Jane was stunned,shocked,confused,'But my clothes...the robe.....' she was going to run mad if Jacob didn't explain now.

'You see,when i asked you to dance with me,you already had a little too much drink,and you started kissing me,i carried you to my bedroom,you were asking me to do it' he paused to watch the reaction on her face, as she covered her mouth with her palm so as to avoid screaming.
'Then i removed your clothes and started kissing and touching,i almost lost it with the way you were behaving,but i had to put myself together,i reasoned it must have been the drink,and you're probably going to skin me alive if i tried it,it took all my will power,strength and every courage i could muster to leave you,Jane i didn't,although i wanted to,but i didn't'

Jane was crying,he held her close.
'I cherish you so much,i'll do anything to make you happy.' a stubborn tear escaped his eye.'Now i understand you,this means a lot to you,and i'll always respect your wishes,i'll wait for the right moment,i am not going to rush you into it.'

Jane raised her head,'Am so sorry,i thought you... ... ....'

'Its okay,i just want you to trust me,i don't want to hurt you,let me love you,please.' Jane listened as he spoke into her ears.'And i am so glad,i didn't,i've never seen you like this before,you were about to tear down this office.And i don't want to see this part of you again.'

'Thank you so much Jay' she whispered.
'Now wipe your tears,thats enough for a day,let me take you home.'
'I can find my way'
'No,i insist dear' he smiled warmly.

'I love you my damsel'he kissed her on the lips.
'I love you too dear.'

He held her hands as they both walked out of the office,
'Cancel the meeting with Bluebird,i'll be back when am back,let no one wait for me.'
'Yes sir' Sharon nodded,as they walked towards his private elevator.

Sharon wondered what had happened in there,more than 90minutes,talking? But,the lady's eye were red,she needed no diviner to tell her,she'd been crying.

She sat by her desk,not wanting that to bother her,she had her own plans in motion,no turning back.Her boss is not one woman's property.

She couldn't deny they looked a beautiful couple together,like they were paired from heaven.
Whoever was at the door,had the intention of breaking it,the knock grew louder,creating a noisy atmosphere.

Adetoun snuggled under the duvet,pretending not to hear the noise that was bent on giving her migraine,it seemed whoever was there,was prepared to break in,it had to be Adekunle or a nosy neighbour,whoever it was should sleep there,she didn't give a damn,where was he\she when Titus was molesting her,when her world was shattering to pieces before her very eyes.

Her pillow was soaked in hot tears,her body throbbed,she was not feeling easy again,she felt pain right in her,she wondered what the devil of a man was doing to his bleeding head,she prayed the cut would not be too deep.
After what seemed like eternity,she heard the sitting room door opening from inside,that must be Titus,maybe he was going out to get his head bandaged.No one entered as she didn't hear any footstep in the house,the person must have left, since the door was not answered.
she stood up and went to the window,she watched as the monster of a ruthless man left the compound,she rushed to the bathroom to wash herself,she wanted to wash away everything,his touch from her body,but,
could she wash away the memory too,it was stuck in there forever,she spent so much time in the bathroom.

Crying had become a stubborn part of her,she didn't need to cut a piece of onion to cry,it was part and parcel of her,a routine she had come to accept,even when she knew crying would never solve a problem,it still felt good to let out the torrent of warm water.

She lay on the bed,ignorant of the beautiful afternoon that had turned sour for her,someone was at the door again,she answered this time,it was Adekunle,he looked a bit angry.
'I've been to the house some hours ago,but you refused to answer the door',he said as he walked in,a bag slung on his shoulders.
'I was not in then,i went to get some things.' she said rushing towards her room.
But Adekunle had caught the edge in her voice,his anger dissolved as he pulled her gently
'Sister is anything the matter?'he asked with so much concern written in his voice.
'Am fine,just a little headache' she feigned a quick smile to convince him.
'I know you better than you do,something is definitely wrong,Oh my God! Look at your face,your eyes are red,you look sick,please talk to me dear sis.' Adetoun felt the tears again betraying her shamelessly.

'Adekunle,i am fine' she managed to say.

'No you're not,should i call Biyisi.'
Adetoun held his hands,alarm written on her face.'Please don't call her,i'll be okay soon.' Her legs were shaken as if they couldn't hold on the floor.

The last thing she would do,was call her mother,How was she going to explain such a thing to Biyisi,moreover,she'ld never believe her,she was used to her mother.She had wanted to call Priye but thought against it,it wouldn't be a wise thing to do,she was matured enough to keep it to herself.

'I just hope you would confide in me,i thought we were friends.'

'You can't understand dear brother' she walked dejectedly to her room,her only place of comfort.

