Jay called' Jackie said,putting a sliced piece of water melon into her mouth.
Funmi's face lit up with
excitement,dropping the Women's Issue magazine,she faced Jackie.
'What did you just say?' she asked again.
'Jacob called.' Jackie repeated.
Funmi's heart clapped loud,she looked forward to Jacob's homecoming everyday,since he left home.He seldom picks her call.
Her lashes fluttered as she spoke with so much happiness filtering her voice.
'When did he say he would be coming?'
'On thanksgiving'
'Is he coming alone?' Funmi asked sipping a glass of wine.Her skin glowed,her hands were fresh and beautiful to look at.
'The Jane girl?'
'Mum,she's not ''the Jane girl'' she's Jacob's girlfriend.' Jackie corrected.
'I don't mind having her around,as long as Jacob is here.' Funmi smiled.
Jackie pressed a bell,and a young lady came in putting on a uniform.
'Pls get me my handbag' she said.
'Are you going out tonight?'
'I have a date with Danjuma.' Jackie smiled.
'Its good to know,you two are getting serious.'
'Yes dear,you've planned enough wedding in this country and beyond,its high time you started planning yours.' Funmi said.
'Yes ma' Jackie mimicked a salute.
The lady soon returned with her hand bag.
'I just want to freshen my makeup and get going.'
'I'll be retiring early tonight,i had a rough day,with Paul driving me from party to party.' Funmi yawned.'I wish your father was here,it would have been more merrier.'
'Its alright mum,the time says some minutes to eight,Danjuma will be here anytime soon.' Jackie said slipping on a wine pump to match her white sleeveless gown.
'Jacob is coming home!' Funmi sang as she danced in.
Jackie looked at her mother and smiled.Her prodigal brother was coming home.Yipee!
'I think she's here' Adetoun said,clearing the blinds to look through the window.
Jacob joined her there,giggling like a child on his first bicycle ride,he went to get the door.
'Good afternoon Jane' he said,pulling her into a quick embrace,Jane felt something knot in her stomach as his hands carressed her back.she felt a tingling sensation under her stomach.she ceased her breath for a seconds before exhaling.
Was it the spaghetti she ate,or was it just her body.She reached for his hands,when he kissed her lips.The kiss awakened so many feelings she never thought she had.she raised her head a bit,only to see a pair of white sparkling eyes boring on her.
She frozed in his arms,and Jacob sensed it.Reluctantly Jacob let go of her hands.
'Come and sit.' he said smiling,his face was bright with lights brimming in his eyes.
'Adetoun' he beckoned.'Here is my damsel Jane'

Adetoun smiled warmly,taking Jane's hand in hers.
'Hi,miss Jane'
'Hi,we've met i assume.'
'Yes,miss Jane.'
'Call me Jane'
Adetoun gave a polite smile.

In no time,the ladies got talking.
Adetoun was the one doing most of the talking.
Jane sipped her juice as she laughed.

Jacob emerged,dressed.he walked towards the ladies.
'Its time' he said,smiling at Jane as he spoke.
Adetoun stopped speaking,she starred at Jacob.
'What is it?' he asked.
'You're so lucky.' she smiled.
'She's so beautiful and i like her.And you're so lucky to have her.'
Jacob stood in front of Jane,taking a bow.
'Shall we ma'am?'
'Yes' Jane said standing to her full height.
'Not so fast' Adetoun drawled standing up too,she pointed a finger to her cheeks.
Jacob pecked her,before pulling Jane to his sides.
'Enjoy your date.' she laughed closing the door.
Jane sat in a closed booth,she crossed her leg but wasn't feeling comfortable,so she uncrossed it.
Jacob had excused himself to use the men.
He joined her soon,slipping on his seat.Jacob stole a glance at the beautiful lady sitting with him,as he perused the Menu card.
The waiter soon disappeared to get their order.
She was tall and thin,in a white evening gown that draped elegantly from one shoulder,her hair was dark and swept up in a neat french twist which showed off her fine long neck and single bare shoulder to perfection.
The waiter arrived with their meal,Jane cleaned her fork before eating.
'How are you doing today?' she asked.
'I'm good,i can see you look good too.' he smiled,his dark eyes dancing in delight.
'How's Bibi and Hannah?' he asked,pouring wine into their glasses.
'They're fine.'
'Were you able to speak to Hannah today?'
'No,she wouldn't let anyone in.'
