The Bride...Episode 1 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

The Bride...Episode 1

I have a very busy morning. I have been
reading papers for the coming charity ball
next week. I am one of the organizers of the
event. My peaceful but hectic day at the office
momentarily interrupted when someone barged
in my office as if he had every right in doing
“What the…” I started but then again good
manners were wasted on this man. He strode
in my office as if he was the king and I should
bow to his feet.
“I need you to find me a bride.” He announced
arrogantly. I wouldn’t be more surprised if he
asked me to give him the moon.
“Are you drunk?” I asked, looking at him
briefly before I settled my gaze back on my
“Are you on drugs?”
“Are you mad?”
“Good.” I told him coldly. “Now get going.
You’ve made a mistake. I’m not a matchmaker
I’m a teacher. You’ve come to a wrong person
to ask for help.”
“Ah, that lovely school teacher’s voice.” Marco
Orsini remarked, taking the chair in front of
my desk. “It makes me want to be a naughty
“Signore.” I warned, glaring at him openly.
He held up his hands in what it seemed like
surrender. “Okay, fine. I just want you to find
me a bride, Francesca.”
“I’m not a matchmaker,Signore.” I told him
firmly. “I’m a private teacher for etiquette.”
The devil got that look of innocence in his
dark eyes. If I didn’t know better him I would
believe that he’s genuinely disappointed with
my refusal. “Aren’t you going to help your
friend on his predicament,Signora?”
“We aren’t friends,Signore.” I replied truthfully.
I can never be friend with this womanizing
devil who changes women as often he
changed his clothes.
“I believed we are.” He contradicted smoothly,
flashing his infamous grinned that often
makes women swoon. “Remember that we
made a deal to call it a ceasefire when we
helped our friend, Lucca to rescue his wife
from that psycho ex-fiancé of hers in Las
Vegas? That makes us friends.”
I frowned. Remembering that day I agree to
have a truce with this devil. “Well, that
agreement was now null and void.”
“How cold.” He remarked, making himself
comfortable in the chair across to my table as
if he intend to linger longer here in my office.
I should have sent him away as fast as I can.
He’s too much for my peace of mind. “You
wounded me, Francesca.”
“Are you not busy running the Orsini Empire?
Thousands of employees depend on you and
here you are slouching in my office as if you
have all the time in the world?” I asked in a
bored tone as I settled my gazed on his dark
cynical eyes.
“If I was another man I would think that you
are sending me away,cara.” His lips twitched
with a private smile.
I glared at him.
But then he sighed heavily. “But then again I
might lose my position in the Orsini Industries
if I didn’t find a bride.”

To be continue

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