WHO IS A REAL GIRLFRIEND (u need to read this) | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

WHO IS A REAL GIRLFRIEND (u need to read this)

A real girlfriend doesn't just stand there and watch her man struggle alone. She helps and supports him in
any way she can, even if there's not much she can really do. Regardless, she would still try and make an effort to show him he's not alone. She would have his back no matter how hard things get because she wants to see him succeed in life and she loves seeing him be able to accomplish his dreams. 

She would be his motivation instead of the reason he's distracted from his goals. She should be what's driving him to do well in life instead of the reason he's being lazy and slacking off. 

She should be his inspiration for a better life instead of the reason he's stuck and is going nowhere in life. Of course, she would also try to pursue her own dreams as well. It's just with each other’s help and support, they'll both get what they want a lot faster and together, and they'd build an empire. But until that time comes, she will be the one who's pushing him because she can see that he has the potential to be something great that can benefit both of them. 

Instead of taking up all of his time, she'd give him time to work hard. Instead of spending all of his money, she'd help him make and save money for both of them. Instead of focusing only on the lovey-dovey stuff, she'd also help him focus on having a stable future with her. 

Such kinds of girls are very rare to find in this world. If you’re lucky enough that you got one, keep her, love and care about her, make her happy, be honest to her and wife her.

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