Vacation in Obudu... Episode 43 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

Vacation in Obudu... Episode 43

On my way home, I stopped over at
jude’s shop and about 5 minutes later

Frank came over. We played a game of
football before proceeding home to drop
our laptops. Jude had invited us to hang
out at the Club House.
When we got home only dad was at home
as mom and Fay had gone for an
evening program in the church. We told
dad we were going out with him asking if
we had spent up to 5 minutes since we
got back.
I called Ella and she said she just got
back home from school and was trying to
fix something for herself. I told her not
to bother but ask her to meet us at the
club house.
Frank also invited Juliet who according
to him wanted to kill him with her pvssy
the whole day. She came over with a
friend she introduced as Anna. Guy 1
showed up with two girls in his car with
one turning out to be Jude’s girlfriend.
Ella on the other hand, was the last to
arrive. Saying Hi to everyone and
hugging Jude and Juliet, she took her
seat next to me.
Suya, roasted croakers and chicken, palm
wine (brought by Guy 2 from another
joint in town), alcoholic drinks including
beer and wine were all in abundance.
Yours truly was the only one with a malt
“so where have you been all day?” Ella
asked finally when everyone had paired
up and our orders delivered, believing I
had been with Rose
“Café, Jude’s shop, home and here with
you guys” I answered taking a bite of my
chicken piece
“Thought you were supposed to see me?”
she asked me with a chuck of suya in her
“I called you when I was free and you
talked about being busy with lectures
and ish” I replied chewing
“So what about Rose?” she asked taking
a sip of her drink while looking at my
face to see if my facial expressions
would contradict what my reply was
going to be
“What about her?” I answered calmly
before adding “What’s up with you guys?”
“Nothing” she shut back immediately
“Nothing? And you are asking me about
your friend?” I asked looking at her in a
way that made her look away when she
replied “We have a little
Then turning to face me she continued
“stopped feigning ignorance like you
have no idea of what’s going on”
Shrugging, I replied “I only know you
guys are currently not cool. Say you
hijacked her weekend trip to the ranch
and denied her a chance of attending or
something like that?
“what?” she asked rather loudly drawing
the attention of the group towards us.
Looking at them briefly, she turned to
face me back. Reducing her tone, she
continued by cussing first “lying bastärd,
is that what she told you?”
“You don’t have to cuss her Ella” I said
calmly before adding “and keep your
voice down” after taking another sip of
my drink
“I just hate people lying against me” she
replied taking a sip of her drink
Realizing if I let her proceed, she
definitely come up with her own side and
explanation of what transpired. Call me
bias, bad judge or whatever, I was
already good with Rose’s side of the
story and didn’t care a bit about hers
“Babe, its ok. Don’t get bent out of shape
in anger. You guys should just sort
things out. Worthless things shouldn’t
come between you guys” I said in a bid
to put an end to the topic
“I’ve heard” she answered before
following the statement with a calm
question I least expected “are you fvcking
“haa, who wants to know? My mother?” I
said chuckling with my drink
“She’s been in different mood ever since
you two started hanging out” she said
shrugging her face
“Is that supposed to be a bad thing?” I
asked surprised at her response
“Do you like her?” she asked ignoring my
own question
“Are you jealous?” I asked staring at her
Turning away she gave me a reply I least
expected “I met you first Fury”
“Doesn’t mean we’re dating. Besides you
are in a relationship” I said mocking her
with reference to the Camry dude
“And she told you she’s single?” she
asked before adding “lying bastärd”
“You cuss alot E. She didn’t say whether
or not she has a boyfriend” before adding
“and besides, I’m not your type. At least
you said you had no interested in me
other than” I ended the statement, both
of us knowing I meant to add “sex”
“yea” she replied in a way that suggested
she actually felt I ought to be cool with
“E, I’m not a sex thing. I’ve got feelings. I
don’t just make out for fvck sake. I do it
only with someone I feel something for.
So if you are suggesting you just wanna
fvck me when you feel an itch down
south, I’m afraid that ain’t gonna fly” I
said in a manner of fact. Deep within me,
I knew I wasn’t serious about it. After all
she wants to show me she’s a runs girl
who calls the shots at when she needs to
get laid.
“Funny you, I never said I didn’t feel
anything for you. I just love the fact that
you are weird and….. Never mind” she cut
short her statement.
By now the sky was dark. Time check,
7:45pm. Frank whom both him and Juliet
literally couldn’t get their hands off each
other the whole evening announced it
was we left. The sales girls showed up
and we paid our bills. Walking over,
behind Guy 1’s car I and Ella stood with
her wrapping her arms around my neck,
my hands on her waist as we necked.
After agreeing to visit her the following
day, she stopped a bike and left foe her
residence. Calabar lane is close by. Guy 1
took I, Frank and the other girl home.
While Jude took Juliet, Anna and his
girlfriend home.
We got home exactly at 8:pm to see
mom and dad in the living room. Favour
not in the living room with them meant
she was obviously in her room. Mom
welcome speech was to ask “hope your
boys ate were you went because we
didn’t reserve dinner for you two?””
We greeted them and headed into our
room. Immediately we got in, Frank got
out of his jean and vanished into the
bathroom farting on the way
“You’re so disgusting” I said to him as he
laughed out of the room. Minutes later.
Mom called out to us that dinner was in
the kitchen. Obviously Frank being
pressed had been the major reason he
suggested we left and not whether we’d
overstayed out.
Mom and dad later called in for the night
at around 8:15. Though AIT news was
on, they were obviously not interested in
the news being broadcasted or were
gonna complete it in their room.
Stepping out, Frank was still locked in
the toilet. I decide to knock on Fay’s
door. When I heard no reply, I open it
and peeped in to the dimly lit room to
see her folded like a piece of towel on
her bed. It only took my eyes a few
seconds to adjust to the dimness of the
room and,to finally realize she was
shivering seriously…

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