Micheal shook his head absent-mindedly as he watched his father turn the furnitures upside down, whatever the 'old man' was
looking for-he cared less.

"Not my room please!" He called out, as his father sauntered towards his room.

Amaechi clenched his fist, slammed it against the hard wall, he looked frustrated.

"are you going to tell us, what you are looking for?" Ugo- his wife asked, hands akimbo.

"None of your business." Amaechi hissed.

"None of my business? You scattered my room yesternight; I 'm still trying to put things in order, and now you've turned the whole house upside down ehn? Ogini?" she nagged.

"Na so madness dey take start o!" Micheal whispered to himself.

"Ehn? You said what?" His Father asked.

"Not talking to you!" Micheal looked away.

"Not talking to me abi? What kind of family do I have ehn? You want me to die before my time?" Amaechi raved throwing his hands into the air.

"Tell us what you're looking for nao, please." Ugo pleaded, she feared her husband was losing it.

"A cheque of fifty million naira with some documents disappeared from my briefcase just like that! " he cried.
"I'm supposed to cash the money and pay for some goods my boss ordered them use the documents as a proof of ownership"

"you say what?" Micheal asked, his ears pricking up.

"Chineke mooo!" Ugo screamed.

"Eh ehn! Don't just shout here o." her husband retorted.

Micheal laughed.
"This damn ridiculous! The papers developed wings or they suddenly became fetish?"

"Mi shonu! Shut up! What kind of talk is that?" his mother scolded him.

"Its true nah. Dad, better go and ask that your yoruba mistress! She might have them you know!"

"Yoruba mistress?" Ugo shrieked.

"Yes now! He was with her yesterday nah!" Micheal explained.

"You see! God have leaked your secret today! So you've been cheating on me with those pepper-eating monkeys ehn?" Ugo ranted.

"shut up woman!" Amaechi hushed her.

"Come and shut me up nah! Dog!" Ugo got ready for a fight.

"Yea mum, tell him! I'm by your side." Micheal urged.

Amaechi without a word, picked up his keys. He's got to see his boss.

"Shameless man! Wuuuuuuu! After your boss impregnated and took another woman to his house, you are now the next in line abi? Try that with me and see! You don't want to live long! A dose of rat poison is enough for you and that your foolish pepper-eating mistress." Ugo clapped after him.

"Don't worry mum, those missing documents are enough to give him a high blood pressure" Micheal supported his mother.

"Babby...lemme give you my fine fine love sweety sweety love eh..." Williams sang as he walked behind his wife into the main building.

"This man! You won't kill me with laughter" Barbra laughed bending the door knob.

"You can laugh till tomorrow, my love..." he swept her off her feet into the living room. Just as he expected, she was light.

"Jeez! Put me down! The kids are around." Barbra protested.

"The kids? love is unconditional." he sang again.

Cassandra cleared her throat jolting them back to present.

"Na wa o" Kenny clapped.

"Hey...kiddies, how are you all?" Williams asked leading his embarassed wife up the stair case.

"Welcome o!" they chorused after him.

"Sasha did you see that?" Kenny nudged her excitedly

"Uhm! He seems to be winning her over." she didn't look impressed.

"Oh c'mon! That was a lovely drama jor!" Cassandra threw a pillow at her.

"You're doing this for the tenth time now." Kola pointed out.

"Akproko! So you're counting?" Cassandra threw another pillow at him.

"I'll tell my mummy for you!" Kola pouted.

"I'll tell Joyce for you!" Cassandra replied and they all laughed.

"Gosh! I just wish that John would just come back." Kenny prayed.

"My body is already itching me! I'll personally help take her bags out of this house" Cassandra chirped.

There was a soft knock.

"Its like the 'John' is back o! And Joyce isn't back yet." Sasha complained as she rose to answer the door.

"Good day!"

"Uhm...good afternoon. " Sasha stuttered.

"Please is Mr Williams in?" Amaechi asked, racking his brain to recall where he'd met her.

"Yess...and you are?"

