21 Things Women Do That Men Probably Don’t Know About | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

21 Things Women Do That Men Probably Don’t Know About

1) When there is a moment of free time with no possibility of being caught – they masturbate.

2) They fart when they’re alone.
3) They purposely flaunt a little in front of other guys.
4) Pee in the shower.
5) Smell their man’s clothes or pillow when they’re gone.
6) Pluck stray hairs all over their bodies.
7) Wear the same bra for however long they can without it smelling
 Cry for absolutely no reason
9) Check up on their exes, usually on social media
10) They do things their man wouldn’t approve of during girl’s nights out, such as drinking too much, using other substances, or grinding on strangers.
11) Discuss everything with their best friend – Every. Thing.
12) Watch themselves cry in the mirror.
13) Get Unclad and try to make themselves look skinnier in the mirror
14) Fantasize about other things or another man during sex
15) Watch porn
16) Let their leg hair grow until someone’s going to be touching them
17) Fantasize about being with another woman
18) Consider a party
19) Practice strip-tease dancing in front of the mirror
20) Get ready for a date hours ahead of time.
21) They smell/sniff their pants before they wash them.

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