My Wonderful Adventure....Episode 4 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

My Wonderful Adventure....Episode 4

They were led to another part of the river
where a lot of mermen
and mermaids were, it looked like a place
where they had their
events , then the trial began, the opposition
lawyer started by
accusing humans of murder and pollution of
their water world, he
pleaded with the court to give the humans the
justice they
deserve which was death, then John was
called to defend his
friends, he first started by greeting that
judge and the entire
members of the underwater world, he then
asked the opposing
lawyer what his best food was, the opposing
lawyer replied and
said he eats underwater plants, John then
he was also guilty
of murder because the plants also had life, he
said that if the
plants could move and talk they would also
put the merman and
mermaids on trial, he explained that fish was
one of man’s best
food and that man even reared them for
food, he went ahead to
say that they were some humans who kept
fish as pet, he
narrated their ordeal in the hands of the
kidnappers and begged
the court to have mercy on them as they all
had families to return
to, when John had finished speaking, the court
jury then swarm
away to decide on the outcome of the trial, TJ
chuckled as the
jury swarm away, he could not believe his
they were being
tried by fish, he was guilty of eating fish
ranging from cat fish
pepper soup, tilapia, Titus, sardine and many
more than he could
count, in fact fish was in the moin – moin
hand for breakfast
that morning, the jury were back and they
were not smiling, they
told the judge their decision and went back to
their position, the
judge cleared his throat and said here is our
decision, after
hearing from both lawyers, this underwater
court finds the
Not Guilty! You are therefore discharged and
acquitted, John and
his friends heaved a sigh of relief as the
judgement was passed, John was the happiest
amongst them because
he had won his
first major case, it was a special and unique
one, it was
underwater against the mer world, he knew he
was destined for great things, he went to give
the opposing
lawyer a hand shake,
the opposing lawyers hand was the softest
and smoothest hand
he had ever touched, he was full of Joy, he
theman of the moment, Joy stepped forward
and gave him a
hug, yes! he
deserved it, the rest of his friends stepped
forward and hugged
him too, TJ gave him a pat on his cleanly
shaved head and said that’s my boy, the
princess of the underwater
world came forward
gave John something that looked like a Pearl
and whispered
something in his ear, John looked at the pearl
and nodded his head in understanding

To be continue

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