"My name is Amaechi, I'm his his company." Came the reply.

" you work with my dad? Aint you Micheal's father?" Sasha smiled with recognition letting him in.

"Please sit." she gestured towards a sofa.

Kola ran up the stairs to notify their father, while the rest filed out of the room.
Williams fastened his eyes to the Tv screen, his mind was far away, though he looked like he was listening to the network news too. His wife had probed him about his present state, but He'd assured her all was well. All was well? He's about losing goods worth Fifty million naira! All can never be well.
He had warned Amaech sternly, to go look for those documents, else the police would be involved

"Dad look...they're showing Dapo on TV." Kola squealed.

Williams watched his first son, as he spoke with the TV presenter on the NYSC scheme.

"Wow... I never knew Dapo could speak 'queens english' " Kenny said with admiration.

"Uh-oh! Stop that boasting jor! We all know he's related to you." Sasha looked up from the Laptop Cassandra had officially handed over to her.

Williams sighed heavily, avoiding his wife's questioning gaze.
Soon the news was over the the children gathered round Sasha as she showed them something she designed using Corel draw.

He was about vacating to his study when Joyce strolled out of her.

With rolling-gait, she catwalked into the living room, hands caressing her bulging stomach.
Her perfume filled their nose to capacity.
Without a word to anyone, she balanced on a couch and began fiddling with the TV remote, avoiding Cassandra's piercing gaze.

" Blessed is he who passeth good news, for the devil would depart from his abode." Kenny said loud and clear. That was a coded quote, meant to prompt Kola on what next to do.

"Amen." Sasha replied pinching Kola who was still hesitating.

"Errm...somebody came to look for you today..." Kola started.

"Yea, he came in the morning, he said his name is John or so.." Cassandra took over.

Joyce glance at her, puckered fixing her gaze back on the Tv.

"My sister is talking to you." Kenny snapped irritated.

"I heard her." Joyce replied.

"oh! Well he said he'd come back anytime soon, we were actually expecting him this evening, and he didn't show." Kenny continued.

"Who's that?" Barbra asked.

"Some hungry-looking man! He was even making trouble with the gateman-I heard. He left after he discovered she isn't home." Sasha replied eyes fixed to the laptop screen.

"I don't know any man like that." Joyce spoke up

"He was just ranting 'I'm looking for Joy! I need to see Joyce! She's my girl!...' bla bla bla...he said his name is John o" Cassandra eyed her.

"I said I don't know any John!" Joyce shrieked, her voice giving her away.

"What about the John you're talking to every day on phone?" Kenny asked.

"She said she doesn't know any John! Kenny!" Barbra spoke up.

"Haba mummy! The man was very serious o!" Cassandra complained.

"So what's your own now?" Barbra asked.

Williams just sat there-mute. If only they knew what was going on on his mind, they'd forget about John.

Joyce resumed fiddling with the TV remote, trying her best not to tremble. She prayed Williams won't say anything. Thank God for Barbra that woman was a blessing, always ready to defend her from her uncultured kids.

"Since you don't know any John, next time any hungry-looking Jerk comes looking for you; we'd call the police" Sasha warned.

Williams rose unsteadily to his feet, his Study should keep him away from those noise makers.

"What's wrong with daddy?" Kola asked,

"I don't think he's fine" Kenny replied.

"Who cares!" Sasha snorted.

"The pregnant witch should start packing her bags o! John would be here anytime." Sasha hissed as Joyce trembled towards her room.

"I wonder what she's feeling like:" Kenny hissed.

"Gbe enure soun! Enu rada rada!" Barbra threw her phone at them.

"What sort of kids are you? So ill-mannered! You feeling like you're too stubborn nobody can control you right?" she queried.
"she is your step-mother for crying out loud!"

"Step what? Mum are you joking? You mean Dad's gonna get married to her?" Cassandra asked eyes popping out.

"Need I remind you, that she's carrying your father child? Your sibling?"