'Your mother is wise enough to make good decisions,' he paused.'And Kenneth is a good man,i vouch for him'
'Do you know him.'
'Ofcourse,i do'
'And you know he was seeing my mother?'
'Yes,as a matter of fact i planned their meeting.'
Jane rolled her eyes,
'You did?'
'Kenneth is a good man,a designer just like Bibi,i introduced some of her work to him and he's considering taking her up.'
Jane smile.
'Thank you dear.'
'Enough about Bibi,you'll be coming to our family house with me for thanksgiving' Jacob said.
'Its time,we take this relationship to a newer height.'
Jane searched Jacob's eye,all she saw,was true happiness of a man who was in love.All thoughts of Adetoun and Jacob being together vanished from her mind.
He looked so sincere,just looking at him,sleeekly put together in his dinner Jacket and perfectly starched shirt,his dark hair smoothly combed.He looked like someone,she would like to spend the rest of her life with.
'I still want to say thank you' Jane smiled.'For speaking to Hannah'
'I was only helping a special friend.'
'You know what i like about you?'he asked.
'The way you smile,the way you laugh,the way you do everything that you do' he said staring into her eyes.
Her eyes sparkled with laughter.
'I care about you,its just that....i'm afraid.'
'Of what?'
'Of everything and everyone.'
'Janet,i'm here for you.' he placed his hands on her shoulders.'And i promise that i'll always be there for you.'
'You're such a darling.' Jane clung to him.
'And so are you' he laughed.
'Its getting late already.'
'Its just past seven,i'm a man,i can always find my way.'
Jacob kissed her,before letting her out of the car.
'You forgot your.....'
'My what?' Jane asked moving towards him.
Jacob pulled her hands and kissed her again.
'What did i forget?'
'I just gave it to you?'
Jane looked confused.
'The kiss'
Jane relaxed on the bed,after speaking to Hannah and Bibi.She had just finished watching the 9pm news.
She had a bath,going over her day again.she was glad to have Jacob.She just hoped he would not dash her hope.He's a strong handsome man,many ladies dream.
Jacob called to wish her a good night rest,and to remind her of his company's party.
Would the parties ever stop?
Janet slumped on the bed tired,she pulled off her heels.she wriggled out of the blouse,unbuttoning her skirt.Her eyes were heavy with unshed tears.
She rushed to the bathroom,washed her face and changed into her nightie.
It was 9pm by the clock,Bash had just dropped her at home,today was Jacob's office party,she had been excited to attend.But,now she felt dejected.
She hadn't envisaged what lay ahead,she sat mute in a corner all night long.
The array of people she met,was not something she imagined.The creme de la creme of the society were in attendance,with women adorned with gold and diamond,she felt out of place,she wouldn't disgrace Jacob by allowing herself to be presented as his lady.
Little wonder,his mother had protested,just imagine this,at a party...
'Here's Jacob Smith,Ceo Smiths Corporation and here is his fiancee,Miss Janet of....'
Of what? She was nothing and nobody where Jacob stood.Why was he trying to ruin his reputation by dating the daughter of nobody.Because she is a nobody in the society.
Her phone rang,she needed no soothsayer to know,it was Jacob.she pressed the silent button.He tried her number twice again,but she refused to answer it.
She wept herself to sleep.

Jacob called their house the next day,she had informed her sister,that she was to tell him,that she was not around.
But unfortunately for her,it was her mother who answered the door,and informed him that she was home.
She had been angry,when she heard,she reluctantly put on a decent dress to attend to him.
After all said and done,Jacob insisted that she confide in him,whatever happened at his party.Janet could bear it no more,so she told him how she felt.
Jacob held his head in his hands for some minutes,before speaking.
Saying,how disappointed he was,at her childish attitude,he chastisized her,before comforting her,that to him she was the world.
'The light of love that has filtered my heart' as he put it.
Jane was relieved that,he cared so much about her.she had apologised for her behaviour,after Jacob extracted a promise from her never to devalue nor under estimate herself again.he bought her a vase filled with sweet scenting flowers and a rose.she was elated and embraced him laughing.
'Why don't you ask Kenneth to join us for dinner' Hannah said,looking at her mother.
Bibi had been taken by surprise,she dropped the knife in her hands,washed her hand by the sink,before embracing her daughter.
'I will' Bibi smiled.
Hannah saw her mother smile,the man must mean so much to her,she thought.
