• Nobody is superior, nobody
is inferior, but nobody is
equal either. People are simply unique,
incomparable. You are you, I am I. I
have to contribute my potential to life;
you have to contribute your potential to
life. I have to discover my own being;
you have to discover your own being.

• The real question is not
whether life exists after
death. The real question is whether you
are alive before death.

• Friendship is the purest love.
It is the highest form of Love
where nothing is asked for, no
condition, where one simply enjoys

• Sadness gives depth.
Happiness gives height.
Sadness gives roots. Happiness gives
branches. Happiness is like a tree going
into the sky, and sadness is like the
roots going down into the womb of the
earth. Both are needed, and the higher
a tree goes, the deeper it goes,
simultaneously. The bigger the tree, the
bigger will be its roots. In fact, it is
always in proportion. That’s its

• If you love a flower, don’t
pick it up. Because if you
pick it up it dies and it ceases to be
what you love. So if you love a flower,
let it be. Love is not about possession.
Love is about appreciation.

• In real life, I assure you,
there is no such thing as

• To be disciplined is to follow
in a good way. To be self
disciplined is to follow in a better way.

• Each of us is a product of all
our experiences and all our
interactions with other people.

• Surround yourself with
people who take their work
seriously, but not themselves.

• You should never be so
involved with your position/
job that when the position is gone your
entire self image is gone with it.

• Great leaders are almost
always great simplifiers who
can cut through the argument debate
and doubt to offer a solution everybody
can understand.

• A dream doesn’t become
reality through magic; it
takes sweat, determination and hard

• Trying to get everyone to like
you is a sign of mediocrity.
Always focus on the front
windshield and not the
review mirror.

The woman who thinks she is
intelligent demands equal
rights with men. A woman who is
intelligent does not.

If he’s getting married, he’s
not longer interesting.

Be happy. It’s one way of
being wise.

Our perfect companions
never have fewer than four

• Be the kind of man you’d like
your son to become, the kind
of man you would love your daughter to
marry for life.
Be the kind of woman you would like
your daughter to be, the kind of women
you’d love your son to choose for a
Be humble, be patient, be

Speak humbly, listen
respectfully, smile gently.

• Never reply when you are
Never make a promise when you are
Never make a decision when you are
•Listen to your elder’s advice.
Not because they are always
right but because they have more
experiences of being wrong…
• When you say yes to others
make sure you are not saying
no to yourself.
Best advice in two lines…
Silence is the best answer for
all questions.
Smiling is the best reaction in all

• People advising others often
forget that the same advice
applies to their life as well.

•Never get too attached to
anyone, it will lead to
expectations and expectations always
lead to disappointments…Anticipate
everything and expect nothing.

• What disappoints us most in
life, is the picture in our
head of how it’s supposed to be.
Nothing hurts more than
being disappointed by the
person you thought you would never let
you down.
Disappointments are just
God’s way of saying “I’ve got
something better” Be patient…live life…
Never get too attached to
anyone, it will lead to
expectations and expectations always
lead to disappointments…Anticipate
everything and expect nothing.
Remember that sometimes no
getting what you want, can
be the best thing for you.
Don’t blame people for
disappointing you, blame
yourself for expecting too much from
Sometimes a plan is just a
list of things that don’t
Cut your expectations short
lest you wallow in
disappointments. But take time to
differentiate b/w dreams n expectations
or drown in sorrowful displeasure.
Expectations may sometimes
lead you to disappointments,
but the anger of getting disappointment
may sometimes lead you to what you

• It often seems impossible
until it’s done. So go
confidently in the direction of your
dreams. Put in the effort and make
them come true.
Help others achieve their
dreams and you will achieve

Education is the best weapon
against ignorance. Learning
is the best way to sharpen the mind.

Nothing is more valuable
than education. Nothing is
more important than health.

Education fights against
ignorance and poverty.
Education makes life resourceful,
intelligent and rewarding.

The beautiful thing about
learning is that no one can
take it away from you.

• Education without thinking
does not go very far,
knowledge without action does not
move anything.

• Nothing can make you a
failure without your consent.
Nothing can make you a success without
your hard work.
 Failure is the mother of
success. There is wisdom to
be gained from the lessons of failure.
Failure makes people wiser in dealing
with life’s difficulties and obstacles.
Those who are not defeated by failures
will eventually succeed in life.
Failure will never overtake
me if my determination to
succeed is strong enough.
It is impossible to live
without failing at something,
unless you live so cautiously that you
might as well not have lived at all – in
which case, you fail by default.

•Be bold enough to use your
voice, brave enough to listen
to your heart, and strong enough to live
the life you’ve always imagined.
Do what you want to do
because if you don’t, you are
nothing but your own slave.

Be good. Be random. Be humble and loyal. Be
who you are. Because you
never know who would love the person
you are and make you succeed.
Look around you. While dogs
bark, birds sing and fly.
People will talk. Don’t worry. You just
walk, move on what matter most to you is success.

Say what you feel. It’s not
being rude, it’s called being
You arejust human, you have
weaknesses, you make mistakes
and you experience sadness; But learn
from all these things to make you a
better person.
Don’t chase people, Be
yourself, do your work hard.
The right people – the ones who really
belong in your life – will come to you
and stay.
Never apologize for showing
your feelings. Never regret,
being who you truly are. For those who
matter will love you no matter what!

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