"oh my! You're sure that woman hasn't bewitched you? Sorry but c'mon mum! What are you saying?" Sasha looked confused

"Wahala dey." Kenny exclaimed, looking helpless.
"we've got lots to talk about." Amaechi muttered as Folake showered him with kisses.

"hmmn...what's it that can't wait till we're 'done' ?" Folake groaned.

"I've got big trouble on my head." Amaechi stressed, pushing her gently off him.

"Hmm" Folake look disappointed.

"Did you in anyway see any cheque errr....some papers? I mean did I forget any document with you?"

"No...what's up?" Folake peered at him.

"The ceiling." Amaechi hissed.

"Bring it down then." Folake laughed.

"Look...I'm very serious! My job is at stake! My boss isn't smiling at all...I might get arrested!"

"Like seriously?" Folake sat up, looking very serious.

"I misplaced very important documents and it isn't serious to you? That cheque is from the state government...they won't write another! And without the papers we can't claim ownership of the documents that arrived two days ago!" Amaechi was close to tears.

"Sorry..." Folake rubbed his laps.

"Is that all you'll say?" Amaechi pushed her hands away.

"What else do you want me to say?" She put her hand back in place.

"Say something to help!"

"That's what I'm doing..." Folake laughed pulling his belt.

The telecom buzzed interrupting them.
" number 9" Amaechi said impatiently.

"Two people...a woman and a young man are here. They claim you know who they are...they wanna come upstairs to meet you." the hotel receptionist said in a confused voice.

"What?" Amaechi exclaimed buckling his belt. He sure knew who they on earth did they know his whereabout? His secretary whom he asked to book the hotel must have told them.

"They are heading towards the elevator you need help? I should call the security men?" The receptionist asked nervously.

"Nooo! I'd handle the situation." Amaechi screamed slamming the phone.

"Hide fast! Hide!" He pushed Folake off the bed.

"Whats happening?" Folake screamed.

"My wife and son...hide fast!"

"What the hoot happened to them?" she yelled again.

"I say hide! They're here! Coming up in the elevator." Amaechi yelled back pushing her towards the bathroom.

"yikes!" she shrieked grabbing her dress and running to the bathroom.

Soon there was a loud knock on the door.

"Hold on...who's there?" he cried trying to hide Folake's bag and shoes.

"Open the door my friend!" Ugo snapped.

"Adaugo? Mike? What the heck! What are you doing here? How did you know I'm here?"

"Where's the shameless pepper-eating dog?" Ugo strolled past him into the room, she looked dressed up for battle

"who are you talking about?" Her husband feigned ignorance, his eyes fixed on Micheal who looked on.

"Who am I talking about? The witch you're with!" Ugo looked around suspiciously.

"I'm here to do some office work." He defended himself.

"What happened to your office?"

"Its a closes on fridays."

"then work too should stop on fridays.." Ugo mimicked him

"oh... My bad." Amaechi chuckled nervously.

"what is that?" Micheal spoke for the first time pointing at a colourful female underwear.

"Uhm? I'm sure it belongs to those who checked out of this know...the cleaner didn't notice I guess." Amaechi stuttered.

"Errm...or maybe its a kind gesture from the hotel to their guests? Ermm..yea...right?" he stammered some more under their piercing eyes, looking like a accused before the prosecuting panel.

"Amaechi! Do I look like a 'mumu'? Whats that sound coming from the bathroom?" Ugo asked.

"Errm...I left the water running." Amaechi replied. He prayed silently, he feared for Folake's life.

"Okay. Let me stop the 'running water' !" Ugo sauntered towards the bathroom.

She pushed the door open and behold a 'half unclad' Folake stood shaking like a leaf under the influence of 'harmattan wind'.

"Wonder shall never end in America! So this is the Yoruba witch? Ehn?" Ugo laughed wickedly.
"When I finish with you today ehn? You'll leave my husband alone." Ugo charged into the bathroom.

"Adaugo don't! I can ! I can explain." Amaechi rushed to hold his wife.

