Her heart was stuck in her tongue as the guy asked her to roll down the glass,her fingers were shaking,she couldn't wine it down,Rotimi reached for the handle and opened it.

'Get down' he ordered,his eyes were red,probably he'd smoked some weed before coming.
Hannah's bum was glued to the seat,the guy yanked her down in one instant,without much effort.
'Easy man,don't injure her.' Rotimi said coming down and walking to the other side.

'Don't move you sonofabitch' another guy said standing before him.
As he moved,another of the guys issued him a dirty slap.
he wasn't expecting that,as he retraced his steps.

The guy pushed Hannah on the floor.
'Get down on your knees jo'
'Don't rough handle her' Rotimi shouted.As the guy standing by him landed a knock on his head.
Hannah wobbled to the floor,
'Whats the meaning of this rubbish?' Rotimi asked,why were his guys taking this long he thought.
'The NaughtyPerson wants to know why we are delaying him.' One of the guys said,he looked like their leader with the confidence he evoked as he spoke.

The guys laughed except for Rotimi who was frowning,'Jiigan,teach him some lesson'

In a flash Rotimi landed on the floor as the Jiigan guy landed a kick on his groin,kicking his legs and hands furiously as Rotimi rolled on the floor.He gave him more punches on the floor.
'E don do for now.' The gang leader shouted.

Jiigan added two punches on his face before standing up reluctantly.
'Lover boy,we are not here for you,this babe is forming for our boss,practically walked out on him,we have come..... ....... ....'

he wasn't opportuned to finish those statement,as some guys came out of no where,the other guys were taken aback as it becaming a wrestling field.

Rotimi held Hannah who hugged her tight,watching the ongoing match,it appeared the new guys were going to overpower those hefty guys,it was over in some few minutes as Jiigan and the other guys reeled in pain on the floor.
'Thanks guys.' he said as the other guys walked towards him giving him an handshake. They disappeared into the bush were they came out for.
'Are you okay.' Hannah asked.
'Yes i am,i should be asking you that.' Rotimi said walking towards the car,as it was now dark.
'Do you know them?'
'I don't know them,they came for you,i'm glad i was here,and to think you wanted to leave the other time.' He said getting in the drivers seat.
'Thank God i did not,am sorry i caused this.'
'Don't worry,i'll sort it out.'

Rotimi drove her to back to the campus and to her hostel,
'Where did those guys appear from,how did they know we were in trouble?'
'Thats a story for another day dear.'
Hannah got down from the car,
'Thank you so much for today,goodnight'
'Good night dear,i love you.'

It was two weeks since that happened,she thought it wise not to breath a single word of that encounter to any of her friends,even when they quizzed her about it,she designed a perfect story for them,they all laughed and forgot about.

It was a bright thursday morning from the rays rushing in through the window,she yawned lazily as she got out of bed,Cynthia was up as usual,while Rukayat and Shade were still sleeping probably in the land of dreams.

She had an 8 o'clock lecture,she'd dressed quickly,even Molade had pinged her,she was in class already,she bid Cynthia bye as she left for class.

Students milled around the campus as she walked to her department,she waved at some people who greeted her,she was about to enter the hall when she him again.

The same shirt,why was he always wearing a pink shirt,he was standing by a bike man,the same guy she saw at Chop 'n' Chop,this time he was staring at her,the bike man was gone.

She was staring at him too,she felt empty inside,she wasn't going to fall down,she thought,it seemed he was staring right through her Unclad soul.

And he smiled.....
The gateman knew him well,he rolled opened the big gate when he heard the horn.Bash drove into the big compound,it was a big house,fit for a king,occupied by a spoiled lady who saw money as a means to yield power.

'Park over there' Jacob ordered,he had called Jane's number,it rang twice but was not picked.Bash parked in the garage pool of cars.
'Wait here,i'll be back' there was a look of worry and concern over his face.

He walked in quick,long strides into the house,the servants courtsied as he passed by,most of them knew him for the new ones,he climbed the stairs and walked into an exquisitively furnished sitting room,she had a great taste when it comes to fittings,colours,room accessories,it was adorned with latest gadgets and every comfortability you wished for,
'Where is she?' he asked with a frown on his face as a pretty lady walked towards him,
'She's in her private sitting room.'
she said standing aside as he walked away from her.
'I see'
Jacob knew all the interior and exterior of this house like the back of his hands,he was the one who referred the decor who did his place for her.

