Damola seemed to be enjoying this newly found interest,he stoood up with his drink and came to sit by her."I like your confidence." He said,watching her
carefully,he didn't fail to see the flustered look on her face and how her eyes blinked before making for her lips.

Damola coughed and she realised she had been staring,"I love the way you smile,your teeth...your eyes,you're... ... ... .... you're beautiful." He said his eyes on her lips.Adetoun stood up in one swift movement."Pls excuse me." She said about to leave but Damola caught her by the wrist.she was too dumbfounded to say A̶̲̥̅ word.And when he had his arms around her waist it felt magical,yes it felt foolishly magical.

He looked into her eyes and she shut them afaid that he would see her uneasiness and her weakness therein.It was too late to stop when he kissed her lips and groaned sweetly but when his hands mouldded her face and climbed down from her neck to the mould of her bosom,she broke free.

Damola watched her disappear into the corridor and he wiped away the gloss that was smudged over his lips and cheeks.he was about taken his seats when the door creaked open,both Hannah and Rekia stepped in carrying A̶̲̥̅ bag of groceries."Oh my God,where is Toun,she's such A̶̲̥̅ bad host,i hope you weren't feeling lonely."Hannah asked in one breath as she flung her arms around his neck.

Damola smiled before removing her hands from his neck,"I'm sorry but i need to be on my way." He said.Hannah was surprised,he'd̶̲̥̅̊ promised to stay for dinner tonight,she hoped that Adetoun hadn't said anything to hurt him,knowing how much she despised him."Are you sure you're okay?" She asked.

"Yes i am." He answered,Hannah saw him off to his car,she would come back for Adetoun,and she hoped that by the time she was back she had A̶̲̥̅ pretty good explanation for whatever happened during her absence.

Jacob made it A̶̲̥̅ date with his friends at the club that weekend,filling their table to the brim with assorted drinks and roasted chicken.It was very hard to hide his happiness.He drank as many bottles of wine as he could.Now he was proud to tell the whole world that his manhood is still alive.

"You still haven't told us the reason for this celebration." Paul smiled dropping his glass on the table.he relaxed in his seat and looked at his friend.

Jaiye laughed hard pouring himself another glass of wine,"You didn't tell me you were bidding for any contract,so tell us how much are we talking about here."He asked sipping his drink.

There was silence at the table,as Jacob cleared his thought,he sipped his drink and folded his arms heightening the level of suspence."Hmm hmm."

"I am now A̶̲̥̅ man,because my wife is carrying our baby." He let out with A̶̲̥̅ scream,he emptied the remaining content of his drink on the floor.

Paul jumped up and embraced him tight,"I'm so happy for you man."He said happily."You finally made it happen."

Jaiye was more surprised than dazed as he stared into Jacob's eye."This calls for celebration indeed." He laughed shaking his friend before embracing him.

In no time their table was filled to the brim and the celebration began afresh.

Adetoun refused to utter A̶̲̥̅ word to her friend,even when she questioned her about what she said to make her boyfriend leave.she was ashamed of herself and detested her very behaviour that afternoon,she was yet to fathom what came over her.

After Damola left she had scrubbed her mouth and teeth non stop,hoping to wash away the memories that hung atop her heart.But it was merely A̶̲̥̅ futile effort.she had received the shock of her life when Damola called her and invited her out for dinner.she lashed out at him and warned him never to call her again.

"I'm glad you could make it." Jane said softly pumping strenght into Lucy's finger under the table.Lucy smiled happily trying as much as she could to enjoy herself under the watchful gaze of the others.

She picked her fork and played with the mashed potatoes before lifting it to her mouth,if only they knew what she was risking just to hang out with her.Jane had been so helpful to her and she just couldn't afford to turn down her invite again.

Jane and the other ladies,Ajoke and Cynthia often hanged out on weekends to have fun,share their problems and profer solution.It was fast becoming an habit.It had been so much fun even for the adults at Ajoke's baby's birthday and she really enjoyed herself.

