Jacob mind was clouded,something felt wrong about touching Katherine,yet a greater force urged him on,he threw caution to the wind settling her better on the couch for real action,he felt like a man.

Sharon heard the tick tack sound,someone must be coming towards her office she guessed,true to that,a knock sounded on the glass door,she could see a young lady standing there,'Pls come in.'
In came one of the most elegant lady she had ever set her eyes upon,she looked so beautiful,though she wasn't gorgeously dresses,she looked simple but cute,her face,her body,her hair,she recognised that face from somewhere.

Yes,yes,yes she remembered now,her boss had brought her to the office sometime ago,she guessed the lady had something going with her boss,half the female staff kept asking her if she thought Jacob Smith was dating the lady,she was so pleasant to look at,
'Hello' Jane greeted. Sharon had been staring she muttered an apology.
'Sorry ma,your face looks familiar,i was trying to remember where i met you' Her smile could melt the strongest heart of stone,Sharon thought.
'Its okay,i am here to see Mr Jacob Smith' she asked politely,she was boiling inside yet trying to maintain her calm.
'He's not in ma' Sharon lied.
'I ....just saw his car in the lot.'
'Yes,actually he's around,but busy.'
'Yes ma,he does not want to see anyone at the moment.'
'Thank you.' Jane said and walked towards the office.' Sharon stood up now.
'Please ma,my job is on the line,should you go in.' she tried to explain.

All she said fell on deaf ears as she took her steps towards the door,in one swift yank,she opened it and walked in.

Jacob lifted his head,thinking it was Sharon,but he was wrong,he was stunned! shocked!,speechless,paralysed as he stared at the figure before him.He opened his mouth and all he could say was J......ANE!
He stared at the beautiful lady,standing before him,his tongue was stuck and his brain was failing him.
Sharon walked in after Jane,
'Excuse me.....' Jacob gave her a look that screamed disappear.Taking in the tensed atmosphere,she walked out closing the door firmly behind her,something was surely amiss back there,the way her boss looked at her,his ruffled shirt.

Sharon had apologized to Katherine when she came out of the office with a forlon look some twenty minutes ago,katherine had only nodded with a fake smile walking as fast as her heels could allow her.she had wondered what happened between the duo but could not arrive at a sensible conclusion,although her clothes were rumpled but she knew her boss better,he'd never done such,in an office for that matter.

She sat down by her desk,she was going to make sure no one entered that office again today until those two in there came out.She knew there would be so many questions to answer from prying eyes and busybodies around the office,she only prayed her job would still be there at the end of the day.she brought out some files and began to work on them.

Jane stood there,all she wanted to do was remove his shirt,and stroke every hair on his flawless skin,he was beautiful for a man,she wanted to kiss him senseless and cry away her pains on his shoulders,her heart did a quick gymnastic,
'Jacob Smith' she said picking her words carefully.She inhaled deeply,letting out the air slowly,she was trying to compose herself,and she was fumbling big time.

'How could you?' her heart was racing fast.
Jacob looked lost amidst the unfolding drama,he'd regained his senses,he could only thank God that Katherine had left before she came in,he'd been consumed with Katherine's show of affection that he let down his guard and allowed himself to get carried away for the moment.The instant he snapped out of his clouded emotion,he'd made her leave,but trust Katherine,she'd extracted a promise from Jacob,that he would come to visit her before the week runs out.She left some twenty five minutes ago.

God was surely by his sides,he didn't understand a word of what Jane was talking about.
'How could i?' he asked stunned.

'You're so cruel,how can you feign innocence about the message i received this money.' Jacob looked more confused.
'What message are you talking about Jane?'
'Don't you mention my name,was that my worth before you.'
'I don't think i understand what you're saying please.' His eyes were cool and pleading,Jane made up her mind not to fall for that.
'How do you explain the alert i received this morning.' Jane almost shouted.