He knocked before entering the jumbo room,
'You're here.' Katherine said.
Jacob stood by the door arms akimbo.
'Please come in' she said cuddled on the persian rug.
Jacob took in the sight of whole room,she'd made some changes in here,he thought.Since the last time he'd been here,two years to be prescise.
He sauntered across the room like a chief,
'What do you want?' he asked.
'You got my message then,I actually......I.....Jacob... .....' Katherine stammered.
'Cut that part,i know you're not sick.' He said sitting on a sofa.
'You know?' she asked surprised.'You caught me then.'
she stood up gathering the spread around her body.
'You haven't answered my question.'
'What would you like to drink?' she asked.'You remember those shark white wine,i still have them,new wine,am sure you'll enjoy it' she pressed a bell and a male servant came in.
'Do i look like,i am wine starved,stop parabulating and hit the point.'
'You can leave' she signalled to the servant feeling embarrassed.
'I am all ears.' Jacob continued.
'The last time at your office...'
'It was a mistake,i was emotionally drained,and you seduced me.' Jacob finished the statement for her.Katherine was stunned,she'd wanted to use that as a bait.
'Well,it means,you still find me attractive and sexy.' she smiled warmly.
'I used to' he corrected.
'All the same i have a surprise for you'
'What is it?'
she stood up and pulled him along.
'Come with me' she smiled.

He was walking towards their table now,he looked handsome in his corpers oufit,he was simply gorgeous for a man,his fair complexion awwh,her phone began to ring,but she wasn't paying attention to it.

Ajoke tapped the table to get her attention,
'Hello Jane'
Jane stood up as the man walked to her table,
'Good afternoon' Jane said smiling graciously.
'Good afternoon beautiful' the man smiled too.'I must confess you're one of the most beautiful ladies i have ever come across.'
'Thank you.' Jane was blushing blue and wine.
'I have to go now,my friend is waiting.'He smiled,walking to another table where a man sat.

That smile could melt the strongest heart,she stared at him as he left,she remembered the first day she looked into those soft beautiful eyes,that evening at the camp,he'd mistaken her for someone else,he said an apology and left in body,because his soul stood right there with her.

'Jane!' Ajoke banged the table for the third time.
'What is it?' she asked.
'Welcome back.'
'From where?'
'From God knows where,since that man left this table five minutes ago.'
'Oh my!'
'You were staring!'
'What is it?'
'The guy that just left.' Jane pointed at him.
'What about him?'
'He's so handsome,he sucked away all my breath.' There was a ting of excitement in her eyes as she spoke.
'Your phone rang twice,i am sure that must have been Jacob' Ajoke said.
Jane glanced at her phone,the look on her face confirmed it.
'It was him' she said non challantly.
'Call him back.'
'There's no need to,the day is far spent.'
'Jane,call him jare.'
'He's probably going to make an excuse.'
'Just try it.'
Jane dialled his number but it was switched off.

Jane kept talking about the guy much to Ajoke's irritation as they went back to their room.
'This guy didn't even ask for your digit Jane'
'He didn't ask fine,that doesn't mean i can't ask for his.'
Ajoke was surprised.
'You don't mean that,do you?'
'Yes i mean it,he's attractive and i like him'
'Was that a joke?'
'Its a fact you can't erase'
'Have you met before?'
'Yes,we have.'
'I think you're going crazy'
'Yes i am crazy,can't you see him,so perfect,so full of life.' Jane smiled.
'Jane,i don't think you're okay.'
'Yes,i am sick,love sick,if he doesn't ask me out in 5days,i'll ask him out!
Just as the HOD delivered his message,he left the lecture theatre,Hannah was all smiles,she could barely hide the excitement threatening to overflow in her spirit-The guy in Pink shirt.