Kenneth was a very funny man,he spoke with everyone like age long friends.he told stories of funny pranks he had played when he was much younger,the table was agog with laughter.
Hannah had prepared dinner all by herself,and served it too.she made spiced macaroni with chicken and orange juice.she felt good,when Kenneth said he was a fan of home made drinks and he could make a couple of drinks himself.
He made everyone laugh at the table,Jane had caught him and Bibi stealing glances at each other,while they ate.
'Hmmm hmmmmm' Hannah cleared her throat,dinner was already over,as everyone relaxed with a glass of juice.
All attention turned on her,she adjusted in her seat,gluing a smile to her fine face.
'I want to apologise to Kenneth for the embarrassment,i caused you the last time you were here.'she said.
'In all honesty,i was hurt that mum was seeing someone,but i have realised that life must continue,i want the best for you mum,i'm so sorry for my action.'
'You're the best mother in the world.'
Bibi stood from her seat,and embraced her daughter.Jane was fixed to her seat,she was surprised that her sister could say that.
'You're welcome to the family' Hannah said,shaking his hands.
'I just called to remind you,of our family thanksgiving sunday tomorrow' Jacob's baritone voice sounded over the phone.
Jane remembered clearly,it was something she had been thinking about.That would be,meeting his mother again,Oh no.
'I'm still on the line,Jane' he spoke again.Jane sighed,sitting up on the couch.
'I'll call you in the morning,i'll let you know if i can make it.'she said into the mouthpiece.
Jacob drew a long breath,'I thought we have talked about this.'he paused.'There's nothing to be ashamed of,i'm proud to have you,Jackie likes you,no one else has a say,not even my parents.'
'Jacob,i'll let you know,first thing tomorrow morning,have you had something for dinner.' Jane said changing the topic of discuss.
'I have,i just want to dress up,i'm hanging out with my men.'
'Be careful,and be good boy.' she laughed.
'I will,so you sleep well and dream about me,i'll be the first person to call you morrow,i'm sure its going to be goodnews.'
'Goodnight' They said at the same time.
Jane put the phone to her heart.
'I love you Jay and i hope by tomorrow,i'ld have changed my mind.' she said,picking up the remote control...
Jacob sighed in relief,when he dropped the call,his mind was in turmoil last night.
His friends had made fun of him,saying he was fretting over a lady.But,who amongst them had ever fallen him? If there was someone,then,only that person would understand the powers of love.
His mind flashed to Katherine,at Jaiye's party,she had tried a lot to make them get together,but he stood his ground.she went ahead,to ask him for sex.He was perplexed,she's a beautiful lady with a bright future,why is she trying to glue herself on him.
He entered his bathroom,removing the towel from his waist,he washed himself clean.
He was in his bedroom,when Adetoun's voice filtered in,the girl loves singing,she had a great voice for a lady of her age.she was a wise girl too.
He prayed,she would find it in her heart to forgive her parents,so that she could return home.she had agreed to contact her brother,the one she said she could trust.he would miss her badly when she finally leaves for school.
One of the problem,he had with her was,her disassociating with men,except him.They've been out on occassions and he noticed how eyes trailed her,but she never seem to notice a thing.
Even at Jaiye's party,when Jaiye's younger,Duro was trying to chat her up,she shut him up politely.
That was something to be worried about,and her falling into moods.he had his hands full.
He wore a polo and a short,and moved into the kitchen.He made decaf coffee and toast bread.
He poured a glass,
'Stop' Adetoun said.
Jacob almost poured the drink on himself.
'I said it,you're a coward' she laughed,dressed in a sleeveless blouse and jean,her hair neatly styled.
Jacob smiled,putting the coffee down.
'I think your phone is ringing' she said.
Jacob went to get his phone,it was Jackie calling to ask,if he would still be coming.
He returned to meet an empty kitchen,his coffee and bread gone,
'Open the door because i'm breaking your head this morning' he said,knocking Adetoun's door.There was no answer,after waiting for some minutes,he headed to the kitchen.
Jacob poured himself another coffee,making himself comfortable in the sitting room.
'That was a nice one' he said when Adetoun came in.
'The coffee was good too' she laughed.'What should i make for breakfast?'
'Will you make beancake?'
'Moimoi?i can't.its too early,and stressful.'
'Just prepare a simple meal'
'Like oats?'
'Thats no food' he protested.
'Alright,i'll make noodles.'

Jacob sprawled on the couch playing cards with Adetoun afting eating,
'I'm going out in the afternoon' Adetoun said.
