss the service charge.
ME: ok ok ok, I will send the money.
LAWYER: its late already mr onihaxy, I
have another person’s case to attend to,
employ another lawyer to bail your
friend. Bye.
ME: hello
LAWYER: ****hanged up****
I was totally confused and began to
sweat instantly. I checked my contacts
again and I couldn’t find anyone to call
who could help me to confirm segun’s
whereabouts. I had no choice than to call
the lawyer again myself. I dialled his
number and he didn’t pick up. He
eventually picked up after the 6th call.
ME: hello sir, please I’m ready to send
the money sir.
LAWYER: get another lawyer sir, I’m no
longer interested.
ME: I’m sorry sir, I don’t have anyone
else to call. I don’t want my friend to
step his feet into court let alone going to
jail please.
LAWYER: ok, I’m expecting the transfer
so that I can withdraw it before 9am.
ME: ok sir. I’m in a bus going to work, I
will transfer it latest 8:30am sir.
LAWYER: ok, no problem. Later
***hanged up*******
This time, I became totally confused. The
time was 8am and I was still at ijebu
ode. I began to contemplate on whether
to send the money or not. Even if I was
going to send anything, I needed to get
down from the bus or I use my bank
application on my phone.
At 8:20am, I got a credit alert of 50k in
my account and I got a little bit relieved
that solution was near. At 8:35, the
lawyer called me again to tell me he was
on his way to the police station and he
needed to get the money before getting
there. I begged him and told him to wait
for me that I was caught up in a traffic. I
guess he heard the sound of a moving
vehicle and got convinced. He said to me
,”Anyways, I’m with my ATM card, you
have to be fast as 9am is the deadline
please”. I replied and said thank you sir.
Fews minutes to 9am. I was still in the
bus as the bus had already reached ore
and was getting closer to ondo town. The
battery of my phone was already at 11%
and I was praying hard for it not to go
off. My phone rang again and I looked at
the screen. It was the same lawyer
calling. Before I could pick the call, my
battery meter showed the red colour and
immediately, “battery is too low for radio
to use” was displayed on the screen as
the network changed from “EDGE” to
“OFF”. I just made up my mind and I was
like ” too late to play game and pull
stunts, the hard way……the only way!!!!!!”
To be Continued

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