'This one that you're smiling like a wet fish,whats bubbling?'Molz asked seating on the edge of her seat.
'Are you talking to me?' Hannah said adjusting her blouse,she so much disliked this chiffon blouse,she'd worn it because she was in a hurry this morning.
'No,am not.C'mon answer me.' Molz said.
'I am just happy noni,nothing special.'
'I don't believe a word you said.'
'Thats your cone of ice cream jare,Bukky is yet to return since o' Hannah said looking concerned.
'I just hope all is well.' Molz joined in.
'I hope so too.'

In some minutes time Bukola walked towards her friends,
'What did he say?' Hannah and Molade asked in a chorus.
'The usual arrangement.' she sighed dropping her bag on the table.
'He must be joking.' Hannah said.
Bukky thrust a piece of paper in her hands.
'Oh my God,he's damn serious.' Molz almost screamed.

Their Theory of Politics TOP lecturer had been on Bukky's throat at the beginning of the semester,Hannah had adviced her not to agree,but Molz regarded it as a means of getting marks from the damn man,and Bukky had given in to him,and now that they were no more running his course,he wants a taste of her pudding again.

'I knew it was a bad idea right from the onset.' Hannah frowned.
'Please don't apportion blames now.'Molzz said.
Bukola was shaking her head,'What do i do?'
'Simple,tell him in a frank tone,that you can't do it.' Hannah said holding her hands.
'Don't forget that,even if he no longer lectures us,he has friends who do,i am sure you detest a rerun of any course.'Molz said.
'What are you driving at?' Hannah asked.
'Just do as he says,this thing doesn't run a meter,in some few minutes you'd have forgotten you did anything.' Molz finished.
'Talk of the devil.' Hannah spat,'Your idea is as wack as you are,how can you say such,Bukola please thread softly,the decision is your's to make.'
'Thanks babes,i have to run along now.' Bukola said picking her bag.
'We still have two lectures today.' Hannah said.
'You guys should just see me out,i want to go home and think.'Bukky said as they all went out of the class.

After the two lectures,Hannah walked back to her hostel in the company of some other girls,she felt pity for Bukola,she had adviced her strongly then not to give in but she did,now the man wants a replay of what happened.
She was happy,but looked reluctant on the outside as she reeled out a couple of incorrect figures,he had not bother dialling the number,the guy had given her his number too,she saved it on her phone,she wished he would keep on talking with her this morning,his voice was soft and pleasant to the ears.

She boiled some pieces of yam and fried two eggs,while she was cooking,she thought about her exam which is just two weeks away,she still had a lot of reading to do,she couldn't wait to go home,and see Biola,and her sister Janet.
Uncle Jacob had promised her a time out at her own convenient time,she would be showing off to the world that Jacob Smith was her sister's boyfriend,'Lucky me' she thought.She was going to make the most of it,all she had to do now,was read and pass her exams.
Rotimi's birthday was one week away,she was yet to pick him a gift,so thoughtful of her.In all honesty Rotimi befits her,he's caring,jovial,and very understanding at that.But there's something about him that she is yet to lay her finger upon,there's this feeling up there that she can't explain,it was definitely not love what was it?

She was almost through with her food when Shade burst in excited,
'Good afternoon Missy'she said dropping her bag on a chair.
'Welcome' Hannah said drinking water from a cup.'How was class?'
'Interesting as usual with exciting gist for you o' She smiled.

Ann knew something was up,with the kind of excitement bubbling on her face.
'I can't wait to hear.'
'Not so fast dear' Shade said walking towards her pot of yam.
'Ah ah why now?'
'I'll tell you on one condition'
'Which is?'
'If you're ready to part with some pieces of yam and egg to go with it.' Shade said smiling.
'Deal' Hannah serves her some yam and egg.She was eager to hear all the details of her gist because,when Shade gossips she gives you all the fact,the truth,exactly as it happened.
'Lets finish this before others come in' They ate quickly clearing the plate away.
'Do you know.......' Shade started but was interrupted by someone knocking the door.
*************************** She went out of the sitting room,climbing the stairs,he followed quietly behind her,they entered a big hallway,as she got to a room she stopped and walked in,Jacob remained outside.

'Here we....' She stopped when she noticed that Jacob was still standing outside.
'Oh Jay,please come in.' Kate walked to meet him,she held his hands and he removed them from hers.