Jacob raised his brow,
'With who?'
'A friend.'
'You now have a friend,its good to hear that.' he smiled.
'She'll be coming to pick me by 12'
'I thought,you were talking about a guy.'
'Jacob' she made a face at him.
'Okay,okay,i've heard you.'
'Who is she by the way?'
'She lives,two block from here,we met at the mall.'
'Do you need anything?'
'No' she smiled.
Jacob reminded her,that he was going home for thanksgiving.
'How about,the most beautiful lady in the world?' she asked.
'We're going together.'
'I knew it.' Adetoun laughed.'Jay,on a more serious note,don't you think you should propose to her,before another man does.'
Jacob turned dumb,he wasn't expecting that.He dropped the cards he was holding.
'That lady is beautiful,she has got good manners too,she is every inch a wife material.'Adetoun paused.'I mean,she's someone you can show to the world as yours,i just think you should engage her before another smart man does.'
Jacob pulled her closer,kissing her lips,Adetoun tried to stop it.
'Stop it Jay'
'Sorry,i thought it was Jane sitting by me' he apologised.
'I deserve a hug not a kiss' she laughed.
'I appreciate your thoughtfulness,you're the kid sister i don't have.' he smiled.
'Thanks big brother,don't get your head up o' she laughed,throwing an armrest on him.
'Let me get dressed,Anita would soon be here.'
'I'm sure you were on the phone with pink shirt' Jane said sitting on the couch.
'How did you know?' Hannah blushed.
'Who else do you speak with,for long hours,if not him.'
'Have you been stalking me?'
'No,i've not.' Jane laughed.'I've only been watching you.'
'He calls you,at least thrice in a day,and you're always smiling or laughing on the phone;and you want me to believe he's just a friend.'
'Sincerely,there's not a thing between us.' Hannah smiled.
'I hear you,is Bibi back?'
'Not yet,she's sure having fun with Kenneth' Hannah paused.'You need to see the glow on her face this days,she smiles secretly when she thinks no one is watching.'
'Hmmm hmmmm,talk about stalking' Jane said.
'I wasn't'
'I can see' she raised her head,only to catch a glimpse of the clock.
'Oh my my! I need to get dressed,its 11 already,i don't want to be late' Jane said getting up.
'The thanksgiving stuff with Jacob se?'
'Yes,come help me pick a dress' she said pulling her sister up,to her bedroom........
'That must be my son' Funmi Smith stood up,rushed to the balcony to glimpse at Jacob.
Being happy was an understatement,she returned to the sitting,waiting patiently for him.
'Funmi,calm down.' Jackie chided her.she went to answer the door.
'Good afternoon Jay' Jackie said,leading them in.
'Hello big sis' he smiled,before hugging her.
'Good afternoon Jackie' Jane greeted.
Jackie stepped back,before embracing her tight.
'You look beautiful as always,my brother is so lucky' she laughed.
Jacob was glad to hear that,
'I'm not lucky,am blessed.'he smiled.

Funmi stood up,tieing her iro properly,Jacob walked towards her holding a tensed Jane.
'Good afternoon ma' They spoke in a chorus.
'Are you greeting me like that Adewale?' she said pulling him into her embrace.
'Good afternoon young lady' she said.
Jane looked relief and was able to breath properly now.Jacob still held her hands.
'I miss you Jacob,i'm so sorry for what i did.' Funmi said.'Please sit'
Jacob led Jane to a sit.

There was a knock,Jackie answered it.
'Good afternoon Sandra' She said with surprise on her face.Her mother didn't inform her,that someone else would be joining them.
Jackie led Sandra to where the others were seated.
'Welcome my daughter.' Funmi was all smiles.
'Meet my son Jacob' Funmi said.
Sandra stretched her hand for a shake.
'Hi Sandra,i think we've met' he said smiling without offering his hands in return.
There was an awkward silence in the room,as Sandra withdrew her hands to her side.
'Yes,we have.' Sandra replied embarassed.
'Mother,why did you invite Sandra?' Jackie whispered.
'Can't i invite my friend's daughter?' Funmi said.
'I hope,this is not a match making adventure?'
'You ask too much questions.'
'I hope you don't get Jacob running away,i have explained times without count,how much Jane means to him.' Jackie said,before walking out of her mother's bedroom.
'The table is set' Funmi said,leading others to the dinning arena.They sat around the big mahogany table.