She remembered when she shared the goodnews with her friends about her condition,they were so happy for her.Ajoke and Cynthia had little pools gathered around theirs eye.It had been an entourage of emotion for them all.

Jane smiled when little Adora smiled at her,she no longer shed tears because her womb had taken life."I still want to get those shoes." Ajoke said bringing her out of her thoughts.Jane looked up,she had missed A̶̲̥̅ greater part of the conversation,she dug her fork into her plate and ate.

Cynthia promised to help Ajoke get the shoes on her visit to Dubai the following week.Lucy made little contributions where necessary,and Jane made A̶̲̥̅ mental note to find time to discuss with her later,because it was obvious that something was eating her up inside.

When the ladies finally dispersed that evening,she was able to extract A̶̲̥̅ promise from Lucy to keep her informed whenever she was free.

One thing that remains constant in life is Change,and that was the case of the Smiths,Jane was witnessing A̶̲̥̅ new side of her husband.Jacob was naturally A̶̲̥̅ doting husband but since he found out that Janet was carrying their baby,he employed new hands around the house,making sure that Jane did as much as nothing to stress herself just as the doctor dictated.

He constantly reminded her of each appointment and made sure to attend with her whenever he was available.Life was rosy and cool for them.And he made sure she lacked nothing at all.It was A̶̲̥̅ bee hive of activities iп̥ expectation of Funmi and Jackie who were coming over to say hi.

Jane could see the happiness all over Funmi's face at the bulge of her stomach,words were not enough to describe how she treated her with care and love but what could be more pleasing to the ears other than the news of her sister iп̥̥ law's marriage.Jane's heart was filled with warmth and she could feel the movement of the foetus as if in response to the goodnews.

Later in the night after A̶̲̥̅ delicious dinner of pounded yam and vegetable soup spiced with assorted meat,the couple laid on the bed discussing about Funm's visit."Would you believe she embraced me three good times after confirming with her eyes that you have truly taken in."Jacob laughed pulling the duvet on his wife.

"She looked delighted indeed."Jane yawned noisily she was feeling tired already and sleep called."I'm happy for Jackie."

"Me too,mum must be very happy too she has succeded in hooking her up to another rich man's son."

Jane laughed,"You're just funny,Jackie is matured and has A̶̲̥̅ mind of her own,so stop saying that." She smiled when he held her hands and kissed her.

She growled and turned away,"The doctor said...

"Hmmm what the doctor say?" He asked.

"He said that... ... ....." Jane began and went silent again.Jacob pulled her close and parted her hairs sideways."The baby needs us to do this so that she can be strong."

"He..i want A̶̲̥̅ boy." She corrected him.

Jacob removed her night gown."She...because i want A̶̲̥̅ beautiful girl." They burst into laughter as Jacob put off the bedside lamp.
Hannah dropped her spoon and propped her elbow on the dinning table,she starred at her friends in surprise."I'm afraid to tell him please." She pleaded.

"You make it sound like you have an option,whereas you're left with none.Just tell him."Rekia said cleaning her mouth with A̶̲̥̅ serviette.she cleared the table and got up.Hannah glanced at Adetoun who was busy with her phone."Are you not going to say anything?" She asked.Adetoun sighed then dropped her phone,"Rekia just gave you the best advice in the world.Tell it to Dagger,no big deal,you both cooked the stew get ready to enjoy it" She said with A̶̲̥̅ note of finalty in her voice.

Hannah bent her head in thought,she was truly left with no choice than to inform Damola.

Jacob adjusted his wife's head on his knee,they had just watched A̶̲̥̅ home video where A̶̲̥̅ man discoverd that of the four sons his wife bore for him,none was his.It broke the man's heart and led to his untimely death."Are youU̶̲̥̅̊ alseep?" He asked peering in her face.Jane nodded her head and smiled.She knew her husband was about to make A̶̲̥̅ comment on the movie they had just seen.Jacob yawned noiselessly."I can bet my head on it that you can never do such,women of our generation are really desperate but you oyindunmade are A̶̲̥̅ rare gem." He said kissing her on the forehead.