Memories came flooding in his head,memories he thought he had stabbed away,but here his head was failing him as he stood in the center of the room,he'd decorated himself,this beautiful room,where so many intimate escapade had taken place,things that could not be spoken beyond the corners of room.He was trying so much to contain his emotion but he was doing a bad job of it.Her intimate prowess was something he was trying so hard to forget.
'Here we come.' Kate said smiling.
Jacob noticed some changes in here too,and it was newly decorated with drapes of white and sky blue,what was the crazy girl up to,he thought.
'So?' he asked quizzically glancing at her.
'I'm giving you the honour of opening that.' Kate said.
'Opening what?'
Kate pointed towards the bed,it was well laid and there was something on it,well covered.
'Just take some steps and uncover it'
'Kate i can't.'
'There's no harm in that,please do it for me.' she pleaded,Jay knew it was a trap and he was walking right into it with his eyes closed.His emotions were a mess,he knew that.
'No i can't' he replied maintaining a straight frown on his face.
If thats all,can i take my leave?' he said walking towards the door.
'Okay,i'll open it myself,please come nearer.'
'I am here'
'I am not going to eat you,please move close'
Jacob took some step closer to her.
Kate gathered the spread tightly on her body,walked to the bed and touched the white lace material covering it,she turned back to look at Jacob who remained still,he held his breath,exactly what she wanted.She wanted him on toes begging for more and after today's special delight,she was sure,he'd come running back to her baby girl.

She held the covering without opening it,Jacob was mute,his face blank,he wasn't giving away the excitement in him,he was eager to have a look.His body was stiff as he looked on

Kate removed the material slowly,taking a step back,she stood face to face with Jacob.

Jacob inhaled sharply,on the bed lay a beautiful pure white cake,with a red inscription that read,Make Love To Me.He gasped,she was offering him her body on a platter of gold,what an offer! He was speechless as he suddenly became tongue tied.

'Jacob,make love to me' she said seductively,her voice was low and sharp.That was an invitation,no man in his right senses could decline.He was caught in this web for real.

Jacob was dazed,'I can't' he managed to whisper.
'Please...'she pleaded.
'I just can't' he pleaded too.

'Is that too much to ask for?'
'I thought you had a boyfriend.' he said
'Yes,i have a boyfriend,one of those rich spoilt kid,my dad found one for me.'
'Its your rod i want to hold,you know the way you do it,that makes me scream your name ten times in one seconds.'
'Don't argue with me,you're one man with a great intimate prowess,please.'
'Its wrong to do this.' he said huskily.
'No,i just want to feel you in my body,inside of me.'she whispered.

Jacob was beginning to loose hold of his senses,control was slipping off him,as Kate carefully removed the spread she held around her body,she had nothing on except a lacy bra and white pants.

She was damn sexy,her body gave him a hard on,as his John Thomas roared in its cage,she dropped the spread at her feet and a took a step towards Jacob,she held him close as she felt his JT on her body.
'Jay!' she exclaimed,'I still give you a hard on' she whispered.
'Kate..' His voice was husky and sexy.
'Say that again' she pleaded as his large hands circled her waist.
'Kate..' he drawled.
His lips found hers,it was the clash of the titans as their lips fought eachother.He unhooked her bra with the mastery of a lover,she unbuttoned his shirt as he held her bosom zapping away all her energy.she lay limp on him.
'Give it to me now' she cried when he wasn't making effort to remove her pant.

'Jane,Jane,Jane.... .... .... .... ....' a cold hard voice screamed in his head.
'Jane....' he whispered.
'Am not Jane' Kate replied,
'I want Jane' he whispered much to her irritation and disgust.

Jacob was regaining himself as he had stopped kissing her,Kate held his hands,and he removed them from hers.
'Jay,look,its me kate'
'I am done with you.' He buttoned up his shirt standing up.

Kate held his hands to her below,
'Katherine,i don't feel anything for you' he said calmly.
He knew he was killing her with those words.
'Jacob?' he could hear the tears threatening to spill in.
The days were moving fast,and the orientation camp will soon be over,she was enjoying camp activities so much,except for the routines with the soldiers.

To be continued at 4:30pm

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