Jacob sat with Jane to his side,and Sandra facing him,with Jackie and Funmi at the end of the table.
The table was filled with many dishes and wines,wine glasses stood tall on the table.
Jackie served everyone,and they ate.
'Sandra,how is your mother?' Funmi asked.
'She's fine' Sandra answered,she was a beautiful young lady at twenty four,she had a flawless skin and an hourglass shape.
Now,that you're of marriagable age,i hope a smart man will walk you down the aisle soon.'Funmi smiled.
Jackis shot her mother a look,that screamed ''Be careful''.
'I hope you're enjoying this meal' Jackie asked Jane.
'Yes i am,thanks'
'Jacob,i want you to meet Sandra after the meal,for discussion'
'I have nothing to discuss with Sandra.' Jacob answered,holding Jane's hand under the table.
'Sandra,is a graduate from Oxford university,she just completed her master's degree programme and she's homely too.' Funmi said.
'Mother,you should branch into advertising one of these days.'Jacob said.
Sandra went white in her seat,dropping the fork in her hand.
'When will you be through with your service?' Jackie asked.
'In three months time.' Jane answered.
'I can't wait to start planning.' Jackie said.
'Sis,don't be in a hurry.' Jacob laughed.
'Jacob,do you know Sandra is from a well to do family,her mother my friend runs five catering business,Sandra must be a good cook too.'
'If she's a good cook,let her join her mother in the catering business.'he said.

Funmi was disappointed at Jacob,after the meal.she invited him to the kitchen,to meet Sandra.
When his mother left,he took her hands in his,and kissed them.Raising her chin up he said,
'Sandra,you're a beautiful lady,why are you allowing my mother to run an advert on you.' he paused.
'That lady you see in the sitting room is my world,the woman i am in love with,please pitch your tent elsewhere.'
Jacob said releasing her chin,he saw the twin tear roll down her cheeks,and he wiped them away.
'Now,go into the sitting room.Bade everyone bye and leave,because you're not wanted here.'
Jacob entered the sitting room,to see Jackie and Jane laughing.He joined them.
Soon,Sandra came out,bade everyone bye and left.
'What did you tell her?' Jackie asked.
'I told her what she needed to know.'he said smiling.
Jane got out of the car and closed the door.
'Jacob,i really appreciate all that you did today.' she smiled.
'You're welcome sweetheart'he said.'I'm going to miss you'
'I'll be home soon'
'Three months is a long time to wait.' Jacob said.
'Take care,my ragards to Adetoun'she waved.
'I'll call you,bye'
He drove away spewing dust into the air.
Hannah helped her pack her bag,she'ld be leaving first thing tomorrow morning.Then it came flashing back,all that happened at the closing party.
How was she going to face her boss at work? What would be her fate? She dozed off on her bed.
Corper Jane drove to work with her friend,Corper Ajoke.
She parked,in the car lot before taking the elevator to her office.
She sat behind her computer,dropped her bag and did a short prayer.
Turning on the system,a mail displayed,opening it,she found out it was from her boss,informing her to clear her table,as she'll be resuming as his secretary.
She heaved a sigh of relief,as she parked her things,to the office that led right into Toju's office.
She was settled already when her boss arrived,she stood up to greet him.He answered her as politely as possible.she sat down to do her work.
He called her in,informing her of her duties,there was no sign of familiarity in the way spoke.Jane couldn't wish for more.
Ajoke couldn't wait to hear from Jane during Lunch break,as they both sat whispering and laughing..
Hannah had returned to school at the end of the holiday,Rukayat apologised to her for all she did.
Rukayat was still going out with Ade-Pink shirt,although it was obvious he was in love Hannah.
School was rolling on fast,it happened that it was Valentine's day.
Hannah had made up her mind not to get involved with anyone at the moment.
Rotimi had become a thing of the past to her.Everyone burstled about,val in the air.
On this particular morning,she woke up late,she had messages from friends.Ade's message was the first on her phone.she called to thank him.
Cynthia sat on her bed,doing her make up.she had a date Hannah guessed.Shade was helping Rukayat fasten a tiny necklace.
'Good morning.' Hannah said.
'You're up' Cynthia said.'Are you not going out today?'
'I'm dateless.' she replied getting up.
That statement had no truth in it,infact she had three date she turned down,she didn't feel like going out.
'Sleepy head' Rukayat said smiling as she styled her weave on.
'Val in the air' Hannah replied.
She went out to wash her face.