Adekunle looked on,as his sister wobbled to her room,he knew something was wrong with her,she'd never looked that pale before,his thoughts were interupted by the entrance of Adeola and Adeyemi who had just returned from school.

Adetoun felt numb as something cold swept through her body,she wore another blouse and a cardigan,but it was the same,Adeola and Yemi came into her room to ask of food.
'We want to eat o' Yemi annouced loud enough for a deaf to hear.
She'd forgotten lunch completely,
she asked Adekunle to help make lunch,even silly Adeola knew something was wrong.
'You don't look well to me' she asked Adetoun who was shivering on the bed.
'Am fine.'
Whats for dinner so that i and Adekunle can make some food before Biyisi returns.'

Adetoun was stunned by those words,Adeola offering to help in the kitchen was like a bomb thrown at her.
'You can check the roaster for food in the kitchen' she was glad she wouldn't have too much to answer when Biyisi returns.

It was getting late in the evening when her father returned,not quite long Titus too appeared from nowhere,the shouting in the sitting room alerted her that Biyisi was back.

She was so tired that to get up,Biyisi was mad with rage after finding out that Adetoun had slept all day under the pretext that she was cold or whatever,and that Adekunle and Adeola made dinner,she stormed to her room not bothering to listen to the other childrens plea that she was sick.
'Adetoun!!!!!!!!!!?!!!!!?!!!!!!!!?!!!!!?' Biyisi voice was so loud that people in the next compound could hear her.

Adetoun got up slowly to open the door,she unlocked it,coming face to face with her mother who was now wearing a black trouser on a black top,looking fresh probably she just had a bath.
'Didn't you hear me come in' Biyisi shouted.
Two heavy slaps landed on her right cheek without warning...
It feels so great to know that someone you love,loves you better in return.It gives you some tingling excitement in your belly,staring at his handsome features was far more intoxicating than champagne,she looked relaxed and contented as her chauffeur drove her home,watching the beautiful scenery before her.

She had come to realise that few specimen of men like her dotting Jacob really exist.Although she had found hers easily,she was not going to let him slip away from her,she was brought back to the present as the car came to an halt.
Here we come miss' Jane smiled sweetly removing her seat belt.
'Thanks my adorable chauffeur' Jacob smiled lazily at her.They burst out laughing,one of the things she loved about being with
him was his ability to make her laugh. Isn't it amazing to have a lover and a best friend in just one lovely man.

'Don't you want to come in?' Jacob made a face like he was thinking about it.'At least for tea' Jane encoraged.

'We both know if i come in,it wouldn't be for a cup of tea,i'ld end up wanting to kiss you again and again,don't tempt me.' Jane held his hands softly.
'Its alright.'
'I take it you've accepted the money'
'Yes i have.'
'I'm glad you did' Jacob said tightening his grip on her hands.
'I have got to go now,mum is waiting.' she made to open the door.
'Wait dear,you forgot this.' As she turned to face him,he pulled her into his embrace kissing her lips.
'Thanks,and be a good girl at camp,i'll be checking on you.'
'Thanks dear.'
'Send my love to Bibi'
'I will'
'I love you' he said,Jane opened her mouth to reply but he placed his fingers to her lips.
'Don't say it,it will go away,and i don't want you to go away'

Jane opened the door to the sitting room,to meet a sleeping Bibi. 'Mum?' she said waking her lightly.
'Oh you're back' she said adjusting on the sofa.
'Yes mum'
'I thought you were never going to come back today miss'
'Am sorry i kept you waiting' Jane stood up walking towards her room.
'Where are you going to,your food is getting cold.' Bibi said standing up.
'I almost forgot i was famished already' She laughed,how can you forget such.

Rose set the table,while mother and daughter had a breakfast of boiled spaghetti with fish stew with plantain and a glass of warm milk.
'Thank God,i am self employed.i would have received a query letter this morning at work.' Bibi laughed as she picked a piece of plantain.
'Thank God,when last did you speak with your baby girl' Jane asked.
'Oh,that reminds me,she called to say Jacob sent her some money,remember to thank him for me.I'm glad she's in school,her trouble is just too much for one woman to handle.' Biola said smiling.

'I will.' she paused looking at her mother,you wouldn't have to ask where she got her beautiful features from once you've seen Biola.'Mum?'
'Yes dear,anything the matter.'
'Yes' Biola's head snapped up instantly,what could be wrong with her daughter,not today of all days.
'What is it'she asked.
'I? How? Did i hurt you,have i done something you do not like?' Biola dropped her fork in a hurry.
'Not like that anyway,but Bibi there's this new glow on your face,the way you smile this days.i don't understand you'Jane said sitting upright.