Jane held his hands and relaxed,"Trust is A̶̲̥̅ very important element in every relationship." She added,Jacob smiled,"And that's something we have in excess."

"What would you have done if you were in that man's shoe."She asked raising her head,she sat properly and looked at him.Jacob thought for A̶̲̥̅ minute,he smiled."I'm lucky,i married A̶̲̥̅ faithful woman,no need to bother my head about that."He placed his hands on her stomach."That beautiful girl in there is mine for real." Jane flung her arms around his neck.

"That handsome bouncing baby boy you mean?" Jacob winked at her,"That's why i love you." She kissed his cheeks.There was A̶̲̥̅ cough behind them,they turned instantly to see Nnamdi who had been standing for more than five minutes,he overheard all that they discussed in fact,they pratically watched the movie together.He had been surprised when his madam had asked his oga that question,and even held his breath as he listened to Jacob's answer.

He prayed in his mind for A̶̲̅ woman like this whenever it was time for him to marry."Nnamdi." Jacob called for the third time.

"Em em..sorry is ready." He said and turned to leave.Jane asked if the dinnng was set and they got up to eat.They had barely settled down to eat when they received A̶̲̥̅ knock.

Nnamdi opened the door and Jaiye walked in,"Good evening." He greeted making for the couch."Good evening Jaiye,you came at the right time,join us." Jacob called his friend who needed no second invitation to join them.Jane pulled out A̶̲̥̅ chair and he sat down,she dished him some food and listened as they conversed about what brought him,after what seemed like eternity they reached an agreement.

"I hope you're taking good care of my sweetheart." Jaiye laughed,taking A̶̲̥̅ glance at Jane.Jacob gave A̶̲̥̅ satisfactory smile."You can judge that for yourself."

Jaiye asked her to get up and turn around for him,which she did."She looks well fed and well hmm hmm hmmm." He smiled at his friend.The adults laughed.Jaiye stayed A̶̲̥̅ while discussing before leaving.They saw him off to the car.
"The document." He reminded Jacob who returned inside to get it.There was an awkward silence between the two adult.Jane turned to leave but Jaiye caught her by the arm."How is the baby?"

Jane looked towards the door before answering,"Fine." She took A̶̲̥̅ step back.

Silence again.

"And your husband?"

"We're both fine,thank you."

"Here it is." Jacob said coming to join them,Jaiye collected the package from him,entered into his car."Bye." He waved at both husband and wife."Our regards to Cynthia and Adora." Jacob said as Jaiye drove out.
Jane wrapped A̶̲̥̅ towel around her bossom,they were tight now and bigger.Every morning she would lift them and smile at herself in the mirror.It was very evident that she was with child.she would have left for the store earlier but it was A̶̲̥̅ Thursday and shops opened by 10am.

Nana Aisha had just prepared the bath,she brushed her teeth and had A̶̲̥̅ clean bath,she had just stepped foot in the bedroom when her phone rang.It was her mother on the line.she picked the call and sat on the bed.
"Hello Bibi this is not fair and you know it." She said into the mouth piece,she had asked her mother to come vist her since Jacob had instructed her not to drive for more than two hours A̶̲̥̅ day,and no travellng too.

Her mother comforted her and explained to her why she had been unavailable,mother and daughter discussed on the phone for more than thirty minutes,she even spoke with her step father who promised to sue Jacob for keeping her away from her family.she felt happy speaking with him again and longed to see their faces,she had barely dropped her phone when there was A̶̲̥̅ knock on the door."Come in."

Nana Aisha trottled in,the girl was just eighteen but A̶̲̥̅ secondary school dropout,Jacob had hired her from an agency to help around the house.The girl was quite brilliant and loved to sing.anytime Jane was bored,she would summon her to sing to sooth her soul and so far she had been of good behaviour and served as A̶̲̥̅ companion to Nnamdi,who was usually alone all day.