"nooo! Mummy deal with her properly. I'm here, nothing do you!" Micheal held unto his father while his mother pounced on her prey.
"Sasha O! Move your bum outta your room and get yourself over here!" Cassandra shouted at the top of her voice.
She glanced at the gigantic wall clock.
"Nine 'o clock?"

"Sasha!" She squealed again her voice cracking.

"Lower your voice jawe, you wanna damage my ear drum? Haba!" Sasha complained as she she walked sleepily into the living room.

"Still sleeping abi? Won't you help clean up the food store and the kitchen? Remember mum said she'll be going to the market tomorrow." Cassandra waved the broom she was holding in the air.

"Abeg don't remove my eyes jor!" Sasha pushed the broom down.
"Am I the only one in this house? What about Kenny? He's still in bed o!"

"Kenny is a male, understood? Now go get a broom and a duster." Cassandra ordered.

"after all the cleaning we did on saturday? Haba! I'm going back to sleep." Sasha rubbed her still sleepy eyes.

"Sasha please now, I've got lectures today o." Cassandra pleaded.

"Bribe me first." Sasha pouted.

"Icecream and Samosa for you and Kenny when I come back this evening."

"wow...that sounds heavenly." Sasha smiled, collecting the broom Cassandra was holding.

Cassandra laughed as her younger sister danced towards the kitchen.

"Icecream won't kill you o!" she wiped dust particles off the framed pictures on the wall- still laughing.

She stopped laughing when she heard the door to her father's study creak open.
Joyce emerged with a satisfied look, she catwalked into her room after having a brief 'eye-fight' with Cassandra.

"Dad's still at home?" she asked herself letting duster drop.

"How did that witch get in there?" she murmured walking towards the study.

She walked straight in without knocking.

"forgot to knock?" Williams asked, eyes fixed on his desktop.

"What was she doing here?" Cassandra asked.

" I'm not your son Cassandra." Williams replied still clicking away.

"You didn't go to work today? Why?" she asked sitting on his paper-filled desk.

"Nothing you need to know."

"But I'm sure you told that witch right? Or you stayed back cos of her?" Cassandra spat.

"Cassandra!" Williams growled, adjusting his glasses.

"Uhm...sorry dad." she apologised.
"But atleast what are you hiding from me your favourite? Us? "

"would I hide anything from you?"

"Dad...stop replying me with questions." she scoffed squeezing between him the desk.

"Young lady need I tell you? You are not transparent!" he frowned.

"well...daddy's girlie deserves to know what's bothering her papa." she sang pouting.

"You still make that face? I thought you've out grown it." Williams laughed tugging at her lips.

"I've got just a mild problem at work." Williams sighed.

"That problem isn't mild, cos my papa is getting lean." she pouted some more.

"C'mon stop pouting." williams tugged at her lips again.

"They're getting longer!" Cassandra laughed.

"some important documents were misplaced by my Manager." he explained.

"You've told mum about it?"

"No one except you." Williams replied with a sigh.


"Don't want to bother her, she've got alot troubles already"

"C'mon daddy...tell her, she might be of help." Cassandra urged.

"Okay, I promise to tell her."

"That's my daddy." Cassandra sang.

"Cassie? Where in this house art thou?" Sasha's voice rang out startling them.

" are you gonna tell me what Joyce was here for?" Cassandra smiled at her father.

"just for money...or what were you thinking?" Williams managed a laugh.

"Nothing at all...see you later dad." she winked running out of the room.

"Oh my...." Williams smiled, when last did he laugh with his daughter?

"so madam akproko, what were you doing there?" Sasha eyed Her sister.

"Dad aint in a good mood, he didn't go to work." Cassandra replied.

"so you were consoling him or what?"

"Sassy? Its our father we're talking about." Cassandra reprimanded her.

"and so? I thought you've disowned him?"

"No, I still love my papa. He needs us you know." Cassandra said excited.

"Hmn, whatever."

"Sasha!" Cassandra nudged her.

"Leave me jor! Come and help me lift the bag rice in the store"

"Yes madam petite." Cassandra laughed moving away.


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