Rukayat looked ready to go,'What are you waiting for?' Hannah asked.
'Her man' Shade drawled.
Rukayat's phone rang and she picked it.
'Ade is here' she whispered.
'This love is unbreakable' Shade said laughing.
Hannah felt a pang of jealousy,she smiled nevertheless.
'Have fun dear.' she said.
Rukayat picked her purse and left,Hannah went to the window.she watched Rukayat walk out to meet him.
She slumped on the bed,clutching the pillow hard.Jane was right,she was truly in love with him,but its late,he was already going out with her friend.
Cynthia bade them bye before leaving.
Shade packed her books too,
'Don't tell me you're going to the library.' Hannah said.
'Ofcourse,i am,i've got a date with my books' she said before closing the door.
Hannah remained on the bed,not knowing when a tear escaped her eye.she was in love with Ade,why?
It was evening in no time,Shade was in ironing her dress,when Cynthia walked in all smiles,she was gisting them when someone burst in through the door.
They all raised their head only to see Rukayat clutching a big red teddy bear and a rose as tears rolled down her cheeks.
'What happened?' the girls chorused.
Rukayat opened her mouth and closed it again,as the waters came rushing down her face.
Work went smoothly,no hitch no problem.Toju was always polite each time he addressed her.
And just like that,time rolled in a hurry,three month went by.
Jane was through with her NYSC programme,her joy knew no bound when she received her NYSC certificate.
After the winding up programme,time came for her and Ajoke to part ways.It was a difficult thing,as both ladies cried and cried.
It was a tearful day,with no one to beg the two ladies.
'Its not the end of the world' Ajoke said wiping her tears.
'I'm going to miss you so much' Jane wept.
All of a sudden,they started laughing,hugging each other tight,promising to keep in touch with each other.They packed their things.Jane dropped Ajoke at the park before heading home.
Biola was so happy to see her daughter again.She prepared Semovita and vegetable with meat soup for her.
She had a peaceful sleep that night.
Jacob had been very happy,when Janet called that she was coming home.
He closed from work early,to go home and change into something casual,he let himself in,he lay in the bathtube tired,he wished Adetoun was still here,but she was in school.she made contact with her younger brother Adekunle,the boy had been so happy to see his sister again,she made him promise not to inform her mother,after learning that everyone was fine.
He missed her badly,he had to employ a full time help in the house,he missed her laughter,her voice and her pranks,not to worry she'ld soon be home for holiday.
He got out of the water and cleaned himself,he lay on the bed to relax,and when he opened his eyes again.It was 8pm in the evening.His head was about to split with an headache.he managed to get a painkiller from his drawer and a glass of water from the kitchen before dozing off again.
Cynthia pulled Rukayat to a chair,cleaning her face with an hanky.
'I've never heard of crying solving a problem.What happened to you?'she asked.
Hannah sat up in bed,wondering what could have happened between Rukayat and Ade.
Rukayat stopped crying for some minute,
'He's love in someone else' she said.
'What? What are you saying?'Hannah asked surprised,how was that possible?Ade in love with someone else.Could it be her?
She listened when Rukayat began to speak again.
'He was just there with me' she sobbed.'He was seeing somebody else,it was so obvious,he didn't kiss me neither did he touch me.'
cynthia sighed,'Well,thats not enough reason to come to such conclusion.'
'Perhaps,he's not in a good mood.'Shade offered.
'He was excited at first,but all of sudden.It seemed his mind,his heart was far away' Rukayat cried.
Hannah was at a loss of what to say or do,she remained silent as the other girls tried to console Rukayat.
Her phone rang,it was Pink shirt,asking if she could come outside,ofcourse she said yes,he pleaded with her to wear the earrings he gave her for christmas.
Hannah got up from the bed,opened her paper wardrobe,she picked the earrings,stared at it some minute before wearing it.
'Are you going out?' Shade asked.
'Yes,i want to speak to a friend' Hannah said stepping out of the door.
'How was your day?' Ade asked balancing himself on the cemented seat at the relaxation center.
'It was fine' Hannah smiled.
'Did you go out with anyone?'
'No,i didn't.And don't ask me why i just didn't feel like it.'Hannah replied.
'I love this earrings on you' He said.
Was that to say you love me,Hannah thought.
'I brought this for you' he said.
Hannah had been dieing to know what he had brought since they arrived.
It was a val cake,on it was written''Just For You Honey'' Hannah was very happy,she hugged him tight,he smiled genuiely.