Biola's heart sank,she prayed that her daughter had not found out her secret,she had wanted to tell her,but not now.She wanted to tell both children at the same time.
'Are you not happy that i am happy?'
'Ofcourse i am happy,but this beautiful glow is too much,you're always smiling,i think there's more than you're letting out.' Jane said.
'I am just happy,no secrets,no hidden agenda,i am just fine.'
'If thats the case,i am happy for you,how's work?'
'Better than before.' They both laughed,Jane sipped her warm milk.

After breakfast,Jane went in,freshened her make up,and brought out her box and her travelling bag,she loaded them into the car.Biola had insisted they pray which they did,it was a lengthy one,she said her amen quietly,trying to remember if she had everything in place before leaving the house.

She had promised herself to make the most out of camp,have fun,really have fun,meet people and make new friends and also work hard,

With the look of things,it would work out well,i hope so too.
The slap stinged her cheek,as she placed her palm to rub her cheek.she didn't feel too much pain,she was used to being slapped.You're probably wondering if i am silly,or how can one get used to being slapped.

Adetoun stood where she was,while Biyisi pushed the door hitting her on the face,bitter stinging tears burned in the back of her throat,pricked at her eyes,threatened to spill out widly,but she had done enough crying today already,she held back the tears as she balanced her foot so as to not fall.

Biyisi glared at her,
'You heard me come in,yet you didn't come to welcome me abi?' Welcome you for what?,Adetoun thought,its not like you travelled to Gallile or something.
'No ma' she answered.
'As if that was not enough,you slept here like a log of wood while Kunle and Adeola sweated away in the kitchen.' Adetoun stood quietly without speaking.
What is wrong with you,what nonsense did you plant in my children's head.Good,all those questions deserve no answer from you right.' In anger she pushed her away,Adetoun fell hitting her head on the bed.

'Meet me at the dinning in 5secs' Biyisi hissed at the figure on the floor,and walked away without remorse for her action.

She thought her head would break into two equal halfs,but alas,it didn't,she stood up and followed her immediately,the cold had disappeared at the prospect of another flogging.

Everyone was sitted at the table including Titus who had a big baseball cap firmly fitted on his head,she had to stiffle a laughter that wanted to escape her throat,
so the bastard was not going to let out his shame to the world,she felt like stabbing him dead right there,

'I like your baseball cap uncle Tt' Adeyemi said from across the table,Titus only smiled at the boy.
'I might have to borrow that cap .'Adekunle added probably to make yanga to his friends that he had a baseball cap bought from the states.
'Not anytime soon' he said quietly discussing with Biyisi,and the way he spoke with her,she could swear there was a lustful desire ravaging him,his brothers wife? Biyisi was laughing at all his dull jokes,was she flirting with him too? She just hoped it was not what she was thinking.

She served the family,plastering a plastic smile to her dull face.Her father sat there as usual,he never had something to say,he was just a figure head father,she wouldn't feel his absence even if he was dead.He'd never asked about her problem,never showed concern.

She returned to her room with her plate of food,she placed it on the only table in the room,she had lost her appetite.

A text came in from Priye,it was a good night message,she placed the phone on her chest letting it remain there.

She heard someone tapping her door lightly,without thinking she opened the door,lo and behold there stood TiTus,he had walked in before she could even register his face,he closed the door securing it with a lock.

Adetoun was shocked,what does this sonofabitc# want,not again she prayed.she closed her eyes so as to wake up and find him gone,but he was there,yes,right on her bed.

Her phone was still in her hands with Priye's message displayed on it,she must have slept off.
'What do you want Titus' she said quietly,something asked her to scream,she just couldn't bring herself to do it.
'You know what i want' he answered with a devilish smile on his face.

This man must be a bastard thrown from the darkest pit of hell,she was yet to recover from this morning episode and he was here again for a repeat,what did he take her for,a LovePeddler?slut? Oh no God where are you?

'Lets be fast about it' he said pulling down his boxers,he drew her close,pushing her gently on the bed,she didn't protest nor make any effort to scream.
Titus removed her clothes as she lay there like a log of wood,he had a very rough sex with her,squeezing her bosom like a juice extractor,pushing her roughly into various positions he desired,Adetoun wanted to bash his head one more time,but she had no strength to do so.he bruised her badly after satisfying his lustful desire he rolled off her staggering towards the door,
'I'll be back again'
with that he let himself out of her room.

Adetoun lay still,drained of all her energy,stripped of her dignity like an empty tin of milk.she was tired of thinking and crying.

She was fed up of praying to a God who never answered her,nevertheless she still prayed,
'Lord please take away my life.'

*************To be continued at 8pm.

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