It came rushing in an instant,Jacob had made a standing order with his bank to credit her account this morning,he'd forgotten all about it.he knew she'll be needing some money but knowing Jane,she'ld never ask him for money.
'Its an order i made for you dear.'
he tried to explain.
'Pls don't dear me,i get the game,but i ain't playing along,' she brought out her phone.'Tell me is this all that i am worth.'


'You can do better than keep quiet,talk i need answers,you clown! Is this some sort of bribe for what you did to me?'


Jacob sat down comfortably on the couch staring at her,he wasn't making any move to stop or explain to her.

'Or is this to compensate me?you took innocence?my.........pride.' Her body racked with sobs as she spoke.
'You defiled me,you made me a woman without my consent,you insulted me,as if that was not enough:...' she fought for air as she rushed on 'You intend to bribe me,Jacob Smith Adekunle,tell me two million is all i am worth before your eyes.'

'The picture is clearer,i see it now,your mother warned me but i thought she didn't like its true,i do not belong to your class,you wanted to use and dump me like you just did,i can't believe you've thrown your conscience to the dogs,you fool,you think because you control money,you can control me?Hell no,i don't want your money,i don't want you.And i'll never sell my body to you in exchange for money' she cried.

Jacob was beginning to get a clearer picture too,this was a side of Jane he didn't know existed,what was she talking about self,what innocence did he take away? The pieces were coming together now.

This raging Jane was a new one to him,how was he going to explain all this to her.

'You look so cool like i am not even talking to you,you rich monster' she had finally lost her patience,she walked towards him, Jacob sat still,with no intention of answering her,he didn't see it coming,in a flash she hit him hard across the face,that was a hot slap!
She thought her ears were failing her,but alas,she heard him right.She was already shaking like mango tree in time of winter,a cold decended upon her.

Titus was just two feets away from her,'You heard me young lady' his eyes looking all over her.
Adetoun scanned the room for anything,anything at all to break his head with,her mind was racing hard,beads of sweat had formed a water corporation on her face,even though the Air Conditioner was on.she shifted her legs on the floor.
'You're wasting my time my beautiful princess.' His eyes were stone cold without a trace of emotion in them.

Titus had longed for this moment,the seconds he arrived in their house,he'd noticed that the two pumpkins on her chest looked bigger and firm from the last time he saw her and her behind spoke volumes.
'Pull your clothes!' he ordered.
'No,i......wont' the waters were close by,they would spill any minute from now.
'I know you're not going to give in without a fight,do your worse,but becareful so you don't have to tell stories that touch the heart' Adetoun watched as he laughed loud.
Yes,she wouldn't give in before a fight,she glanced at the glass of water,as Titus took a step closer,she picked the glass,emptying the water on his face.
Titus was not expecting that,
'Bravo' he clapped,wiping the water from his face with a towel.

Adetoun felt something hard across her face,Titus slapped her twice,the glass fell from her hands breaking into two equal half,Titus picked one of the broken pieces and brought it to her neck.
'Do it now' Adetoun saw the look of terror in his face,she needed no second warning,she pulled off her jean and her blouse in five seconds weeping as she did so.
'And the rest?'
she couldn't do it,she wept,she had only her bra and a lingerie on.Titus was ogling like an ,and it was irritating her more.

Titus yanked off the bra off her shoulders,she screamed,and he gave a blow on her arms keeping her quiet,he pushed her on the bed,she fought him frantically,she only ended up receiving more blows all over her body,he tore off her pant in a seconds,he brought out his John thomas,pinning her hard on the bed,he drove hard into her with anger,and she was forced to scream.
'Shhhhhhhh' he quietened her.
He grabbed her bosom pressing them hard,his lips crashing on hers,he kissed her hard,putting his hands in between her legs,doing whatever there,she moaned softly as he continued to rake inside of her,he began to increase the pleasure slowly but surely pushing the heels of his hands firmly against her.

Adetoun made another small desperate noise,helpless to prevent if from escaping through her open panting lips.

