My Wonderful Adventure.Episode 3 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

My Wonderful Adventure.Episode 3

Joy was the first to wake up in the unusual
environment, as she
opened her eyes a tilapia fish passed in front
of her, she was
shocked as she noticed they were underwater
and she could
breathe, John and the rest too woke up and
were shocked but
amazed that they could breathe underwater,
as they tried to
move they realised that they had been tied
down by some
mysterious sea plant, as they tried struggling
to free themselves
a voice echoed ‘what are you looking for in my
kingdom you
worthless and wicked human beings ‘?
They looked around but
could not find anybody, you fish eaters
me and do not
deserve to be alive, I don’t know why my
daughter rescued you
people from the drowners but you are going to
face the panel
tonight, it was then that the merman showed
his self to the
corpers, he was very handsome and had a the
trunk of a human
being and the rest of his body from his waist
was like a fish,
John had heard of mammy water, he had even
seen them in
movies like H2O but he never imagined it was
anything as
beautiful as that, the merman swam towards
them and looked at
their faces before swimming away, then
another figure
approached them, it was a mermaid, the most
beautiful thing TJ
had ever seen in his life, she came towards
them and told them
how she had rescued them from the drowners,
she also told them
that her father, the king hated human beings
and was going to put
them on trial, if they were found guilty they
would be eaten by
fish, she also told them that they had to pick
one of them to be
their lawyer and that they had an hour before
trial, she then
swam away, they spent the next 45 minutes
debating who would
be their lawyer as John and TJ both studied
law, they finally
agreed that John should be their lawyer as he
had taken good
decisions for them, they had not waited too
long when some
huge mermen came to lead them to trial…

To be continue

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