"What do you want?" Jane asked rubbing lotion on her flawless skin.The girl kept mute for some seconds before speaking."Second oga that calls me angel is here." She said.


"Yes,he's here."

Jane stood still for A̶̲̥̅ moment,"Serve him some juice and tell him i'll come down shortly." Aisha left and she quickly dressed up and went down stairs to attend to Jaiye.

Hannah felt someone move by her,she didn't open her eyes though.She must have slept for quite sometime,only A̶̲̥̅ white towel hung loosely over her body,her dress was no where to be found.she got up from the big bed and wondered how she ended up being here.

She had left the house last night with A̶̲̥̅ thought in mind,how she ended up in his bed was what she didn't understand.she got up to use
the bath.she dressed up and combed her hair.Damola must be downstairs she knew.

She couldn't find him in the sitting room,she proceeded to check the gym but the aroma from the kitchen stopped her,she retraced her step to find him iп̥ there cooking."Hey honey you're up." He said lifting her up,he kissed her softly on the lips,before placing her on the dinnng table."I'm hungry." He whispered softly.

" " Hannah struggled to get down,but his hands were stronger and before she could argue further,he had stripped her and right there they had sex.Half of the rice was burnt by the time they were through.Hannah returned upstairs to freshen up,Damola joined her and they ended up doing it again.

"We need to talk." She said while they had breakfast.Damola lifted hs head,those were no ordinary words."We'll talk after breakfast." He said trying to figure out what he had done wrong or had she found out about her advances towards herrp friends.That couldn't be he thought.The rest of the food was done in silence he had tried to start up conversation with her but she answered in mono syllables.

After breakfast while she cleared the plate,he disappeared to the balcony his favorite part of the house."DD we need to talk." He heard her voice just as she came towards him."Can't it wait?" He asked trying to figure it out.

"It can't wait honey." Her voice was calm and that seemed to calm him A̶̲̥̅ bit.he patted the space by his sides and she joined him.Damola avoided her face,he was trying to be A̶̲̥̅ man.

For the first time that morning,she realised how paralysed her tongue had grown."I didn't plan for this to happen,but it happened anyway."She said looking at her hand.

"You're creating fear in me again, Jane wrapped A̶̲̥̅ towel around her bossom,they were tight now and bigger.Every morning she would lift them and smile at herself in the mirror.It was very evident that she was with child.she would have left for the store earlier but it was A̶̲̥̅ Thursday and shops opened by 10am.

Nana Aisha had just prepared the bath,she brushed her teeth and had A̶̲̥̅ clean bath,she had just stepped foot in the bedroom when her phone rang.It was her mother on the line.she picked the call and sat on the bed.
"Hello Bibi this is not fair and you know it." She said into the mouth piece,she had asked her mother to come vist her since Jacob had instructed her not to drive for more than two hours A̶̲̥̅ day,and no travellng too.

Her mother comforted her and explained to her why she had been unavailable,mother and daughter discussed on the phone for more than thirty minutes,she even spoke with her step father who promised to sue Jacob for keeping her away from her family.she felt happy speaking with him again and longed to see their faces,she had barely dropped her phone when there was A̶̲̥̅ knock on the door."Come in."

Nana Aisha trottled in,the girl was just eighteen but A̶̲̥̅ secondary school dropout,Jacob had hired her from an agency to help around the house.The girl was quite brilliant and loved to sing.anytime Jane was bored,she would summon her to sing to sooth her soul and so far she had been of good behaviour and served as A̶̲̥̅ companion to Nnamdi,who was usually alone all day.

"What do you want?" Jane asked rubbing lotion on her flawless skin.The girl kept mute for some seconds before speaking."Second oga that calls me angel is here." She said.


"Yes,he's here."