It was just too much to bear,she twisted under his hand helplessly,seeking release,ready to surrender all her fears,all her tension.She wished she was dreaming,but it was there,he was right on top of her.

He finally let her go,after having his fill of her body,pushing her off the bed in the process,she stood up crying,
'Heaven is a witness of this day,' she sobbed.'Titus you......'
'Will you shut your mouth,why are you even crying,this is not your first it?Was i the first to taste your sweet pucci?speak out' he asked angrily.
Adetoun could only cry harder,packing her cloth from the floor.
'Although,i must confess,you're tight in there,you moaned softly while i explored your sexy body,' he accussed her.'Deny that you didn't enjoy it.'
Titus lay relaxed on the bed panting,he laughed at her as she wept,'you're such a sweet girl,i like the feel of your pumpkins in my mouth.You should be wiser than reporting this to Biyisi,' was that a warning?

'She would never believe you.Wipe your tears' he brought out a wad of mint cash throwing it at her.
'You deserve something' he laughed sardastically.

Adetoun couldn't take it any more,her anger was rising,it had gotten to its peak when her uncle said.'I hope to enjoy more of this soon.' she looked at his relaxed figure on the bed,picking the broken glass,she bashed his head hard,he let out a loud scream as she ran to her room.

She secured her door with a lock,she was about to sit on the bed when she heard someone knocking the sitting room door softly,she became afraid,the knock became louder,someone was definitely by the door.

Sorrow filled her heart as she lay on the bed,covering herself with a duvet,wishing that this bad nightmare would pass away.
Jacob was stuck dumb with the hot slap,Jane made to slap him again,but he was fast to hold her back,he stood up slowly.
and she knew that tone too,knew the thickness in his voice that meant he had been caught raw.

Jacob made a rough raw sound in the back of his throat and snatched in a breath as if he could hardly make his lungs work to keep him on his feet,he lowered his head and took her mouth in his,the scent of her body surrounded him as she clung to him shakily,flooding his head.

Jane was lost again,a tiny shaky voice in her head told her she was going crazy,was she here for this?she held unto his hands like her life depended on it.
Time was moving fast and here she was kissing the devil himself.

Jacob made no effort to break the kiss,as Jane snuggled closer to him,something snapped in her head,and with all the courage she could muster she pushed him gently breaking the kiss,he sat down pulling her to seat by his side.

'Jacob' her body racked with sob,

'Calm down and talk to me' he held her hands exuding the confidence of a man in his right senses.

Breathing slowly she inhaled deeply,letting out the air slowly wishing her problem would be let out too.
'Jacob....'she burst into tears again.
'I don't understand a word of all you said,can you explain again please?'
'The alert i received this morning,was it a sort of bribe for what you did? She asked wiping the tears from her face with the back of her hand.
'I already made a standing order with my bank for you since last week,the part i don't understand is this saturday stuff you're talking about.' he asked.
'Don't tell me,you already forgot about it?'
'About what?'

How was she supposed to say it,you defiled me,you made love to me,we had sex?you? She was at a loss of how to start,She was filled with utter shame as she looked into his beautiful eyes.

'Please speak.' he urged her on.
Saturday evening!' she answered quietly.
'Nothing happened on Saturday evening.' he answered truthfully,surprise felt over his face.
'You don't get me'
'Then make me understand.' he was getting impatient trying to maintain his calm.
'In your bedroom,you.....i.......we............' She stammered,how do you say such a thing,she thought.
Jacob looked on trying to put the piece together.
'We had... .....' Jane stopped as fresh tears welled in her eyes again.
'No' he nodded,he got what she was trying to say now.
'You know what am talking about?'
'Yes,nothing happened in the bedroom!' he said it so confidently that she wanted to believe him for an instant.
'I mean we.....'
'I know what you're trying to say,i didn't do it....'
'You mean,you didn't..'
'Yes i did not make love to you' he said bluntly.

To be continued at 3pm

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