He also gave a white teddy bear,he didn't say much to her,but his action said more than enough.
He saw her off to the hostel gate before leaving.
This was a happy valentine's day after all.
Her friends shared her cake,Rukayat had calmed down by now,although they insisted on knowing the person who gave it to her.To which she claimed anonymity.
That went by,Rukayat swore that,if she found out whoever the lady was,she would do and undo.
Hannah relaxed,afterall she wasn't dating him.
School went on,and exam was drawing near again....
Jane was worried,Jacob hadn't called her for three days now.She tried his number nonstop,it was unreachable,after a while it was switched off.
Her mother asked her to calm down,that he was probably busy.
Jane sent him mail but there was no reply.
'It could be his mother at work again' she said one evening while they were making dinner.
'What about his mother?' Bibi asked.
Jane had never for once mentioned to her mother,Mrs Smiths reaction towards her.But,now that she had mentioned it ,she had to explain.
'I can't believe that.' Bibi said dropping the pot in her hand,when Jane gave her detailed explanation of Funmi's attitude towards her.
'You let Jacob's mother rubbish you without informing me' She was angry.
'We're not poor,i work,i trained my children,we don't beg before we eat.Nobody from nowhere can maltreat you' Bibi said walking to the sitting room.
'Mother,please calm down' Jane pleaded.'This is why i didn't inform you earlier'
'Is Jacob aware of that?'
'Yes,and he's doing all he can to make her accept me.'
'Rubbish,no daughter of mine will go where she's not accepted.'Bibi said.
'Mother,don't do this.'
Bibi paced the length of the sitting room.
'Jacob is a good man,i like him,he has manners too and he's very rich' she paused'But,that wont stop me from taking a firm decision over this.'
'Bibi,please don't get mad with him,i haven't heard a word from him in three days.'
'You have to stop seeing Jacob,and i mean it.'
Funmi sat at the reception of Foyler's Hospital,their family hospital glancing at her wrist watch,Jackie would be here anytime soon with the drugs the doctor prescribed.
Jackie arrived with a small bag,
'I've gotten them' she said.
Funmi and Jackie went to the doctors office,he got the drugs from there and asked them to wait in his office.
He returned some minutes later.
'Ma'am Smith,the drugs have been administered,we have to give him time and see what happens.' Doctor Francis said sitting down.
'So,can we see him now?' Jackie asked getting up from the chair.
'Not yet.' Doc Francis answered.
'Doc,is he going to be alright?' Funmi asked disturbed.
'Yes ma,you can go home now.' he said.
The doctor saw them off to the car,Jackie was at the steering with Funmi sitting at the back seat.
Jackie sat,punching the key pad on her phone.
'Lets leave.' Funmi said.
'Not yet,i have to make this call.'
'To who?'
Its been three days now,i have to inform Janet.'
Funmi watched her make the call.....
'I can see,he's getting better already' Funmi said,placing his hands properly on the bed.
Jacob lay on the bed,his body half covered to the waist,the room looked clean and hygienic.From the comfy bed,to the two chairs facing each other,a stool by the bedside,a Plasma Tv on the wall.The window was draped in bright colours adding warmth to the room.
Flashing back that evening,in his house,after taking the painkiller,he laid on the bed,feeling weak and tired.His body was hot and heavy.He tried to move,but it became difficult to do so.
It took him an eternity to pick his phone,he tried Bash's number,but it was not reachable,he called Jackie.
Before Jackie's arrival,he had vomited twice.She was able to get him into the car with Bash's help.Bash drove them down to their family hospital.Immediately he was transferred to a private ward,and treatment commenced.
Jackie then called Funmi to inform her.
'All he needs,is good rest,and he'll soon be on his way home,Mr Jacob is a strong man' doc Francis said,before exiting the ward.

Jacob tried to smile,but he looked a bit weak.Jackie wiped his forehead with a clean towel before sitting by his sides.
'Jane' he said looking at Jackie.
'I informed her already,i'm surprised she's not here yet'
Funmi eyed Jackie silently.
'To more important things dear,your father called to speak with you,but you were asleep then,but i assured him you're getting better'Funmi said.
Jacob was surprised too,it was unlike her not to have come to see him.Something was definetly wrong.
Janet Odenuga paced the sitting room,her muttering was inaudible,as she looked worried and tired.Her mother sat on the couch making some drawings on paper.
'Mother,you can't do this to me'She pleaded softly.