Jane stood still for A̶̲̥̅ moment,"Serve him some juice and tell him i'll come down shortly." Aisha left and she quickly dressed up and went down stairs to attend to Jaiye.

Hannah felt someone move by her,she didn't open her eyes though.She must have slept for quite sometime,only A̶̲̥̅ white towel hung loosely over her body,her dress was no where to be found.she got up from the big bed and wondered how she ended up being here.

She had left the house last night with A̶̲̥̅ thought in mind,how she ended up in his bed was what she didn't understand.she got up to use
the bath.she dressed up and combed her hair.Damola must be downstairs she knew.

She couldn't find him in the sitting room,she proceeded to check the gym but the aroma from the kitchen stopped her,she retraced her step to find him iп̥ there cooking."Hey honey you're up." He said lifting her up,he kissed her softly on the lips,before placing her on the dinnng table."I'm hungry." He whispered softly.

" " Hannah struggled to get down,but his hands were stronger and before she could argue further,he had stripped her and right there they had sex.Half of the rice was burnt by the time they were through.Hannah returned upstairs to freshen up,Damola joined her and they ended up doing it again.

"We need to talk." She said while they had breakfast.Damola lifted hs head,those were no ordinary words."We'll talk after breakfast." He said trying to figure out what he had done wrong or had she found out about her advances towards herrp friends.That couldn't be he thought.The rest of the food was done in silence he had tried to start up conversation with her but she answered in mono syllables.

After breakfast while she cleared the plate,he disappeared to the balcony his favorite part of the house."DD we need to talk." He heard her voice just as she came towards him."Can't it wait?" He asked trying to figure it out.

"It can't wait honey." Her voice was calm and that seemed to calm him A̶̲̥̅ bit.he patted the space by his sides and she joined him.Damola avoided her face,he was trying to be A̶̲̥̅ man.

For the first time that morning,she realised how paralysed her tongue had grown."I didn't plan for this to happen,but it happened anyway."She said looking at her hand.

"You're creating fear in me again,what happened?" He asked looking at her.

"Damola i'm carrying our baby." Hannah dropped the bombshell staring into his eyes.The piercing scream that followed almost rendered her deaf.

"What?" He screamed as he got on his feet,and his once calm eyes blazed hot with anger."Are you joking or what!" He asked shaking her vigorously on her seat.Hannah was scared to her teeth.

"I was never careless with you,i use protection all the time." Was all he could say.Hannah laughed out loud."Like this morning right?in the kitchen and the bathroom and so many other times that i can't even count it."She screamed back at him.

He sat down dejected,"You can't be pregnant baby,you can't." He said."Well i'll need your signature when i register for anti natal care,goodday!" Hannah got up but he was faster,hitting her on the leg she fell back in her seat."Anti what did you just say?" He asked furiously.

Hannah couldn't speak,because he was holdng her down,and for the second time she realised she had just put herself in trouble.
Hannah placed the pillow to her chest,making herself comfortable her eyes were fixed on the ceiling fan as tiny drops of water formed A̶̲̥̅ pool on her cheeks.Her mind kept going back to the things Damola said to her.And how he had looked her in the eye and strangled her by the throat.A̶̲̥̅ huge feeling of warmth desceended upon her once again."Hey babe." Adetoun badged in."How do i look?" She asked turning around for Hannah to examine her in the blue floor length gown that pooled at her feet.A̶̲̥̅ tiny white belt held the gown firmly to her waist.She clutched A̶̲̥̅ white purse and her neck was adorned with A̶̲̥̅ tiny brooch.

Hannah turned her head sideways and A̶̲̥̅ tear slid down her face,"I thought we had settled this issue now." Toun sighed coming to sit by her on the bed.With her right palm she wiped the tears away."Look you should be happy not moody,there's absolutely no reason for you to be unhappy dear."

Hannah was quiet for A̶̲̥̅ while,"Its just too had for me to comprehend,i thought he was for real,he was too caring,my soul mate and life partner.he was damn perfect,that damn bastard."She paused to get her breath."Until this came up,i feel so devastated,he merely deceived me taking away my innocence,i'm A̶̲̥̅ perfect example of the word S T U̶̲̥̅̊ P I D"

"No you're not.Just count yourself lucky,i have never liked him from the very first time,but you know...If truly you had been pregnant,he would have acted in the same way,i'm glad you followed our advice." Detoun said.Hannah flashed back to the day they had that discussion,the idea had come from Rekia,she had screamed fire and brimstone at her friend,although she had this positive feeling that Damola would accept responsibility,it was A̶̲̥̅ big blow when he denied the imaginary baby and ordered her to get an abortion as soon as possible.It seemed the peels had been removed from her eyes and she saw him for what he truly was.

"C'mon cheer up and move on with your life jo." Detoun said smiling as she adjusted her dress.Hannah cleaned her face and sat up in bed."You look fabulous,please enjoy yourself." She waved as Detoun flashed her A̶̲̥̅ cute smile and dashed off.

Maybe meeting and dating Damola happened for A̶̲̥̅ reason,she was gleeful when she dumped the bastard but her heart was truly in hurt.She got down from the bed and walked towards the window,she pulled the blind just in time to see Kelvin walk out hand in hand with Detoun."Two happy people" she muttered,she heard his car zoom off and she pulled back the blind,she had wasted A̶̲̥̅ whole lot of time with Damola,there won't be A̶̲̥̅ next time,at least not any time soon.

She was hell bored at home doing nothing but sulk,Rekia had gone out to God knows where and she was stuck with the flat screen tv on the wall.she ruminated the kitchen and found some boiled yam,she fried two eggs and was set to eat,when her phone beeped."Heavens knows i'm not going to pick that damn call,i know its that on the line." She hissed ignoring her phone.

The caller was persistent,she had almost finished her food,she eyed her phone and proceeded to silence it.One quick glance on the screen and her heart lept in A̶̲̥̅ quick race.It wasn't Damola,her mother had been the one calling.She touched the screen and slide it open picking the call.

"What happened to you honey." Jacob badged in banging the door,the doctor had called him to inform him about his wife's fall from the stairs.

"Shhh....she's sleeping and the doctor said she needs some rest."Bibi,Jane's mother answered,carefully adjusting her daughter's hand on the couch.she took turn in explaining to Jacob how his wife rolled off the stairs,"it was Nana Aisha that called me and i had to rush down here,Nnamdi called the doctor and he came here to attend to her,she's stable now." Bibi landed.

Jacob knelt beside his wife,she was sleeping peacefully and her face was calm."Thank you mama,i was at the office,i needed to tidy up some things before monday,and my phone was off because i didn't want to be disturbed,but i have warned Oyin not to stress herself that's why we have domestic servants around the house." He sighed getting up,"Mama have you had anything to eat.?"

Bibi shook her head,"I'm fine my dear."

Jacob asked Nnamdi to get his mother-in-law something to eat,before going to the bedroom to change.

All through the night,he constantly watched over her movement,feeling her temperature and touching her bulging stomach.In the morning he spoke to the doctor who said she was fine and needed rest.As it was A̶̲̥̅ weekend,he decided to stay at home with his wife and her mother.

They were getting ready to have breakfast and he helped her to the dining.Everyone was settled in when the door bell rang.It was Hannah,Rekia and Adetoun.There was so much noise as they all exchanged pleasantries.Jane's face lit up in happiness.

Jacob embraced Adetoun for two full minutes,"I have missed you so much." He grinned whirling her around before embracing her again.

"Me?" Hannah asked laughing.

"Hey girls i miss you all,and you're not looking bad at all." He smiled hugging her sister in law."We have A̶̲̥̅ full house." He said inviting them to join the table.The atmosphere gained some laughter,and even Jane was chatting happily in no time.The Smiths felt sad when the others were leaving later in the day.