'Jacob is sick,i need to see him,he must be dead worried by now.'
'You can't go on seeing him'Bibi answered.
'Stay where you're wanted,not where you're tolerated'she said.
'And you know how much i have come to love him,i can't do that Mother.' Jane sobbed.
Bibi picked her phone as it ranged,dropping it after ending the call.
'So,you asked Kenneth to speak to me about this issue?'she said staring askance.
'I did,when you were not seeing reasons with me.' Jane said.
'If anyone should be blamed,its Jacob's mother,not him.'
'I see,you're pushing yourself on his family right? And then they begin to call you a gold digger,is that what you want?' Funmi asked.
'Ofcourse not,i just want to be with Jacob.'
'I have spoken.' Bibi said,picking her sketch pad and her pencil before walking inside.
Jane slumped on the couch,she had never defied her mother,they had never had a cause to disagree.
She disliked being rude to people,most especially her mother.
Only God knows,how he's feeling now.he must be worried about her absence at his sides too.
What would Funmi think of her,an uncaring girl?she was unaware of the twin tear rolling down her face.She had to do something about it.
Jackie and Funmi were relaxing in the sitting room,after having a sumptuos dinner.
Funmi who wore a blue skirt and blouse lace to the hospital was now wearing a pink sleeveless gown.Jackie stretched on the sofa,her attention on the screen.
She picked up her ringing phone,it was her boyfriend Danjuma.Funmi knew from the tone of conversation who she was on the phone with.
'That must be Danjuma' she said.
'Yes,he's travelling out of the country tomorrow.' she said dropping her phone on a stool.she pressed a bell.
A uniformed maid appeared,
'Pls get me a glass of milk' Jackie said.
'You should remind him often of getting married soon o' Funmi said.
'Mother? Don't be ridiculous! Are you asking me to propose to him?' Jackie asked exasperated.
'Not like that,what i meant is that,you should constantly remind him that you should take things forward.'
'Thanks,but no thanks.its the same thing,when the time is right,he'll ask me to marry him.'
'I just like that fine young man,handsome,social,business oriented and from a societal class too' Funmi said as the maid appeared dropping the glass on a stool by Jackie.
'Funmi! Let me be,i'll get married when am ready to do so.'
'Or are you seeing another man?'
'Not me' Jackie laughed.
'Your wedding would be the talk of town,with the plans i have made.'
'I think you should concentrate more on your son' jackie said sipping from the glass.
'Thats true,i will.'
'I'm just bordered,that Janet hasn't come to see him' Jackie lamented.
'Border my foot! I knew from the start that,Janet or whatever her name is nothing to write home about.'
'How can you say such,mother?'
'Because,she hasn't turned up'
'I pray she is fine sha'
'Hmm hmmm,i pray too'
'Amen' Jackie said.
'Just remind me to get him some new clothes tomorrow morning.'Funmi said getting up.
'I will'
'I need to catch some sleep,i'm tired.'
'Sleep well,mother.'
'And you too dear.'
Funmi picked her phone,leaving Jackie to finish the movie they started....
Now that she was home,she was being frustratred by the only person she trusted.
Janet yawned lazily as she got up from bed,she was unusually late this morning.
Wait,a minute.'My alarm didn't ring,i thought as much.' she said aloud.
She pushed her pillow away to get her phone,but it was no where to be found.she remembered bringing it in last night,she had even tried Jacob's line but it was still switched off.
She washed her face and her mouth before going to look for her phone in the sitting room.Still,she couldn't find it.
The aroma from the kitchen breezed through her nose,her stomach made a loud growl to remind her,that she had missed dinner last night while she was angry.
She was going in,when she saw Bibi come into the sitting room dressed for work.
'Are you leaving already?' she asked.
'Yes,its 9am,i made you some toast and tea at least to hold your stomach before preparing breakfast.' Biola explained.
'Thanks mum,did you see my phone?'
'Yes dear,i did.'
'Where did you keep it for me?' she asked relief sweeping over her.
'You can't have it.'
'What?' Jane exclaimed.
'I don't trust you not to call that boy.'
'You took my phone?'
'I did.'
'But,you can't do that to me.'
'Infact,i have your car key,and i'm locking the gate,i don't want you going about town,while i'm at work.' Bibi said,picking her bag from the chair.
'I can't believe this of you' janet said running inside her room as the tears threatened to spill.

To be continued tomorrow at 11am.

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