The couple lay quiet on the patio gazing at the beautiful blue sky,the air was cool and she felt at peace staring at the serene environment."I saw you staring at her." Jane said not looking at him.Jacob sat up and pushed the glass of juice to A̶̲̥̅ side."Staring at who?" He asked,if. he was angry he didn't show it.

Jane picked her drink and took A̶̲̥̅ sip,she waited for Nnamdi to pack the empty tray away before answering."You were staring so hard all through breakfast."She said.

"What are you talking about?"

Jane sat up and leaned against her husband,"Adetoun." At the mention of that name,he sighed in relief."For A̶̲̥̅ seconds i was jealous as you smiled at her across the table,but i relaxed knowing the kind of relationship between the two of you."

Jacob was amazed at how much she had changed,she radiated with happiness and her smile weakened his legs,and each time he remembered her sitting down by the gate weeping,he felt good that she had grown into A̶̲̥̅ beautiful woman,educated and confident.He wondered what would have happened if she hadn't helped her and her family too?,she didn't mention A̶̲̥̅ word about her family while they talked in the balcony.

Jacob tickled his wife,"You're crazy....there's only one woman i'll love again,and that's the baby you're carrying". He laughed before explaining to her why he felt so happy to see her again.They remained there,laughing and chatting and in no time,she slept off in his arms A̶̲̥̅ beautiful smile adorned her face.He carried her in his arms into the bedroom and covered her up.He was feeling sleepy too,he had so much to do at the office. He had just showered and he changed into his pyjamas,his wife's phone had been ringing while he showered.He dropped it only for the call to come through again,it was Jaiye's name that was displayed on the screen.He picked it at once,Cynthia was the one calling with her husband's phone,she was calling to check up on Jane,he dropped the the call but not after speaking with Adora who had taken to him like glue to paper.He knew very soon,he would have A̶̲̥̅ child of his own,A̶̲̥̅ beautiful girl just like her mother.This thought filled his mind till he was carried away by the gentle hands of sweet dream.

Jane wobbled to the balcony,her flowing gown looked beautiful on her as she supported her waist with her hands,Aisha helped her at the other side.she was in her third trimester already.she had just passed the nursery,she and Jacob had redecorated it and added new toys and baby things.

They had celebrated their third anniversary in grand style,just the two of them and the unborn child.Jacob had stopped her from going to the store,and Jacob made himself available to keep her company and take her out.Funmi would come down once in A̶̲̥̅ while to play with her,so did Bibi and her sisters,preparation were in earnest for Jackie's wedding,A̶̲̥̅ date had been fixed already.Jane asked Nana Aisha to get her A̶̲̥̅ bottle of orange juice,she poured it in A̶̲̥̅ glass and added garlic to it.she took A̶̲̥̅ long drink and listened as Aisha sang for her.The girl's voice was soft and sonorous.she was dozing already.

She got up and strolled around the spacious compound,exercising while laughing with Aisha and telling her some of her childhood stories.Nnamdi ran towards her,holding her phone.
"Madam you have A̶̲̥̅ call o." He said handing her the phone.Jane collected the phone it was her husband calling.Wearing A̶̲̥̅ beautiful smile and picked the call putting the phone to her ear."Hello dear.". She said into the mouthpiece. A̶̲̥̅ matured female voice answered her at the other end asking if she was Mrs J Smith,to which she said yes.

"Accident?" She shouted as the voice at the other end rambled on."What happened to my husband?" She screamed,her voice was loud and shaking.Nnamdi and Aisha were beginning to get scared.

Slowly the phone dropped from her hand and she began to scream,Aisha was at A̶̲̥̅ loss on what to do,while Nnamdi picked the phone and spoke to the caller.

"Yehhhh......." Jane lent out another loud scream,as she fell to the ground with A̶̲̥̅ thud,holding her sides she screamed again pointing towards her leg,water trickled down her leg,her water bag had just broken and the baby was on its way into the world.

To be continued at 9pm.

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